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单词 Dishonest
1 What they are doing is not considered dishonest.
2 His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.
3 The dishonest manager was cashiered at last.
4 Never keep company with dishonest persons.
5 A dishonest action like that will degrade you.
6 He's been dishonest in his dealings with us/about his past.
7 The dishonest manager defrauded the company of millions of pounds.
8 It would be dishonest not to present the data as fairly as possible.
9 Guy was greedy, amoral and dishonest.
10 She was easy prey for dishonest salesmen.
11 He showed himself a dishonest rascal.
12 Beware of dishonest traders in the tourist areas.
13 I think he's downright dishonest!
14 He was taken down by a dishonest lawyer.
15 Don't lend yourself to such dishonest schemes.
16 She often complains that he is dishonest.
17 They became entangled in dishonest business dealings.
18 What reason have you for thinking he's dishonest?
19 Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen.
20 They labelled him as dishonest.
21 This arrangement smacks of dishonest dealing.
22 He deserves all he gets for being so dishonest.
23 He is dishonest, and a coward to boot.
24 The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.
25 I don't like him, and it would be dishonest of me to pretend otherwise.
26 It was very dishonest of you to lie to them about your qualifications.
27 People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy or dishonest.
28 He bridled at the suggestion that he had been dishonest.
29 Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says.
30 The company seems to have been involved in some rather dishonest carrying-on.
1 What they are doing is not considered dishonest.
2 His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.
3 The dishonest manager was cashiered at last.
4 Never keep company with dishonest persons.
5 A dishonest action like that will degrade you.
6 People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy or dishonest.
7 He bridled at the suggestion that he had been dishonest.
8 He's been dishonest in his dealings with us/about his past.
9 The dishonest manager defrauded the company of millions of pounds.
10 It would be dishonest not to present the data as fairly as possible.
11 They labelled him as dishonest.
31 She was defrauded of her money by a dishonest accountant.
32 It's a dishonest scheme and I'm glad to be out of it.
33 Don't be too familiar with him; he's a dishonest man.
34 The dishonest trader tried to plant a faked picture on me.
35 We found him dishonest.
36 He accused me of being dishonest, which was a bit rich coming from him.
37 Dishonest officials have been lining their pockets with public funds.
38 In all fairness he had to admit that she was neither dishonest nor lazy.
39 This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.
40 Personally, I think he is dishonest, but many people trust him.
41 He's dishonest at heart.
42 They were the dupes of a clever but dishonest salesman.
43 The affairs of the nation have been abandoned to dishonest politicians.
44 Companies should protect employees who blow the whistle on dishonest workmates and work practices.
45 What happened to him should serve as a warning to all dishonest politicians.
46 She would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.
47 Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers.
48 The store's "no refunds" policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude.
49 She bridled at the suggestion that she had been dishonest.
50 God is clever,(/dishonest.html) but not dishonest. Albert Einstein 
51 And that's a pretty icky and dishonest clinch.
52 Prose writers lack this power of admirable, dishonest transformation.
53 They say our commanders are dishonest.
54 Dishonest counting and ballot stuffing are not countenanced.
55 It was dishonest[], he felt.
56 The offence will also cover cases of dishonest retention or disposal after an innocent acquisition such as are mentioned in paragraphs 21-25.
57 People on welfare are often wrongly characterized as lazy or dishonest.
58 Dishonest people would now be free of the salutary fear which alloyed their admiration of the confiding temperament of tradesmen.
59 It was dishonest of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from Oxford - he was just there for one term.
60 There were even rebelliously honest policemen, who might blow the whistle on the dishonest ones.
61 Invocations of popular support or consent may be baseless and even blatantly dishonest.
62 Perhaps the most obvious is wilful and corrupt exploitation of debtors by dishonest employees of the credit reference bureau.
63 A hypocrite is more dangerous than a dishonest man. A dishonest man deceives and cheats, and a hypocrite betrays and swindles. Dr T.P.Chia 
64 A store presumably would not authorise dishonest persons putting items intended to be stolen even into the shop's trolley.
65 The accused was not dishonest, judged objectively as well as subjectively.
66 Is it necessary to show that the defendant subjectively knew of the dishonest design or merely that he ought to have known?
67 The Government wants to reduce penalties for honest business failures while increasing the maximum penalties on dishonest bankrupts.
68 This has the advantage that the cases referred to will be brought within the single concept of dishonest appropriation.
69 The omission of a material fact only involves an offence where that fact was concealed with dishonest intention.
70 So two theories-truth in advertising and dishonest manipulation-seem to come to opposite conclusions.
71 Any kind of sharp practice or dishonest dealing will infallibly ruin his career.
72 For instance, referring to the title, some characters are just and immoral(), some are fair and dishonest.
73 The homeless and those on welfare are despised as lazy or dishonest.
74 His cockney friends would have called it honest endeavour in a dishonest world.
75 But she knew Petey was too old for dishonest leaps between the movies and real life.
76 A few dishonest dealers give the used car trade a bad name.
77 Whether a particular accused should be acquitted because his conduct was not dishonest appears to me to be a moral question.
78 The law does not pretend to punish everything that is dishonest. That would seriously interfere with business. Clarence Darrow 
79 A second form of corruption was dishonest dealing by the officers of the law.
80 To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest. Mahatma Gandhi 
81 One stereotype that will never die is the dishonest and mean-spirited politician.
82 Not all smiles are genuine or sincere. Liars or dishonest people are good at smiling hypocritically to achieve their aims. Dr T.P.Chia 
83 The early cases were overly concerned to protect the gentry's right to communicate gossip about disloyal or dishonest servants.
84 In his summing-up, the judge said it was for the jury to decide if Christopher How had been dishonest.
85 I refuse to be a party to anything so dishonest.
86 It would be fair to sack the employee as incompetent or for being dishonest.
87 The fact that they controlled the company which consented to the transfer was irrelevant in the light of their dishonest appropriation.
88 It says that in many offshore centres, dishonest savers and investors are using laws on client confidentiality to hide shady practices.
89 This housing law would be a charter for dishonest landlords to cheat their tenants.
90 The truth is that we all live in a world full of dishonest liars. Dr T.P.Chia 
91 All successful people often have to pay the price of saying and doing some dishonest things to get to where they are. Dr T.P.Chia 
92 What they're doing is not exactly dishonest, but it's not completely honest either.
93 What should a hotel receptionist do if he or she believes a guest to be dishonest?
94 Dishonesty is always one way of climbing the ladder of success, but dishonest intentions and manipulations are more prone to fail. Dr T.P.Chia 
95 I don't think he was being dishonest - he just didn't know the truth.
96 Without honesty, the world would be a zoo of dishonest, treacherous and man- hunting animals. Dr T.P.Chia 
97 If you accept her at Lowood school, please make sure that the headmistress and teachers know how dishonest she is.
98 It cost almost as much to elect an honest candidate as to elect a dishonest one, he observed.
99 On the whole we are too ashamed to use inconvenience as a way of changing behaviour because it seems dishonest and inefficient.
100 In these days, looking at it through neutral eyes, what Jessica did was both very immoral and very dishonest.
101 The dishonest, if they act honestly, get no credit.
101 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
102 Though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted.
103 The merchant dishonest scales; he loves to defraud.
104 I have a suspicion that he is dishonest.
105 The dishonest shopkeeper foisted inferior goods on his customers.
106 We disdain a dishonest act.
107 Dishonest claims have an effect on us all.
108 Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption.
109 Though his associates were dishonest, Mr. Green remained uncorrupted.
110 It is dishonest to lie about one's age.
111 I abhor advertising that is blatant, dull, or dishonest.
112 At worst, they are perceived as insincere or dishonest.
113 The dishonest treasurer misappropriated the club funds.
114 The dishonest milkman added water to his milk.
115 Miller is a dishonest person. His words hold water.
116 A dishonest man does not scruple to deceive others.
117 She was incurably dishonest.
118 She declared that she would have neither part nor lot in his dishonest career.
119 She made a firm resolve to avoid doing any thing dishonest.
120 Dishonest? I wouldn't have to snoop around if you were honest with Luke.
121 There is factual proof that the solicitor has been engaged or involved in other dishonest or improper activities in the past three years, demonstrating his or her unsuitability to work as a solicitor.
122 Scarlett. Do you think it would be dishonest if we went through his haversack?
123 Ned : All his friends are dishonest Birds of a feather flock together.
124 To my way of thinking, to do that would be dishonest.
125 He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction.
126 Dishonest people are bound to come a cropper in the end.
127 Everyday, mundane energies dictate that you let go of dishonest or negative relationships, especially those that undermine you, or draw forth your lower self.
128 Do you think it would be dishonest if we went through his haversack?
129 To refer to this effort as if it had suddenly introduced class war into US politics is either dishonest or based on ignorance of what federal tax policies have actually been.
130 Talk in continental Europe of an “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest.
131 Nearly all of his money had been obtained by dishonest means,(http:///dishonest.html) so it was thought to be poetic justice when so much of it was lost in the bank robbery.
132 Several major American companies have admitted recently to dishonest reporting of their financial condition.
133 Arthur had always been a small-minded person, and some people even thought he was dishonest.
134 The poor child was cheated out of his inheritance by a dishonest lawyer.
135 There are dishonest people in the bricks and mortar world and on the internet.
136 He will be find liable If he assist a trustee a dishonest breach of trust.
137 Avoid dishonest gain: No price can recompense the pangs of vice.
138 It has the power to expel companies or dealers believed to be dishonest or insolvent.
139 EXAMPLE: If our dishonest competitors ever get caught they will all be sent to the hoosegow.
140 Marked by or a deceptive, secret, or sly manner ; dishonest and sneaky.
141 The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly.
142 Superstition can be conventional and modern as well. Essentially people have gone astray in the way of belief and became confused, ignorant, dishonest and self-deceiving.
143 So, when the dishonest politician wants to hornswoggle the public with a boondoggle, he usually explains things in gobbledygook.
144 This law is intended to prevent dishonest people from palming off inferior goods.
145 He was charged with some dishonest juggling with the accounts.
146 One sincere and honest move will cover over dozens of dishonest ones.
147 Dishonest tradesmen used to fob off inferior goods on the customers.
148 Plagiarism or other forms of cheating are intellectually and personally dishonest.
149 We face a veritable mountain of lies most dishonest and malicious lies.
150 They interpret this to mean that honesty may be a human 'baseline' – our brains might find it more effortful to be dishonest than honest.
151 When the dishonest tradesman opened the bag, out jumped a cat – not a pig.
152 His dishonest actions showed him to be nothing but a specious hypocrite.
153 It was dishonest of the boy to pretend that the penknife was his own.
154 Cecilia Cheung refers to someone dishonest, unreliable, causing distress to the actress.
155 To alter or falsify ( accounts, for example ) for dishonest gain.
156 dishonest appropriation of property.
157 An American may disagree with Chinese's self-effacement, and call his friend from the Dragon Land dishonest.
158 The share holder is dishonest . He cheated the hostess, but I never believe in his honesty.
159 Rich countries led by Russia, Australia and the EU have been accused of trying to cheat their way out of reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by creating "dishonest" forestry accounting loopholes.
160 The honest, non - cheating profit motive is not the same as dishonest, cheating " greed. "
161 A false statement or dishonest answer for any question may be grounds for my immediate discharge from employment with Doubletree by Hilton Resort Wuxi Lingshan.
161 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
162 If you really think about it, it is more hurtful and in poor taste to be dishonest with someone who has a true interest and is trying to learn yours.
163 Shall I acquit a man with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights?
164 A person's appropriation of property belonging to another is dishonest.
165 He will never be dishonest even though hebe reduced to poverty.
166 Asshole: literally , one's anus - - a dislikable person That dishonest politician is a real asshole.
167 He just wants his 50 pages read, 47 of which are anti-intellectual, dishonest drivel, the first three of which are pretty good because I wrote them.




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