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单词 Rein
1. We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.
2. He gave free rein to his imagination.
3. You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.
4. The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.
5. Give free rein to your imagination.
6. My father always kept us on a tight rein.
7. The finance director keeps a tight rein on spending.
8. We need to rein back public spending.
9. The government would try to rein back inflation.
10. She had the horse on a long rein.
11. The designer was given free rein.
12. It is difficult to rein a fiery horse.
13. The script allows full rein to her larger-than-life acting style.
14. He deliberately gave his emotions free rein as he played the sonata.
15. We must rein our emotions and not be swayed by them.
16. It's essential to keep a tight rein on public spending.
17. You have to rein in your temper if by any chance she refuses you.
18. The producer was given a free rein with the script.
19. Her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views.
20. He gave her full rein of the hallway.
21. Non-executive directors would keep executives on a tight rein.
22. His moral reading of events was given free rein.
23. Then I pretty much give them free rein.
24. Despite giving full rein to Laura's inner struggles and torments,() Fuentes is far more interested in the grand scale.
25. The horse answered to the slightest pull on the rein.
26. In this picture the artist certainly allowed his imagination free rein.
27. When I paint I just give my imagination free rein.
28. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.
29. Mary spoiled both her children, then tried too late to rein them in.
30. She had been riding along a road with a little girl and Clare's small pony Kizzy on a leading rein.
1. We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.
2. He gave free rein to his imagination.
3. You pull on both reins to stop or slow a horse, but only the left rein to turn left.
4. The young film-makers were given free rein to experiment with new themes and techniques.
31. No, it was thanks to my culinary abilities that Marie-Claude gave me free rein of both her kitchen and her bedchamber.
32. She believed the best way to keep a company profitable was to hire good people and give them a lot of rein.
33. Further spotlighting that metamorphosis, Bush's budget used tones of moderation to describe its effort to rein in spending.
34. Our role has been to put forward practical suggestions - and sometimes to rein in the larger ambitions of our partners.
35. Jennie told Katharine to keep pushing with her inside leg and holding him with the outside rein to stop him walking forward.
36. But at that minute, having allowed them free rein, guilt and self-condemnation were riding her hard.
37. The result has been that recent chancellors have been able to give free rein to their tax-reforming ambitions.
38. So, goes the conspiracy, the Foreign Office can now give free rein to its instinctive Arabism.
39. Despite bad moods and worse manners, the car could always be tamed by appreciation, patience and just enough rein.
40. But Puerto Rico is relying on Big Government to rein in crime and address festering social problems in the developments.
41. He runs City Hall like a small family business and keeps everybody on a short rein.
42. While watching him at work she impulsively asked to borrow his materials and followed his advice to give her imagination free rein.
43. A determination to rein in the president also lay behind the Case Act that became law in 1972.
44. I would discuss the script, say, on proportional representation, and then give him free rein.
45. In this book I ask you to abandon your conservatism and allow your curiosity full rein.
46. But it was all done on a light rein and with the minimum of paperwork.
47. It is interesting to note how a horse will shy more on one rein than another depending on which is his stiff rein.
48. In practice, Mr Ozal keeps both cabinet and party on a short rein.
49. Her only chance of survival, she felt, was to keep a tight rein over her feelings and words.
50. The special conditions at Westminster are one part of the explanation of the relatively free rein given to counter-insurgency and covert activity.
51. I tend to keep a tight rein at first, and gradually relax as I get to know them.
52. The only viable route to a future of growth is to allow these basic human activities free rein.
53. The strategy of bartering, mentioned earlier is one way to rein in the cost of a date.
54. Such as he can not comprehend that which prompts others to give their heart free rein!
55. Impressions gleaned in childhood and rein forced in adolescence cling like limpets into adulthood despite valiant efforts to shake them off.
56. Bandelier did prompt his parents to take steps to rein Kip in.
57. Closing his eyes wasn't much better, because it gave his imagination full rein.
58. As he drove he was able to allow his thoughts a free rein.
59. You'd be given free rein to run the show how you wanted it.
60. Retail sales have fallen by about half in recent weeks as nervous consumers rein in spending.
61. Here, clearly, was a marvellous opportunity to give Pearce's principles free rein and see what costings they produced.
62. With a swift movement, the young man dismounted and brought the rein over the horse's head.
63. They drew rein in Sparta before the lordly dwelling, a house far more splendid than either young man had ever seen.
64. Apart from anything else, it would be necessary to keep Hilary Todd on a tight rein.
65. The ruling is an important victory for groups trying to rein in such verdicts.
65. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
66. After their sometimes brutal treatment of ethnic and religious minorities, the security forces may gain a freer rein.
67. You must rein in your temper.
68. He gave free rein to his impulses.
69. The king had free rein in his country.
70. You must learn to rein in your temper.
71. Diplomats are on a freer rein than other officials.
72. McCain has pledged to rein in government spending.
73. We'd better give the horse a free rein.
74. Pull on the right rein and the horse will turn to the right.
75. Trained personnel will mature only if we give them free rein.
76. The outgoing assembly will have free rein to rewrite rules until the end of the year.
77. In the blue, I can release all, and in the blue, I can give free rein to my thoughts.
78. In a move seen as an attempt to rein in the Mutawa, in February 2009, Saudi's King Abdullah replaced the head of the organisation.
79. How to give rein to the oral praise on the countryside market?
80. He did not draw rein until he reached the village.
81. Therefore, it is of great significance for translators to give free rein to their creativity and seek unswervingly the style reproduction of the ST in their literary translation practice.
82. Rein back is a rearward diagonal movement a two - beat rhythm but without a moment of suspension.
83. Circumstances like these free rein to speculation, rumor and fear.
84. China's leaders are caught a trap ascast around for ways to rein in investment.
85. Investors are seeking alternatives to United States Treasury bonds as worries escalate that lawmakers will fail to rein in the deficit and raise the federal debt limit in the coming days.
86. For a newcomer, a so-called greenhorn, there is nothing he can do, especially since the workmen are mostly Irish and one must speak English well in order to keep a tight rein on them.
87. With the competition in the hotel industry becoming more intense, how to give free rein to staff's enthusiasm and raise the profit is one of the important conditions in the competition.
88. The government evidently suspected that banks were using such maneuvers to evade rules put in place this year to rein in rampant lending and excess credit.
89. In a 1988 study, University of Zurich ethnologist Edward Stammbach set up an experiment with long-tailed macaque monkeys to test their ability to rein in aggressive behavior and act cooperatively.
90. But he says many members may vote in favor of it, because China has not taken enough measures to rein in the trade gap.
91. You don't have free rein in the Registry, but you do have access from a common root node for all your applications.
92. In order to give free rein to rule of the system for our country's reform, we should carry out a overall and systematic study and analysis.
93. Do not give dalliance Too much the rein:the strongest oaths are straw To the fire i' the blood.
94. China has been struggling to rein in excess cash to control inflation, but pressure is growing on Beijing to let its currency appreciate faster.
95. Of course, the US government claims to want to rein in borrowing.
95. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
96. It is left to an unlikely band of mortals and one determined water nymph to somehow rein in the Olympian chaos.
97. The state faces possible bankruptcy unless it finds a way to rein in costs.
98. Her choice of foreign minister will be a clue to whether she intends to rein back on Lula’s foreign-policy adventurism.
99. If we want to make play giving rein to its individual educational function to great extent, that we must make play becoming play.
100. If he values your work, he may rein in his abusiveness.
101. Mr. Fei , on the other hand, has been given a free rein.
102. Even as the Obama administration seeks to ensure it is taking appropriate steps to lift the economy in the near-term, it may soon need to shift tack to how it will rein in the record U.S. budget gap.
103. Her horse, as she gave it rein and raced forwards, leapt "like a swallow" with fear, but she saw her banderilla planted firmly for the first time in the black, mountainous neck.
104. While women had free rein over the jewelry, shoes and handbags, in the world of watchmaking, the male consumer dominated.
105. Billy made no reply, but went to his haversack and took from it an apple, and going up to his pony placed him in position, the rein over the horn of the saddle.
106. Consequently, this paper argues that it is an inevitable choice that cross-border tourism should he developed through international cooperation between both sides, and this can give free rein to i...
107. Government would consider this disadvantageous and may rein in schedulingof liberalization.
108. It was the type of writing which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination.
109. Fiscal policy-taxation and public spending-is being kept on a tight rein by an iron chancellor.
110. And it is not clear that China can rein in its own economic juggernaut.
111. Many executives must learn to rein in their presumptuous free - wheeling style.
112. Take hold of your horse only as much as he needs. In other words, take only as much slack out of the reins as required to stop your horse. Never jerk from a loose rein.
113. CNN's Mallika Kapur looks at minimum wage policies in India, and this is a country struggling to rein in a double-digit inflation.
114. The man who does not rein in his passions will always be weak.
115. Scarlett , give him a rein in each hand and let him go.
116. The forth part studies the measures for free rein to subjectivity of college students.
117. The National Party, the junior partner in Australia's coalition government, draws much of its support from the countryside and is particularly reluctant to give free rein to the water market.
118. Certainly there will be increasing activity as time progresses, and meanwhile we monitor what is happening to keep a tight rein on the dark Ones.
119. If it's just a conditioning day, I can continue mixing walking on a loose rein with more trotting and loping.
120. Our country economy added fast rein in 1998, because social demand is insufficient, cause directly.
121. And then put forward several proposals on how to give free rein to it' s political superiority in solving national problem and how to go forward with times in new situations.
122. Failing to rein in our dependence on imported oil gives leverage to undemocratic and unstable regimes.
123. The committee promised to give a free rein to private enterprises.
124. Nonet and P. Selznick in their Law and Society in Transition:toward Responsive Law, put forward the concept of responsive law, which is aimed at loosening the tight rein of legal rules on discretion.
125. In 2001, I proposed massive tax cuts, but I also proposed to rein in spending.
125. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
126. He was unable to rein in his impatience any longer.
127. How to keep a tight rein on mixed colors or products so as to avoid a clash?
128. With our income sharply reduced , it is common sense to draw rein on our expenditures.
129. In the Hatoyama administration, he also served as deputy prime minister and was a point man in the party's push to rein in the secretive central ministries that have run Japan since World War II.
130. Fortunately the three other spirits will not stand for this and keep a tight rein on winter.
131. Cognitive psychological structure, formed during long-term of study and practice of athletes, is the base with which athletes give free rein to the ability of cognitive psychology.
132. We should give a freer rein to small and medium state - owned enterprises to invigorate themselves.
133. CONSTRUCTION: Steel wire spiral rein - forced layer , and wear resistant synthetic rubber cover.
134. Most breed goes situation rein in, a few breed continues sell like hot cakes.
135. I was sold to a baker who Jerry knew, but the baker's bearing rein up.
136. The book gave free rein to the reader's thought about mankind in the future.
137. Histler gave free rein to his bent for historical philosophy and vague evolutionary theories.
138. An one-component adhesive curing middle temperature is composed of epoxy rein, incubative curing agent, accelerant and compounded filler, which can be used in SMT and LCD.
139. Father is strict with the children, but Mother gives them free rein.
140. The Party members in Yunxi County open the creative activities to bring all the Party members into full play and they all try to give free rein to their respective ability.
141. Progress at the upcoming international peace meeting in Annapolis, Maryland, is more likely if Palestinian security forces demonstrate that they can rein in armed gangs and anarchy in Nablus.
142. Yet at the same time, Herzog's flair for charged explosive imagery has never had freer rein, and the film is rich in oneiric moments.
143. The Chinese government should fully respect the market mechanism, establish and show trust in the market system, allowing competition to give free rein to the role of adjusting economic activities.
144. But integral industry increases rate already rein in, and the enterprise gathered much ready money.
145. The horse answers to the slightest pull on the rein.
146. The latter contains five parts: First, give free rein to political and ideological education for reforming peasants'thoughts.
147. The quantitative functional relationship between restrained expansion strain and percentage of rein forecement is studied as well.
148. Knowledge is like a wild horse. He will belong to a person who can rein it.
149. Paternally imprinted genes may have particularly free rein in males, Kono's team reasoned, and may govern traits such as living fast and dying young.
150. Mutter : Dann komm aus der Toilette und lass Oma rein.
151. Want to was had this ato'clock only, we still invest gladly,'t rein in our footstep.
152. We will have to keep a tight rein on expenditure in the next few month.
153. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
154. Calligraphy can gallop without the rein of brush and ink, it might be hiding inside the wooden grain or the wave of hair, or the scratch of prick on sand, or the watermark dripping from the roof.
155. Clothing sales in Shanghai, too, are flat , Mr Rein says.
156. Do you think it advisable for parents to give free rein to their teenage children so as to develop their individuality?
157. The soldiers, having sacked the village, gave loose rein to their passion for plunder.
158. You may give free rein to your imaginations when admiring a mass of such colors: pink clouds in the horizon, a vast, open country, a long-gone history, or memory of your last intoxication.
159. Often,(http:///rein.html) it seems too risky to give free rein to the investigation and commemoration of the past.
160. Granma said the stiff taxes will increase government revenues and help achieve their "adequate redistribution," but skeptics fear they show the state will keep a tight rein on the new businesses.
161. Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the west.
162. Up until that point , the driver can give their sporting ambitions free rein.
163. Chongqing administration must give free rein to self regional advantage and economic advantage and follow correct regional economic development direction to build economic cent...




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