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单词 Monastic
(1) He was drawn to the monastic life.
(2) He leads a monastic life with very little contact with other people.
(3) It's an almost monastic existence.
(4) Monastic worship shaped the religious feeling of early medieval society more than did any other single factor.
(5) He says he's done well to survive the monastic life for so long!
(6) Monastic abbots, by comparison, found spiritual leadership easy, because the monks were sheltered from contact with the world.
(7) The great cultural influence came from the monastic settlements, where the Cistercian Order was most active.
(8) Number 7 was originally the monastic granary, now sporting a new frontage, put up around 1890.
(9) Earl Robert kept the two monastic dignitaries one on either side of him, with Hugh at Herluin's other side.
(10) The majority of new churches and cathedrals were monastic settlements.
(11) Virtually every facet of monastic life was regulated either by the hour-glass or sundial; later by the clock.
(12) The church militant, and indeed all ecclesiastical and monastic institutions, possessed libraries and were repositories of learning.
(13) The fate of the monastic libraries serves in popular imagination as a classic example of mindless iconoclasm.
(14) Through these channels the contemplative ideals developed in monastic communities found a wider audience.
(15) For many, partnership remains cloaked in a monastic exclusivity, as accessible as the holy orders.
(16) Therefore, the monastic reforms should be regarded at least as much in the light of co-operation as of combat between king and aristocracy.
(17) Oddly enough, it was an area about which he felt quite as strongly as the members of the monastic community.
(18) In addition to the papal disregard of Canterbury's primatial claim over York, the monastic community suffered another grievous blow.
(19) He recognized that, although she had worn the veil for several years, she had never made her monastic profession.
(20) Ste Barbe's episcopal acta confirm his sympathy for the ethos of the Yorkshire monastic reform movement.
(21) Knowledge of architectural features of style was dispersed partly by the monastic orders and partly by the great pilgrimages.
(22) In many cases, the physical lay-out and arrangement of the monastic community were identical.
(23) John's more practical eye had noted the men lounging at the doors of what had been monastic cells.
(24) Nevertheless, in spite of a much less universal use of music than formerly, the monastic musical tradition remains a vital one.
(25) For Anselm, the voice of a local church, especially of a local monastic community, sufficed in most matters.
(26) He and his twin brother, Michael, had previously founded a monastic order in Stroud.
(27) A further indication of the hierarchical structure of the monastic order of monks and nuns is the growth of rules.
(28) The centre of his world, conceptually as well as in his personal life, was the monastic life.
(29) The monks are not inhospitable, but recognizing and acknowledging so many visitors would make a spiritual and monastic life impossible.
(30) Bishop's change in theological position and his abandonment of monastic life both caused sorrow to his community.
(31) During the next few years he drew up a similar body of monastic observances for use in his cathedral church.
(32) A number of monastic orders had churches here in the middle ages.
(33) We drove out of town on the Dublin road, then swung up a lane, beside a Round Tower and monastic ruin.
(34) This distorted form of Buddhism spread rapidly thanks to a vast network of male and female monastic communities.
(35) Any threat to this monastic system would clearly be material for damaging propaganda.
(36) Taking over the monastic premises, there and then a hurried council of war was called.
(37) In some monastic traditions the Office is only one of a number of priorities.
(38) This beautiful monastic ruin is set in a deeply wooded valley by the River Rye.
(39) Invitees were not only bishops, but heads of monastic orders, theologians representing the academic magisterium, even lay people.
(40) Although his letters have not survived, a monastic Rule which he composed is still extant.
(41) Some are very monastic, with the accent on contemplation and little talking, others are more lively.
(42) Hunold was not executed, as we might expect, but returned to the obscurity of his monastic life.
(43) Its influence would be experienced throughout the whole monastic community, and beyond the cloister in the world.
(44) The monastic buildings surround the church and spread up the hillside above.
(45) By visitation of the monastic and parish churches within their dioceses, the bishops heard what was going on.
(46) Our point is that not all liturgical development in this period was strictly monastic, yet monastic ideals strongly influenced cathedral life.
(47) He liked his association with the monastic life in this form.
(48) In other places, such as Gloucester, boys were part of the monastic communities which preceded Deans and Chapters.
(49) The monastic chroniclers especially recorded with high indignation the resolute enforcement of the Forest jurisdiction over clerical offenders.
(50) The monastic cloisters enclose a medieval-style secret garden and an ancient stone fountain carved with fantastic beasts!
(51) This principle operated absolutely with regard to monastic vows, even in their most inchoate state.
(52) Each day, the two of them grew closer and closer, secreted in the monastic seclusion of their existence.
(53) He led a rather monastic, reclusive lifestyle and displayed a complete disregard for personal gain.
(54) Throughout the centuries, the monks of Clonmacnoise had suffered from raiders sailing up the Shannon to plunder the monastic city.
(55) He refuses to wear the ceremonial purple of a bishop, preferring instead simple monastic robes.
(56) He lives a life of monastic simplicity.
(57) She set her things around the monastic student bedroom.
(58) I enjoy listening to monastic chants.
(59) He leads a monastic life.
(60) The monastic community generally lives a life of simplicity.
(61) Fortunately, he discovered a monastic order in India whose members not only served the poor but became poor themselves. Ever since he joined the order, his work of serving had gone much more smoothly.
(62) Then in 998 the French monastic order of Cluny initiated a mass for the souls of the Christian dead later moved to the day after All Saints Day.
(63) With the dissolution of the monasteries in the 1530s, monastic fishponds disappeared along with the monks, and fish became politically suspect.
(64) Instead of chattering on worldly matters, we monastic practitioners ought to discuss only about the Dharma.
(65) Buddhist monastic discipline drops happy net, reply to live normally eventually.
(66) These excavations revealed a vast monastic agricultural establishment, with presses, cisterns, silos and grottoes.
(67) "If his holiness chooses to be born in Tawang, we would be so happy, " he says in his red-carpeted monastic office, as half a dozen skinny lads file in to be inducted into monkhood.
(68) This error of course is confined to writers about monasticism, it has never been countenanced by any monastic teacher.
(69) Wait to light disease relier or cocaine, cannabis without body dependence material, should instantly Buddhist monastic discipline is broken.
(70) It restored the night silence, poverty in apparel, and monastic tonsure .
(71) Why feeling can a craving for tobacco same, is Buddhist monastic discipline dropped?
(72) The ruins including the oldest surviving Cistercian water-mill, a twelfth-century western range, are amongst the most significant monastic remains in Europe.
(73) Although this idea has been alienated into mundane monastic idea in the Western Christian World for a long time, but it continues to exist until present time in the World of Eastern Orthodox Church.
(74) Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic life at the early age of 15.
(75) You should look out for short-term monkhood programs too, to taste the monastic life to see if you are ready for it.
(76) His disciplined devotion to tennis late in his career was almost monastic.
(77) The second, about actual part of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.
(78) In effect , said Weber, this meant displacing the monastic - style discipline, self - denial, and ascetics into secular life.
(79) He has published widely on the monastic history of late medieval England and is currently finishing a book project on state finance in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI.
(80) We monastic practitioners ought not to have fear of adverse circumstances, for it is exactly those "baffled, confounded, unfitting (/monastic.html), and uncomfortable" conditions that we practice totackle.
(81) St Sergius founded in this area a secluded monastic abode.
(82) Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic.
(83) Underlining these promises are album titles such as Eternal and Peace, and their performing garb of white monastic cowls.
(84) Again, about part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.
(85) I am isolated from mortal life , and lead a monastic life on Mt . Wudang.
(86) Now of smoke of monastic discipline medication what does the method have?
(87) No aristocratic or monastic property was confiscated, and feudal lords continued to reign over their hereditarily bound peasants.
(88) In this sense the word denotes more properly the home of a strictly monastic order, and is not correctly used to designate the home of what is called a congregation.




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