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单词 Pollen
1. Certain varieties cannot be fertilised with their own pollen.
2. Nectar and pollen are very nutritious.
3. Avoid trips to the country while the pollen count is high.
4. As the day goes on, the pollen dries up and becomes hard.
5. Bees pollinate the plants by carrying the pollen from one flower to another.
6. The pollen count is very high in the spring.
7. He developed an allergy to pollen.
8. The pollen count is high today.
9. Seeds and pollen are spread by the wind.
10. Hay fever is caused by an allergy to pollen.
11. The bumblebee has developed complex machinery for collecting pollen.
12. Bees fertilize the flowers by bringing pollen.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. The pollen count was high yesterday.
14. Hay fever sufferers should check the pollen count every day.
15. The pollen record shows that this plant was never common on the island.
16. The pollen count is high today, which is bad news for hay fever sufferers.
17. The presence of pollen in the atmosphere causes hay fever in some people.
18. Hummingbirds have discovered that nectar and pollen are very nutritious.
19. You can buy a formulation containing royal jelly, pollen and vitamin C.
20. It was July and the pollen count was high.
21. High pollen counts and air conditioners may worsen allergies.
22. Grouped around the eggs are many stamens producing pollen.
23. These prizes of pollen and nectar have to be advertised.
24. So the pine tree has to produce pollen in gigantic quantities.
25. Hay fever sufferers have a worse time when the pollen count is high.
26. Flowers are designed to attract insects which then carry the pollen from plant to plant.
27. Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen.
28. It seems very likely that air pollutants are sensitizing people so that they become allergic to pollen.
29. The organism of a hive yields integration for its community of worker bees, drones, pollen and brood.
30. Then it climbs back up to the top of the stigma rising from the ovary and rams the pollen ball into the top.
1. Certain varieties cannot be fertilised with their own pollen.
2. Nectar and pollen are very nutritious.
3. Hay fever sufferers have a worse time when the pollen count is high.
4. Avoid trips to the country while the pollen count is high.
5. As the day goes on, the pollen dries up and becomes hard.
6. Bees pollinate the plants by carrying the pollen from one flower to another.
7. He developed an allergy to pollen.
8. Hummingbirds have discovered that nectar and pollen are very nutritious.
31. Last year, because it rained frequently during cypress season, pollen levels stayed relatively low.
32. One that also produces pollen can generate plants that spread far and wide.
33. It takes more than a strip at the edge of a field to stop pollen grains from spreading round the countryside.
34. But by far the most refined technique for the interpretation of aggradation deposits is that of pollen analysis.
35. Induk said, exhaling, dispersing my ashes like pollen into the night air.
36. He had severe asthma, and a doctor suggested he try a sport that took him away from grass and pollen.
37. To advertise the fact, they surround the pollen and the anthers that produce it with the vivid petals of a flower.
38. No pollen analyses of undisputed late-glacial deposits from the Outer Hebrides have been published.
39. When calculated on an appropriate pollen sum, they suggest that there was never any extensive, continuous forest cover.
40. A law of diminishing returns applies to seed but not to pollen.
41. But whether the parent with the yellow flowers supplies the egg or the pollen makes not the slightest difference.
42. The pollen count is usually much lower in the winter.
43. Some varieties do not produce good pollen, others are very good, but are poor receivers and not good seed-bearers.
44. If its own pollen is there, why accept an outsider?
45. The Aponogeton species are self-fertile, responding to pollen from the same or different plants.
46. For instance, some animals may help to transfer pollen from one plant to another without acting directly as the carrier themselves.
47. In one investigation, he even tried to convert pollen into beeswax.
48. They have released pollen from genetically modified plants into the environment, claiming that it will not spread.
49. In female flowers, the flies are wedged in tightly, the thorax pollen being rubbed off on to the stigma.
50. Hay fever is really an allergy to pollen and the peak time is early June.
51. They too rely on the wind to distribute their pollen.
52. When the pollen count is high, keep doors and windows shut and stay inside.
53. The pollen is usually transferred by tiny insects visiting the sweet and colored flowers where these plants are cultivated.
54. For example, the pollen of modified crops had already been shown to be poisonous to monarch butterfly larvae.
55. But they are not for effect, they are to keep pollen and blowing sand and wind out of his contact lenses.
56. A whole pine forest produces so much pollen that ponds become covered with curds of it - and all of it wasted.
57. At the start of the season sufferers usually begin to experience problems when the pollen count reaches 50.
58. These attract a small moth with a specially curved proboscis that enables it to gather pollen from the yucca stamens.
59. Huge fans in the basement of Bio2 pushed the air around for some semblance of wind, but it hardly moved pollen.
60. However, it is important to remember that the pollen zones are not uniform across large areas.
61. As the foragers grow older they move from a juvenile taste for sweet nectar to a more refined preference for pollen.
62. Instead, they make it easier for the pollen to be dispersed by other creatures.
63. The pollen irritated my eyes, which were red and streaming with tears.
64. This courier service could be most economically operated if both pollen and egg were placed close together on the plant.
65. Given that pollen is lighter than seed, a flower that produces only seed can have only local offspring.
66. What is the most amount of money you have spent on an item of clothing? £85 on an Arabella Pollen dress.
67. In a few hours, you will find the pollen dropping and you can proceed as before.
68. Unlike the cycads, they produce both pollen and egg-bearing cones on the same tree.
69. The daily pollen count can give a good indication of the amount of allergens in the air.
70. In greenhouse or field, pollen and egg from wild tomatoes were tested for the ability to cross with cultivated plants.
71. Tiny, polished black pollen beetles crawled over her hand: she had become part of their landscape.
72. Simon was breathing through his mouth,[http:///pollen.html] the way he did when the pollen was bad.
73. The pollen of one flower is transferred to another by means of a fine brush.
74. And what of this pollen of the mind, the ideas that are immortal?
75. Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind. James Russell Lowell 
76. A shortage of pollen means that the young turn to it and more is gathered.
77. Pollen must be transferred by hand from one flower to the stigma of another flower on a separate plant.
78. They grow flowers, but the male anthers are stunted or withered: Seed but no pollen is produced.
79. Heliotropes sweetly scented the air and were covered with tiny bees gathering pollen.
80. However, they all show very high frequencies of non-tree pollen, mainly Ericaceae and Gramineae.
81. Pollen was an almost identical diet and it still remains a most important prize.
82. Ohio-valley dwellers of this time were farmers, and pollen tests show that they grew the crop.
83. A male is defined as the gender that produces sperm or pollen: small, mobile, multitudinous gametes.
84. We have to be absolutely sure that only the pollen we want reaches the stigma.
85. The pollen is shed directly on the stigma.
86. Pollen morphology of 8 genera of Chinese Umbelliferae (Apiaceae).
87. Pollen morphology of the subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae).
88. Studies on the pollen morphology of Pinaceae in China.
89. Tapetal cells degenerate completely when pollen grains reach maturity.
90. Pollen morphology of Plumbaginaceae in China.
91. Pollen morphology and systematics of Salix in northeastern China.
92. Studies on the pollen morphology of the genus Jasminum.
93. Transfer of pollen from one plant to another; cross-pollination.
94. Pollen bead namely from craze antheral in release.
95. A contribution to the pollen morphology of Sapindaceae.
96. Studies on pollen morphology in Tiliaceae of China.
97. Studies on pollen morphology of Podocarpaceae from China.
98. Pollen morphology of Guttiferae in China.
99. Pollen morphology of Kingdonia uniflora and its taxonomic significance.
100. Pollen morphology of the family Araliaceae in China.
101. Pollen morphology of Opithandra Burtt (Gesneriaceae).
102. Pollen grains are rich in mitochondria, Golgi apparatus[http:///pollen.html], and endoplasmic reticulum.
103. In third stage, at maturing of the embryo sac, pollen tubes grow directionally toward micropyle into embryo sac.
104. Through adopting advanced technique process and operation, the triturated and tablet health-care food made of Japanese black pine and Japanese red pine pollen is manufactured.
105. After uninuclear pollen grain forms, the growing speed of the pollen grain of oblong anthers and of globose anthers roughlg corresponds to each other.
106. Main floral characteristics of Xiangli (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd) were observed and pollen activity was synthetically studied in the paper.
107. Protogyny in M. grandiflora lies in a mechanism that determines the anther dehiscence stage, thus reducing self-pollination and interference between pollen and stigmas.
108. However, pollen insect - pollinated ( entomophilous ) species is also often transported by wind.
109. The growth process of pollen tubes and the formation date of pollen tube pathway of upland cotton were observed by using paraffin methods under microscope.
110. Further refinements of pollen management include controlled crosses where the pedigree of the cross is required.
111. A praying mantis on high alert waits for insects drawn through the night to collect Ochroma blossom pollen. Navigation lights glow in the background on the Panama Canal.
112. The capacity of dehiscent anther was determined to the size and the morpha of anther stomium cell, epidermal cell and fibrous stratum's plastic property of the pollen sac wall.
113. The hooter buys snacks at ordinary times, buy pollen, or money paying a car, can plant with this " cost certificate " , can hold after collection of butcher, wagoner convert ready money to bagnio .
114. Ethanol extracts of schisandra, wild ageratum pollen had the stronger inhibitory activity of tyrosinase to oxidize diphenol.
115. The protective effect of garlic juice (GJ)on aberration induced by 8-hydroxyquino-line in pollen spores of Prunella, vulgaris is studied.
116. The probability of any air-borne pollen grain impacting a female strobilus is in any case very small.
117. The approaches for decreasing the gene flow include chloroplast transformation, pollen sterility, seed sterility, cleistogamy, apomixis, temporal control, and transgenic mitigation.
118. This product is a nutrimental food, used bee pollen as its principal ingredient and prepared by scientific processing technics in advance.
119. Pollen morphology of 10 plant species in tessellated meadow of Inner Mongolia was observed and described particularly under Scanning Electronic Microscope(SEM).
120. Last May a study published by Cornell University showed that pollen from some strains of corn with built-in pesticides can kill the larva of the Monarch butterfly, a pest by nobody's standards.
121. Generative cell One of the haploid cells in the POLLEN TUBE of seed plants.
122. Hateful hateful english pollen, it? brought hay fever out of me.
123. Therefore, pollen morphology has taxonomic significance for the generic segregation of Piperaceae.
124. The damage of the cytoskeleton system in the pollen and the pollen tube of Pinus thunbergii induced by ion beam implantation were researched.
125. It is a honey, royal jelly, pollen and a mixture of eucalyptus, and good taste.
126. In seed plants it is the generative cell in the pollen grain, which divides in the pollen tube to produce two sperm cells.
127. Some characters indicate that the pollen aperture of genus Osmanthus is on the transitional stage from simple to compound apertures in Oleaceae.
128. Entomophilous flowers depend on the pollination of insects, and at the same time, plants provide pollen and honey as rewards.
129. The effects of pollen mentor, growth regulator and embryo culture on interspecific hybridization of Prunus mume are studied.
130. The most common form of the gene makes rice plants more susceptible to bacterial leaf blight but also makes them produce more pollen.
131. The productive technology of derosination of Yunnan pine pollen was developed using the supercritical CO2 extraction technique.
132. Cross-pollination isn't ensured when an ant picks up pollen off a pancake plant: The ant may then crawl to the ground or another species.
133. And we have found out the best bond, recipe and quantity of the lubricant,[http:///pollen.html] and finally succeed to produce the developed the pollen crystal and milk slice of black pine and Japanese red pine.
134. The seeds from pollination of heated pollen were far less than that of unheated pollen in hybridization test of Nove Cento lily and Prato lily.
135. It may look like apink UFO, but this is a pollen from the Persian silk tree Albizia.
136. The results showed that this sterile might be male fertility gene's expression in thermo-photosensitivity modulatory was set back leading to pollen abortivity.
137. The anther, pollen, stem point and bioplast cultured in vitro can be plant.
138. Of all the chromosomal aberrations, the appearance of asynapitc univalent and resultant pollen abortion was the major cause of seedless fruits.
139. A study on pollen morphology of major Crataegus species in China.
140. Pollen grains of 20 species of 5 subgenera in the genus Rhododendron L. were observed by scanning electron microscope(SEM). Most of them(16 species)were examined for the first time.
141. Studies on the pollen morphology of tribe Zizipheae of Rhamnaceae in China.
142. Describes 3D reconstruction segmentation display and the analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin , head, cervical bone, cannon born and carpus.
143. Corn pollen can be the supplemental food for M. cingulum.
144. Pollen is the male - gamete of seed plant, which plays an important role in sexual reproduction.
145. Pollen tube entered the embryo sac via one synergid and in it released two sperms.
146. “Anemophilous plants select pollen from their own species from the air.” Oecologia 108: 85-87.
147. The anthers were sterile under long daylight exposure. Some anthers occurred to abort before uninucleate pollen stage, but others were sterile after binucleate pollen stage.
148. In many gymnosperms the nuclei divide within the pollen grain to produce a small number of cells (2-40 depending on the group )representing the male prothallus .
149. Incompatible pollen tubes grow more slowly and, at least in some, the pollen tube bursts before it reaches the ovule and the polysaccharide callose is deposited around the tube.
150. Common allergens include pollen, animal dander, down feathers, mites, chemicals, and a variety of foods.
151. Other aspects of the heterandrous syndrome are exhibited in anther size, anther shape and color, pollen size, pollen number per flower, stigma width, fertility of stamens and gynoecium etc.
152. A study on the pollen morphology of Actinidiaceae and its systematic position.
153. Endomitosis, karyomixis, multipolar mitosis and chromosome break of the somatic cells were easily induced by culturing in vitro and by pollen haploidy.
154. The events of sporopollenin behavior during the process of tapetal disintegration and their relations to pollen development are discussed.
155. Female and male fertility decreased greatly and even vanished thoroughly. Only 5 regenerated plants produced seeds with low frequency. I-KI stainable pollen ranged from 0 to 68% .
156. The outer pollen wall ultrastructure of 4 excellent germplasms and their cutting offsprings showed that the tectum , columellac, foot layer and endexine had no notable variation.
157. Madagascar ring-tailed lemur, here gnawing a non-native cactus, ably carries pollen for native plants on its muzzle and hands.
158. It is implicated in the uptake of calcium, the development of apical meristems, and pollen germination.
159. Close examination of that pollen by transmission electron microscopy also showed delayed formation of starch granules and the intine layer.
160. Coconut oil, bee pollen and glycerin nourish your skin and help replenish its natural moisture.
161. Without such early instruction, the immune system may go haywire and overreact with allergies to foods, pollen and pet dander or turn on the body's own tissue, setting off autoimmune disorders.
162. Various procedures have been advocated for the storage of pollen.
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163. Most pollen abortion occurred at mononuclear pollen stage and late binuclear pollen stage.
164. A study on the pollen wall of the Chinese Zingiberaceae.
165. In the present paper, geographic distribution patterns of pollen types of Polygonaceae and their relationship to ecological factors are first introduced.
166. Studies on the pollen morphology and seed coat of the genus Cistanche (Orobanchaceae) in China.
167. A study on the pollen morphology of Lardizabalaceae, Sargentodoxaceae and its significance in taxonomy.
168. Accessorial types such as fern and its spore, gymnosperm and its pollen appeared from Devonian to Jurassic.
169. In the grasses the pollen tube is blocked at the stigma surface with pectins and callose.
170. The similarity of its heteropolar 3- or 6-aperturate pollen to the 3-aperturate pollen of Eudicots might result from convergent evolution.
171. Non - equal division the chromosomes male sterile pollen mother cells was anaphase of the second stage.
172. The pollen grains germinated on the stigma in 4- 6 hours after cross-pollination.
173. The beetles arrive in the evening, spend the night feeding and mating, spend the morning recuperating and head off to a new flower later on — complete with pollen from their host.
174. Pollen allergy, freckles, hair follicle plugged bacterial infections, skin wrinkles have smaller, better use.
175. The pantoporate pollen of P. merrilliana shows that the species has vital taxonomical and evolutionary significance in Primula.
176. At the late stage of the sporogenous cells, mother pollen cells and microspores, the vacuoles remarkably increased in quantity or size.
177. The waxy male-sterile line had the same pollen sterility characteristic as its parent male-sterile line.
178. Observations on the Behavior of Cytogenetics and Pollen Development of Alocasia odora ( Lindl . ) K.
179. After flower opens business, want will antheral purify, otherwise the craze after antheral maturity, pollen is met will petaline even furniture coloring.
180. In gametophytic SI, glycoproteins with ribonuclease activity are produced by the S gene, perhaps disabling RNA at the pollen tube tip.
181. Examination of the breeding system suggests that flowers of Cypripedium are self-compatible but need pollen vectors for successful reproduction.
182. The sulphur-like pollen of the pitch pine soon covered the pond and the stones and rotten wood along the shore, so that you could have collected a barrelful .
183. Pollen development of millet(Setaria ltalica L. )has been observed by traditional methods.
184. Then bee pollen health wine of rich nutritions and special taste could be produced through adequate blending of lixiviating solution with honey, sugarcane and Xiaoqu liquor.
185. The viability and storage time of the pollen collected from three species of Syringa were studied.
186. To clarify the relation between the pollen percentage of Larix and its stand density, surface samples from tundra, forest tundra and taiga in the Far East Russia were analyzed.
187. The tiny speck at its lower right is a grain of forget-me-not pollen.
188. Conclusions Quality of Pollen Typhae is much better than that of Pollen with staminate flower. Quality control of Pollen Typhae in market should be done through various means.
189. Pollen xenia of 'GY115 had a significant effect of raising oil content on common maize, but common varieties had different response to the raising effect.
190. Conclusion: The diet supplemented 1.5% bee pollen could improve the tissue's structure of digestive organ, then the digestion and absorption function of body were increased.
191. Significantly, this line marks the southern limit of the birch tree, a plant whose pollen is one of the causes of hay fever in northern Europe.
192. In the wall of the pollen, the tectum isnt very clear with few and scattered pro-orbicules.
193. Methods The humulus pollen allergens were purified partially by gelatin filtration.
194. Current medical practices blame pollen for the runny eyes or drippy noses that springtime flowers and flowering trees give off.
195. When allergenic pollen in the air increases to some certain, it may initiate the response in susceptible humans, Pollinosis .
196. Anther dehiscence is very important for pollen maturation and release. The mutants of anther dehiscence in rice (Oryza sativa L. ) are few, and related research remains poor.
197. Some major positive sIgE for children with allergic diseases were house dust mite, house dust, artemisia pollen and tobacco mould, and ingestive allergen, such as egg white, milk, peanut and soybean.
198. The tube nucleus disintegrates as the pollen tube penetrates the nucellus .
199. EGTA treatments inhibited both pollen tube growth and GN division.
200. A known exception to the "no relatives" rule in the U. S. is wild cotton growing in Hawaii and southern Florida, which, by virtue of its unusual similarity to GM cotton, can accept the GM pollen.
201. Using the vector pNPR1, On this basis, using the pollen tube pathway, after PCR and disease resistance detect, we gain some verticillium resistant cotton lines.
202. One of the most common mistakes was to buy a mattress cover to protect against dust mites for a child whose asthma was exacerbated instead by plant pollen.
203. Sperm cells which occurred in pairs were released from pollen tube.
204. Besides, the suitableness application system clustering method to the classification of the pollen is discussed.
205. To investigate the main allergen on fruiter with occupational pollen allergy and analyze the difference between that and other spring pollen allergy.
206. The principal pollen sensitizing in ZiBo city was Artemisia, Humulus. Platanus and Populus etc.
207. The percentages of malvaceae pollen are quite low and other species are the main pollen types, with poor consistency to the local vegetation cover.
208. The pollen is released when the lobes split open longitudinally.
209. This provides a firm basis for the collection and industrial development of pine pollen.
210. As a result, this paper presents the 3D reconstruction segmentation display, and analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin , head, cervical vertebra, tibia and carpale.
211. Product of ATPase reaction was mainly found in plastid, ERs, matrix of cytoplasm, and intine of pollen wall.
212. Studies on the pollen morphology of the genus Betula in Nei Mongol.
213. A Madagascar ring-tailed lemur, here gnawing a non-native cactus, ably carries pollen for native plants on its muzzle and hands.
214. Cortical microtubules and spiny vesicles appear in the cytoplasm after germination of the pollen tube.
215. Ethrel, at concentrations of 1.0-2.0% (W/V), caused maximum sterility of the spikelet and pollen of the rice when it was applied in meiotic stage.
216. The characteristics of pollen grain are related with the distribution of Gnetum and classified system of subgenus.
217. Using wheat hybrids as female parents and Tripsacum as pollen parent intergeneric crosses were made.
218. Whether the trigger is pollen or ragweed, suffering during allergy season is no fun.
219. OBJECTIVE To ascertain the main active site of Pollen Typhae, Pollen Typhae Carbonisatus and Pollen Typhae Parch in effect of hemostasia.
220. Studies on pollen morphology and taxonomy of Lespedeza and its allied genera from NE China.
221. The next flower visited receives on its stigmata some of the first flower's pollen(), and the cycle continues.
222. Conclusion: Amaranthaceae pollen is an important allergen of allergic diseases around NANCHANG and its prick test must be regarded as the normal test to determine the allergic disease.
223. The find has stirred excitement among those working to restore the American chestnut, and raised hopes that scientists might be able to use the pollen to breed hardier chestnut trees.
224. This research studies the function of the water-solubility matter of tea pollen , one of important components in the nutrition , in the caste differentiation process of Apis mellifera ligustica .
225. This paper reports fossil pollen collected recently from the Upper Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning Province, and first demonstrates the oldest known angiospermous pollen in the world.
226. The useless male plants, which produce pollen rather than smokable buds, could then be thrown away.
227. To study the effect of pine pollen on the high blood-fat level model experimental animals.
228. The snow turns pink because of microscopic algae known as Chamydomonas nivalis, leaves and pollen of the whitebark pine.
229. The pollen can be carried aloft and travel great distances in the upper air stream.
230. Hotter water was also better at removing dog dander and pollen.
231. A study on the pollen morphology of genus Illicium L.
232. As the male gametophyte, pollen delivers sperm to the sac for fertilization by pollen - tube polarized growth.
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233. Analysis of fossilized pollen would give clues to the vegetation that existed.
234. A praying mantis on high alert waits for insects drawn through the night to collect Ochroma blossom pollen.
235. There occurs pollen abortion during the stage from tetrad to single nucleus pollen grain of cytoplasmic male-sterile line in Brassica napus Var. oleifera(Raphanus sativus L. ).
236. Anther is a part of a flower that contains the pollen.




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