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单词 fortify
释义  Related topics: Building, Foodfor·ti·fy /ˈfɔːtɪfaɪ $ ˈfɔːr-/ verb (fortified, fortifying, fortifies) [transitive]  1  TBDEFENDto build towers, walls etc around an area or city in order to defend it 筑防御工事于;筑堡于 The town was heavily fortified. 该镇设有重防。2  INCREASE IN ACTIVITY, FEELINGS ETCto encourage an attitude or feeling and make it stronger 激励,鼓舞;加强 〔态度或感觉〕 SYN strengthen Her position was fortified by election successes and economic recovery. 她的地位因为选举获胜及经济复苏而得到巩固。3  STRONG PERSON written to make someone feel physically or mentally stronger 使…增强体质;使…振奋精神fortify yourself (with something) We fortified ourselves with a breakfast of bacon and eggs. 我们给自己补充能量,早餐吃了熏肉和鸡蛋。4  DFto make food or drinks more healthy by adding vitamins to them 〔加维生素〕强化〔食品或饮料〕;提高〔食品或饮料〕的营养价值 fortified breakfast cereals 强化早餐麦片be fortified with something foods fortified with vitamin B 添加维生素B的食品n Grammar Fortify is usually passive in this meaning.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusfortify• Dislike of party lists is often fortified by dark suspicions about the quality of the candidates they supposedly include.• The occupying forces generally stay within their heavily fortified garrisons for fear of attack.• Concrete blocks were piled high to fortify the government center.• Henry claimed custody of the child but her kinsmen fortified their castles and refused to hand her over.• Almost immediately this treaty was transgressed by the construction of fortified trading posts on the Platte River and along the Oregon Trail.fortify yourself (with something)• In the task of fortifying oneself with supportive personal relationships, compadrazgo offers extensive manipulative opportunities.• These two areas of dispute sustained and fortified each other throughout the eighteen months of Baldwin's unease.• He ordered a pot of coffee to fortify himself and stepped into his shower.• A bottle of whisky did the rounds while they fortified themselves for the count.• Leading sixty warriors stripped for battle to McNall's cabin, where several families had fortified themselves, Joseph repeated his warning.• No, the best he could do was to fortify himself with the Nielson family, and wait a century or two.Origin fortify (1400-1500) French fortifier, from Latin fortis “strong”for·ti·fy verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus an walls to towers, area build etc around




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