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单词 Petition
1. We're collecting signatures for a petition.
2. They addressed a petition to the legislature.
3. They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.
4. The petition will be heard tomorrow.
5. Councillors were presented with a petition calling for more money to be spent on policing the area.
6. We recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people.
7. The workers are getting up a petition for tighter safety standards.
8. I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.
9. They wanted me to sign a petition against experiments on animals.
10. The townspeople sent a petition to the government asking for electric light for the town.
11. Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government.
12. All the attempts to petition the Congress had failed.
13. She is threatening to file a petition for divorce.
14. We've been out collecting signatures for our petition.
15. Local government supports the petition for a new hospital.
16. They collected over 1,000 signatures for the petition.
17. They turned in a petition with 80 000 signatures.
18. They presented a petition to the governor.
19. Her petition for divorce was granted.
20. The petition supports the scheme to rebuild the road.
21. The petition opposes the closures.
22. Over a hundred people have signed the petition.
23. The local court received her petition for divorce.
24. She's filing a petition for divorce.
25. Jill volunteered to organize a petition.
26. The school collected 4000 signatures for the petition.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Her husband has already filed a petition for divorce.
28. I signed a petition in support of the campaign to end the marketing of baby milk in developing countries.
29. Local residents have drawn up a petition to protest the hospital closure.
30. They signed a petition in support of the pay claim.
1. We're collecting signatures for a petition.
2. They addressed a petition to the legislature.
3. They collected 10 000 signatures for their petition.
4. The petition will be heard tomorrow.
5. Councillors were presented with a petition calling for more money to be spent on policing the area.
6. We recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people.
7. The workers are getting up a petition for tighter safety standards.
8. I signed a petition against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.
9. They wanted me to sign a petition against experiments on animals.
10. Everyone signed the petition to the County Council for a new school in our village.
31. We're getting up a petition against the proposed building plans.
32. Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.
33. The group intended to present this petition to the parliament.
34. Everyone signed the petition to the County Council for a new school in our village.
35. In 1999 the town had voted down a petition to close the school.
36. The district court has opposed the petition by the local electricity company.
37. The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law.
38. His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.
39. She wanted to hand the petition to the prime minister personally.
40. The villagers all signed a petition asking for a hospital to be built.
41. The petition had been followed by a receiving order.
42. Their repeated petition for redress got nowhere.
43. The divorce petition was later dropped.
44. Secondly, the proceedings were by way of bankruptcy petition.
45. He filed the petition himself at Middlesbrough County Court.
46. They began first with a petition drive.
47. They also plan to launch a petition.
48. The Supreme Court action was taken in response to a petition against the government's decision submitted by the Bar Association.
49. Everyone who signs the petition becomes eligible to participate in the convention tentatively set for Labor Day weekend.
50. A federal bankruptcy court is scheduled to review the petition late this month.
51. The larger unincorporated industrial towns could petition for incorporation under this Act and many did so over the following years.
52. They demanded the release of de la Mare and submitted a petition protesting against the annulment of statutes except by parliament.
53. These could include anything from acupuncture, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements to, yes, a petition to a higher power.
54. Pensions Mr. Morley I wish to present a second petition, signed by many thousands of Scunthorpe district residents.
55. The result is the resurrection of the Oakhanger Preservation Society, and a protest petition already signed by 100 people.
56. Castle Square tenants association had submitted a petition calling on the council to withdraw the offer.
56. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
57. A petition for leave to appeal is now pending before the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords. 2.
58. Friday I organised a petition to the local council for a safe play area.
59. A petition signed by 2,500 people calling for better nursery provision was presented to County Hall in Durham.
60. A residents' petition called for the venture to be shelved until a more suitable access route was devised.
61. In fact many parents were so anxious to sign that they actively sought out the petition holders.
62. The House resolved that the petition created disquiet and should therefore not be entertained by the House.
63. Again Chidley rallied to his defence, organizing a petition to Barebone's Parliament which reportedly garnered over 6,000 female signatures.
64. Antislavery advocates regarded the petition strategy as a means of adding civil libertarians to their forces, and they succeeded.
65. It includes a petition urging fellow purists to follow his lead.
66. A petition calling for action was sent to Middlesbrough Council seven years ago.
67. Thinking back, he reasons that he expected Quinn also to send the petition to the Justice pardon attorney.
68. First of all, there are ways that missing husbands can be traced so that the divorce petition can be sent to them.
69. She obtained hundreds of signatures and forwarded the petition to then-President Lyndon Johnson, who interceded to have him released.
70. Regulars at the Great Western have launched a petition to save the pub.
71. On 28 November 1862 the court rejected the petition and upheld the previous decision.
72. That announcement came as the Reform Party officially launched its own petition drive to win Texas ballot access in November.
73. On 20 December a bankruptcy petition founded on that act of bankruptcy was presented.
74. They were handing people copies of a petition on clipboards, and the people were laughing and signing them.
75. This, in turn, enables the creditor to present a bankruptcy petition.
76. His petition for a writ of habeas corpus was denied by the circuit court.
77. And lorry drivers are right behind them,[] adding their names to a petition.
78. They feared bodies would be shifted in and out in full view of young children and collected a 1,000-signature petition.
79. The party won its right to a place on the ballot after it had gathered 96,000 signatures on a petition.
80. The petition must be submitted by July 3 to be on the November ballot, Lynch said.
81. More than 400 residents of Bomar Drive and dozens of surrounding streets signed a petition in 1994 to remove it.
82. They gather nominating petition signatures for lawmakers, raise money for them and sometimes even run their re-election campaigns.
83. In May 1916 all the main peace organizations joined together to launch a petition calling for peace by negotiation.
84. Townspeople are being asked to sign a petition to help save the bus passes of Langbaurgh's 22,000 pensioners and disabled.
85. As hunt supporters made their case, their opponents delivered a 16,000 name petition.
86. The summons for directions will be issued to fix the hearing date for the petition.
86. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
87. If there are, the attorney general must petition a Washington-based panel of three federal judges to appoint an independent counsel.
88. Can he lend his name to the petition without compromising his professional integrity?
89. In 1989 the town had voted down a petition to close the school and bus the seventeen Granville students to Rochester Elementary.
90. Company magazine backs a campaign and petition to keep all brands of the Pill available free on prescription in its latest issue.
91. McVeigh had one month after his execution date was set to file a clemency petition.
92. A dissenting shareholder should lodge his opposition at the meeting of shareholders and should also appear at the hearing of the petition.
93. The current barrier was installed in 1972, after residents submitted a petition saying the open road caused traffic hazards.
94. He was imprisoned for six months, during which time his mother circulated a petition among Wichita Falls residents.
95. Thousands signed a petition which saved it from closure a year ago.
96. No one expects the petition to amend the indenture to Barnes' will to get a court hearing before June.
97. Some 120 children and parents have signed a petition which is now being sent to Scarborough Council.
98. Mr Devaty was sentenced in August to 20 months in jail on charges of incitement connected with the petition.
99. Except in divorce proceedings, commencement by petition is now very rare.
100. Anand made the announcement after student leaders had presented him with a petition calling for the lifting of martial law.
101. The Lord President of the Privy Council acting on behalf of the visitor rejected the petition.
102. Judge Guzman rejected a defence petition to have the 85-year-old declared medically unfit for trial.
103. The judgment not being satisfied, the bank presented a bankruptcy petition against B alone for the whole debt.
104. She filed in the fall of 1989, and at that time, her former husband did not contest the petition.
105. He had committed an act of bankruptcy and a petition had been presented.
106. Then the women draw up a petition and go from house to house explaining the problem and collecting signatures.
107. Still others petition for improved playgrounds in their town and extended hours at their local library.
108. Fnac is asking its customers to sign a petition opposing the proposals to reintroduce r.p.m. on books.
109. Pool petition: Around 2,500 people have signed a petition calling for a swimming pool in Bedale.
110. A bankruptcy petition based on that demand was issued on 20 September.
111. Ironically, Perot could have avoided the petition process in Maine had he decided to form his party sooner.
112. Forty business people, the story added, had signed a protest petition.
113. Apart from one passing reference to the Statute of Labourers, social grievances do not appear in the petition.
114. Kirkpatrick wants to represent himself and has asked for a lawyer to assist him, according to the petition filed Thursday.
115. Read in studio A woman widowed by a drunken driver has collected a fifty thousand signature petition demanding tougher sentences for offenders.
116. If the petition is advertised,[http:///petition.html] more creditors may jump on the bandwagon.
117. However, the liberal California court defended the right of teachers to petition for redress of grievances.
118. A petition calling for action to improve the safety of the London Road was launched this week.
119. Quinn said he told Holder he was sending Rich's petition to the White House.
120. August 14, 1976 Varga announces that 17, 000 recall petition signatures have been collected.
121. Chamber officials and growth advocates, who staunchly oppose the petition drive, acknowledge the concern of residents.
122. Signing a petition against the war and arguing with Kip in the privacy of our apartment wasn t enough.
123. Many of the petition signatures required as part of the process to form the district were questionable on technical grounds.
124. Altogether, he spent $ 497, 604 to promote petition drives in 22 states, according to the report.
125. Meanwhile, the Perot organization is gearing up for petition drives in other states starting Feb. 1.
126. On that advice, the petition was dismissed by the visitor.
127. The petition drive, one of two being mounted in Texas by the Reform Party, will continue through the weekend.
128. Please encourage class members to lobby their local councils about cuts in classes, either personally or by petition.
129. Alexis and Paul Gilmour are keen that everyone in Holybourne who wishes to sign the petition can do so.
130. There was a street petition and coverage on local radio and in the local newspaper.
131. Members of Killynure House Committee are presently making house to house calls soliciting residents support for the petition.
132. The petition also wants the highways authority to leave in place the signs prohibiting heavy vehicles over 7.5 tons.
133. Less than one-fourth of those petition signers said they would vote for Perot if he runs again this year.
134. She's gathered 18,000 signatures in Swindon on a petition protesting about the fuel tax.
135. The case received wide publicity when a habeascorpus petition was upheld by two lower courts.
136. This is because Mrs. Gilmour will be taking the petition along to the district council offices the following day.
137. Signatures have been collected on a petition to call an extraordinary general meeting following Forest's struggling start to the season.
138. At issue: What, exactly, needs to be attached to a referendum petition for the signatures to be valid.
139. Wilson said last week as he denied Williams' petition for clemency.
140. The Sainsbury petition was expected to attract about 2,500 signatures.
141. But hundreds of residents signed a protest petition stating buses were crucial for people living in the Albert Hill area.
142. In a 1993 bankruptcy petition, he listed debts of $ 157, 000 and assets of $ 3, 754.
143. The Chapter 7 petition was filed in federal bankruptcy court in Newark.
144. Primo and his friends all signed the petition. The man behind the table gave a speech.
145. Jones said he will file the petition sometime early next week.
146. The judges hearing the petition said that they hoped that the delay would cool protests which had already cost some 70 lives.
147. Voice over A delegation of pensioners marched on Number 10 to present the petition.
148. Back in 1930,[] over a thousand economists signed a petition begging Congress not to pass something called the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.
149. The order is deposited with a short petition, in standard form, prepared by the agent.
150. Verney said a list of all petition signers will be made available to potential candidates in early July.
151. The Board of Navigation has sent me a petition asking me to obtain the ship for purposes of study.
152. Eventually, environmental health officers seized Mary Carruthers' stereo system and speakers after a petition from neighbours.
153. Now Wirral City Lands Executive has decided to oppose the idea after receiving a petition from various community associations.
154. The Ross Perot candidate petition is attached to a name.
155. In May 1990 a bankruptcy petition was presented against Mr Flint.
156. The employers then presented a petition of right seeking repayment of the sums paid in the past years.
157. Nearly ninety homeless men staying at Newcastle's palace signed a petition protesting against the food.
158. The decision concluded a judicial process that had been initiated on the petition of the Interior Minister, Maj.-Gen.
159. About two-thirds of the students in my property law class signed that petition.
160. Quinn went directly to Clinton with his thick petition, minimizing the chance that Justice would open a file.
161. If there is more than one petitioner, then only one need swear the affidavit verifying the petition.
162. Most bankruptcies involve couples who jointly file a petition to have their debts wiped out.
163. But after receiving a 129-signature petition, councillors accused the critics of being shortsighted, calling on them to support the development.
164. More than 20, 000 signatures were gathered by the petition drive, organizers said Friday.
165. One prepares one's Bill and then presents it as a petition to Parliament.
166. His wife, Mary Barley, is reviving the petition drive with financial help from Jones.
167. The board prohibited the petition because it was controversial and would cause teachers to take opposing political positions, thereby creating discord.
168. The simplest protest - organising a meeting or launching a petition - may help.
169. Jun. 805, where his Lordship dismissed a petition to expunge the proof of a surety against the estate of a co-surety.
170. All that was needed was a fifty-signature petition, a special general meeting and a simple majority in favour of the proposition.
171. Organizations representing some 750,000 people, mainly trade unions, also endorsed the petition.
172. They may petition for mercy from the prime minister in his capacity as military governor.
173. Supporters are circulating a petition to force the committee to report the bill to the floor.
174. Discussion on the petition in Congress was heated and for the most part illogical.
175. A petition signed by 1000 hospital doctors will be handed to the Minister of Health at lunchtime today.
176. Greenman circulated a petition for the city to install a traffic light last summer.
177. The group also filed a proposed district map and request for a petition to begin gathering signatures.
178. What does seem likely is that MASSMoCA's commissioners will petition the governor to release funds incrementally to allow construction to begin.
179. It will be the final opportunity for us to pray, petition and demonstrate against the evils of international debt.
180. Wiebe said the Insurance Department urged the Corporations Department to withdraw its request for an asset freeze before filing its petition yesterday.
181. After all the signatures were collected for the petition it would be a pity to lose this service as well.
182. That the respondent has deserted the petitioner for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition.
183. Almost 200,000 Czechs signed a petition protesting at Mr Hodac's appointment, and each night thousands gather outside the studios.
184. Their written petition gives some indication as to how much the Jesuits had mastered the delicate art of memorializing the emperor.
185. In the divorce petition he claimed, interalia, interim and permanent joint custody of, and access to, the child.
186. The first petition drive ended Monday when the party turned in more than 160, 000 signatures.
187. Everyone has signed the petition: lawyers and business men, musicians and housewives, teachers and workmen.
188. The Leeders are now drawing up a petition which will be presented to the Bishop of Chelmsford next month.
189. More than 400 villagers have signed a petition against their application feeling their venture would aggravate the problem.
190. Six days to circulate a petition around the scattered islands.
191. The bank then served a bankruptcy petition on A for the other half.
192. An area seeking detachment must present a petition signed by 25 percent of its registered voters.
193. That same signature would remain valid on the petition of an independent candidate, she said.
194. The bishops were sent to the Tower on the grounds that their petition was seditious libel.
195. On receiving the petition demanding Outram's resignation they stuck to the principle of laissez-faire.
196. A petition for street-lighting in Great Stainton was handed into the committee.
197. They began to petition the queen.
198. Thousands of citizens subscribed the petition.
199. He subscribed his name to a petition.
200. The court rejected their petition.
201. a petition against experiments on animals.
202. She has filed a petition for divorce.
203. A thousand people signed the petition.
204. I can petition for Junie's custody.
205. The number of signers of the petition for a new school snowballed.
206. Their battle-cry will be: "Sign this petition before they sign away your country.".
207. Was she also the reason you signed a petition for Loyalist Spain?




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