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单词 Dive
1. He who would search for pearls must dive below(or deep). 
2. Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres.
3. The plane made a dive to a lower altitude.
4. The plane went into a steep dive.
5. I can dive under the water without any facilities but I can't stop down there too much time.
6. You dive in first and test the temperature of the water.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.
8. The news put shares in a dive .
9. Dinner's ready. Dive in, everybody!
10. The aircraft appeared to dive vertically towards the crowd.
11. Profits really took a dive last year.
12. Stock prices took a dive.
13. Unlike some birds, it does not dive vertically.
14. The competitors will dive off the highest board.
15. She defied him to dive off the bridge.
16. She made a dive for the door.
17. When the argument started I wanted to dive in.
18. Let's dive in,supper is ready.
19. If we cut interest rates, the pound would dive.
20. She made a dive for the bathroom.
21. The goalkeeper made a dive for the ball.
22. The economy is on a headlong dive to disaster.
23. The band played in every smoky dive in town.
24. The team's fortunes have taken a dive this year.
25. I signed up to learn how to scuba dive.
26. The firm's profits took a dive last month.
27. Joanne had just learnt to dive.
28. The submarine began to dive.
29. There would be a dive for the bar as soon as the show finished.
30. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 
1. Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres.
2. The plane made a dive to a lower altitude.
3. The plane went into a steep dive.
4. I can dive under the water without any facilities but I can't stop down there too much time.
5. You dive in first and test the temperature of the water.
6. The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Unlike some birds, it does not dive vertically.
8. While on honeymoon in Bali, she learned to scuba dive.
31. He made a sudden dive for Uncle Jim's legs to try to trip him up.
32. If neighbouring countries are having a war, you can't just dive in.
33. She made a running dive to get across the crevasse.
34. The market is volatile and profits could take a dive.
35. When the shots sounded in the street, I made a dive for the nearest doorway.
36. She was standing by a pool, about to dive in.Sentencedict
37. This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.
38. While on honeymoon in Bali, she learned to scuba dive.
39. Some species of duck dive for food, while others dabble for plants and insects near the surface.
40. Paul made a dive for the fridge to get a drink.
41. With a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel.
42. Pat had earlier made a dive of 80 feet from the Chasm Bridge.
43. The tail broke apart, sending the plane into a dive.
44. He took a dive in the penalty area and won his team a controversial penalty.
45. I know this place is a bit of a dive, but the drink's cheap and the food's great.
46. The pilot seemed to be having difficulty in pulling out of the dive.
47. When it was his turn to dive, he gulped and stepped up onto the diving board.
48. Witnesses said the plane failed to pull out of a dive and smashed down in a field.
49. Do you want me to eat in a dive like this?
50. Thankfully, the pilot managed to pull out of the dive and regain control.
51. We'll take the boat out into deep water where we can dive.
52. The goalkeeper made a spectacular dive to save the goal.
53. The owner made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that.
54. The guest team's morale took another dive after they lost the second goal.
55. The first time you dive on a coral reef is an experience you will never forget.
56. Once, he did dive for cover but he soon reappeared and continued his activities.
57. Throw your arms out in front of you as you dive.
58. Slowly, the submarine began to dive.
59. Scuba dive at Balmorhea State Park.
60. Killion steepened his dive and began picking his targets.
61. The men use scuba gear to dive for abalone.
62. But that first dive gave me the taste.
63. But mine was the drift dive at Cregan Narrows.
64. She did a perfect dive from the top board.
65. She performed her dive with effortless grace.
66. So what is the Pro-File like to dive with?
66. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
67. Their sales have taken a dive.
68. We prepared the bell for the dive.
69. Don't dive in. The water's too shallow here.
70. Side by side, we dive in.
71. Dive in for a bawdy ride.
72. Two BF109 planes flashed past in a steep dive.
73. It displays maximum depth and elapsed dive time.
74. You can really dive into it.
75. That was a perfect dive.
76. I could have taken a dive along with you.
77. Once I seen some one dive into the road like diving into water.
78. I ignore him and dive down to my furniture underworld to etch the bizarre scene on my mind once more.
79. People still exhibit articles for sale on the quayside for visiting cruise ships(), but boys no longer dive into the murky waters.
80. It compounded what had been learnt, and gave the opportunity to learn new skills through five different types of dive.
81. Instinctively I went into a steep spiral dive, furiously angry that I had been beaten at my own game.
82. He naturally tried to recover from the steep dive before striking the ground.
83. At summer camp in Vermont they have to dive into dark water from the lip of a granite quarry.
84. Know the state of the tide and strength of current; never dive for the sake of it.
85. Probably in an old photo of Lennon banging out barre-chords in some dive off the Reeperbahn.
86. Each pilot wheeled out of the fictional sun, nosed down, and jockeyed his bouncing machine into a dive.
87. A poolside dinner after a day trailing toddlers around the baby pool or monitoring middle schoolers on the high dive?
88. The first wave was composed of 183 planes: level bombers, dive bombers, torpedo planes, and fighters.
89. And she was well past the point at which she might have stopped her headlong dive into that dizzying state.
90. The-middle one looked as if it had been shot and was going into its final dive.
91. As his dive steepened he felt the speed pick up again; there was still life in the controls, somewhere.
92. Introspect. Dive deep into your own life and think. . . Think. . . "how have I lived?", "how can I make my life better?". RVM 
93. I made my last dive as a pilot in December 1991.
94. Then an observer in nearby Mineola saw the Waco dive at a house and pull up just before crashing into its roof.
95. Each surfaces from its dive with what looks like a sand eel.
96. In contrast[/dive.html], dolphins dive with only the gas in their system at the time of submersion.
97. Or that wicked sidearm delivery that turned right-handed hitters who liked to dive into pitches into paratroopers.
98. Nobody else in this dive has any money, and for them it will he a long cold evening.
99. There was a night dive in Loch Etive, and the phosphorescence was spectacular.
100. Death was not necessarily a portal to the blank bliss of absolute nothingness. It was a deep dive into the unknown. Amy Tan 
101. He had no choice but to inflate his lungs and dive into the clear hissing shadows.
102. Roger was standing at the edge of the pool ready to dive.
103. The story of the ill-fated Tek Sing remained a mystery until a shipwreck dive team made a chance discovery.
104. I am finding your mag interesting and am not having to dive for the dictionary too often.
105. I tried to pull the canopy back but it was impossible against the dive so I flattened out and throttled back.
106. The dive planning screen is a look-ahead facility showing a selection of depths and no-stop times depending on your current decompression status.
107. She was the first submersible to dive on the Titanic, which had lain undisturbed on the seabed for seventy-three years.
108. Pelicans flew about swooping suddenly into the water to dive for fish.
109. This force, under my command, consisted of 36 fighters, 54 dive bombers, and 90 level bombers.
110. Hence you can store dive profiles on print out copies for your log book.
111. I am glad that my first dive was to Rose Garden.
112. Dive down through the pellucid water and turn a boulder.
113. It's always the same - each time you dive, you find clear, calm water.
114. Did he bank and dive, his finger on the button, his guns blazing from the wings?
115. Dive and glide in the blue sky then let the air currents carry you along.
116. At one time they had to dive out of the bamboo hut in which they were sheltering when a gunfight erupted.
117. Red-heads dive constantly like grebes, but have conspicuously whiter cheeks, and are also much whiter than other small diving ducks.
118. At the end of each shift, the teams remove their dive suits and drop them in barrels of disinfectants.
119. The dive log screen displays maximum depth, dive time and surface interval for the last ten dives.
120. Why is it important to vent the fuel tank before setting off on a boat dive? 3.
121. The overhead lights swoop and dive over the white lines, completely out of control.
122. They may be able to dive to 3,000m and remain submerged for almost two hours at a stretch.
123. I dive across the mud, scoop it toward me with my bandaged hand, and take a hold of it.
124. This Monday, a week after the Dow took a dive, Reid boards the plane for Maui.
125. Using the speed gained in the dive, the whole gaggle flashed through the treetops at more than l l0 knots.
126. He then attacked a third which went down in a vertical dive, apparently into the sea.
126. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
127. He was never wrong and, sure enough, when the siren started to wail we learned to dive in with him.
128. A man who was in the car park at the time said he was forced to dive for cover.
129. But the language gap does not spoil their fun as they learn how to dive in the offshore reefs.
130. But then our conversations took a dive into the murky waters of sexuality and jealousy.
131. We make a dive into the motel office, two travelling strangers.
132. The progress of time is paced by weekly fire and boat drills and the countdown of dive days remaining.
133. As we began our dive, smoke drifted up from the jungle ahead of us.
134. In my audio record of the dive, I run out of adjectives to describe the subtle variations in the lava morphologies.
135. They dive into the mist and vanish, only to reappear a few minutes later, some considerable distance away.
136. This year, many fund managers say, the pessimists could be right and the markets could take a dive.
137. For decompression sickness, your dive history is available in graphic detail for hyperbaric specialists to consult.
138. Now underspending of £2000 million on this year's planned public expenditure may persuade ministers to dive into the metals market.
139. Mr Kanemaru's reputation took a dive from which it has not recovered.
140. Those who fish for lobster dive longer and deeper, just to make money to buy more cocaine.
141. He had one clear memory of a fight in some dive, a broken nose, a throat ready for cutting.
142. Originally torpedo bombers first then high level bombers and dive bombers.
143. The pilot, who was later court martialled, was unable to pull up from a dive and ploughed into the ground.
144. She stood at the edge of the pool waiting to dive.
145. Some fixed lens cameras have a maximum and minimum focus, and might restrict the maximum depth you can dive to.
146. Sensors and gauges and meters silently monitor the progress of the dive.
147. The tail flew apart at 24, 000 feet on a morning flight, sending the plane into a dive.
148. Certified divers can explore the crystal waters of San Solomon Springs and night dive to see two rare aquatic species.
149. It was a dive, but it was the only place to go that was near the airport.
150. We dive into the seat, piling on to each other.
151. But with the thrust coming from the back the body is nose-heavy and liable to dive downwards.
152. Carry the necessary ancillary equipment needed to make your visit to the offshore dive site pleasurable.
153. In the struggle the autopilot was accidentally disengaged, sending the aircraft into a dive.
154. I dive to the only place I can go: shoulder first through Richardson's window.
155. I just want us to dive in and see where it takes us.
156. The last, and perhaps most troubling possibility for the stock market, would be an unexpected economic dive into recession.
156. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
157. The pot of gold was at the end of every two-bit dive with a stage, and they played them all.
158. This, not his ethical problems, caused the steepest dive in his national popularity, to its current nadir.
159. His tribe join him, five pairs, in loping flight, then a quick tail-up dive into the damsons.
160. To expect them to stride manfully towards independence is rather like asking them to dive before they have been taught to swim.
161. I was spoiled by my prime seat as a pilot and remember fondly that view when I dive now as a scientist.
162. So when you scuba dive, the amount of nitrogen dissolved in your body fluids increases.
163. The champ took a dive, hit the deck, and split wide Open.
164. Our recommended insurance doesn't cover diving, and please don't dive in the three days preceding your return home.
165. I would have no hesitation in recommending either Puffin Dive School, or the dive sites to anyone.
166. The plane touched the speed of sound in a power dive.
167. The children then dive for them and see how many items of treasure they can catch.
168. Gulping, and resisting the temptation to dive straight into the Rue du Barri, he forced himself to run.
169. He pulled out of the dive and cleared the target area, every joint and spar in the aeroplane shuddering under the strain.
170. The sub needs to dive safely to her full depth capability after a major overhaul in order to win her navy approval.
171. She has learned to scuba dive and fly an airplane.
172. At 3.1 kilometers, this dive is the longest underwater traverse of two cave systems in the world.
173. He surfaced from his dive well out into the cove.
174. It was just about to dive as the train ran on.
175. The barman took the dive for cover as half the bar-counter went the way of all flesh, only faster.
176. Excuse me while I dive back into my piles of daft statistics.
177. Time after time, companies have taken a dive, leaving a mass of dead and dying labels in their wake.
178. I wanted to smash down door; to dive through space of air that separates us from that other life.
179. If you hold back on the emotions - if you don't allow yourself to go all the way through them - you can never get to being detached, you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain, you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your heard even, you experience them fully and completely. Mitch Albom 
180. The carry into this dive site was particularly tight, wet and nasty.
181. During a night dive I have been totally surrounded by an eerie blue glow with a radius of about 30 centimetres.
182. In novice mode, the screen shows current depth, no-stop time, dive time and cylinder contents.
183. Our dive bombers found numerous carrier-type aircraft lined up on the apron of the field and quickly set them ablaze.
184. The two were only a point apart going into the final dive, which Keim nailed for 13-point margin.
185. Most of the men are net or spear fishermen; some of the women dive for pearls or shellfish.
186. When they blast, the rats jump out of the sewers and then dive back in again.
186. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
187. Now they've taken a plunge into the dive computer market and the outcome is the DataMax Sport.
188. Bernard looked up and Apricot made a dive to undo his zip.
189. It was on this cruise that I made my first dive to the seafloor.
190. He took a running dive off the trolley, rolled when he hit the carpet, and scurried under the nearest seat.
191. I can dive off the top board.
192. Dive: To plunge, especially headfirst into water.
193. Why did the market take a nose dive today?
194. An attempt was then made to dive the sump.
195. The high dive and 3 m springboard are both individual and synchronised events.
196. When the rhino was a few feet away from the river, the eagles stared to sky dive.
197. The Fairey Barracuda was a British carrier-borne torpedo- and dive bomber used during the Second World War, the first of its type to be fabricated entirely from metal.
198. The gunships dive to give chase, dodging and weaving through the trunks.
199. With its 56-inch wingspan, a mature female red-tailed hawk can weigh up to four pounds and dive for the kill at 120mph.
200. The dive site there is a top-grader in China in addition to "Xisha Islands" and "Nansha Islands" and is also one of the top-grade dive sites in Sanya at present.
201. From two thousand feet he tried again, rolling into his dive, beak straight down, wings full out and stable from the moment he passed fifty miles per hour.
202. An octopus I across on a dive sometimes referred to as a " blackwater hang. "
203. We assume that we must "overcome" fear to dive into a pool, or develop confidence so we can make a public presentation.
204. Then he appeared in three films that nobody want to see, and his career took a nose dive -- no producer wants him any more.
205. When armament (on a dive bomber?) is compared with other dive bombers, again horizontal bars with a spread are used to show the relative distance.
206. More consistent incorporation of Job Safety Analysis and Post - Dive Safety Assessments.
207. Load a picnic and a cool-box of beer and wine, and set off through the scattered islets. Drop anchor somewhere remote and dive off the deck for a swim.
208. This was a close encounter with a lemon shark taken in Bora Bora at 20 meters down at the dive site Tapu.
209. The sperm whale is believe to dive deeper than any other cetacean.
210. Over the next couple of days, we are going to do a series of exercises ranging from sitting and breathing, to snorkel diving, to your first actual dive with scuba gear.
211. Rahman Marine Park Dive Trip, Scuba Diving , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia.
212. This personal submarine will dive deeper than any commercial subs out there currently being designed to dive up to a half mile down.
213. Joyce is talking to Terry, an instructor at the dive center.
214. The team a nose dive after their captain was hurt, and they were badly beaten./dive.html
215. Absent a viable aerial torpedo capability, dive bombing remained the primary option for sinking enemy warships until nearly two years after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
216. Swimmers start with a dive from starting blocks in all events except the backstroke.
217. When a mantis hears that sound, it goes into a tight, spiraling power dive."The bat can't afford to get so close to the ground, so it has to break off," Yager said.
218. He was just about to dive when he saw the shark.
219. Trubridge holds the world record for a breath-holding free dive—a three-minute, 56-second odyssey in this Bahamian cave, to a depth of 311 feet.
220. Four years ago, he started building a deep-sea vehicle, the 8, 000-pound Challenger, for adventurer Steve Fossett, who planned to dive to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
221. On the surrounding waters of the resort isle, dive, windsurf, water - ski, even sail a catamaran.
222. A dive that begins from a handstand position, used only in platform diving.
223. Finally, a certain model of airborne rocket as an example for calculation, the optimum attack condition curve about attack distance and dive angle of armed helicopter is drawn.
224. Prophets of downfall of our democracy have seen their dive predictions come to nought.
225. Climb to a thousand feet. power ahead first, then push over, flapping, to a vertical dive.
226. We are going to need a complete access to the effects of Riemerella anatipestifer endotoxin in the Ra disease, and we take a dive in the associations of pathological changes by Ra disease.
227. Do a Swan Dive and hope you grow feathers before you hit the bottom.
228. On reviewing the dive video tapes, expedition leader Craig Smith and his team saw that the skeleton was probably either a blue or a fin whale.
229. He would dive under one obstacle, round another, and lightly step over a third.
230. Last month, an Indian government investigation said a co-pilot sent an Air India jet into a steep dive when he panicked after accidentally hitting the controls.
231. Baulk: A false start to a dive, i . e . a restart.
232. And if you sell the bastard, you'll be able to afford to buy hooker twins, pay someone to carry you to the top of Kilimanjaro, and slip a homeless man a hundy to take a dive during your fist fight.
233. His career took a nose dive after he was fired by the company.
234. Here, you can not only enjoy the beautiful sea view, but also dive into the sea to have a close contact with benthos .
235. Having no experience with web design I am going to easily add and remove products through the big cartel dashboard without having to dive into the actual coding.
236. The best I've done is a 14, 000 ft sky dive and even that had me packing an extra pair of underpants.
237. The Triggerfish Dive School software is provided as a management tool for your scuba dive school.




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