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单词 nexus
释义  nex·us /ˈneksəs/ noun [singular] formal  CONNECTED WITHa connection or network of connections between a number of people, things, or ideas 〔人、事物或思想之间的〕关系,关联,联系,联结nexus of a nexus of social relationships 错综复杂的社会关系Examples from the Corpusnexus• Harte and his stable of writers saw California as a nexus, with San Francisco as its central bazaar.• The other side of control consisted almost entirely of the cash nexus - the economic benefits.• Given the tone of our conversation and the weather, an entire nexus of unspoken intrigue suddenly surrounded me.• The significance of the class-party nexus will be explored in more detail shortly.• The facts are that the generations need each other and their primary nexus is within the family.• Many young Irish immigrants have made the East Village their social nexus.• That symbiotic nexus of press and professors has, in the meantime, revealed a sinister aspect too.• Colleges and universities are inextricably tied up in the nexus of education and employment.• This nexus of factors had two important effects.Origin nexus (1600-1700) Latin past participle of nectere “to tie up”nex·us nounChineseSyllable  between or connections of connection network a of number a Corpus




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