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单词 Entangled
1. He became entangled in legal disputes.
2. Small animals can get entangled in the net.
3. The fishing lines had become hopelessly entangled.
4. The bird entangled itself in the net.
5. The sailer's legs got entangled with the ropes.
6. He is entangled with a mysterious man.
7. The bird got entangled in the wire netting.
8. Sara had got entangled with some political group.
9. The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets.
10. The sailor's legs got entangled with the ropes.
11. The blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water.
12. The bird had become entangled in the wire netting.
13. She didn't want to get entangled with him.
14. Suddenly she was entangled in the seaweed.
15. Her hair was entangled in the fastener.
16. They became entangled in dishonest business dealings.
17. Don't get yourself entangled with people of that sort.
18. The country became entangled in a grave economic crisis.
19. My mind is entangled by this mass of data.
20. This question is entangled with many others.
21. Who can separate these entangled ropes for me?
22. Her long hair entangled itself in the rose bush.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. A sparrow became / got entangled in the net / wire.
24. He became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management.
25. Some objects had got entangled with the underneath mechanism of the engine.
26. The ropes were entangled so I was not able to untie the parcel.
27. I didn't want to become entangled with my best friend's wife.
28. aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in. 
29. He who wishes his own happiness by causing pain to others is not released from hatred, being himself entangled in the tangles of hatred.
30. He went to the shop to buy bread, and got entangled in/with a carnival parade.
1. He became entangled in legal disputes.
2. Small animals can get entangled in the net.
3. The fishing lines had become hopelessly entangled.
4. The bird entangled itself in the net.
5. The sailer's legs got entangled with the ropes.
6. He is entangled with a mysterious man.
7. Sara had got entangled with some political group.
8. The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets.
9. The sailor's legs got entangled with the ropes.
10. The blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water.
31. This case was bound to get entangled in international politics.
32. It looks as if he has been entangled with the bad woman.
33. Some military observers fear the US could get entangled in another war.
34. The mayor and the city council are anxious to avoid getting entangled in the controversy.
35. She seems to be romantically entangled with some artist in Rome.
36. In the course of time, many of their myths become entangled.
37. Religious prejudice and scientific obscurantism have been closely entangled throughout the whole history of this debate.
38. They lay entangled, breath slowing down, slippy limbs entwined.
39. From the 1950s onward, these goals became increasingly entangled.
40. We have been entangled in the numbers game too long.
41. A particularly vicious back-cast entangled her cast, high in the branches of a nearby, unclimbable tree.
42. She just felt hopelessly entangled in the strong brown arms that were wrapped around her waist.
43. As we are drawn closer we become further entangled in his web of deceit.
44. Unfortunately small animals such as hedgehogs can get entangled in the net,[] and removing it to pick the fruit can be tricky.
45. Mr Kalnins is lying in bed, entangled in the covers.
46. Basu tried to stop them, her arm entangled in the seat belt.
47. It is not possible to be much more precise than this without becoming hopelessly entangled in a series of impossible dilemmas.
48. On a long pass route, the legs of Michael Irvin and Rod Woodson became entangled.
49. One person must remain at the nets all the time to deal with the rabbits as they become entangled.
50. He wanted to take back the bet just to keep from getting entangled.
51. It's like being caught in huge sticky web - the more you struggle, the more entangled you get.
52. They become entangled in national budgetary squabbles or bogged down with environmental concerns.
53. The Doctor leapt forward and became entangled with the archaeologist.
54. Vanessa Weaver's stallion became entangled in a fence and rolled over on top of her.
55. J.,[http:///entangled.html] we become so entangled in the tale that its considerable length is hardly noticeable.
56. The young man was killed after becoming entangled in the unguarded rotors of a power harrow while attempting to remove a stone.
57. Two people appeared to be entangled with each other, interwoven.
58. He turned towards her, but the blankets entangled his legs and he fought his eyes open in irritation.
59. They also become unnecessarily entangled in the issue of when the new form of culture actually became dominant.
60. This prevents any escape across the open ground and many of the rabbits will become entangled in the net.
61. Owen tried to rise, but his legs were like lead and kept getting entangled in his long coat.
62. The influence of wages is more difficult to assess because cause and effect are entangled with one another.
63. Her owner rushed to bring her a bucket of oats before she should become entangled in the fence once again.
64. They lost all their money after getting entangled in a bad real estate deal.
65. They have, through happenstance, and the nature of urban life that crunches lives and experiences together, simply become entangled.
66. Wary of becoming entangled in her friend's family quarrels, Eileen made an excuse and left.
67. Entangled with its branches were shards of human bone, crushed now, gleaming in the glistening green.
68. Penguins and seals have been found entangled in lengths of fishing net, some of them dead and many others badly hurt.
69. Having entangled them in crime, he catches a train and goes away.
70. I was entangled in a world of strife Before I had the power to change my life.
71. Dolphins and porpoises are being entangled in monofilament death traps throughout the world, and a great many drownings go unreported.
72. One arm kept getting entangled in the sheets, until he began to think that she was playing a trick on him.
73. But the more involved they get, the more entangled they become.
74. He went quickly up the metal staircase, leaving Amanda entangled with a group below.
75. The first is sadness that Holder is entangled in a mess largely of Clinton's making.
76. A flashlight showed the creature roaring, teeth entangled in a cat's cradle of rope.
77. I slid down until I became entangled in some bracken.
78. This has put off many potential investors fearful of being entangled in the courts for years.
79. Penguins have been found entangled in lengths of fishing net.
80. In other words, the more deeply entangled he becomes, the freer he is.
81. In short, capitalist states were becoming thoroughly entangled in a set of conflicts from which they could not easily extricate themselves.
82. The swordfish got entangled in the fishing net.
82. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
83. The boy got entangled by a venomous snake.
84. The fishline got entangled in the bushes.
85. Disentanglement refers to the transformation of entangled quantum system intodisentangled system via some physical processes.
86. He entangled himself indebt.
87. From such entangled thinking, it's easy to find that dreams of calefaction, conscience and traditional virtue in our minds are not fading away.
88. Thus did the firm's 15 tubs become entangled in Korean trade policy.
89. By introducing an additional qubit and performing CNOT operation as well as appropriate unitary transformation, the three-particle entangled state can be teleported probabilistically .
90. Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head.
91. She did not mean to have her own affections entangled again, and it would be incumbent on her to avoid any encouragement of his.
92. A quantum computer would use entangled qubits to process information.
93. There have been two entangled viewpoints about the function of novels: for moralization or for recreation.
94. The dynamics of entanglement decoherence for fragile entangled states is discussed by taking into account the ohmic dissipation under the low temperature approximation.
95. The deterministic, Newtonian view of a clockwork Universe was replaced by the much more dynamic, uncertain and entangled world of Quantum Mechanics.
96. Using quantum jump technique, the atomic system be projected to a entangled state with certain probability.
97. When working around moving machinery remove jewelry (especially rings) and avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing that may become entangled or caught on equipment.
98. We investigate the case in which the prior entanglement is not maximal and the initial state of the entangled pair of qubits being used for the dense coding is a mixed state.
99. Every young Tang Dynasty's literator is entangled with this problem. They are bewildered by the choice of lifeway and value of aesthetics.
100. Based on adiabatic passage, transfers of an unknown state of one atom, entangled state of two-atom and GHZ state are realized, where only one vacuum-cavity is needed.
101. The South, parochially entangled in the issues of slavery and State-rights, had before the war devoted its energies to polemicism.
102. The superposition of motional coherent states distributes on a line in phase space, the scheme can prepare the maximum entangled GHZstate for arbitrary multiple trapped ions.
103. The deficit issue has become entangled with a vote Congress will soon consider on raising the nation's $14.3 trillion debt ceiling.
104. To the contrary, the more our lives are entangled with contradictory opinions about what is right and what is wrong, the more we need the clear and unambiguous guidance of our Creator and Law-Giver.
105. This paper presented a scheme to probabilistically teleport an arbitrary and unknown three-particle entangled state via three pairs non- maximally entangled states as the quantum channel.
106. The thermal equilibrium state in solid state materials is one essential mixed entangled state.
107. The angular frangible girl is entangled in intangible triangle love.
108. The result shows that:1. Detuning and phase decoherence have influence on maximal entangled fidelity for a arbitrary pure input state.
109. Fearful that it would remain entangled in the web, I selected a long-handled broom to assist him escaping the tangled threads.
110. We propose a scheme for probabilistically teleporting an unknown three-particle entangled state of three-level by using a four-particle entangled state of three-level as quantum channel.
111. One capsized after the jellyfish became entangled in its nets.
112. The South had entangled itself in a severely conservative countermythology inimical to creative effort.
113. That caused it to fly higher and higher and become entangled in a spider web.
114. That caused it to higher and higher and become entangled in a spider web.
115. A scheme of teleporting a three - particle entangled W - type state is proposed.
116. After nonresonant atom - field interactions ons the whole System is in an entangled state with GHZ form.
117. A team from the Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nano-structures (LPN) of CNRS has developed a light source of entangled photons twenty times brighter than all existing systems.
118. The case that one of the two entangled identical two-level atoms interacts with a single-mode field among three-body entanglement was mainly considered.
119. Cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED), as one of the most conventional system in preparing entangled atoms,[http:///entangled.html] plays an important role in quantum information processing.
120. And then all the hints are entangled into a senseless rope, which harnesses most people, they don't want and can't draw out of such somewhat tragic bloodiness .
121. In such kind of space, objects and views are illogically entangled together, creating various small spaces, which just like various stages, for the objects to best show themselves.
122. It is a important and simple way to generate and manipulate entangled states in cavity QED.
123. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
124. These fault-tolerant system requirements and business logic will be entangled together.
125. The system will stay in an entangled state with phase decoherence if the detuning is proper.
126. Alice crouched down among the trees as well as she could, for her neck kept getting entangled among the branches, and every now and then she had to stop and untwist it.
127. A continent-wide crisis of confidence quickly entangled neighboring countries, dozens of banks and even Europe's common currency.
128. Unhardened webs can be destroyed by marines walking through them without causing the player to get entangled.
129. The plastic band is designed with a patented break-away strap that snaps if it becomes entangled.
130. The result shows that the maximally entangled state can be prepared by controlling interaction time.
131. In the meanwhile Hurstwood encountered a humorous item concerning a stranger who had arrived in the city and became entangled with a bunco- steerer .
132. This device could make it possible to manufacture electroluminescent diodes of entangled photon pairs, with rates close to one gigahertz (in other words around on billion hertz).
133. We show that the entanglement is affected by the BS when the input state of the BS is the entangled coherent state (ECS).
134. We find ourselves entangled with apparently unanswerable problems in unpronounceable places.
135. This scheme is fit for reestablishment of entangled state in teleportation.
136. The birds were entangled in the coils of a net.
137. A scheme is presented to generate the entangled squeezed coherent states via the nonresonant interaction of a two-level atom with a two-mode cavity field.




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