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单词 Ordained
1. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1982.
2. Father O'Dooley was ordained a priest in 1949.
3. Desmond Tutu was ordained in 1960.
4. He was ordained priest last year.
5. He ordained us not to talk.
6. He was ordained a priest in Oxford cathedral in 1987.
7. Fate had ordained the meeting.
8. He was ordained in 1984.
9. He was ordained minister of a small rural congregation.
10. He was ordained in 1962.
11. His rule was ordained by heaven.
12. Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty.
13. Nehru ordained that socialism should rule.
14. The church voted to allow women to be ordained as priests.
15. The King ordained that deer should not be hunted without a royal licence.
16. Is it ordained in heaven that women should work in the home?
17. Women have been ordained for many years in the Church of Scotland.
18. He ordained his own priests, and threatened to ordain bishops.
19. He was ordained priest in 1851.
20. He was ordained into the Anglican Church in 1710.
21. The law was divinely ordained.
22. During this time he was ordained deacon and priest.
23. Kahan was ordained in Brooklyn in 1938.
24. He was ordained deacon in 1833 and priest in 1834.
25. Diaper was ordained deacon in Wells on 19 June 1709(), and served subsequently as curate in Brent in the same diocese.
26. There is strong support here for the tough economic reforms ordained in the federal capital, Prague.
27. It had been an unsettling evening. People were not behaving as he had ordained they should behave.
28. An Act of Parliament abolished the very surname and ordained that the property outside Perth should henceforth be called Huntingtower.
29. After completing his studies, in which he excelled in philosophy and theology, he was ordained and was assigned to preaching.
30. As thorough as the Yankees' win looked through the first seven innings, it was ordained to finish in crisis.
1. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1982.
2. Father O'Dooley was ordained a priest in 1949.
3. Desmond Tutu was ordained in 1960.
4. He ordained us not to talk.
5. He was ordained a priest in Oxford cathedral in 1987.
31. We would pray for those who are in training and especially for those who will be ordained in your church this summer.
32. For a time he served as canon and treasurer of Salisbury Cathedral, having been ordained a priest several years before.
33. The present imbalance in the Church's ordained ministry is getting in the way.
34. Its effectiveness is revealed only after the ordinand has been ordained.
35. Anyone of average intelligence might wonder: Who ordained these traits?
36. Contacts between the area staff and the students were not limited to formal classroom work and occasional formally ordained informal contact.
37. On the one hand, Mormonism was partially democratized in that virtually every adult male could be ordained a priest.
38. Ordained deacon in 1875, he became the first chaplain of Clifton College Mission.
39. The protestors were denigrating the primary symbol of the ordained ministry, they claimed, and thumbing their noses at the Church.
40. I believe women ought to be ordained to the priesthood.
41. He is brimming with unused love, a passion for justice, a need to repent that surpasses what the law ordained.
42. The 73-year-old Bishop was ordained in February, 1969, shortly before the silver jubilee of his becoming a priest.
43. After he served for a year as a deacon he was ordained as a priest.
44. He said: When you are ordained deacon you have arrived.
45. King Henry VIII believed his role as ruler was ordained by God.
46. Originally from Magheralin near Lurgan, he was ordained in 1947 and later ministered in Newry for 26 years.
47. In June 1846 Talbot was ordained priest by Wiseman at Oscott.
48. Only a person of non-servile status might be ordained a clerk or become a monk or nun.
49. Their first choice was John Danforth of Missouri, an ordained Protestant minister.
50. He knew the fruit of their loins was ordained by Aten.
51. Once ordained, clergy usually undergo some continuing training for a year or two.
52. Could it be that the Fox Television Network is an astrological wonder, ordained by the stars?
53. The prayer opposite was composed last year by deacons on retreat before they were ordained priests and missionaries.
54. There is an unconfirmed suggestion that Diaper was ordained priest in 1715.
55. Meanwhile, Spong,(http:///ordained.html) who fanned the flames of the debate in 1988 when he ordained the Rev.
56. He was ordained in 1950 for Magheralin Parish, Co Down.
57. It was as if fate had ordained that they would marry.
58. After Ordination Colleges and courses can offer relatively limited training for the ordained ministry.
59. Biscop Baducing was born into a noble family, then was ordained into the priesthood at the age of twenty-five.
60. He returned to Forli as a newly ordained priest and founded there a new monastery for his order.
61. That he was not in the category ordained by the Marketing Department for the evening was neither here nor there.
62. He planned to become a priest, but left the order shortly before being ordained.
63. When Gregory grew into manhood, he separated from his family, then was ordained.
64. He was ordained in 1961 and appointed Archbishop in 1984.
65. I had been something like eighteen years in the ordained ministry before I preached my first sermon on Mary.
66. They held their own diocesan synods, ordained clergy, confirmed children and heard certain cases in their courts.
67. Freemantle and the newly ordained Richard Grey remained Crewe's closest confidants through the last years of his life.
68. Wilfred of York, and Bishop Haedda, who ordained him a priest.
69. He says that women are being conned into believing they will someday be ordained.
70. In 1996 Carter became an ordained minister and plans to become a full-time minister after football.
71. In ritual usage, the manipulation and playing of the damaru must be carried out using precisely ordained gestures.
72. After the Reformation several were ordained in the Anglican Church while others became active Nonconformists.
73. It would have looked, moreover, as though the Government were backsliding, so a swift change of tack was ordained.
74. In 1877 he was ordained priest and in 1878 took up his ministry in Wray-on-Windermere.
75. The last ordained rabbi who worked here left several years ago and has not been replaced.
76. He took his search back to Harvard and was then ordained at Second Church in Boston in 1829.
77. We would like to recruit secretaries who are relatively young and who might possibly, but not necessarily, be ordained.
78. Why, one must ask, has the church not ordained women?
79. For every high priest taken from among men, is ordained for men in the things that appertain to God, that he may offer up gifts and sacrifices for sins.
80. The bishop of Haimen diocese last week ordained five new priests, including three from Shantou diocese, where Father Joseph Huang Bingzhang was illicitly consecrated as a bishop three months ago.
81. Augustine's Seminary, and was ordained as a priest in 1991 for the archdiocese of Toronto.
82. Today still a layperson, tomorrow ordained, we call this a conventional monk because they can't yet let go of defilements.
83. She tried to get ordained but, because she was a female, nobody would ordain her.
84. Precepts should be requested from a left - home person -- an ordained monk.
85. He graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 1996 with the Master of Divinity, was ordained in 1997 and received his Doctor of Ministry degree from Texas Christian University in 2006.
86. The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews.
87. The Vatican says it expects to excommunicate two men who were ordained as Catholic Bishops in China this week without the approval of Pope Benedict.
88. He had been ordained as a deacon in the Roman Catholic Church.
89. Then he was ordained a monk and gave up his kingly life.
90. My holy, My divinely ordained Revelation may be likened unto an ocean in whose depths are concealed innumerable pearls of great price, of surpassing luster.
91. Seven married priests who were expelled from the Catholic Church for failing to obey the law of celibacy have been ordained in the Kenyan city of Kisumu.
92. CANON II: A Presbyter must be ordained by a single Bishop, and so must a Deacon and other Clergymen.
93. Ordained as priests, they placed themselves at the disposal of the pope, Paul III, who gave formal approval to the society in 1540.
93. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
94. Thomas Ray, a building contractor and ordained minister, is on the staff of a church called The Chapel on the campus of Louisiana State University.
95. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries.
96. I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon.
97. The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord's Supper.
98. Italian-born missionary and prelate who introduced Christianity to southern Britain and in 598 was ordained as the first archbishop of Canterbury.
99. She was self-ordained a Sister of Mercy; or, we may rather say, the world's heavy hand had so ordained her, when neither the world nor she looked forward to this result.
100. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.
101. The tithing system was ordained by God, and it had been observed from the earliest times.
102. She saw many the elderly who had ill treat by filial, so she initiated a write sport, she lay out tradespeople and congressman ordained the day for showing their respect for mother.
103. He was ordained bishop and assumed the cathedra of the Diocese of Taichung in 1986.
104. In the penal law of 1979, the crime of defalcation was not ordained.
105. On May 15th of 1829, in the Susquehanna river near Harmony Pennsylvania , Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry were baptized by John the Baptist. They were also ordained to the Aaronic priesthood.
106. He became a fully ordained monk at the age of 20.
107. Furthermore, red is the same as the color of blood, and since a sacrifice of blood has a lucky effect, red came to be ordained as having the meaning of avoiding ill-fortune.
108. With marriage preparations being hurriedly organized, Tom finds himself ordained the maid of honor, and in a struggle on all levels to outdo the wonderful groom Colin.




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