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单词 Iceberg
(1) The ship hit an iceberg and went under.
(2) But this is only the tip of the iceberg.
(3) The ship struck a hidden iceberg.
(4) Their ship circled the iceberg.
(5) The ship ran upon the iceberg.
(6) The ship was holed by an iceberg.
(7) The glacier calved a large iceberg.
(8) Most of the iceberg is under the water.
(9) This figure represents only the tip of the iceberg, since as many as 90% of cases go unreported.
(10) A giant iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.
(11) An iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.
(12) But this was only the tip of the iceberg.
(13) And that's just the igloo on the iceberg.
(14) Over 100 burglaries are reported every month(), and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
(15) Unless we're all a lot more careful, the people who have died so far will be just the tip of the iceberg.
(16) These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.
(17) The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.
(18) The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.
(19) The reported cases of food poisoning are only the tip of the iceberg.
(20) But the irregular payments for which Stan Flashman's club were punished may only be the tip of the iceberg.
(21) Also, one photo shows a large object that resembles an iceberg trapped in solid sea ice.
(22) Advertising, however, turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg.
(23) Inner City are the visible, commercial tip of Detroit's techno iceberg.
(24) Unless these matters are faced, there is a hidden iceberg which threatens the good ship cooperation.
(25) Despite these praiseworthy efforts, only the tip of the iceberg has been noticeably affected.
(26) Investigators say the irregular campaign contributions may be just the tip of the iceberg.
(27) The following list is merely the tip of the iceberg.
(28) Yet they have only touched the tip of the iceberg, especially with respect to old people in their own homes or private care.
(29) What follows is just the tip of the legislative iceberg which has affected local government in the past few years.
(30) Alan Milburn, Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington, claims the figures are only the tip of the iceberg.
(1) The ship hit an iceberg and went under.
(2) The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.
(31) He must buy a head of iceberg lettuce, a red pepper, a red onion, and some parsley.
(32) If the ball lands directly on the green it will just ricochet off over the nearest iceberg.
(33) Follow the Iceberg Lake trail until you reach the shore.
(34) And that could be just the tip of the iceberg as official monitoring picks up only a fraction of illegal pollution.
(35) Central to the buffet was a seafood display around a large, clear slab of iceberg illuminated from behind.
(36) This is just the tip of the iceberg here, these are ones she got last night.
(37) This may seem like a large haul, but trading standards officers insist it's just the tip of the iceberg.
(38) However, revolutionary technological innovation represents only the tip of the iceberg.
(39) The iceberg is the result of a rapid rise in vehicle theft by young persons which goes back some time.
(40) It was widely recognised at the time that these practices were the tip of a much larger iceberg of old-age abuse.
(41) Litter disfigures the countryside and contributes to pollution, but this is just the tip of the environmental iceberg.
(42) This glitch would prove but the tip of the iceberg.
(43) For those accustomed to the blandness of iceberg, mesclun is a riot of colors, textures, shapes and flavors.
(44) The ship struck an iceberg.
(45) Some light green iceberg lettuce.
(46) A huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.
(47) The mighty iceberg came into view.
(48) Iceberg Lettuce , Carrots, Romaine Lettuce , Cherry Tomato , Red Cabbage, Red Chicory, Colored Bell Pepper.
(49) In addition, the relationship between skin drag coefficient and the ratio of ice block length to draft is obtained, which can be used to compute the skin drag coefficients of the iceberg and ice floe.
(50) She doesn't want to get a bad name among boys for being easy-going in the clinches but neither does she want to be looked on as an iceberg.
(51) Here, a large, glistening iceberg calved from the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland drifts through Disko Bay on its way to the Atlantic Ocean.
(52) A group of chin strap penguins lines the edge of an iceberg adrift in Antarctic waters.
(53) Middle-aged man is spurning the fast car for a flash bike. But is this the tip of a fitness iceberg or just a yearning for expensive gear?
(54) Iceberg from shelf ice collapse to ocean gives a certain impact on the global sea level rising.
(55) Whether or not the new iceberg is a harbinger of the greenhouse effect, it is clearly a hazard for ships plying the southern seas, and so satellites and planes will keep a careful watch on it.
(56) Finally flames spurting from the tip of the iceberg of energy has long been suppressed.
(57) Photo Gallery: Extreme Ice Survey A crystalline iceberg drifts in Columbia Bay near Valdez, Alaska.
(58) Salad Bar Mesclum greens, radicchio leaves, rucola leaves, iceberg, frise', Sliced cucumbers, boiled carrots, red tomato slices, sweet corn kernels, spring onions, chopped boiled eggs.
(59) Thus, conventional accounting only allows less than half of our earnings "iceberg" to appear above the surface, in plain view.
(60) The first vegetable Linux install was on a head of iceberg lettuce by a group of hackers in Turkey.
(61) Once you know that the bread must be toasted packet white, the bacon smoked, the lettuce Iceberg, the tomato beefsteak and the mayo Hellmann's then even the most hopeless tyro can't go wrong.
(62) "T. rex is really just the tip of the iceberg of tyrannosaur diversity, " Brusatte noted.
(63) Warm winters, however, may allow iceberg calving and high flow rates to continue.
(64) Sold-out arenas were the just the tip of the iceberg, Pastuszek believes.
(65) "One cup of broccoli has your daily intake of vitamin C," she said. Replace the nutritionally vacuous iceberg lettuce with baby spinach in tacos or mix sweet potatoes in your regular mashed potatoes.
(66) This paper reinterprets Hemingway's "Iceberg Principle"from the perspective of foregrounding and points out that the two theories are consistent in the interpretation of artistic creation.
(67) The most popular ones include head lettuces as iceberg, Boston, bibb and romaine.
(68) Romaine lettuce, for example has about six times as much vitamin C and iceberg lettuce.
(69) Detailed view of an iceberg calved from glaciers on west Greenlandic coast.
(70) This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to PHP file processing.
(71) But Varian arrives at the long white refectory table having quickly heaped his plate with iceberg and shredded carrot doused in Thousand Island dressing.
(72) He felt the ship scrape the iceberg and hustled the family out of its third-class quarters and toward the lifeboat that would take them to safety.
(73) Pictured above, sun-illuminated jets shoot away from the two-kilometer long decaying iceberg that orbits the Sun between Earth and Jupiter.
(74) And starting tomorrow, the government will allow food producers to start zapping fresh spinach and iceberg lettuce with just enough radiation to kill E. coli and other dangerous germs.
(75) Unbelievable as it is, that's only the tip of the iceberg.
(76) Neil Young, an Australian Antarctic division glaciologist, said: "The iceberg is likely to be part of one of the big ones that calved from the Ross ice shelf nearly a decade ago.
(77) I personally think we're seeing the tip of the iceberg.
(78) Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out.
(79) Iceberg dead ahead! SOS ! Man the lifeboats! We're going down! There, isn't that a comfort ?
(80) Only the tip of an iceberg pokes up above water.
(81) In a study at Oregon State University, consumers were shown three samples of iceberg lettuce, two of them with varying degrees of light brown on the edges and at the base.
(81) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(82) ScienceDaily (May 25, 2009) — Salad dressing aside, a pile of spinach has more nutritional value than a wedge of iceberg lettuce.
(83) The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank during its maiden voyage in 1912.
(84) It might look like an oddly circular iceberg in the Antarctic Ocean. But this is actually a crater turned inside-out by time in the Arabia Terra region of Mars.
(85) Iceberg, Garden Salad, Cucumber, Carrot, Cherry Tomato, Mixed Sweet Pepper.
(86) It took the massive iceberg more than two decades to drift slowly out of the Ross Sea and along the coast to the Mertz Glacier in East Antarctica.
(87) The agency has approved the use of irradiation of iceberg lettuce and spinach to control pathogens and developed methods to detect melamine and cyanuric acid in animal feed and feed ingredients.
(88) Wash and break half an iceberg lettuce into small pieces.
(89) The very nature of the attack that sank the Lusitania — the sudden concussion of a torpedo, compared to the slow grinding of an iceberg — would also be likelier to spark panic.
(90) Spinach is my favorite of the greens, but other good ones include kale, bok choi, collards, dark green lettuce (skip iceberg), and other similar greens.
(91) French fries and iceberg lettuce could not be counted as vegetables.
(92) One of his biggest achievements was leading a major National Geographic expedition to Antarctica to film the largest iceberg in recorded history.
(93) Cucumber and iceberg lettuce contain almost no nutrients and some rabbits can get digestive problems.
(94) The F.D.A. approved irradiation for spinach and iceberg lettuce in August.
(94) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(95) Garden Salad Mix with Whole Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Iceberg Lettuce, Carrots and Red Cabbage strips. With choice of salad Dressing.
(96) Kayakers negotiate a massive iceberg calved by the glacier that feeds Lago Grey in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park.
(97) And now I think of it, aspartame is the tip of a considerable iceberg.
(98) The anti-Jewish pogroms in Czarist Russia were but the tip of the iceberg which revealed the inherent rottenness of the regime which was soon to disappear in the storm of revolution.
(99) Iceberg transferred from shelf ice collapse to ocean gives a certain impact on global sea level raising.
(100) A large tabular iceberg calved from Helheim glacier on southeast Greenland.
(101) But at present, by using the traditional cost accounting method, the logistics cost of enterprises of our country is just like an iceberg, very differently with the actual cost.
(102) Swiss Chard, Spinach, Broccoli, Bok choy, Iceberg lettuce, Sweet Potatoes, Sprouts of any kind, Corn, Cucumbers, Beet Greens, Fruit in general.
(103) Such events are natural, and in fact, a similar crack is visible in the 2001 image, the last time the Pine Island Glacier calved a large iceberg.
(104) The Titanic took a severe blow from an iceberg before It'sank.
(105) But Little Rock was just the tip of the civil rights iceberg for Eisenhower.
(106) Alaska still is a land of iceberg and polar bear.
(107) These images, all from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)sensor on NASA's Aqua satellite, show the iceberg and glacier tongue immediately before and after the collision.
(108) In such a setting Shakers and the Oneida community were only the tip of the utopian iceberg.
(109) Now that spinach and iceberg lettuce have been approved, it is focusing on persuading the F.D.A. to permit irradiation of hot dogs and deli meats.
(110) Golden Salad Mix with Whole Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Iceberg Lettuce, Carrots and Red Cabbage strips, served with Thousand Island Dressing.
(111) Sheltered by a titanic iceberg, emperor penguins bask in the Antarctic sun.
(112) Replace the nutritionally vacuous iceberg lettuce with baby spinach in tacos or mix sweet potatoes in your regular mashed potatoes.
(113) Or go for darker shades of greens. Romaine lettuce, for example, has nearly seven times the vitamin C and twice the calcium of its paler iceberg cousin.
(114) Roasted chicken, mayonnaise, basil pesto, bacon, iceberg lettuce, tomato, fried egg.
(115) A study at Cornell University determined the cost of a head of commercial iceberg lettuce, typically purchased at 49 cents a head, to be more than $3.00 a head when hidden costs were revealed.
(116) Iceberg lettuce and romaine are both green, leafy vegetables, so both are good for you.
(117) These two rows is transplanted with Rainbow swiss chard, Iceberg lettuce and Italian Lettuce.




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