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单词 Wriggling
1. Stop wriggling and let me put your T-shirt on.
2. The baby was wriggling around on my lap.
3. The babies are wriggling on their tummies.
4. Stop wriggling and sit still!
5. Baby Martha was wriggling her toes in the sand.
6. The worm was wriggling on the hook.
7. The baby was wriggling its toes.
8. She was wriggling on the seat with agitation.
9. I can't brush your hair if you keep wriggling all the time.
10. They circumvent waterfalls by wriggling through the sodden vegetation on the banks.
11. That snake, however, in all its wriggling, scaly glory, would never find its way into network fare.
12. The crawling and wriggling carcasses had been the innocent victims of the chaos taking possession of their world.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. I could feel those nerves wriggling now like a hive of worms; they were flinching as the wind rode by.
14. Benny was staring intently at a large worm wriggling on the pile of damp earth.
15. Others were already wriggling around in the Alice's undercarriage, zeroing in on the inlets.
16. These appear as human-headed wriggling forms, like massive maggots, created from ectoplasm.
17. Alternately press and release pressure with palms, gradually wriggling the hands fairly vigorously along the muscles.
18. As Annie adjusted the nappies under the wriggling body, she glossed back over the previous week.
19. Words were rising through the blackness like little wriggling golden fish.
20. A wriggling snake moves one tiny square at a time, changing direction as you press buttons.
21. Stop wriggling ( about ) and sIt'still!
22. They were fidgeting and wriggling in their seats.
23. Willie watched him in horror as he picked up the wriggling worms and put them inside the tin.
24. A monster eating a child does not just gnaw its head, but holds its wrists to stop it wriggling.
25. There was a movement, a rustling of papers, then a glimpse of a wriggling brown body and some twitching whiskers.
26. She would retrieve the pail soon, she promised herself, wriggling into a more comfortable position on the wooden bench.
27. When the can is reopened, in place of the original contents is a wriggling mass of maggots.
28. The shear properties of polymers, however, are primarily determined by the wriggling, bending and twisting of the chains.
29. The soldiers were both terrified and amused at this very dangerous snake wriggling around, and eventually, they dispatched it.
30. A redshank swept its bill through soft patches of wet mud and breakfasted on tiny insects, shrimps and wriggling worms.
1. Stop wriggling and let me put your T-shirt on.
2. The baby was wriggling around on my lap.
3. The babies are wriggling on their tummies.
31. The dog ran away, wriggling its tail.
32. When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall.
33. In the following spring I came wriggling and crying into the world.
34. He opened the oven door, felt inside, and found something warm and wriggling.
35. Stop wriggling and sIt'still!
36. To exercise the ferret: to have sex. An unromantic male expression equating the penis with the aggressive, hyperactive animal and its well-known proclivity for wriggling into crevices and tunnels.
37. The rest of the group followed her, wriggling up the narrow passage and crawling on their stomachs along the mildewed tunnel.
38. The tail keeps wriggling after it leaves the lizard's body.
39. His straightness and squareness made him the antithesis of the wriggling, tormented man he replaced.
40. Will ducked, darted inside its reach, and battered its bruised midsection—punching through flesh and ripping out wriggling chunks of the composite eel colony.
41. The speaker began by placing a live, wriggling worm in a glass of whisky.
42. It was in the spring of his thirty-fifth year that father married my mother, then a country school-teacher, and in the following spring I came wriggling and crying into the world.
43. 'I'm Ben Gunn, I am,'replied the maroon, wriggling like an eel in his embarrassment.
44. Smaller eyes, attached to wriggling stalks, sprout from the top of the orblike body.
45. Tweet in abdomen can be heart, with phenomena of intestines wriggling, breaking wind, air exhausting, etc.
46. Mr Mugabe has been stalling, perhaps in the hope of wriggling out of the deal altogether.
47. M-theory, the dominant version of string theory, holds that the universe is made up of unfathomably small slices of a 2-dimensional membrane, wriggling in 11-dimensional space.
48. Something that looks like a gray snake is wriggling out.
49. An extremal small ant, which looked like an old man, was wriggling on the table.
50. I took the pack and felt something wriggling inside. My heart gave a leap.




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