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单词 Bind
1 Bind the sack before it be full. 
2 Bind the sack before it is full. 
3 Many straws may bind an elephant. 
4 Sure bind, sure find.
5 Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord. 
6 Fast bind, fast find.
7 Safe bind, safe find.
8 They bind over to tell the truth.
9 Many things bind them together.
10 Please bind fast; it is loosing.
11 Such a slogan will bind us hand and foot.
12 Bind the prisoner arms together.
13 You must bathe that wound before you bind it up.
14 Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
15 He's in a double bind: he needs experience to get a job but he can't get experience without working.
16 Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot.
17 Add an egg yolk to make the mixture bind.
18 The ties that bind them together are loosening.
19 Bind the prisoner's hands together.
20 Borrowing money may put you in a real bind.
21 Add an egg yolk to bind the mixture together.
22 The mixture wouldn't bind .
23 Caroline was really in a bind.
24 Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.
25 Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg.
26 The flour mixture isn't wet enough to bind properly.
27 This dough isn't wet enough to bind properly.
28 Bind together the two broken ends.
29 Many things bind us .
30 It will loose if you don't bind it fast.
1 They bind over to tell the truth.
2 Many things bind them together.
3 Please bind fast; it is loosing.
4 Such a slogan will bind us hand and foot.
5 Bind the prisoner arms together.
6 You must bathe that wound before you bind it up.
7 Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.
8 He's in a double bind: he needs experience to get a job but he can't get experience without working.
9 Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot.
10 I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.
11 It used to be usual to bind out promising boys for many years.
12 At the end of the row, bind off seven stitches.
31 It's a hell of a bind.
32 I will let the waiter bind up the parcel for you.
33 Bind the ganster to the seat with rope lest he should escape.
34 This imposes a duty on courts to bind over parents when they have no control over their children.
35 There are several different ways to bind a book, for example you can stitch or stick the pages together.
36 The things which bind them together are greater than their differences.
37 The company is caught in a double bind. If it doesn't modernize it won't make money, but if it does modernize they'll have to make people redundant because they won't need them any more.
38 It used to be usual to bind out promising boys for many years.
39 Their shared experiences in war helped to bind the two communities together.
40 Bind the edge of the rug so that it won't ravel.
41 Having to visit her every week is a terrible bind.
42 At the end of the row, bind off seven stitches.
43 The headteacher is caught in a double bind because whether she expels the boy or lets him off, she still gets blamed.
44 Organizations such as schools, factories and clubs bind a community together.
45 The firm has agreed to bind up the six articles into one book.
46 She thought that having his child would bind him to her forever.
47 The company is caught in a double bind.If it doesn't modernise it won't make money, but if it does modernise they'll have to make people redundant because they won't need them any more.
48 It's a real bind having to look after the children.
49 Add an egg-yolk to the flour and fat to make it bind/to bind the mixture.
50 Clearly, telephone companies are in a bind.
51 FastLynx takes the bind out of file transfer.
52 Policyholders are left in a bind.
53 Oct-11 can bind to an octamer motif sequence specifically.
54 But the pragmatists are in a bind.
55 This leaves Giuliani in a bind.
56 It got to be a bloody bind.
57 Students like Andrea are caught in a terrible bind.
58 Bind with raffia and wax in the usual way.
59 But now division heads are in a double bind.
60 Bind tight and keep shoving,(http:///bind.html) he exhorted them.
61 It was a strange in-between time for Manila, a time when the bind seemed especially strangling.
62 This is not necessarily liberating: it may just be a double bind.
63 A former book dealer, he remains seduced by the double bind of academic arcana and financial chicanery.
64 To prevent this happening chemical agents known as sequestrants are used which bind up the residues preventing them from dropping out of solution.
65 As they bind to similar DNA sequences and associate with the same proteins, they are likely to be closely related.
66 By investing products with meanings from other sign systems, Williamson argues that receivers are caught up in an ideological bind.
67 Hence social contracts may bind, not all members of a society, but members of some group within society.
68 Carbachol, gastrin, and histamine all bind to specific receptors on parietal cell plasma membranes.
69 In theory, scientists could develop drugs that bind to the dopamine transporter, which would lock the door to cocaine.
70 Use 2 tablespoons of water to bind the flour and butter mixture.
71 These differences help explain why these homologous proteins bind a variety of ligands with different affinities.
72 What leader can bind a people to a settlement wholly repugnant to them?
73 They dig mud from the banks and nudge that into the construction to bind the sticks, leaves and boulders together.
74 The food was scant: weeks when the only thing available was tortillas bind salt.
75 Treaties bind consenting parties only, and strangers to any treaty are legally unaffected by it.
76 I know you go out on patrol with them and bind up their wounds and so on.
77 A ball of green wool was passed around and we used it to bind ourselves together as the singing continued.
78 Peptides shown to bind to HLA-B53 are highlighted in bold type.
79 It offers an escape from the double bind of commentary pithily summarised by Foucault, in the passage I quoted just now.
80 Used together these two strategies comprise that peculiar language game known as a double bind.
81 Delta is negotiating commercial agreements with big health care companies around the world who are seeking to bind haemoglobin into formulations.
82 Quarks bind together to make up larger particles such as the protons and neutrons found in the atomic nucleus.
83 Stir the flour, suet,(http://) cinnamon and baking powder together then mix in the liquid to bind.
84 Have you summoned the ancient golden strength, to bind me to you once and for all time?
85 The bind arises when the speaker expresses two or more messages which are incompatible, at different levels of communication.
86 Blot: That sounds as if you think we're caught in a double bind from which there's no escape.
87 Stephen saw the white of a field dressing flap as Byrne began to bind the wounds.
88 However, the final, as yet small, family of cell adhesion molecules bind to carbohydrates.
89 But a senior law enforcement source said Monday the residue is an adhesive used to bind plastic parts in airplanes.
90 Did they cease to bind in the early s when various legal restrictions were removed?
91 To his credit, he did feel terrible about the bind I was in and he did as much as he could.
92 Mix in the orange juice to bind. Roll out the pastry to an oblong measuring 8 x 12 inch.
93 Article 34 of the Vienna Convention applies to itself so that like other treaties it can not bind third parties.
94 The scope of that Article was to bind member States to treaties concluded by the organisation, not contracts under municipal law.
95 Vicarious performance of a personal contract will not discharge the vendor nor bind the customer.
96 The ties that bind us are stronger than the occasional stresses that separate us. Colin Powell 
97 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck.
98 If you bind too strongly to things and people, when they disappear, it will not go maybe even a part of ourselves? Richard Bach 
99 It takes guts to break away from the ties that bind you.
100 We propose a novel variation, namely that proteoglycans on an endothelial cell can bind and present cytokines to passing leukocytes.
101 And so, Your Honor, if you bind my client over for trial to the district court, I will understand.
102 In a month King was marching again, and this time he had Daley worried and in a politically dangerous bind.
103 Exactly the same double bind is encountered in any theorization of racial difference.
104 In my particular case, the airline was caught in a bind.
105 It also occurs in alcoholism, diabetic ketoacidosis, and in patients taking antacids which bind phosphate in the gut.
106 Thus is the reporter put in a classic double bind.
107 Small sea organisms bind these marine minerals into their body structures, which then fall to the ocean floor upon their death.
108 Add sufficient fromage frais to bind and half the chopped coriander or tarragon.
109 The nation, on those subjects on which it can act, must necessarily bind its component parts.
110 Before a virus can infect an animal cell it must first bind to specific receptor molecules embedded in the cell membrane.
111 When he was around I felt no compulsion to bind myself to people in this terrible, demanding way.
112 Add sufficient fromage frais to bind and half the chopped coriander or tarragon. Season with salt and pepper.
113 We were to take the bind rajah to his wedding in style.
114 As shown in Fig. 3, both oligonucleotides were able to bind F9 proteins and to produce retarded complexes.
115 This had led to a lengthy series of negotiations over the sort of contracts which should bind printers in his new plant.
116 Unexpectedly weak earning from Motorola Inc. coupled with rising government bind yields weighed on stocks, caused widespread losses.
117 He says the residue is rocket fuel, but investigators say it actually is a glue used to bind airplane seats.
118 The word bond comes from the same root as bind, for the corporation binds it-self to make the specified payments.
119 And the only reason why evolution would bind relationships together is if they served a utilitarian purpose.
120 Our data indicate that cytokines are among the many proteins that bind to endothelial surfaces in a GAG-dependent fashion.
121 In so doing, they alter the shape of the repressor so that it can no longer bind to the operator region.
122 Hence the double bind attached to being appropriately feminine rears its ugly head again.
123 Officers found duct tape that looked like it might have been used to bind somebody as well as pornographic comic books.
124 Test-match broadcasting and his writing helped bind many personal wounds.
125 A gas liquefies when the attractive forces between the molecules are sufficient to bind them together in liquid form.
126 Consequently, the truncated enzymes have lost the ability to bind to promoter regions upstream from position -38.
127 Those they only use, tie, bind, chop off and leave empty.
128 Most often, the top covers up its bind in the name of keeping up good relationships.
129 Therefore although both proteins bind to the same site, the details of their structural interactions must differ.
130 Bruce Knight, a Vermont-based business broker, said many business owners are in the same bind as Lifschultz.
131 A soluble form of this protein could bind to the virus and prevent it from binding to human T cells.
132 We need to examine the issues that bind and divide this country.
133 I'm in a bind to pay my rent.
134 To bind into the service of another by indenture.
135 The different isozymes bind calcium ions with different affinities.
136 Do not tighten packing nut enough to bind stem.
137 This schedule has put me in a bind.
138 ' This is something of a double bind as they have to say 'yes'.
139 You should select the Binds to multi-valued check box if the control would normally bind to a collection or array (that is, if the data is multi-valued).
140 Listing 4 shows how to bind an event handler to an event filter with the SBLIM CIM client library.
141 Unripe one plan, use cotton rope to bind his baby,(/bind.html) let wife attack empty.
142 You can cause buffered inserts to be done by using the "INSERT BUF" option of the Prep or Bind command.
143 This force of attraction is undiscriminating but strong enough to bind you together in what might otherwise be a very unstable, short-term affair.
144 Once the list of completion-specifications has been set up, all that remains is to implement a function to select the appropriate completion from the table, and then bind that function to the TAB key.
145 Because EDTA can bind with most metallic elements of the periodic table, this technique becomes a versatile tool in the production and study of new nano materials of multi component complex oxides.
146 Execute the BIND PACKAGE with the COPY option against the target server using the routine and deploy options specified by the user in the Deploy wizard.
147 If you bind to element data, it should be the parent element of the target element; if you bind to attribute data, it should be the containing element.
148 And some books about double bind were found manually in the laboratory of Southwest University.
149 The third part of a number of components, respectively, compile and bind together the C program.
150 Sensor devices must be able to discover and bind to a collector node automatically upon joining the network.
151 Java code and C primarily bind to a type early, within a compile step.
152 To become friends with a user Bob, user Alice sends a message to the fanout exchange iends. We assume that this exchange is somehow access restricted 24: ordinary users cannot bind queues to it.
153 Out of the bind of the concept of "materials cost variance" , from the practical point, to analyse the course, so as to make it simple, evident and easy to be grasped.
154 The Sadrists, by contrast , aren't going anywhere -- which puts Washington , among others, in a bind.
155 Others in the room were dismayed that no one defended them or pointed out that Clinton had gotten himself into a bind over Haiti by promising too much during the campaign.
156 Double bind questions are questions that, whichever way you answer, the result is the same.
157 Binds to multi-valued is cleared because this control would normally bind to a single Java object and not to a collection.
158 Mom asked me to bind up the plastic with baling straps.
159 When capital requirements bind in first period only, the latter effect dominates, and risk falls.
160 The result shows that oil and gas from Xujiahe group mainly comes from autogenic coal source rock, and bind is main.
161 The IgE produced in response to the pollen protein can bind to the homologues in these tissues, thereby triggering an allergic reaction.
162 No party has authority to pledge the credit of another and bind or obligate another.
163 This is quickly converted to Hgb dimers that bind to haptoglobin and are transported to the liver, where they are metabolized in the same manner as products from RBC removed by phagocytosis.
164 I am come in very truth leading you to Nature with all her children to bind her to your service and make her your slave.
165 Now we can bind all our parameters to values we need to insert into the MAP table.
166 The bifunctional molecule was proved by ELISA to be able to bind both RBC and anti-HFRSV antibody.
167 Be careful not to bind off too tightly, or the work will lose its shape.
168 The value for the OrderDate is set by calling the Bind expression and passing to it the name of the column in the GridView's associated data source and an optional data format string expression.
169 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
170 Having accepted two invitations for the same evening, Henry found himself in a bind.
171 This article will focus on the horizontal arrow (bind) from the service requester to the service provider.
172 Add a command button to the client data table, change the label of the button to "Apply Changes" (Figure 22),(Sentencedict) then bind this button to the doApplyPolicyChangesAction (Figure 23).
173 This puts the politicians in a bind as to what course to take.
174 The non-helpers appeared to be caught in a double bind that locked them up.
175 Peter hoped that consolation could bind up Mary's broken heart.
176 The data obtained suggest that the ability of the sarcolemma to bind calcium was highly important for viability.
177 If you specify bind or dns, then DNS is used to resolve host names, and you can use nslookup to check whether the host name resolves (see Listing 12).
178 The ability in Linux to bind one or more processes to one or more processors, called CPU affinity, is a long-requested feature.
179 Denaturants also help prevent the formation of DNA secondary structure, a phenomena in which complementary sequences within ssDNA molecules bind to each other.
180 The antibodies secreted by three of the hybridomas have been shown specifically binding to PFSH, and they do not bind to another very similar pituitary hormone, porcine luteinizing hormone (PLH).
181 Learn how to do this bind off with expert tips in this free knitting video.




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