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单词 Deification
1 Exaltation to divine rank or stature; deification.
2 You created a deification and a miracle.
3 These allegations to the deification of psychology, in fact, a study of psychology is the psychological law of scientific activities .
4 The deification of Steve Jobs was swift and amazing, an app that rose only in death.
5 The Egyptian deification of time went further, to the point where almost every moment had its own presiding ruler based upon the stars and constellations.
6 Secular, it opposed deification of any kind, including of a leader like Mao Zedong.
7 For the same reason , our party abhors the deification of an individual.
8 I admire the way he has virtually renounced ancestral claims to deification.
9 As the drought intensified, Mulholland begged the city fathers to end their abject deification of growth.
10 Making sense of his status as a postmodern social icon is as difficult as understanding his posthumous deification by millions of fans.
11 In a little under a year this insecure High School drop-out had undergone a process of deification by press and public.
12 Hence, in the West, the aim of the Christian is justification, but in the East, it is rather communion with God and deification .
13 An important achievement of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union lies in the fact that it showed us what serious consequences can follow from deification of an individual.
14 Another intellectual - rationalist approach to primitive religion is exemplified by Emile Durkheim, who saw religion as the deification of society and its structures.
15 There are four chapters in this thesis, disserting as following:Chapter one: the problem of" Deification" and" Way" on the study of Luxun.
16 Drawing upon primarily Western theological sources, Augustine and Aquinas each offer a doctrine of deification that is distinct from Eastern conceptions.
17 They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism.
18 The concept of "the proprieties " and "law" is formulated under the effect of deification, originally filled with divinity.
19 The second part deals with the background and reasons for the phenomenon of medical people's deification.
20 The distinctive characteristic of traditional energetic culture made inheritance process to perform characteristics of blood relationship and deification .
21 The chief moral characters of value for "emptiness" are complete sincerity, complete benevolence, perfect harmony and deification.
22 Peoples' respect for the ancestors in this period makes it come into being and later Taoism's rise and development as well as the deification of Huang Di promotes its formation.
23 For the path pursued by Kafka's hero from Frieda to the Barnabas sisters is the very one that leads from trusting love to the deification of the absurd.
24 It was a sort of admiration at a distance, a mute contemplation,[] the deification of a stranger.
25 And for Nietzsche too the view is associated with the deification of all life, it's not just good but holy.
26 In fact, there are other ways to understand the Christian teaching of deification.




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