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单词 On the other hand
(1) On the other hand, the idea appealed to him.
(2) I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.
(3) On the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.
(4) I'd like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.
(5) Well, all right, hospitals lose money. But, on the other hand, if people are healthy, don't think of it as losing money; think of it as saving lives.
(6) Runtal, on the other hand, became a union activist.
(7) A box, on the other hand, offers all-round protection.
(8) Keith on the other hand is more adventurous.
(9) Table 28-I, on the other hand, indicates a number of very basic manufacturing industries wherein economic power is highly concentrated.
(10) On the other hand, honesty is an absolutely necessary policy as a matter of principle and also credibility.
(11) Multi-tasking, on the other hand, allows more than one application to be active and working simultaneously.
(12) On the other hand[], I do hit the ball tremendously hard and with various violent spins.
(13) On the other hand, there were grave limitations in using existing adult education institutions for radical education and action.
(14) On the other hand, a breach of warranty allows the aggrieved party to claim damages only.
(15) One may on the other hand consider that the ancient traditions and methods of training for the Bar are worthy of preservation.
(16) On the other hand, the vulnerability of such old people creates considerable anxiety.
(17) Gunther Zuntz, on the other hand, has argued for the exclusively Pythagorean identity of the tablets.
(18) McGregor and Diaz, on the other hand, are notable primarily for being adorable.
(19) On the other hand, a reduction in costs can come about through elimination of waste.
(20) But on the other hand, he gave fans exactly what they didn't want a plan for all-seater stands.
(21) On the other hand, it keeps us amused, so what the hell?
(22) On the other hand, no new direction was immediately apparent.
(23) On the other hand, we have mental activity which enables us, second-by-second, to conceive of ourselves as mental entities.
(24) On the other hand, I didn't have to think about it at all to decide it was flamboyant, asinine pretentiousness.
(25) On the other hand there is nothing in the Labour amendment which many of them would oppose anyway.
(26) On the other hand, he wanted to know what it was like to live as a sexually active human being.
(27) Yet on the other hand an agreement had been reached for mutual military aid as early as 1609.
(28) On the one hand I'd like a job which pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.
(29) On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.
(30) Seems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen. To men, sex is an emergency, and no matter what we're doing we can be ready in two minutes. Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They're very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur. Jerry Seinfeld 
(31) On the other hand, in urban areas there are now more opportunities for women with high school education to find jobs.
(32) The state, on the other hand, insisted that the compulsory laws applied to all children, without exception.
(33) On the other hand it can bring about reconciliation between families and friends and a new appreciation of life's true values.
(34) On the other hand, the ward staff should adopt a uniform standard and method throughout the hospital.
(35) Cleaning symbiosis on the other hand is a true form of mutually beneficial arrangement with both cleaner and host benefiting.
(36) Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
(37) On the other hand other close losers, such as Thomas Dewey or Jimmy Carter, faded into the background.
(38) On the other hand, some judges do not believe that academic freedom applies to public schools.
(39) On the other hand a close business acquaintance will be surprised to receive a letter from you with a very formal tone.
(40) On the other hand, sometimes a direct approach may be more appropriate.
(41) On the other hand, one of the things that marks an emerging market as attractive is access to large markets.
(42) The knowledge base, on the other hand, contains all of the information that is specific to a particular application.
(43) On the other hand patients presenting with very advanced disease were not included through compassionate avoidance of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
(44) On the other hand, past concerns have been solved by technological advances.
(45) On the other hand, capitalist economies are based on the willing and active involvement of the very workers they are exploiting.
(46) On the other hand, individual artistry is likely to be enhanced by an increased consciousness of craft.
(47) On the other hand, aspirin is safer, cheaper and more readily available than most drugs.
(48) On the other hand, only works of art made more than one hundred years ago will carry an export ban.
(49) On the other hand, princes felt free to vent their own anger in ways which they now blocked to others.
(50) Patient leaders, on the other hand, became activists and sought reforms.
(51) On the other hand,() these laws have the potential to suppress worthwhile literary and artistic expression.
(52) On the other hand, banging out a press release and sending it to absolutely everyone is a waste of time.
(53) On the other hand, it is becoming apparent that air attacks alone are not likely to win the war.
(54) The Special Branch, on the other hand, was under G-2 and was principally an analytical organization with no operational control.
(55) On the other hand, some companies adopt a myopic view that limits development to formal education and training.
(56) In the countries of advanced capitalism, on the other hand, sub-central government is rather more than an administrative device.
(57) On the other hand the accountancy profession has only contributed, to a limited extent, to improving commercial and professional accountability.
(58) On the other hand, several of Sridevi's films were also-rans.
(59) On the other hand, Clare was finally able to express her anger clearly to the person who had caused it.
(60) Cyaniding a reef, on the other hand, kills the reef, by allowing bacteria and algae to set in.
(61) Cereals and sugar beet, on the other hand, ripen well in such conditions.
(62) His opponent, on the other hand, can hop around the country on Air Force One, basking in presidential publicity.
(63) PICS bags, on the other hand, are completely airtight.
(64) On the other hand, inconstancy often results in failure.
(65) On the other hand overcautious, be afraid that policy changes, await wait - and - see .
(66) On the other hand, if the local bank has 100% self-loan approval right, its physical distance from its headquarters and the bank hierarchical level are less important.
(67) On the other hand, from text angle, the paper discusses the rhetoric effects and textual functions of redundancy with typical data.
(68) But on the other hand, it turns out to overburden the food supply of the world.
(69) The human pubic louse, on the other hand, is related to the gorilla louse, from which it parted company some 13 million years ago.
(70) On the other hand, it also possess pretty good demulsibility, adhesive property, anti-rust property, machining stability, thermal stability and gum formation stability.
(71) On the other hand, you use the interface Transformable to transform nodes that are part of a 3D world in retained mode.
(72) On the other hand, perhaps there is something to be said for the convenience of downloading a libretto in one's own home rather than looking for it in a library or book store.
(73) The right brain's thinking, on the other hand, is intuitive, imaginative , and random - thinking .
(74) On the other hand, there was Hurstwood -- a greater deceiver than he.
(75) On the other hand, self - preservation would need to be subordinate to service to humans.
(76) A dystopia , on the other hand, is a very bad place.
(77) On the other hand, a European expedition would serve mainly Batu's private interests.
(78) The direct consumer routing approach, on the other hand, assumes dynamic routing and, consequently, dynamic processing of the service definition files.
(79) The new and the old are two relative concepts, on the one hand, there won't be new if none of the old, on the other hand, the new means seeking difference, revolting, foresightedness, experimentation.
(80) The design strengthens the perforation of vertical lines: one side, making a contrast with transverse overlapping lines; on the other hand, gaining a balance with deflective force.
(81) On the other hand, conformational design of products affects and enriches people's life style.
(82) Mild mania, so called hypomania, on the other hand, may in some circumstances be positively advantageous.
(83) On the other hand, Mr Obama never sided unequivocally with progressives as the debate dragged on.
(84) Our Europe, on the other hand, off in the pursuit of totality, is the child of disproportion.
(85) Females on the other hand are silver-bodied and a bit more elongated than males.
(86) On the other hand, the suitable reinforced method is selected in comparison with various reinforcement schemes such as injection root pile, nonskid pile, anchor bar and so on.
(87) On the other hand, if they leave the company due to ill management, they will inevitably bring an inestimable loss.
(88) On the other hand, outer in giving viatic way, offer without enough moisture, and go up toilet inconvenience, the female restrains micturition commonly, increased to deliver ill opportunity further.
(89) On the other hand, it is truly remarkable how the sexual response often regains its full strength as soon as a couple turns to non- coital forms of sexual intercourse .
(90) Two Bedroom house for rent, and I invite my parents to Kunming, on the one hand you can play them walk around, on the other hand can reach Fang Yuan's family.
(91) On the other hand, they gradually brush aside party casualism which regards adoption as pure contractual behaviour, and take in the supervision of.
(92) Many Oregon wineries, on the other hand, have had good success and are moving steadily away from making Chardonnay while increasing production of Pinot Gris.
(93) On the other hand, prepared negative plate expander is commercially available.
(94) On the other hand, the inclusion relation between definite indirect anaphoras is firstly proposed by the present study, which is useful for the further study on definite indirect anaphora.
(95) The GC on the other hand requires the operator to shape the roast profile.
(96) Automated tests, on the other hand, take a brute-force approach.
(97) Miller, on the other hand, thinks that it is a misplacement of responsibility that Pogge attributes world poverty mainly to the global economic order.
(98) On the other hand the mammonism is in vogue, the humanities spirit appears the serious crisis.
(99) On the one hand, Qianchongzi is sentimentally attached to the decadency of his national culture. On the other hand, Qianchongzi enriches his culture by absorbing the good elements in western cultures.
(100) On the other hand, there had been an aptness of expression in the earlier Chinese arts.
(101) Compact florescent light bulbs, on the other hand, are a somewhat different story.
(102) On the other hand, the company also holds a substantial equity investment securities.
(103) On the other hand he had an equal fondness for our older Bengali authors and Vaishnava Poets.
(104) On the other hand, in the inmost recess of consciousness, Hu Feng resisted the Hegelian philosophy.
(105) On the other hand , the strain can use better NH4NO3 and phenanthrene, but not fluorene .
(106) On the other hand, managers should be more patient with the effect of the BSC, and emend the indicator timely.
(107) On the other hand, the collating sequence in EBCDIC is: space, lower case characters, upper case characters, and numeric values.
(108) On the other hand, a peacekeeping operation alone cannot bring security to Darfur.
(109) And Chinese pasturage veterinary medicine is met criterion from produce effect on the other hand.
(110) " On the other hand , the scheme may fizzle out.
(111) But, on the other hand, as our standards of life skyrocket, so do our expectations.
(112) On the other hand, deductive reasoning plays a significant role in the Platonic approach.
(113) On the other hand, it can be large and irregularly shaped with light pink-tan, firm, gritty, focally fibrotic cut surfaces with infiltrative borders.
(114) On the other hand, I ran this viewpoint through a spell-checker, so how can I ban the use of such programs in schools?
(115) On the other hand your Pisces mate may leave if you become too domineering.
(116) On the other hand, an a-line bob is usually at the level below the ears.
(117) Carry on the improvement that aesthetic education can promote individual basketball estheticism on one hand in the basketball activity, on the other hand can promote individual personality to perfect.
(118) On the one hand the Thusness-philosophy argues for competition, on the other hand its relativism trait denies its validity.
(119) On the other hand, phase transition and critical phenomena are emphases in statistical physics.
(120) The BLT's cousin, on the other hand, the Club Sandwich, is like 12 bar blues - a guiding framework for extemporisation.
(121) On the other hand, the minor trend misguides people to learn from the West blindly for some new ideas while trying to get out of economic dilemma.
(122) Local governments, on the other hand, might underreport to save face or to prevent international organizations from assisting opposition groups.
(123) On the other hand, to change decision making process of public policies to increase people's WTA, it is important to explore why residents demonstrate the NIMBY syndrome.
(124) The cost objective set by basis controls the actual cost disbursement on the other hand , be obliged to , adopts and measure effort cost reduction.
(125) On the other hand, concentration of stores leads to fiercer price competition ( i . e . price cutting effect ).
(126) On the other hand, Dechang Power Company, which is a state-owned local enterprise, is empowered to operate power networks. However, its development is hindered due to some systematic reasons.
(127) On the other hand, I think the "lock mode" is necessary.
(128) On the other hand, few devotees of wine were willing to forego their beverage.
(129) Excessiveness reaction on the other hand possibility emergence at actual of real estate market, on the other hand possibility emergence in the financial market.
(130) Developmental biology on the other hand, provides us with a basic understanding and frame work of gene function during pattern formation and organogenesis.
(131) On the other hand, in DB2 LUW, Quiesce will be in persistent lock-mode that can be applied on instance, database or table space to restrict normal users while you perform maintenance tasks.
(132) Flora and fauna differ markedly between Kalimantan, Bali, and western islands on the one hand and Sulawesi, Lombok, and islands further to the east on the other hand.
(133) On the other hand will reduce bank spreads, reducing net interest income.
(134) A path expression, on the other hand, navigates through a hierarchy of XML elements and returns the elements that are found at the end of the path.
(135) On the other hand, we improve the correctness of contour extraction for high- noised images.
(136) On the other hand, took the sewage in by-pass sludge reduction technology model anaerobic tank as raw water, then set up and experimented as per optimum parameter of the beaker test.
(137) On the other hand(), open market operation has some disadvantages.
(138) On the other hand, the owner-occupied housing demand ofanindividual with a low non-capital income andahigh bequest motive would be decreased.
(139) On one hand, the parent was shut to the child " heart door ", on the other hand, the child is eager to seeking interior exit however.
(140) On the other hand it is difficult to get rid of the idea that"gentleman shame talking money", and participate in the commodity transaction.
(141) On the other hand, a lot of civilian folk-custom in there could not separate from the local civilian Taoism music.
(142) On the other hand, investigators report in the May issue of Psychological Medicine, this association was not seen in individuals who stopped smoking many years ago.
(143) On the other hand white wines present a larger variety of tastes: very dry, dry, semi-dry, mellow, syrupy, petillant, sparkling, madeirized...
(144) Broke surface loans on the one hand to the market demand , on the other hand, is affected by the tight money market factors.
(145) Ecological change, on the other hand, seems a weak-minded, circuitous process, centered in bodies shoved against wind , water, gravity , sunlight, and rock.
(146) On the other hand, the value of additional information about market size is small.
(147) On the other hand, what psychiatrists call "maladaptive" perfectionists need to be the best at everything, and if they make a mistake, it's a crisis.
(148) On the other hand, Arlington County, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington, D. C. , is both an urbanized and suburban area, governed by a unitary county administration.
(149) On the other hand it dissimilate, split, and dissolve the spirit of poetry as a whole, thus reducing poetry into "material poetry" or "fashionable poetry ".
(150) Want to reform financial administration system on the other hand.
(151) On the other hand, modern Western ethnocentrism and the exclusivity closely related to the formation and Christian culture.
(152) On the other hand, it is also the needs of our country that international trade and international capital market develop.
(153) On the other hand, other people hold the view that mobile phone is not good. They argue that it is harmful to health.
(154) A nuclear cataclysm , on the other hand , could destroy the earth tomorrow.




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