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单词 Eighteen
1, Six yards is commensurate with eighteen feet.
2, Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult.
3, The couple eventually wed after an eighteen year engagement.
4, At eighteen, Victoria was crowned queen .
5, She came into her inheritance at eighteen.
6, A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.
7, He is eighteen years of age.
8, At least eighteen bullets were fired.
9, Our class is composed of eighteen boys and twelve girls.
10, Eighteen is the minimum age for entering most nightclubs.
11, The age of majority in Romania is eighteen.
12, The age of majority is eighteen.
13, Three times six is eighteen.
14, The product of six and three is eighteen.
15, He went to sea when he was eighteen.
16, It's not designed for anyone under age eighteen.
17, One good argument weighs down eighteen bad ones.
18, Eighteen companies are bidding for the contract.
19, I got my driving licence when I was eighteen.
20, The police demarcated the city into eighteen geographical divisions.
21, Leeds United had waited for success for eighteen years.
22, The champion is leading by eighteen seconds.
23, The party was ousted from power after eighteen years.
24, He was drafted at eighteen.
25, He was employed by them for eighteen years.
26, It was the team's first win in eighteen months.
27, After the Second World War the franchise was extended to all adults over eighteen.
28, The ages of the students of our class range from fifteen to eighteen.
29, It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
30, Be realistic you can't expect a big salary at eighteen.
1, Six yards is commensurate with eighteen feet.
2, Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult.
3, The couple eventually wed after an eighteen year engagement.
4, At eighteen, Victoria was crowned queen .
5, She came into her inheritance at eighteen.
6, A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.
7, He is eighteen years of age.
8, At least eighteen bullets were fired.
9, After the Second World War the franchise was extended to all adults over eighteen.
10, The ages of the students of our class range from fifteen to eighteen.
11, It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
12, Our class is composed of eighteen boys and twelve girls.
13, One good argument weighs down eighteen bad ones.
14, Eighteen months later Black was sprung from prison.
15, When I was eighteen, I decided that it was time I cleared out.
16, He was eighteen years old when he joined the army.
17, The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen.
18, She dolled herself up as though she has been a girl of eighteen.
31, Eighteen months later Black was sprung from prison.
32, He is already eighteen years old and is capacitated to vote.
33, The Honduran press published reports of eighteen cases of alleged baby snatching.
34, Finding herself world-famous by the time she was eighteen only encouraged the actress's egotism.
35, A pension is not usually one of the preoccupations of an eighteen year-old!
36, He was a kid really, not more than eighteen or nineteen.
37, When I was eighteen, I decided that it was time I cleared out.
38, He was eighteen years old when he joined the army.
39, They were called to arms at the age of eighteen.
40, My dad was eighteen when he got drafted into the army.
41, There must have been eighteen to twenty thousand people at the concert.
42, The regulations rule out anyone under the age of eighteen.
43, He was eighteen before he started going out with girls.
44, By the age of eighteen he was completely independent of his parents.
45, Eighteen applicants were shortlisted.
46, When she was eighteen, she went out as a governess.
47, The government said it was preparing a squadron of eighteen Mirage fighter planes.
48, The proceeds will be held in trust for the children until they are eighteen.
49, She dolled herself up as though she has been a girl of eighteen.
50, Their two faces were hardly more than eighteen inches apart.
51, Eighteen miles is not far at all, she says.
51, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
52, I told him, Between junctions seventeen and eighteen.
53, Three years of training were compressed into eighteen months.
54, The diamond was insured for eighteen hundred dollars.
55, He was tortured and imprisoned for another eighteen months.
56, There were sixteen award winners and eighteen commendations.
57, But there had been eighteen jobs on offer.
58, Eighteen medical centers will enroll patients in the trial.
59, Bobby was eighteen, nineteen, something like that.
60, After eighteen months it happened as I had foretold.
61, He was eighteen, but he seemed ageless, timeless.
62, The wound was deep and needed eighteen stitches.
63, Nevertheless, fifteen of the eighteen students passed the exam.
64, The average age of the students here is eighteen.
65, Wanted, Young skinny wiry fellows not over eighteen.
66, The prisoners have been held incommunicado for eighteen years.
67, And you don't get your wisdom teeth until you're eighteen, at least.
68, Eighteen of the 33 respondents said they would welcome training in educational methods and principles.
69, But she may have to wait up to eighteen months for surgery.
70, Eighteen months and he was looking out again for blossoms only this time he did the looking on a dray.
71, He eventually whittled it down to eighteen thousand and his successors have since reduced the number even more dramatically.
72, A study of hospital administrators found that it took individuals eighteen months before they felt comfortable in that far less demanding role.
73, In little more than a decade the price would drop to eighteen cents.
74, Eighteen patients had a skin biopsy or had a lesion removed, but no tests other than the usual histological examination were necessary.
75, Jackie's delicate fingers felt around the frame, applied a light pressure, and the window slid up about eighteen inches.
76, Eighteen of Clinton's predecessors deserved to be ranked in the top three categories, Morris suggested.
77, Eighteen stone Sian bravely fought for her life but collapsed with nine stab wounds in her back.
78, Eighteen more defendants have been indicted in the conspiracy, including six who are in custody awaiting trial.
79, Eighteen of the group of 67 children underwent resection before completion of growth.
80, Many single women aged eighteen to sixty-five are secure in their marital status.
81, He was a friendly, freckled young man of eighteen, with shoulder-length hair.
81, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
82, This initiated a sustained attack on the problem which produced the desired result eighteen months later.
83, Her husband was told to expect that she would have a fairly rapid decline and would probably die within eighteen months.
84, A full eighteen minutes after I turned in at the Gibbs Ranch sign I find the ranch house.
85, Their ability to communicate unfolds in a sequence of stages, starting between about six months and eighteen months of age.
86, They missed their target but killed eighteen bystanders and injured many more.
87, He had been the newly appointed Head of the Fiana, eighteen years old, heady with the power of it.
88, These two areas of dispute sustained and fortified each other throughout the eighteen months of Baldwin's unease.
89, Eighteen months later, the player showed that this criticism could not be levelled against him.
90, She was a tiny baby called Lourdes Periera aged eighteen months.
91, An arranged marriage of eighteen years came to an end when her abusive husband was murdered in a brawl.
92, The stunt took eighteen months to set up, and was only for those with a strong head for heights.
93, Oh, I'd registered when I was eighteen, like everyone else.
94, This ink blot, due to be exhibited, dates from Hugo's eighteen year-long political exile on the island of Jersey.
95, The houses were in fact built in the eighteen hundreds to a design by Sydney Smirke for Bethlem Hospital.
96, I was there till I was eighteen: marriage would be fun; husbands were adorable creatures.
97, About eighteen inches is the optimum distance between eye and page. Set yourself a personal timetable for study.
98, After two days, Beattie's trial was adjourned for eighteen days and then resumed for a further three days.
99, Eighteen years and 110 Tests later he bowed out, with Nemesis unable to resist shaking her fist at him.
100, When only eighteen he became a fellow of Exeter College in 1826, two years before obtaining first-class honours in classics.
101, Eighteen days after discharge from hospital he was readmitted as an emergency complaining of epigastric pain and vomiting for 24 hours.
102, They were asked to wait until Kitty was eighteen and they agreed.
103, The Conservative Party, in various guises, was in government for eighteen out of a possible twenty-one years.
104, In the past eighteen months he has felt at an appallingly low ebb.
105, Almost 60 percent of those displaced were reported to be under the age of eighteen.
106, There were eighteen courses, the most exotic being the confectionery.
107, Eighteen months on, some head teachers are complaining that inspectors are fulfilling their duties with a zeal which smacks of prejudice.
108, If he doesn't mend his ways he'll be in jail by the time he's eighteen.
109, About eighteen people escaped from this tunnel and they were not all recaptured until four days later.
110, Red hot love single white dancer business woman seeks attractive physically fit eighteen to twenty-three year old, intelligent, romantic companion.
111, He wanted a great love and thought he had found her, for life, when he was eighteen.
111, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
112, It was eighteen degrees Fahrenheit when he left his apartment this morning, it was over ninety when they arrived.
113, She was barely eighteen, and pregnant with her second child.
114, I lasted eighteen months before packing it in, and in that time I saw a lot of disappointed people.
115, Alderman Keane nominated him and eighteen other committeemen made lengthy speeches seconding the nomination.
116, A rough hinged wire door had been fashioned in cheap soft wood, only eighteen inches square.
117, The following morning, I prowled the furniture show and lay on eighteen different beds intended for the marital bed chamber.
118, Emily had, by age eighteen, witnessed stirring and historic events.
119, There'll be eighteen people at the party, including you and me.
120, Each operating team consisted of twelve to eighteen employees with skills and responsibility for completing all steps in the production process.
121, Myrtle has always been interested in sport and gymnastics and first started Medau work eighteen years ago.
122, Compensation up to eighteen pounds is payable for loss or damage.
123, By twelve to eighteen months, chil-dren are entering the second stage of nonverbal communication, in which they abstract patterns.
124, But he says he's in good company ... Margaret Thatcher took eighteen months before she made hers.
125, A tube of silver foil folded over a loop of line pulled down about eighteen inches between bite alarm and reel.
126, Even so, by 1987, the Sinfield and Fraser estimate shows an overall ratio of eighteen unemployed to every job vacancy.
127, Eighteen teams competed in the annual tournament over three nights at Barlaston.
128, To everyone's surprise, though, she had married at eighteen, and had left the village.
129, Eighteen years later, commenting on the consequences of the kinetic theory, he wrote.
130, Eighteen months ago 53 % said they were happy to have joined the euro, and only 36 % were dissatisfied.
131, If he hadn't managed to convince her during the past eighteen years, he was unlikely to succeed this morning.
132, When the colony was discovered eighteen years later, ten of the women had survived and only one of the men.
133, After eighteen years of marriage to Gemma, Ronald had perfected the art of keeping the peace.
134, At eighteen thousand pounds it cost them their combined life savings.
135, The book consisted of eighteen chapters; each defended his actions in what purported to be his own words.
136, After an uneasy eighteen months he was in a stronger position than any Conservative leader since Lord Salisbury.
137, I made no friends or even close acquaintances during my eighteen months at college.
138, William Hunter kept a complete record of the process, occupying eighteen sheets of foolscap in a hurried hand.
139, None of his eighteen novels takes place in a Catholic milieu.
140, Must have stopped every ten yards between junctions seventeen and eighteen.
141, As the cantor was reciting the Eighteen Benedictions, one fellow was trying to sell a lottery ticket.
141, try its best to gather and build good sentences.
142, Eighteen months ago Lynda Murray was diagnosed as having cancer and given just six months to live.
143, However, eighteen people were killed during the year. Major incidents were at Wembley, Eccles, and Morpeth.
144, He considered it an impossible feat, tantamount to asking for eighteen miracles in a row.
145, Within eighteen months, they had firmed up a business plan, and Liz said good-bye to her migraines.
146, No president in eighteen years has chosen to invest his energies or our tax-moneys in a moral venture on this scale.
147, This support was available for up to eighteen months, after which time the local service agency assumed full responsibility for the service.
148, And, for the first time in eighteen years, she spoke in tongues.
149, In 1990, Peter had entered thirty-one tournaments and made the cut in only eighteen of them.
150, Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
151, By noon, the swell at the Bay had built to eighteen to twenty feet.
152, I would weigh about a hundred and eighteen pounds, is what I would weigh.
153, The army had said we would average fifteen, but I had hoped for eighteen and had told them so.
154, The judge retires for the night to consider his sentence and returns the next day to jail Leonard McLean for eighteen months.
155, Small-clawed Otter Eighteen species of otter are known, all of similar shape, but variable in size.
156, I had been something like eighteen years in the ordained ministry before I preached my first sermon on Mary.
157, One quarter of the former but 85 percent of the latter had discontinued contraception eighteen months after initial use.
158, The court thus created the first exception in eighteen years to the Miranda rule.
159, This is how it was for Regina who from 1942, when she was eighteen, suffered numerous breakdowns.
160, Until she was eighteen she had 20-20 vision - now she has to wear glasses.
161, Six had been killed in action, eighteen had died in service, and thirty-six had been wounded.
162, He received his degree at eighteen, the youngest graduate in Thiel history.
163, He was educated at Appleby grammar school and at eighteen was admitted to the Inner Temple.
164, The photograph had been taken in the late twenties, seventeen or eighteen years before.
165, Between ten and twenty other youths, said to be between eighteen and twenty years old, joined the fight.
166, Morrissey's songwriting still stemmed from the angle of poverty and this early repertoire would last for eighteen months of success.
167, Eighteen months later, Wei resurfaced when charges were brought against him for plotting to overthrow the government.
168, A school of small tuna, about eighteen inches to a foot long, came jumping and skipping out of the water.
169, Daughter Catharine sat in for him while faculty and students wrangled through eighteen nights.
170, But while I spotted eighteen known spies in my first glance around, none of them seemed to me focused on me.
171, A bad tendon strain in Aldaniti's off-foreleg had to be fired, and he was on the sidelines for eighteen months.
171, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
172, Beatrice: I came out here from the Bronx on vacation when I was eighteen, with my mom.
173, Midnight Oil follows the rules of Three Shuffles and a Draw where the cards are dealt into eighteen piles of three cards.
174, The eighteen candidates, mostly pro-democracy activists, organised public debates and forums which were packed with interested observers and participants.
175, She was only eighteen when they were married in London, with buzz bombs screaming overhead.
176, But for eighteen years she had lived in a house full of touches from the other side.
177, And, keeping them on their toes ... the doctors who walk eighteen miles a day. Read in studio Good evening.
178, She's my younger daughter and she was born over eighteen years ago.
179, Eighteen months previously I would have been content merely to be alive.
180, The remaining eighteen were likely to resist for a variety of reasons.
181, None the less, after about eighteen months in technological purdah, he emerged, having resolved most of the equipment problems.
182, Male speaker I have lived here for nearly eighteen years and I have been accepted by the local community.
183, They take eighteen hours all told, including the overnight soaking.
184, The police demarcated the city into eighteen geographical divisions, the gangs and races into thousands.
185, But who wants their mum to dress them when they're eighteen!
186, The report is the first of its kind and is the result of eighteen months of wide-ranging and intensive research and debate.
187, I mean, I was seventeen or eighteen and helping out in deliveries.
188, Chester, Pennsylvania, paid $ 7 million in judgments in civil suits for police abuse in a period of eighteen months.
189, The travellers paid eighteen thousand pounds for the site and had hoped to settle down and send their children to local schools.
190, And, keeping them on their toes ... the doctors who walk eighteen miles a day.
191, Outside Westminster the government was losing support: eight seats were lost at by-elections in the first eighteen months of peace.
192, Top quality hams range in weight from eight to eighteen pounds.
193, You gave me enough rope for eighteen months, and now ... He gripped the back of the chair in front of him.
194, The bakery's expansion plans come just eighteen months after the business was hit by a disastrous fire.
195, Kathleen Blanchard collected eighteen thousand signatures from pensioners in Swindon alone and took her petition to Downing Street.
196, Our time efficiency is eighteen days divided by twenty-three days, or 78. 3 percent.
197, The smoke was broken off the cabin chimney where she had dropped it while setting the table eighteen years ago.
198, A big birthday cake came out for Sandra with eighteen candles which she ceremoniously blew out.
199, More than 75 percent of students under the age of eighteen qualify for free school lunches.
200, Each, regardless of seniority or committee assignment, is allotted eighteen employees.
201, He was eighteen years old, and he was going to the Royal Academy in London to learn to be an artist./eighteen.html
202, At eighteen, she's the youngest female member in the history of the Magic Circle.
203, When he was eighteen months old, the family broke up, his care passing to a maiden aunt.
204, Eighteen milk bottles on the mantelpiece, some with milky smears and doubtless smelling cheesy.
205, This sort of thing was bad enough at eighteen, she thought; at my age it is ludicrous and humiliating.
206, But Jim had been living a celibate life for nearly eighteen years and planned to continue doing so.
207, There are eighteen species of penguin worldwide, all confined to the southern hemisphere.
208, The first ordinations should take place in eighteen months subject to Parliamentary approval.
209, The first stage of a process taking, roughly a total of eighteen months to complete, occurs within the federal administration.
210, The Comintern expressed righteous indignation at such an attack, although eighteen months later it tacitly accepted all these points.
211, The people of both territories had been actively battling for the preceding eighteen years to gain statehood.
212, This success was to be repeated, albeit less convincingly, eighteen months later when much-delayed legislative elections were held.
213, He was so fastidious that he invariably wiped his cutlery with eighteen linen napkins before every meal.
214, Harte arrived in California at the age of eighteen, in 1854.
215, I had to drag Tom's pram up eighteen steep stairs.
216, The eighteen guns were back in the cemetery, and a storm of shell began bursting over and among our infantry.
217, Soon, eighteen days after the interment, miracles began to happen at the grave.
218, There was no anesthesia, either, for the eighteen stitches it took to close all the wounds.
219, He was put down early in 1986 at the age of eighteen when an incurable heart condition was diagnosed.
220, They were in a sailing boat, as far out as the trawler, both of them older, eighteen or nineteen.
221, Tony remained at St Augustine's for the remainder of his schooldays, a period of eighteen months.
222, He was born in Budapest, Hungary in eighteen seventy-four.
223, He began his experiments in Italy in eighteen ninety-four.
224, It's eighteen hundred hours, ie 6 pm.
225, Our team was thrashed eighteen - nil.
226, Eighteen people have died in Brasilia, the Brazilian capital, after contracting a hospital superbug, the BBC reported.
227, RICH KLEINFELDT: In eighteen sixty-three, President Lincoln gave what became his most famous speech.
228, The cumbersome eighteen - wheeled vehicle was spread across the road, blocking all traffic movement.
229, In China, every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and stand for election.
230, The first one opened in London, England in eighteen fifty-three. In the next fifteen years, other aquariums opened in Europe and the United States.
231, The modern game was devised by an American, James Naismith, in 1891(eighteen ninety-one).
231, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
232, In the summer of eighteen fifty-eight, two candidates campaigned across the state of Illinois for a seat in the United States Senate. That seat belonged to Stephen Douglas from the Democratic Party.
233, Ulysses Grant was elected president of the United States in eighteen sixty-eight.
234, Eighteen boats plied the 1,000 miles of river along a trading route.
235, Eighteen of Brookings' 20 "strongest cities" (all except Washington and VA Beach) have average or below average cost-of-living, according to a new Wall Street Journal story.
236, One result of the continued expansion of United States territory was the Mexican-American war. It began in eighteen forty-six.
237, By the eighteen thirties, cotton planters believed that without slavery, the whole economic system of the south would lie in ruins.
238, These remedies are Your exclusive remedies for breach of warranty. Any action or lawsuit for breach of warranty must be commenced within eighteen (18) months following the purchase of the Product.
239, In eighteen ninety-one, Liliuokalani became queen of Hawaii. She was not friendly to the United States.
240, Eighteen species of powdery mildews ( Erysiphales) from Xinglongshan Natural Conservation Area were collected and identified.
241, In eighteen ninety-nine, Germany took control of Samoa's large western islands. The United States took control of the smaller islands to the east.
242, Martin Van Buren was sworn-in as the eighth president of the United States in eighteen thirty-seven. Not long after he took office, the United States suffered an economic depression.
243, They could not get a full driver's license until age eighteen.
244, METHODS: Eighteen patients with a fracture of the anteromedial facet of the coronoid process were treated over a six-year period.
245, Today every citizen aged eighteen or over has the right to vote.
246, Helen made her debut at a party when she was eighteen.
247, Grover Cleveland began his second presidency in eighteen ninety-three. His two terms were separated by the presidency of Benjamin Harrison.
248, Dan Glickman, a former Democratic congressman from Wichita, who supported the B.T.U. tax, recalled, "I'd been in Congress eighteen years.
249, In the spring of eighteen ninety-four, a labor union organizer went to George Pullman's town. He was Eugene Debs, leader of the American Railway Union.
250, On April twelfth, eighteen sixty-one, Confederate soldiers fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.
251, The word "stampede" means a mass movement of frightened animals. In eighteen ninety-seven, the word came to mean the huge groups of people running or stampeding to Alaska and the Klondike.
252, The Eighteen Arhat Skills is one of the first elementary boxing series in Shaolin Kungfu.
253, The president of the United States in eighteen fifty-nine was James Buchanan.
254, In the spring of eighteen eighty-six, President Cleveland announced that he was to be married. The ceremony took place in the White House.
255, There are eighteen hairpin bends on the way up Mogan Mountain.
256, In December eighteen thirty-seven, Canadian soldiers crossed the Niagara River and seized the boat. One American was killed in the fight.
257, The Israelites were subject to Eglon king Moab for eighteen years.
258, Finally, late in the summer of eighteen sixty-two, British leaders said the time had come for them to intervene. They would try to help settle the American dispute.
259, Dr David McCleland, of Boston University, studied one-hundred people, aged eighteen to sixty, to prove the point.
260, Two other parties offered candidates in the eighteen forty-four elections. President Tyler formed a party of his supporters and government workers.
261, Wiley Post gently landed the "Winnie Mae" long after dark. He had flown around the world in seven days, eighteen hours and forty-nine minutes.
262, In the eighteen twenties, in the state of New York, a man named Joseph Smith started the Mormon religion.
262, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
263, James Buchanan was sworn-in as president on March fourth, eighteen fifty-seven.
264, On May fourteenth, eighteen thirty-six, Texas President Burnet and General Santa Ana signed a treaty. The treaty made Texas independent.
265, One day in October of eighteen fifty-nine, Americans were shocked by news of an attack led by John Brown.
266, He also was a good friend of President Grant. In eighteen sixty-nine, Cooke began raising money to build another railroad across America's west.
267, Spring and Autumn Falchion is one skill of the Shaolin weapon forms. Falchion is the most powerful and difficult in the eighteen kinds of weapons, called the chief of weapons.
268, The United States began to expand west during the middle eighteen hundreds. People settled in the great open areas of the Dakotas, Utah, Wyoming, and California.
269, The Army of the Potomac began to move on March seventeenth, eighteen sixty-two. Within two weeks, more than fifty thousand had reached Fort Monroe, southeast of Richmond.




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