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单词 Soldier
1. Obedience is the first duty of a soldier
2. The wounded soldier lashed around in great pain.
3. The deceased general was a great soldier.
4. A bullet lamed the soldier for life.
5. After his death, the soldier was cited for spunk.
6. The soldier disobeyed an order.
7. The soldier carried a pack on his back.
8. A soldier has to confront danger.
9. The soldier reached for his gun.
10. The soldier showed great courage in the battle.
11. In his youth he was a soldier.
12. A British soldier was wounded in the fighting.
13. The soldier impacted his sword into the ground.
14. He is a brave soldier.
15. The wounded soldier lashed about in great pain.
16. A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.
17. The soldier saluted his officer.
18. He was demoted to the rank of ordinary soldier.
19. The soldier carried a pack on his.
20. The soldier reported that a prisoner was at large.
21. The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy's lines.
22. The young soldier fainted in the hot sun.
23. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
24. The military hospital will fit any wounded soldier for a false leg.
25. The general had served as a soldier in the earlier war.
26. He wants to be a soldier when he grows up.
27. A soldier would rather face a firing squad a thousand times over than just once have to look his own colleagues in the eye knowing he had failed them.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. The soldier picked up the unexploded bomb and hurled it away into the safety of the forest.
29. It is a bounden duty for a soldier to be subjected to the orders.
30. The soldier hurled the bomb into the enemy gun post.
1. The deceased general was a great soldier.
2. The soldier carried a pack on his back.
3. A soldier has to confront danger.
4. The soldier showed great courage in the battle.
5. In his youth he was a soldier.
6. A British soldier was wounded in the fighting.
7. A moan escaped the badly wounded soldier.
8. The soldier saluted his officer.
9. He was demoted to the rank of ordinary soldier.
10. The soldier carried a pack on his.
11. The soldier wormed his way toward the enemy's lines.
12. He wants to be a soldier when he grows up.
13. He drew his pistol and aimed at the enemy soldier.
14. The young soldier was killed in a skirmish with government troops.
15. He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
16. A soldier leads a very precarious life.
17. Where can we muster up more soldier?
18. He was a soldier of Marine Corps.
19. A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.
20. The soldier floored his attacker with one heavy blow.
21. The soldier avoided military duty by shooting away one of his toes.
22. The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.
23. The scout opposed his arm to the blow of the enemy soldier.
24. The article gives a detailed portrait of a great soldier.
31. The soldier dedicated himself to the service of the people.
32. He drew his pistol and aimed at the enemy soldier.
33. The young soldier was killed in a skirmish with government troops.
34. The mortally wounded soldier lingered on for a few days until at last he died.
35. The hospital will fit any wounded soldier for a false leg.
36. He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
37. The wounded soldier tottered to his feet.
38. Should a soldier value honour above life?
39. The soldier depressed the muzzle of a gun.
40. He's not an officer, but a common soldier.
41. The soldier darted a dagger at his enemy.
42. The soldier was detailed to some duty.
43. Yes, it's not easy to soldier on.
44. The soldier stood stiff as a ramrod.
45. The soldier stopped the motorist at a roadside checkpoint.
46. He was drafted as a soldier.
47. The injured soldier crawled to safety.
48. The soldier was wounded in the arm.
49. The soldier was blinded in the explosion.
50. The soldier leveled his rifle at the target.
51. He's an old soldier at that sort of thing.
52. She attended on the wounded soldier day and night.
53. He carries himself like a soldier.
54. He has been drafted as a soldier.
55. The soldier discharged his gun at the fleeing enemy.
56. He bears himself proudly, like a soldier.
57. He composed a lament to the dead soldier.
58. The wounded soldier thrashed about with pain.
59. The soldier was decorated for bravery.
60. The soldier jabbed a rifle into his ribs.
61. He's a good soldier, but not really officer material.
62. The wounded soldier toppled down time after time.
63. He saw a wounded soldier lobbing along.
64. The soldier behaved with great courage.
65. The young soldier deserted the army.
66. The commander commended the soldier for his bravery.
67. The soldier acted like a real hero.
68. The new soldier muttered about the food.
69. A soldier accidentally discharged his weapon.
70. The doctor patched up the wounded soldier.
71. The wounded soldier was imbrued with blood.
72. The soldier acquitted himself bravely in the battle.
73. The soldier was disciplined for deserting his post.
74. The soldier was awarded a medal for his bravery.
75. We'll just have to soldier on without him.
76. A soldier must obey his superior officers.
77. A soldier plunged a bayonet into his body.
78. The last soldier was out of steps.
79. I believe he is meant to be a soldier.
80. A soldier leads a very precarious life.
81. The soldier was decorated with a prize medal.
82. The soldier stood without moving a muscle.
83. The old soldier never lost his military demeanor.
84. Where can we muster up more soldier?
85. What was life like for the common soldier?
86. The enemy soldier disguised as civilian.
87. He decided to enlist as a soldier.
88. The soldier was pipped in the shoulder.
89. I'm just a simple soldier.
90. "Get up!"the soldier commanded the horse.
91. The soldier drew himself up to his full height.
92. The soldier was cut down in his youth.
93. The soldier had shown great courage in the battle.
94. The soldier is mortally wounded.
95. A soldier often has to confront danger.
96. The young soldier flouted his officer's orders.
97. He was a soldier of Marine Corps.
98. The soldier is giving aim to his official.
99. The soldier gave the clenched-fist salute.
100. The brave soldier gave his life for his country.
101. He ordered the soldier to stand out.
102. A soldier must give implicit obedience to his officers.
103. He showed himself a brave soldier.
104. The soldier is lauded for his bravery.
105. The soldier sank to the ground badly wounded.
106. The soldier floored his attacker with one heavy blow.
107. The soldier is accounted as a brave man.
108. At last he felt like a real soldier.
109. The boy was dressed as a soldier.
110. The soldier died in agony.
111. Nathan Hale looked around as a British soldier put the rope around his neck.
112. The soldier is lying on the bed, languishing of wounds.
113. He was a fine man and a fine soldier .
114. I didn't realize he was a soldier because he was in civvies.
115. The soldier bargained that he should not have to go on guard on Sundays.
116. Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear.
117. The soldier was mentioned in a report for his bravery.
118. He signed on as a soldier in the US army.
119. Where did the leader grub up that nasty bunch of soldier?
120. Halim flashed his official card,() and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover.
121. The soldier avoided military duty by shooting away one of his toes.
122. The soldier gave a click of his heels as he saluted.
123. The head of the wounded soldier was enswathed in bandages.
124. We had to listen to another of his interminable stories of his days as a soldier.
125. The soldier was reported to his superior officer for failing in his duties.
126. The soldier disconnected a rifle into parts before cleaning it.
127. A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.
128. Any soldier who leaves his post will be confined to barracks .
129. Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.
130. The soldier looped a grenade into the enemy shelter trench.
131. One by one each soldier approached the coffin and gave a final salute.
132. The soldier fired the rifle through a narrow aperture in a pile of sandbags.
133. The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.
134. The soldier bore the sharp pain in the wound with great courage.
135. Jacob Sinclair met his death at the hands of a soldier.
136. Any soldier displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy was shot.
137. A soldier who deserts in time of war is punished severely.
138. The soldier was invalided home because of the wounds he received.
139. The wound of the wounded soldier was disimproved for lack of medicine.
140. A soldier stood on the centre line of the road, his arm upraised.
141. A soldier baited a captured enemy by laughing at him.
142. At that point, a soldier opened fire on the car.
143. The soldier gave a salute and the officer returned it.
144. The soldier demonstrated great courage in saving the drowning child.
145. The scout opposed his arm to the blow of the enemy soldier.
146. The soldier was interned in a neutral country until the war was over.
147. The article gives a detailed portrait of a great soldier.
148. The soldier lapidated his enemy after using out his bullets.
149. The soldier acted qua soldier,() not as a human being.
150. The wounded soldier levered himself up on his elbow and shouted for help.
151. The cover photograph of one magazine showed a dying soldier.
152. For not obeying discipline, the soldier was dressed down by the officer.
153. He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough.
154. A soldier with a pike could bring down a charging horse.
155. He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty.
156. The first lesson I learnt as a soldier was never to underestimate the enemy.
157. His partner left and he had to soldier on alone.
158. The soldier received a dishonourable discharge for a disciplinary offence.
159. In fact the soldier and the priest were one and the same person.
160. The young soldier cut a fine figure in his smart new uniform.
161. The dead soldier is reported to have been fatally wounded in the chest.
162. Every lover is a soldier. Ovid 
163. The soldier reeled bloodily away.
164. The courage of a soldier is found to be the cheapest and most common quality of human nature. Edward Gibbon 
165. The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him(), but because he loves what is behind him. G.K. Chesterton 
166. When a soldier complains of his hard life (or a laborer, etc.) try giving him nothing to do. Blaise Pascal 
167. In no circumstances must a soldier leave his post.
168. The soldier measured his strength with that of his enemy in a hand-to-hand fight.
169. Stern as a soldier might be, but hearty, and placable always.
170. A kin slayer and fugitive, Tyrion assumes manifold roles in "Dragons": mummer, soldier, paymaster, slave, river rat and captive.
171. This all says in advance okay, she occupies to the megalith mountain range, impossibly all and the mercenary soldier regiment is together ignorant.
172. A soldier stands over an altar in a camp used by marijuana growers during a marijuana destruction operation in the Sierra de Juarez in Ensenada, Mexico on Thursday Sept. 30, 2010.
173. To celebrate Memorial Day, a grand ceremony is always held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.




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