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单词 Whet
1 If the ox falls, whet your knife. 
2 The preview was intended to whet your appetite .
3 The book will whet your appetite for more of her work.
4 A really good catalogue can also whet customers' appetites for merchandise.
5 To whet your appetite, try the Wanaka lamb in orange sauce recipe on this page.
6 If that's not enough to whet your appetite, we've 100 £4 entrance tickets to give away free!
7 And, to whet your appetite, there are many delightful colour photographs.
8 To whet your appetite, here are some of the most commonly asked questions about fine vintage wines.
9 He acted the fool, losing at first to whet their appetites, but in an hour emptied his three victims' purses.
10 To whet your appetite for a trip to Santa Fe, here is a list of our favorite sights.
11 These are designed to whet rather than satisfy the appetite - but short bibliographies help would-be students to delve further.
12 Your reply quite overdue whet prevent you.
13 Stones whet a sword, difficulties strengthen willpower.
14 If ox falls, whet your knife.
15 Once in a while we whet to a restaurant.
16 The dish will whet your appetite.
17 I inquireed of him whet her he liked it.
18 The material to send in the whet room directly, adopt special stir to anticipate centrifugal wing wheel to separate compellable inlet pulp the machine.
19 They wondered whet the manager would not agree to the suggestion.
20 We wonder whet IT we may conclude a long term agency contract with you.
21 Bill doesn't give a hoot whet IT he passes his examination or not.
22 Don't eat too much of this dish. It's only to whet your appetite for the main course.
23 Rhys Williams was very convincing and his books did much to whet my appetite to visit the vast Soviet empire.
24 Most of the notorious grade anomalies have been ironed out and the colour photos should whet people's appetites.
25 Martin's potted history of each railway is certainly sufficiently detailed to whet the appetite enough to free buttocks from armchair Dralon.
26 After a quick outline of what each type of program lets you do, I list some uses to whet your appetite.
27 Any departure from it would be more likely to whet appetites than to satisfy them.
28 Undergraduates will certainly find some interesting material, and researchers will also find enough examples to whet their appetite.
29 "Carrying instrument Ling however smiling is a , the Chi sews middle whet one a few words, " has a deep-dyed area with Xue Shi, this princess entire can't step ample.
30 The rapid growth of its super - rich has whet the appetite of the yachting industry.
1 If the ox falls, whet your knife.
31 I angrily whet a tooth and toward altitude of brain ground flower petal to jilt a green rattan.
32 The years whet difficult, the slightest whetted to the dream of childhood.
33 I wonder whet IT you are not getting bored dealing with like the petty cash transaction.
34 There's nothing like a shot of whiskey to whet a man's appetite.
35 However, suffering and overwhelmed tiemuzhen, on the contrary, but he will whet.
35 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
36 Whet her electroplating quality is good or bad depends on pre - treatment.
37 He may whet his knife on the threshold of the Fleet.
38 The teacher is a whet - stone and student a knife.
39 Tom question if ( or whet IT ) Jack will arrive the beside day.
40 Read what he have to say and see whet IT you agree.
41 So whet IT you're behind the pharmacy counter or in the lab, you can rest easy.
42 She gave him just enough information to whet his appetite.




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