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单词 Permanent
1. There is nothing permanent except change. 
2. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.
3. He was in a state of permanent depression.
4. Don't make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.
5. Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.
6. She is looking for a permanent place to stay.
7. Any limitation to the king's power could be permanent.
8. They are now living together on a permanent basis.
9. They established their permanent abode here.
10. He wore a permanent scowl on his face.
11. The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection.
12. She is looking for permanent employment.
13. The coat gives permanent protection against heavy rain.
14. I have a permanent job here.
15. The accident has not done any permanent damage.
16. She is tall and blonde, with a permanent tan.
17. His face was set in a permanent scowl.
18. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.
19. Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
20. He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing.
21. Wealth is a friend, but a friend is permanent wealth; the honor is a glory, life is a permanent root; degree is a knowledge, learning is the eternal wisdom!
22. Blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!
23. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Between heaven and earth there is a thing called snow, drop from the clouds, the ground; the friend is a man who is you, know in the accident, stop at the permanent.
25. In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.
26. Hostels are usually provided as a stopgap until the families can be housed in permanent accommodation.
27. Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
28. They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.
29. Researchers have determined that heading a football can cause permanent injury.
30. This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
1. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.
2. He was in a state of permanent depression.
3. Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.
4. She is looking for a permanent place to stay.
5. Any limitation to the king's power could be permanent.
6. They are now living together on a permanent basis.
7. They established their permanent abode here.
8. He wore a permanent scowl on his face.
9. The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection.
10. The coat gives permanent protection against heavy rain.
11. I have a permanent job here.
12. The accident has not done any permanent damage.
13. She is tall and blonde, with a permanent tan.
14. His face was set in a permanent scowl.
15. Hostels are usually provided as a stopgap until the families can be housed in permanent accommodation.
16. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.
17. He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing.
18. They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.
19. Researchers have determined that heading a football can cause permanent injury.
20. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.
21. This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.
22. The permanent collection is displayed on the first floor, whilst the ground floor houses temporary exhibitions.
23. The incident did permanent damage to relations between the two countries.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. The company set up its first permanent offices in the city centre.
25. He never paid attention in class and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.
26. Nothing will assure permanent happiness to me.
27. The arrangement was put on a permanent footing earlier this year.
31. The permanent collection is displayed on the first floor, whilst the ground floor houses temporary exhibitions.
32. Real friends are those who, when you feel you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job.
33. The incident did permanent damage to relations between the two countries.
34. The company set up its first permanent offices in the city centre.
35. He never paid attention in class and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.
36. They have transformed themselves into permanent city dwellers.
37. They replaced the permanent staff with part-timers.
38. We decided to make the arrangement permanent.
39. The ban is intended to be permanent.
40. She does the odd teaching job but nothing permanent.
41. With permanent tints, the result won't wash out.
42. Strange shadows moved silently in the almost permanent darkness.
43. Miller soon became a permanent fixture on the team.
44. He suffered permanent disfigurement in the fire.
45. There may be permanent brain damage .
46. She left a permanent mark on racing history.
47. The blindness that the disease causes will be permanent.
48. His brows were knitted in a permanent frown.
49. Permanent jobs are hard to come by .
50. She took up permanent residency abroad.
51. The disease has left her with permanent lameness.
52. He is one of our permanent employees.
53. Our office is in a permanent state of chaos.
54. The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.
55. Glaciation has left a permanent imprint on the landscape.
56. They feel under permanent threat.
57. Mont Blanc has a permanent snow cap.
58. Nothing will assure permanent happiness to me.
59. He is cutting his permanent teeth.
60. The disease can cause permanent damage to the brain.
61. I'm looking for a permanent appointment.
62. The accident left him with permanent brain damage.
63. The injury left him with a permanent limp.
64. The cut left a permanent scar on his arm.
65. Divorce is a permanent, ineradicable fact of modern life.
66. She has been granted permanent residency in Britain.
67. With this upcoming deal we hope to establish a permanent foothold in the US market.
68. The wine had left a permanent mark on the tablecloth.
69. I was given to understand that I would be offered a permanent job.
70. The photos will be a permanent memento of your wedding.
71. Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job?
72. Environmental groups had called for the permanent shutdown of the plant.
73. I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.
74. The permanent council of the Organization of American States meets today here in Washington.
75. Getting some work experience now will stand you in good stead when you apply for a permanent job.
76. He'll be the acting director until they can appoint a permanent one.
77. She managed to negotiate a permanent contract with the firm.
78. He pulled off a major diplomatic coup by winning agreement from all the warring factions on a permanent ceasefire.
79. Five countries have permanent seats on the UN Security Council but Germany and Japan, among others, are knocking on the door.
80. The human brain needs to be without oxygen for only four minutes before permanent damage occurs.
81. Examples of her work will go on permanent display in the new museum.
82. York Cottage was as near to a permanent home as the children knew.
83. The new conductor is now a permanent fixture in the orchestra.
83. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
84. The arrangement was put on a permanent footing earlier this year.
85. He has stayed with us so long he seems to have become a permanent fixture.
86. The seasonality of the tourist industry makes it difficult to find a permanent job in the town.
87. Of all her admirers the most permanent was Sir John.
88. He's been temping for over a year now and wants a permanent job.
89. Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.
90. A permanent cure will only be effected by acupuncture, chiropractic or manipulation.
91. Gerrard soon became a permanent fixture in the Liverpool team.
92. Writing grew out of an attempt to reproduce speech in a permanent form.
93. Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction until finally a permanent state is reached.
94. A serious car accident in 1986 ruled out a permanent future for him in farming.
95. I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors.
96. Germany is on its way to becoming a world power with a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
97. The museum will have a permanent exhibition of 60 vintage cars.
98. Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to the fallen.
99. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.
100. Over half of all children in Britain get glue ear at some time before they are 16, and it can lead to permanent hearing loss.
101. The Mappa Mundi will go on permanent exhibition at Hereford Cathedral.
102. The salaries of temporary employees ought to be brought into line with those of permanent staff.
103. Many people bear permanent scars from such encounters.
104. A permanent brick structure will require more space.
105. Morality is temporary, wisdom is permanent. Hunter S. Thompson 
106. The famous clock tower stays as a permanent reminder.
107. It is unchangeable and permanent.
108. The lapels of his well-worn suit seemed to carry a permanent sheen from years of dropped ash on worsted.
109. Moreover, the cumulative impact of temporary disablements is considerably smaller than that of permanent impairments.
110. The permanent secretary, Sir Peter Thornton, saw the sense of this and gave the idea his blessing.
111. There are no formal arrangements for temporary closure, but there are rules and regulations when permanent closure is being considered.
112. The compromise solution in Berlin did not lead to a permanent end to tension.
113. Any permanent impairment of tangible assets identified is written off.
114. Employers may offer such contracts with a view to making them permanent once they are satisfied that you have completed the course successfully.
115. Consider whether any cases need continuity and transfer these to a permanent member of the team.
116. You will be asked to contribute to the cost whether your stay is temporary or permanent.
117. Cases were closed when a client died, moved away,(http://) or went into permanent institutional care.
118. Once the customer decides to buy the software, Hewlett provides a password over the phone granting a permanent licence.
119. I had an acute sense of the absence of Alison, of the probably permanent loss of her.
120. The Center for International Exhibitions would have non-profit Kunsthalles without permanent collections in those cities.
121. Protection: Consider taking out permanent health insurance cover in case illness prevents Mike from working.
122. She continued to have fits and suffered serious and permanent brain damage.
123. This matched the initial outlay by the city, regional and provincial governments for the building and a £20 million permanent collection.
124. The finish is also more permanent and does not upset the float's balance.
125. These were in contrast to upland permanent pasture, where arable farming could only be undertaken infrequently, in special circumstances.
126. Members heard that leisure facilities such as fishing and boating will be improved by permanent fishing platforms and a proper jetty.
127. But a permanent successor probably will not be named until July or August 1999, Pesqueira said.
128. To commemorate the event in more permanent fashion, the Old Stopfordians' Association presented one hundred guineas to buy an organ.
129. The national association estimates that 6 million workers moved from temporary to permanent positions in 1996.
130. All in all the Tudor monarchs made no permanent addition to the financial resources of the Crown.
131. Taylor was left badly bruised down his right side-from leg to shoulder-but escaped without permanent injuries.
132. Museum and Art Gallery host exhibitions and a permanent collection.
133. We re-interviewed those principal carers whose relatives, etc had moved to permanent institutional care by the end of one year.
134. These items should include the salary group classed as permanent, as temporary, or as services secured on a contract basis.
135. The bill has proved controversial, especially over the issue of whether deep burial should be considered permanent or not.
136. It will make people a little more aware that a marriage license is a permanent contract, an obligation.
137. I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. Mahatma Gandhi 
138. This means that average and aggregate levels of measured consumption must equal permanent consumption.
139. The following month he received a permanent commission in the Royal Air Force, soon afterwards being promoted air commodore.
140. Even so we do not expect such spells to lead to permanent changes in our lifestyle.
141. Use them as solo shrubs or as permanent backbone for pot or windowbox, with some seasonal plant infills.
142. Her whole adult life was a triumph of determination over a body that could have condemned her to permanent invalidism.
143. The need for the adequate provision of permanent residential homes increases substantially as the mentally handicapped child grows up.
144. The meeting had ended in agreement to establish a permanent liaison committee.
145. Part of the art is to avoid creating a permanent conflict with a section of the community.
146. The permanent staff would lose the prospect of promotion to the highest rungs of their career ladder.
147. Portions of the collection also will be rotated in a permanent collection gallery.
148. Into this single chamber three permanent guests are to be introduced by the bellhop, one by one.
149. Most experts agree that drugs like heroin can cause permanent brain damage.
150. Nachshin argued that $ 30, 000 a month in permanent spousal and child support would be enough.
151. They had influence in the imperial and royal courts: they were the pope's permanent delegates.
152. When the conference was over, the delegates voted not to adjourn, but to constitute themselves as a permanent body.
153. It is temporary accommodation which puts most permanent local housing to shame.
154. However, the genes brought in by a plasmid do not usually become a permanent part of the bacterium's own chromosome.
155. Domicile. Broadly speaking you are domiciled in the country in which you have your permanent home.
156. His wife, Susan, sustained a permanent nerve pinch in her back, and Ellison was shaken to his core.
157. Co-workers may be a permanent team or a constantly shifting flux of diverse people.
158. Contentment is the foundation of true happiness. The happiness that comes from fulfilling desires can never be permanent. RVM 
159. No other permanent security council member is likely to want to get involved.
160. Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis. Zig Ziglar 
161. Its main attractions are the optimal utilisation of permanent grassland and the control of internal parasitism without resort to therapy.
162. It evoked a huge and apparently permanent armament industry, now wholly dependent... on government contracts.
163. The nightmare ended when a High Court judge agreed to award permanent custody to them.
164. The order to create wealth can never justify permanent damage to the balance of nature.
165. He is considering ways' to develop exhibitions beyond the permanent collection that will relate to different sectors of the population.
166. Such training is advantageous in gaining permanent employment in the field.
167. A woman is in love with a married man, whose wife is in a permanent coma.
168. The establishment of permanent ambassadors marked the beginnings of a diplomatic service.
169. The Commission has a permanent staff of 24 and, in addition, employs eight seasonal staff during the summer and autumn periods.
170. Good luck is not permanent, and it may become bad luck if you are carried away by the fruits of good luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
171. There is much permanent grass and more dairy cattle than in other parts of East Anglia.
172. Extra benefits include cash payments of up to £13,000 for certain permanent injuries and £2,500 left to your estate following accidental death.
173. As the only permanent fixture in a constantly changing group, Sinclair Goodlad maintains continuity and lays down the scheme's philosophy.
174. This was often done on a temporary basis at first, but usually the fences became permanent hedges or walls.
175. It will meet in Vienna and be composed of the permanent representatives of the participating States. 19.
176. And the records at St Albans and Stamford show that these permanent buildings had made their appearance by the early fourteenth century.
177. Alison Spiro Permanent hazard Q. I am six weeks pregnant, and have just received a present of some beauty products.
178. Many continue the tradition of a market day; others established permanent, covered markets in the last century.
179. For permanent television, the Committee concluded, a larger control area will have to be provided.
180. Too often New Labour appeases and buys off opposing forces: this third-way strategy makes few friends or permanent changes.
181. Mrs Hamilton has been appointed acting head of the school until a permanent replacement can be found.
182. As one of his responsibilities he began to build up a permanent collection of works of Art for West Riding Schools.
183. The Permanent Court was asked for an opinion on the correct interpretation of the Athens Agreement.
184. Others who have been in permanent employment as nurses have found the restrictions of poor pay and stringent working conditions too harsh.
185. They man checkpoints on a permanent basis, screening vehicles and their occupants for weapons.
186. All have returned to normal without permanent damage, although hyponatremia occurring during surgery has resulted in death or permanent brain damage.
187. Both frame and painting will go on permanent view this fall, after conservation work on the frame has been completed.
188. My analysis suggests, however, that the compensation for permanent disablement falls short of full compensation.
189. Special recessed covers are available which allow you to fit a permanent floor covering.
190. At one stage half the permanent health service posts were unfilled and agency staff worked in the flat on a daily basis.
191. Maybe the mothers were fearful that their daughters would marry and live abroad[], the idea of permanent separation being too painful.
192. At the same time, the opportunities available are often for casual work rather than permanent positions.
193. Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. Charlie Chaplin 
194. But a week or so in a holiday cottage isn't the same as becoming a permanent resident.
195. The main cause is the expansion of farming on to permanent grassland and the widespread use of fertilisers.
196. It is as though they could not wait to sink into a dotage spent in permanent contemplation of their childhood.
197. There is no evidence agency staff are less capable than permanent staff.
198. All permanent pasture and most leys contain a large number of grasses, clovers, weeds, and herbs.
199. They are permanent construction with cavity walls and tiled roofs to housing specifications.
200. In general, the mountain areas of the Auvergne experience a much colder winter climate with a long period of Permanent snow.
201. This has worked well for both permanent and respite care.
202. Commonsense told them that anyone could eat dozens of apples a day without suffering any permanent ill effect.
203. Six of the federation's eight permanent staff were made redundant after its last general assembly in May.
203. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
204. They became permanent and readily accessible reference material in the painters' studios.
205. Just like waves in the ocean come and go, no challenge is permanent. Problems will come and go too. We must enjoy the challenges just like we enjoy the waves. RVM 
206. Money raised will go towards the appeal to establish a permanent museum on the Lambeth site.
207. The emphasis of action taken in favour of DRAs must be to achieve permanent changes in income earning potential and social cohesion.
208. But whether the compromise bolsters the prospects for permanent peace in Bosnia is another story.
209. Permanent official contacts were established in the same month with the Soviet Union and a Soviet ambassador to the Vatican was appointed.
210. Whenever there was fighting around Limoges one permanent complicating factor was the rivalry between city and citadel.
211. We all have the option to withdraw our energy on a temporary or permanent basis.
212. There's also the Grand Theatre, which hosts touring companies and is the permanent home of Opera North.
213. These don't have to be permanent measures, just gentle ways of gradually increasing individual confidence.
214. Athelstan watched in astonishment: Sir John's permanent hunger always fascinated him.
215. It will also be used to show work by design students inspired by the permanent collections.
216. When her act split up, he offered her a permanent studio within the premises where she could run her own classes.
217. Impervious surface moisture in building a permanent waterproof layer.
218. Permanent Magnet Lifter is a kind of lifting gear.
219. Experts say autism is permanent and cannot be cured.
220. This can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle.
221. The Court sits in permanent session at The Hague.
222. Incarnate. You make some psionic effects permanent.
223. David work as a jobber before he find a permanent job.
224. Timur was called Timur the Lame -- Tamerlane -- from a wound which left him with a permanent limp.
225. A distinction between positive ( north ) and negative ( south ) magnetic poles of an electromagnet or permanent magnet.
226. Design of the structure and masonry methods for permanent ladle lining.
227. We might have gone on like that(), the habit of separation hardening into a permanent estrangement.
228. In the subject, permanent magnet linear synchronous motor ( PMLSM ) servo system is a researched object.
229. Post - operative temporarily neurological deficits including aphasia , motorial and sensory disturbance presented in 8 patients, permanent deficit in 2.
230. Both measured income and measured consumption, the theory suggests, contain a permanent and a transitory element.
231. The Hague was made the permanent seat of the International Court of Justice.
232. The military leader of the people , res , basileus, thiudans -- becomes an indispensable, permanent official.
233. No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement.
233. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
234. By turning clothing into white porcelain malleable forms are fossilised into permanent , yet fragile, objects.
235. After securing his permanent ceasefire, he is also going to talk to ETA.
236. The synergistic scale inhibition effect of rare - earth permanent magnetic material and polyaspartic acid was studied.
237. So by casting Exanimus you're adding the victim's magical power to your own on permanent basis?
238. The sensorless control methods of permanent magnet synchronous motor are mostly on - frequency signal injection or state - observer.
239. Suppose you do eventually obtain a permanent job, perhaps a tenured professorship.
240. The WTO is a permanent international organization independent from the United Nations.
241. Clinical Anesthesia Causes Permanent Damage to the Fetal guinea pig brain.
242. Lysogeny is a semi - permanent association between the phage and host chromosomes.
243. The organization of word knowledge in permanent memory is called the mental lexicon.
244. The hybrid magnet was made by combining electromagnet with permanent magnet ( PM ).
245. Objective To investigate a method to distinguish avulsion fracture from sesamoid , accessory bone, and permanent osteoepiphyte.
246. This thesis proposes a sensorless drive system a permanent magnet synchronous motor.
247. Hong Kong divides the permanent resident and the green card?
248. An herb is a plant that has no permanent woody stem.
249. Under the radiation of high POwer microwave ( HPM ) the series of 27 -- EPROM present temporaryand Permanent failure.
250. The effect of permanent hepatic vein occlusion in treatment of liver cancer needs further investigation.
251. There a permanent record is kept of the sum total of all sensory information obtained.
252. The tidal current comes and goes, but the nature of life is permanent.
253. The paper preresents a novel current regulation algorithm for Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor field - weakened region.
254. Switch on by permanent magnetic force. Coils will not get burnt.
255. The DSP processor was adopted to realize the permanent magnetic synchronism motor frequency conversion timing system.
256. Permanent AC servo motor control system of lockstitch sewing machine is introduced.
257. This thesis proposes the design and development of - phase permanent - magnet synchronous motor drivers with speed generator sensor.
258. The superficies or the permanent lease obligee shall claim for equivalent compensation to the landowner.
259. They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional,() meritocratic and politically neutral civil service.
260. He is a permanent, but underappreciated member of this elite group of musicians.
261. Ferrite magnets are sintered permanent magnets composed of Barium or Strontium Ferrite.
262. He helped his father establish the first permanent motion picture theatres in Great Britain.
263. ROM is usually for the permanent, non - volatile storage of an applications program.
263. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
264. The first permanent English community was established in North America at Jamestown , Virginia , in 1607.
265. Economic reform seems to have stalled and European Central Bank monetary policy is on semi - permanent hold.
266. The longer negotiations drag on, the greater the risk of permanent prevarication.
267. Permanent buff, increases damage to 150 % and sets troll to confused state.
268. You may say to yourself that they are impermanent, but you perceive them as permanent.
269. World Trade Organization is an independent United Nations a permanent international organization.
270. The main factor is thrust ripple of permanent magnet liner synchronous motor.
271. Wholeheartedly with colleagues at home and abroad to establish a permanent relationship, grand total Fair.
272. The big question is whether these are passing trends, or augur more permanent change.
273. Enchanters use their magical formulae to grant permanent augmentation to weapons,(http:///permanent.html) armor and other equipment.
274. In province registered permanent address, ever - married person first.
275. For permanent applications , the housing can be fixed the tabletop.
276. There was no temporary or permanent facial paralysis and no incidence of Frey's syndrome.
277. Applicant must have the permanent right or legal right of abode in Hong Kong.
278. Objective To investigate the value of the composite resin inlay to restore the childrens permanent teeth.
279. Lifelong learning: the rising color ribbon ladder means excelsior and permanent learning to a glorious life.
280. Hard water which can be softened by adding sodium carbonate is called permanent hard water.
281. The two major clinical manifestations include permanent congenital heart block and transient skin lesions.
282. An abundance of fresh food is not compatible with a super - abundance of permanent grass.
283. Under feudalism, people were born with a permanent position and vassal.
284. S Office of Price Administration . Unlike almost all other economists, Galbraith had defended permanent price controls.
285. Permanent floodlight to be used in photographical work should also be installed.
286. In some cases iatrogenic impotence or other sexual dysfunction can be permanent, as in PSSD.
287. Permanent white trash can do great damage to the environment.
288. Right now, east asia has China, a bully and human rights violator with a permanent seat.
289. It plans to move Tal to a drier and more permanent location.
290. Actually, Permanent life insurance usually has a quite complicated structure compared with term insurance products.




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