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单词 The first person
1 He tells the story in the first person.
2 Autobiographies are written in the first person.
3 Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?
4 Sir Francis Chichester was the first person to make a single-handed voyage round the world.
5 Who was the first person to fly the Atlantic?
6 The first person to buzz may answer.
7 Hemingway often writes in the first person.
8 Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.
9 The first person on my list is Mrs Gilling.
10 The first person to strike oil in the US was Edwin Laurentine Drake.
11 'I am' is the first person singular of the present tense of the verb 'to be'.
12 John Pennel became the first person to pole-vault 17 ft., at a meet in Miami, Florida.
13 He became the first person to cross the desert on foot.
14 The 'Great Gatsby ' is written in the first person.
15 Who was the first person to run a mile in under four minutes?
16 Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.
17 Mary was the first person to think of the idea.
18 The novel is written in the first person, so that the author and narrator seem to be the same.
19 The scientist Ernest Rutherford was the first person to split the atom.
20 Ulrich's novel is written in the first person.
21 He is the first person to be buried in this family plot, which he has bought.
22 They believe their luck will be affected by the first person to visit them that day.
23 Gone were the carefree, witty passages written in the first person, the conversational style, the caustic bitter comments.
24 The first person Branson telephoned on Monday morning was Randolph Fields.
25 It's as if you're the first person she's told her secret to in years.
26 Pierre was the first person in his immediate family to go to college.
27 The first person to congratulate him was the crazy man.
28 The first person to call with the right answer will win 10 CDs of their choice.
29 If ever the occasion arises when I want advice,[] you're the first person I'll come to.
30 These writings influenced him just at the time when he met the first person he ever knew who had experienced rebirth.
1 He tells the story in the first person.
2 Autobiographies are written in the first person.
3 Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?
4 Sir Francis Chichester was the first person to make a single-handed voyage round the world.
31 The first person to find the thimble hides it the next time.
32 She wanted something more personal and immediate, so she began writing in the first person, as Earhart.
33 The first person to file a patent on the idea was W. Bartlett Jones of Chicago in 1927.
34 The enchanted house builder was not the first person to notice this pinhole effect.
35 Family 1 Patient 301 was the first person in this family to be referred for genetic counselling.
36 The first person who came to see me wasn't Doone after all but Tremayne.
37 Johannes Kepler was the first person to realize that the planets orbit the Sun in just such paths.
38 Linda Chavez-Thompson, a union leader born of sharecropper parents, became the first person of color elected to the executive office.
39 He was the first person I'd met that day who didn't know what a dolmen was.
40 The cantata ends with Dido still speaking in the first person.
41 Professor I.. Cantor, although he used the first person plural in his talk, did not thank any collaborators.
42 In fact, you need the first person when you or your organization is responsible for an action.
43 He was the first person to talk openly on TV about having AIDS.
44 He was the first person to set foot on the moon. 3.
45 Their inspired utterances, which were cast in the first person as direct statements by the Paraclete, were collected.
46 Gary says: I was the first person to go solo.
47 He was also the first person to use coal gas for lighting purposes.
48 Who is the first person flag the Jolly Roger?
49 There remains the question of the first person.
50 The first person she encountered was Cyril Scott.
51 The inner-focusing narration with the first person is the most prevalent writing mode in Lu xun's novels, also, the recollection mode is.
52 Marx was the first person who systematically studied the issues of fictitious capital.
53 [reply to Dr. Caldwell] The first person with whom I discussed the issues was my (board certified) allergist and immunologist.
54 In the never-ending race we have created out of our lives, the first person we always neglect is ourselves.
55 Edwin Hubble was the first person to use the Hale Telescope.
56 When he landed near Dover,[http://] the first person to greet him was a local policeman.
57 Zhu Zaiyu, an outstanding scientist and artist of Ming Dynasty, was the first person in the world to found the theory of twelve-tone equal temperament.
58 He seemed a very unusual screever, and he was, moreover, the first person I had heard maintain that poverty did not matter.
59 In 1610, Galileo Galilei became the first person to observe Saturn's rings; however, he described them as "ears."
60 Quine was the first person who sparkplugged naturalism in philosophy of science definitely among the contemporary philosophers.
61 When I got back from Desert Storm, Jeremy Roberts was the first person I called.
62 This novel is narrated entirely in the first person, by a Charlie Chaplin-esque migrant worker in Xi'an, who is alternately funny, pompous, touching and foul-mouthed – but never boring.
63 The first person in your mind predicatively is a cracksman , you just thirst for , at this moment , finding it out and kill him .
64 In the first line, the second person and the first person counted from left end are my tutors Dr.
65 The first person to discover this wonder of nature was a fortune hunter, Soon Van Zyl, who entered the Cango Caves to chase after an antelope.
66 Chinese tennis star Li Na became the first person from Asia to win a Grand Slam on Saturday with a stand-out individual performance.
67 The first person I mentioned was Richard Dean, a forty-nine-year-old Vietnam veteran who had worked for the Social Security Administration for twenty-two years.
68 Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play.
69 In 1911, Englishman Robert Scott and Norwegian Roald Amundsen raced to become the first person to reach the South Pole.
70 The first person credited with developing a comprehensive theory of human rights was British philosopher John Locke (1632-1704).
71 You were the first person to tell me this news.
72 Finally, in the narrative perspective, Vonnegut perfects the postmodern game through the mutability of the first person and third person and the parody of Jesus Christ.
73 Hours after becoming the first person of color to clinch the presidential nomination of a major U.
74 It was not until 1655 that Christian Huygens was able to use his higher-quality telescope to become the first person to describe the feature as an actual ring surrounding Saturn.
75 Roman Jakobson , a famous linguist, is the first person that adopts the permian semiotics.
76 In May 1953, Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand bee farmer turned mountain climber, became the first person to summit the world's tallest mountain.
77 A dentist called Peabody became the first person to add soap to toothpowder in 1824 and chalk was added in the 1850s by John Harris.
78 The first person to play a perfect game was Billy Mitchell in 1999.
79 Cox had the honour of being the first person to say "period"on American TV, making a commercial for Tampax.
80 The Roth novel, written in the first person, has a rushing intensity, but the movie, which observes the characters from outside (with some voice-over narration from David), is calmer and quieter.
81 The first person I spoke with in was the customs agent in the airport.
82 The novel adopts an epistolary form, uses the first person, and tells the whole story mainly by employing the idiolects of the heroines Celie and Nettie.
83 The first person to receive the world's most advanced artificial heart has died.
84 Basically, the first person to get Rail Guns is major advantage, since brute force generally wins.
85 The man, who has not been identified, is believed to be the first person to survive a drop over the falls without any life jacket or flotation device.
86 Rossy traced the route of French aviator Louis Bleriot,[] who became the first person to fly across the Channel in an aircraft in 1909.
87 Scholar Huang Zhonglian is the first person in china to systemize shift theory.
88 As the first person who formed the Confucianist theory, Conzi's theoretical system is rich and splended.
89 You are aware that you talk about the killer in the first person?
90 The first step was the introductions about experience of "neuron". The brother Wuzhenghua was the first person. He told us what plans were and how to machinate in details.
91 The participants of the siesta contest win points for the first person to fall asleep, the loudest snorer, best original sleeping position and best dressed sleeper.
92 Do you actually know who the first person to suggest daylight savings was?
93 Melanie Klein is the first person who has done the systemic work.
94 And on December 17, 1903, Orville became the first person in history to fly an airplane.
95 However, on May 6 1954, the English athlete Roger Bannister became the first person to break the four-minute mile barrier.
96 You're probably the first person in her life to think only of her.
97 He was the first person to use a microtome to prepare thin sections of nervous tissue for examination under the microscope.
98 On May 18, 2007, sword swallower Dan Meyer made history by being the first person in America to swallow a solid steel sword while submerged underwater in a tank.
99 If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born.
100 Born in Riga, now capital of Latvia, then part of the Russian Empire, he was the first person of Jewish descent to be elected to a prize fellowship at All Souls College, Oxford.
101 In 1997 at Black Rock Desert, Nevada, he drove Thrust SSC to become the first person to break the sound barrier in a car and set the existing land-speed record of 763mph.
102 Dean Miller, an Australian fur seal biologist, was the first person to spot the large white object floating past Macquarie island in the far south-west corner of the Pacific Ocean.
103 She is also the first person ever to be conceived by in vitro fertilization: the world's first test-tube baby.
104 Galileo was by no means the first person to use a telescope.
105 He was the first person in Allentown to buy a motorcycle.
106 The first person to review the project is the quality and risk management (QRM) lead, who focuses on the risks associated with the proposal and its subsequent mitigation.
107 Miss Hannah Arendt was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labour.
108 Hawking, 65, who has Lou Gehrig's disease, will be the first person with a disability to fly on the one of the flights offered by Zero Gravity Corp. , a space tourism company.
109 Which would have been fine and dandy sugar candy if he'd been the first person to notice it.
110 He was the first person to believe that the earth was a sphere.
111 African Americans are reacting with pride to Senator Barack Obama's becoming the first person of color to be the presumptive presidential nominee of a major U.S. political party.
112 Ms Thornton is the first person ever to have her "eye tooth" taken out, reshaped and inserted in this type of surgery.
113 The highest possible honor in the communal Gand society, janwuine involved the right of an individual to speak of her- or himself in the first person and to use personal pronouns in conversation.
114 Because of the inaccessibility of others' mental experience, it is presumed that the process of perspective framing in reporting others' experience must be different from the first person narration.
115 In the history of aesthetics, David Hume, a 18th century British empirical aesthetician, was the first person explicitly stated the idea of "taste".
116 In 1827 ,[] Sir Charles Wheatstone was the first person to coin the phrase " microphone. "
117 A biologist has inadvertently made history after becoming the first person to pass on an insect-borne virus to another human by sexual contact.
118 Thespis, of Athens (6th BC) was the first person to speak lines as an individual actor on stage, thus the term “Thespian” to refer to a theatrical performer was born.
119 Am I supposed to be the first person people see when they walk in?
120 He was also the first person in town to buy a motorcycle.
121 " I believe you're the first person that old ruffian has loved since < ...
122 A 31-year-old British woman has appeared in court accused of putting the wrong sort of rubbish into her recycling bin, the first person to fall foul of new environmental legislation passed in 2005.
123 In 1927, a man named Lindbergh became the first person to solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
124 He was the earliest one to introduce to domestic readers the periodic law of chemical elements, as well as the first person to work out systematic terms for organic compounds.
125 Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.
126 Among Chinese aesthetician in the 20th century, Zong Baihua is the first person who investigates the discrepancy between Chinese and Western aesthetic spacial consciousness.
127 A Frenchwoman, Marie Curie , was the first person who won two Nobel Prizes in science.
128 Charles Bowden turned state's evidence and became the first person in Irish history to be entered into the witness protection programme.




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