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单词 Coupled
1. They coupled the carriages of the train together.
2. Each element is mathematically coupled to its neighbours.
3. Gambling is always coupled with degradation.
4. They coupled two railway coaches.
5. The dining-car was coupled on .
6. An engine is coupled to a railway train.
7. The two train cars had been coupled together.
8. The various systems are coupled together in complex arrays.
9. The sleeping car and restaurant car were coupled together.
10. Its engine is coupled to a semiautomatic gearbox.
11. Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.
12. Overproduction, coupled with falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company.
13. CDTV uses a CD-ROM system that is coupled to a powerful computer.
14. The cars of the train are coupled together by shackles.
15. Over-use of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.
16. The large number of new graduates, coupled with high unemployment, means that there is fierce competition for jobs.
17. Her skill at working with wood is coupled to a keen eye for design.
18. Lack of rain coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail.
19. High inflation coupled with low output spells disaster for the Government in the election.
20. The name of Mozart is coupled with the city of Salzburg.
21. The key is perseverance, coupled with unstinting practice.
22. Responsibility and accountability are coupled with managerial authority.
23. Chance, coupled with rebellion and a touch of laziness.
24. Hence, their skilfulness is tightly coupled with incompetence.
25. Coupled with envy was a terrible sense of inferiority.
26. Coupled with this, the rains eventually did come.
27. This distinction, coupled with the previous one, yields four possible combinations of fact, each needing discussion.
28. The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled.
29. It will closely resemble a pair of normal diesel locomotives coupled back to back.
30. So the success of vocal music lies largely in its melodic and harmonic qualities, coupled with a convincing musical form.
1. They coupled the carriages of the train together.
2. Gambling is always coupled with degradation.
3. They coupled two railway coaches.
4. An engine is coupled to a railway train.
5. Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.
6. The cars of the train are coupled together by shackles.
31. Using loosely coupled multiprocessing imposes a few limitations, both on programmers and hardware.
32. What makes the family happiest is when a member behaves with absolute morality-play uprightness, coupled with altruism if possible.
33. Once again, the desirability of clear terms of contract, coupled perhaps with an unambiguous job description, is plain.
34. The Socratic method, coupled with unremitting hedonism, will see you through until I get there, my dearest Carrie.
35. Coupled with the committed Management of National Office, I am sure we will create a secure base for progression.
36. Good weight control must be coupled with good nutrition and adequate exercise to maintain muscle tone.
37. Some interesting manufacturing articles coupled with a number of visits to blue chip companies helped considerably: we were not alone!
38. Corbett had always liked Prince Edward; he had a roguish air,[sentence dictionary] coupled with an almost childlike innocence.
39. Some have occurred as a result of lime and fertiliser applications coupled with more intensive grazing of livestock.
40. I hope to show that the incompetence that is most difficult to correct is tightly coupled with skilfulness.
41. This meant, I assumed, that men coupled on the premises.
42. They did, coupled with massaging non-staining iodine ointment into the fluid-filled point of the hock.
43. User Friendly City of Angels offers a user-friendly professional atmosphere coupled with a high level of comfort.
44. The component systems of a complex system were loosely coupled, the component parts relatively autonomous.
45. These coupled with the family history of epilepsy prompted us to investigate with electroencephalography.
46. You have a creative streak-very dangerous when coupled with empathy.
47. Anthony Courtney's warnings welled up again, coupled with a new determination to come out on top.
48. Unkindness, especially unkindness coupled with wit, is the greatest asset a courtier can possess.
49. Managers can act as if the elements of a decision process or an organization are tightly coupled.
50. They are usually coupled with pain but that correlation is too loose for reliability.
51. The princess coupled her criticism with a veiled attack on Britain's multi-million-pound tobacco industry.
52. The problem is not a function of demographics but of rapid development coupled with a lagging education system.
53. A touch of stereo chorus coupled with a fairly bright guitar sound should also help.
54. The benefits of standardization are coupled with the capacity to respond to change-a way to have your cake and eat it too.
55. And Feinstein had voted for an earlier version when it was coupled with a minimum wage increase.
56. This approach reinforces the idea of a very high level of insulation, coupled with high thermal mass.
57. This, coupled with internal conflicts at Motorola over the 680x0 program, led to a weak positioning of both product lines.
58. So in the I-way, careful planning and strategy must be coupled with flawless execution.
59. The manufacturer using longer channels will have relatively lower gross margins, coupled with lower channel expenses.
60. This, coupled with the travel factor, could lead to considerable fatigue and consequent reduction in effectiveness on the farm.
61. Experts are blaming cool, wet weather throughout June, perhaps coupled with late frosts.
62. The Court relied upon lack of protest coupled with public statements of the position, preferring overt behaviour to formal requirements.
63. Coupled with this general trend, Belladonna's feather-headed approach to the music began to grate with the other members.
64. Coupled with the financial implications if carers decided they could no longer shoulder this burden the case for supporting respite care becomes overwhelming.
65. This, coupled with the minimal outlay in terms of resources, time, and indeed effort, results in enticing rewards.
66. Yet, coupled with this sensual joy throughout Walden, there is a running under current of revulsion for the body.
67. Underlying everything, therefore, is a need for quick reaction, coupled with clarity and consistently about strategic aims.
68. Their relatively late arrival in the quarter coupled with their costs and the narrow margins on the surprise Model 20 impacted earnings.
69. Gentle limits coupled with empathy and flexibility will gradually help your child be less critical of you and himself.
70. He felt a sudden deep wave of depression, coupled with uncertainty.
71. Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
72. However, the short scale, coupled with such light gauge strings for a bass, severely limits this facility.
73. When complete this autumn it will be the first purpose-built amenity to offer homeless youngsters short-stay accommodation coupled with skills training.
74. Coupled with such instructions, electronic, time coded diaries could provide a better method for ensuring the quality of diary records.
75. This, coupled with the fact that the 3M machine offers fewer colours in any case, would limit its use.
76. This must be coupled with the creation of an attractive environment, through the transformation of derelict sites.
77. And it was coupled with devastating figures showing Britain had plunged deeper into recession.
78. The octopus, he discovered, could learn to distinguish such shapes and patterns and avoid those coupled with the unpleasant experience.
79. Each element is mathematically coupled to its neighbours in a way which reflects the physical and mechanical properties of the structure.
80. The bank provided him with £40,000 which, coupled with his redundancy money, provided the £70,000 he needed to get started.
81. In a shelter under London, while bombs exploded overhead, she coupled in a frenzy with a dead-faced young woman.
82. The most outrageously original vocals coupled with the living acid riff.
83. Peptides 15, A or 18 were coupled to keyhole limpet haemocyanin and used to immunize rabbits.
84. It is your positive actions coupled with a positive attitude that will achieve results.
85. Coupled with Sunday trading and later hours, this attracts the frequent customer rather than the weekly shopper.
86. She had enough guts coupled with an ego that nurtures the will to succeed.
87. This was coupled with an injunction preventing the removal of any of the contents.
88. This needs to be coupled with a physical form which does not easily clog and impede water flow.
89. This was coupled with an increased faecal bile acid concentration and proportion of secondary faecal bile acids.
90. The case reveals the extent to which the church as an institution was coupled with the nation.
91. Coupled to a small training yard, such a centre could provide the chance to prove academic principles in practice.
92. Unexpectedly weak earning from Motorola Inc. coupled with rising government bind yields weighed on stocks, caused widespread losses.
93. In addition, there is a growing demand for language courses coupled with a shortage of trained language teachers.
94. Cleanse your inner self of the forces, coupled with fear, that push you out of your inner sanctum.
95. This warmth, coupled with all the spectacular events, has made it a part of our lives we will never forget.
96. This, coupled with the retirement of moderate Democratic senators, including Sens.
97. But after three relatively small grape harvests in a row coupled with continuing strong consumer demand, grape prices continue to increase.
98. Yet coupled with their loyalty these dogs are likely to have a latent hint of aggression in their natures.
99. Coupled with his close association with medicine,[] it explains why he decided to follow the career of scientist and natural philosopher.
100. Its ads, coupled with diet industry ads and media images that promote slenderness, are a recipe for bulimia.
101. This, coupled with a lack of accounting controls, led the district into bankruptcy.
102. This was achieved by resolve, leadership and teamwork, coupled with a fierce determination not to be beaten.
103. Coupled with this expertise, lower costs make arbitration a very attractive option.
104. This is coupled with strong incentives operating within the scientific community to subject new results to searching scrutiny.
105. When you have low control coupled with low demands,() your work will not be particularly impressive.
106. The new inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry laboratory is a leading exponent of the application of this powerful analytical technique to geological materials.
107. Their ambivalence about career choices is coupled with scanty knowledge about what such jobs actually entail or what their educational requirements are.
108. It prefers woodlands with an open canopy coupled with dense undergrowth and some clearings.
109. Antisera R526 was raised in rabbit to synthetic human gastrin fragment 1-17 of G34, coupled to chicken egg albumen using glutaraldehyde.
110. No Kip, no Martinez, just me and my sensation of profound unreality coupled with crystal clarity.
111. It is coupled with Gade's third symphony, a work combining originality with clear debt to Mendelsshon's symphonic style.
112. The plan calls for massive reductions in logging coupled with an aid package to offset job losses.
113. The cable industry may find a technical nightmare on its hands coupled with huge expenditures and potential losses.
114. The wire was coupled on the plug.
115. Optically coupled isolation amplifier is of very good linearity.
116. Her name was coupled with his.
117. The sleeping car was coupled on at Nankou Station.
118. His intelligence, coupled with her patience, overcame all difficulties.
119. BODY: Compactly built but not short coupled.
120. The brakeman coupled two freight cars.
121. The synthesis of the cross coupled filter is from prescribed transmission zeros and return loss till the attainment of the coupling matrix of each cavity.
122. The antenna switch unit is selectively coupled to the first antenna or the second antenna.
123. A global wordline driver is associated with each array, each global wordline driver coupled to a plurality of select lines.
124. A Raman optical pump source 208 that generates a Raman optical pumping signal is optically coupled into the optical fiber span 206 with an optical coupler 210.
125. The numerical results show that LQR could control the power flow transmission at the natural frequencies of the coupled system, but increase power transmission at the antiresonance frequencies.
126. The falling price of computing power (including software) coupled with the move to PCs means that the cost of running MT has fallen dramatically.
127. Based on the characteristics of coupled wheelset, a new way to restrain stick-slip vibration is presented, whose feas.
128. The influence of the phase distribution function on the coupled impedance for a coupled cavity structure is investigated and calculated.
129. The wide-ranging impact GE has on the economy, coupled with another round of strong earnings,[http:///coupled.html] bolstered investor confidence.
130. CMOS capacitively coupled current amplifier that has narrow-band characteristic is presented. And it′s theory and simulation results were compared with the simple source coupled current amplifier.
131. Greenhouse is a multi - variable coupled time - varying and non - linear system.
132. A model of the photon avalanche in a four level coupled system is proposed.
133. The higher graft forces with some double-bundle graft-tensioning protocols reduced the coupled rotations and displacements from an applied valgus moment to less than the intact levels.
134. The shaft of the turbine is coupled to the rotor of the generator.
135. Semiantigen sulfamonomethoxine (SMM) was coupled with carrier protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) and ovalbumin to prepare complete antigen SMM-BSA and SMM-OVA by the method of diazotization.
136. CCD(Charge Coupled Devices), as a solid-state TV camera tube, is widely used in many fields for its high nicety, high sensitivity etc.
137. The circuit also includes a second subcircuit that causes a second transistor (25) that is coupled to the circuit's output (34) to turn on during a falling transition and then turn off.
138. With the carbonium 5 separation unit as an example, the operational performance and the energy saving effects of the thermal-ly coupled distillation was simulated and analyzed for the nonideal system.
139. AZ31 magnesium alloy was accelerated as anode coupled with dissimilar alloys. The rimous corrosion products sticked to the surface of magnesium alloy.
140. When coupled with other techniques described in this article series, it enables development teams to deliver higher-quality software frequently.
141. Coupled with real-time monitoring devices and mini weather station on the line, it provides basis for dispatching operators to control line load.
142. Embedded systems are computing systems with tightly coupled hardware and software integration, that are designed to perform a dedicated function.
143. The dining - car was coupled on ( to the last coach ).
144. The description of hydrocarbon generating process of functional groups can be coupled with the parallel-independent reaction model in kinetics.
145. These drones are also flying, stealthed, and immobile. They may excellent perimeter defenses and can be coupled with Auto Turret raids to maximize the damage.
146. Trace elements of fur tissue on fur-bearing animal raccoon dog were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES).
147. Modified aluminum hydroxid was prepared by sodium aluminate in Rotating Packed Bed ( RPB ) coupled with hydrolysis.
148. In this approach, the diagrams are tightly coupled representations of the code and provide an alternative way to view and possibly edit at the code level.
149. That's a familiar come-on, but it's coupled with a novel element: You get the deal only if a certain number of fellow citizens buy the same thing on the same day.
150. Based on coupled field-circuit model, the magnetic field and inductance of air-core reactor are computed by using finite element software.
151. This paper advances a novel voltage driven synchronous rectifier (SR) in which driving voltage is coupled from output filter voltage.
152. In an article in the June issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the authors suggest that treatment programmes should be coupled with HIV drug-resistance surveillance programmes.
153. This paper studies the coupled oscillations of liquid in a partially-filled container of finite size and having an elastic bottom and rigid walls.
154. This shift in racial hiring practices coupled with the fallout from the global financial crisis means many poor white South Africans have fallen on hard times.
155. A transformer in its simplest form consists of two stationary coils coupled a mutual magnetic flux.
156. Circuit suppresses capacitively coupled noise pickup by piezoelectric sensor and its wiring.
157. Coupled with the structural equations, the models for transonic aeroelasticity in state - space are got.
158. CELS (Coupled Equation Line Solver) algorithm, which is based on the simultaneous solution for Pressure and velocity along lines, has successfully solved many flow problems.
158. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
159. This, coupled with the fact that flying machines remained universally a subject for jeers and derision, made the brothers secretive.
160. Because in a dynamic loosely coupled system where code is a resource like any other it is very straight forward to create processes that dynamically generate code.
161. We propose the coupled-cluster equation of motion method coupled with semiempirical Hamiltonian to calculate the multi-photon absorption cross-section for complex molecular systems.
162. The problems of the second harmonic and three coupled waves in homogeneous lossy nonlinear dielectric are analysed.
163. The crush at many of the pavilions, coupled with the slippy pavements on the site in the rain, also left 500 people needing medical attention in the trial week.
164. Loosely coupled, extensible database access library written in C #.
165. It was this constant urging, coupled with irascibility and energy,() for three long hours.
166. The coupled equations of four-wave mixing by femtosecond pulses in gas-filled capillary are derived.
167. Coupled with the dynamic pace of technological advances, the results are disheartening.
168. Bisphenol A hapten (BPAH) was prepared by diazotization , and then coupled with carrier protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) to prepare complete antigen BPAH-BSA.
169. On one side you had a combination of mean-spiritedness and fantasy; on the other you had a reaffirmation of American compassion and community, coupled with fairly realistic numbers.
170. The best choice is to design a loosely coupled system based on services.
171. Though some implementations are loosely coupled they still cannot be externalized and code level modifications are required in order to change the rule.
172. A method to design the value of coupling capacitor in coupled high - resolution charge - scaling DAC is presented.
173. The basic equations of multiphase mixture theory were split into two simply coupled problems - an electrochemical equilibrium problem and a biphase flow problem.
174. NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation.
175. Specifically, owing to the high stock price due to speculative force prior to issuance, coupled with the expected forthcoming negative real estate policy, the new issue price was set higher.
176. Beaune is the capital of Burgundy wine. The wine carries a deep colour, releasing aromas of black fruit, blackberry, black currents, coupled with toasted and spicy notes. Age for 4-15 years.
177. In noisy systems, as Figure 22 shows, capacitively coupled noise will be differentiated, emphasizing the higher-frequency components.
178. Dry weather in pockets of Parana, Bahia and Mato Grosso do Sul, coupled with Asian soybean rust in Mato Grosso and elsewhere led to the lower crop estimates.
179. Granite failure experiments under coupled static-dynamic load were carried out on SHPB (Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar) test equipment.
180. Furthermore, a checkout method for the third harmonic voltage based protection scheme of stator ground fault in generators is presented based on the verified MLM-FEM coupled model.
181. Such a system is flexible, reusable and coupled loosely between the tiers. Then, a Logistics information system is implemented applying the framework.
182. In this paper, the complex power of the mutual - inductance coupled circuit is discussed.
183. While service-oriented solutions promote loosely coupled systems, components that are of the same type often share the same operational unit.
184. In this paper we propose so-called coupled 4-point difference schemes for the Laplacian operator over a class of parallel hexagon partitions of the plane.
185. A new method in using Charge Coupled Devices for signal processing of chirp Z-transform is described.
186. Based on nonlinear relationship of the axial load and displacement of angular contact ball bearing, the experiments to load on coupled bearings are done.
187. A coupled magnetic - circuit - fluid thermal finite element model is proposed for thermal analysis of dry - type air-core reactor.
188. In order to synchronize, the coupling strength coefficient of networks has to be very large, especially when the number of coupled nodes is larger.
189. Considering the electron-electron interactions, the configurations of electron and spin in an interchain coupled quasi-one-dimensional organic polymer ferromag(?)et are studies.
190. We inject guinea pigs or rabbits with enkephalins that are chemically coupled to large proteins.
191. The basic flow field structure and aerodynamic features of the impeller backside cavity are presented for the coupled computations of a centrifugal compressor and its impeller backside cavity.
192. When coupled with the devastating deep interdiction of UN air forces and the lack of maneuver space, these deficiencies imposed a tactical ceiling on CCF operations.
193. Still further, a controller may be coupled to receive a control signalcorresponding to a variable impedance level, and control a local oscillator coupled to the mixer responsive to the control signal.
194. The modal frequency response and its sensitivity analysis for the coupled system using the direct method and the eigenmodes.
195. The robustness of system, the precise of temperature and pressure are observably improved as charge coupled, increase the amplification constant, decrease measure scope, etc.
196. An optical fiber is coupled to two or more links in kinematic chain.
197. His present aspect, coupled with the lack of all human forms in the scene, explained the old-time heliolatries in a moment.
198. The vehicle has two catalysts, one close coupled to the engine that lowers initial start emissions,[http:///coupled.html] and one under the floor for reduced high-speed emissions.
199. The approach is based on large deflection characterisation of a curved beam, coupled with fracture mechanics concepts.
200. A driving spring made of shape memory alloy is coupled with the rear part of a reflector turnably supported so that the irradiating direction of the strobe light can be changed.
201. Voltage present on one channel can easily be coupled to an adjacent channel and may cause significant errors.
202. The markedly elevated phosphate levels, coupled with very low calcium levels, led us to conclude that the cause of death was cardiorespiratory failure as a consequence of phosphate overdose.
203. Three-dimensional physical and mathematical models for the coupled heat transfer of natural convection in a liquid pool with heat source and forced convection in cooling coil tube are established.
204. Albuterol was coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to prepare the antigen and immunized in rabbit to produce the anti albuterol serum (immune globulin).




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