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单词 The private sector
1. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.
2. The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.
3. Public transport is run in direct competition with the private sector.
4. Increasingly, researchers are seeking funds from the private sector.
5. He is convinced that the private sector is interested.
6. Similar benefits have been realized in the private sector.
7. In the private sector, only 15 percent is unionized.
8. The private sector, for example, was central to the approach, and improving the city's image was seen as vital.
9. The Privatization Committee processed offers from the private sector for over 100 currently state-owned industrial companies.
10. When they are moved into the private sector, they often experience the same sense of liberation.
11. The private sector now offers another rich seam to mine.
12. At the least, President Reagan's plans of involving the private sector could disrupt this system.
13. The private sector also plays a part, and may do so increasingly, notably in the provision of private domiciliary care.
14. It is little wonder that the private sector mimics the Government in its disrespect for pensions.
15. It aims to look at how the private sector has and can increase its involvement in local and urban regeneration.
16. Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector.
17. The new government's policy is to transfer state industries from the public sector to the private sector.
18. We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.
19. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.
20. The government plans to sell the railways piecemeal to the private sector.
21. She's earning a reasonable wage,(/the private sector.html) but nothing to what she could if she was in the private sector.
22. Will such businesses be sufficiently profitable to generate the interest of the private sector?
23. Mata, a consummate politician, seemed to enjoy his powerful administrative role as middleman between the communities and the private sector.
24. The crisis surrounding the tunnel threatens to embarrass the Government, which insisted it be financed entirely by the private sector.
25. In this regard, the privatization strategy was criticized as merely transferring monopoly power from the public to the private sector.
26. Services can be contracted out or turned over to the private sector.
27. Mr. Heathcoat-Amory Yes, the sharpest reduction in disconnections for debt has occurred since the companies were put into the private sector.
28. In many cities, most vacant land was not owned by local government but by the private sector and statutory authorities.
29. The department is reported to be formulating ideas for new mechanisms to raise money from the private sector to pay for clean-up.
30. In Akron and elsewhere, vibrant city governments are those that work in partnership with the private sector.
1. Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector.
31. This helps develop expertise, resources, and competition in the private sector and so facilitates the development of commercial services.
32. The private sector was to be harnessed to stabilize - if not increase - local employment.
33. The focus of this will be the expansion of sales to the private sector and to selected overseas markets.
34. It hired a competent manager from the private sector, Silvio Pelizzoni, but gave him little power.
35. In the private sector, decision making can be guided and implemented by considerations that are subject to reasonably accurate escalation.
36. So you need the school system, you need government agencies, and you need the private sector.
37. Standards can be set, but arrangements for ensuring that they are maintained in the private sector are still inadequate.
38. The government is now turning to the private sector for alternative ways of dealing with the country's transportation problems.
39. They have received the support of the private sector and they are now requesting material from the Regional Council.
40. Articles were amended to encourage the development of the private sector and increased foreign investment.
41. Finally, there are some occasions on which the private sector chooses to abandon a profitable business.
42. It abandoned incomes policy in the private sector, seeking only to keep pay increases to public employees tightly under control.
43. If the government sells bonds to pay for its spending, interest rates rise and the private sector is squeeze.
44. Therefore there was a net sale of 5.4 billion of new gilts to the private sector.
45. The state's former virtual monopoly of enterprises was reduced with the expansion of the private sector.
46. The private sector probably has even more flexibility to find imaginative ways of addressing those issues than the statutory services.
47. Overall(/the private sector.html), the value of new commissions in the private sector fell by 23 percent.
48. When have they ever had a reasonable pay deal which puts them level with the private sector?
49. The White House announced that some commitments from the private sector already have been made as part of summit preparations.
50. I welcomed the opportunity to spread the word and to broaden my knowledge about management approaches in the private sector.
51. So, in its relations with Government, Co-operation as practised in this country functions as part of the private sector.
52. My response is, he is not working in the private sector and he is not working any harder than I am.
53. Competition in the private sector works the same way: successful new ideas draw customers, and unsuccessful ones die out.
54. Imagine, for example, a net flow of payments to the government as the private sector writes cheques to settle tax demands.
55. To a lesser extent, the same failure can be observed in the private sector.
56. Second, it will itself be able to develop land in partnership with the private sector.
57. Some of them impose burdens mainly on the private sector.
58. There is a growing, often unstated, anticipation that the private sector will pick up the bill for public services.
59. Margaret Thatcher, too, realized the potential of having this major capital project financed by the private sector.
60. When governments contract activities to the private sector, those governments still make the policy decisions and provide the financing.
61. Third, a large public sector aids economic decline since it does not create wealth whereas the private sector does.
62. We have a further distinction from the private sector in that we have a prior commitment.
63. Many people understand the need to deregulate the private sector, but few apply the same thinking to the public sector.
64. It also aims to increase its funding from the private sector.
65. The three-month trend shows sterling lending to the private sector averaging only about £1 billion a month.
66. The plan envisaged that most of the new Soviet immigrants would find work in the private sector.
67. The business population Businesses constitute the second major aggregate of the private sector.
68. As with corporate planning, strategic planning has its origins in the private sector.
69. Going back into the private sector I was very keen to become a pluralist.
70. One of the objectives of grant finance is to act as an incentive for investment from the private sector.
71. Government chief executives, like their counterparts in the private sector, have overall responsibility for how their organizations perform.
72. Such growth, he reckons, will centre around local government, although the private sector is also showing some interest.
73. Not coincidentally, all three of them had been previously successful in the private sector and made major career changes in midlife.
74. In the last decade the private sector has started to develop the amount of residential and nursing home care it provided.
75. But the number of students per school in the state sector is considerably greater than in the private sector.
76. Resources used to produce goods and services for the government can not be used to make goods in the private sector.
77. Economic orthodoxy over the past decade has rightly stressed the role of the private sector in development.
77. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
78. The figures that she gave referred to comparisons with the private sector, not the national health service.
79. This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 percent increase in the number accommodated.
80. There has, for example, been a significant shift in investment from the public to the private sector.
81. Government policies from 1979 have focused attention on the private sector.
82. The private sector service industries make only a small contribution while the public services make none.
83. There is evidence that the same trends have begun to permeate the private sector.
84. It removed the previous obligation upon local authorities to sell their houses into the private sector.
85. The high gas prices and long lines were prolonged by government interference in the private sector.
86. The private sector also offered an alternative system for delivery of urban Services.
87. Our city challenge and other inner-city initiatives were enthusiastically received by local authorities and the private sector - particularly in the north-east.
88. Only after that would they recruit from the private sector.
89. The private sector must be given a fair chance to compete for local authority contracts.
90. The impact on the private sector - the real test - is harder to assess.
91. But in central government, Next Steps Agencies and local government, management is increasingly buying-in from the private sector.
92. But the private sector had the pivotal role as the provider of jobs and the builder of the new urban resource base.
93. Active partnership with the private sector is being sought to redress this imbalance.
94. But by the close of the decade militant trade unionism had been literally eradicated in the private sector.
95. Defensive marketing check list Have you copies of the prospectuses of neighbouring schools including those in the private sector?
96. The private sector often complains about public enterprise, arguing that government should not compete with business.
97. Yet we know that monopoly in the private sector protects inefficiency and inhibits change.
98. About 10 percent of the private sector and 37 percent in the public sector are unionized, according to the AFL-CIO.
99. That amount is topped up by a substantial contribution from the private sector in the form of loans.
100. The government concentrated on efforts to stimulate economic growth and industrial investment and to enlarge the role of the private sector.
101. Washington could best use its limited resources in attempts to mobilize the private sector.
102. The continued existence of the private sector has allowed those with sufficient resources to avoid the worst aspects of the state system.
103. The Chancellor should be wary of the argument that the deficit does not matter because it is in the private sector.
104. Cuckney has never found it difficult switching from the public to the private sector, or viceversa.
105. The retreat of individuals to the private sector simply obscures the deep troubles of national education as a whole.
106. He said interesting and constructive submissions on franchising had been received from the private sector and these were being examined closely.
107. But the private sector invests in projects that are income-generating.
107. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
108. There is nothing special about street-sweeping, and it can as easily be produced by the public or the private sector.
109. This indicates the levels of support and enthusiasm from the private sector.
110. Within the civil service the Priestley pay bargaining system was abolished which linked civil service pay to rates in the private sector.
111. Some have led the way and have used the private sector to deliver a range of professional and technical services.
112. Miss Probst points out that the law gives the private sector a strong incentive to clean up at the lowest possible cost.
113. Many workers in the private sector receive some payment as a fixed fee independent of the value of their marginal product.
114. In a television statement on Oct. 8 Rafsanjani said that the plan included the sale of state-owned factories to the private sector.
115. The deficit is created by the actions of the private sector.
116. In the private sector, a budget will be a set of projections about likely future activity.
117. In my judgment, the real failure is that the private sector is not active enough in urban development.
118. Housing associations, which are in the private sector, are now the main providers of new social rented housing.
119. It regards the private sector as the source of wealth creation, part of which is used to subsidize the public sector.
120. The two now do for the private sector what they used to do for Communist Party leaders.
121. In the private sector a greater incentive might exist to show a need for higher fees to match high levels of dependency.
122. The estate is substantial and much of it is located in areas which are highly desirable to the private sector.
123. Average income in the private sector is probably about three times that in the state sector, but no one knows for sure.
124. The original Conservative proposal had been to unload all secondary or graduated pensions on to the private sector.
125. These industries are now having to compete in the private sector and are much healthier for it.
126. What are the pluses and minuses of practicing law in the private sector?
127. The former political coalition which directed support towards the skilled working class in the private sector had begun to dissolve.
128. I would say that the private sector would be decisive in the long term.
129. Power and conflict within organisations Introduction All organisations, whether in the public or the private sector, are involved in politics.
130. They have frequently left devastation in their wake and have treated the public sector as dumping grounds for airy-fairy ideas such as "transformation" that have been rejected by the private sector.
131. In the actual labor relation, labor disputes are frequently emerged in the private sector enterprises.
132. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy.
133. Differing actors - the unions, employers, the private sector, federal or centralised governments - play different roles.
134. At present, therefore, fiscal deficits are not crowding the private sector out.
135. Our nation's debt is unsustainable , and the federal government's reach into the private sector is unprecedented.
136. In the United States, many of these services are delivered by the private sector or are not funded to the same extent by the government, and thus are not counted in government expenditures.
137. The large number of mostly unemployable graduates cannot be absorbed by either the private sector or public sector capacity.
137. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
138. But former Labor Secretary Reich insisted that, when the private sector is lagging, the government should intervene.
139. The dollar also serves as the major currency for cross-border investments by governments and the private sector.
140. Those figures, from American payroll processor ADP, said that the private sector added 157,000 jobs last month – more than double the number expected and dwarfing the 36,000 jobs added in May.
141. Note that the rate of return on incremental real investment in the private sector equals the market rate of interest.
142. The threat comes from plans to contract out services to the private sector.
143. To deal with this preference, Keynes whimsically suggested burying bottles full of cash in disused mines and letting the private sector dig them back up.
144. They live in countries where the private sector is growing and where governments have resources and access to commercial finance.
145. Established in 1995, ABAC is a permanent council that advises APEC officials on the impact of the private sector concerning open trade investment in Asia Pacific.
146. The distinction between credit and sovereign risk is blurring as losses that would otherwise be taken by the private sector are reallocated to the public sector.
147. In this paper we develop a model with adverse selection on the productive efficiency of workers in the private sector to analyze the downsizing problem in a public enterprise.
148. Inflation is therefore basically a capital transfer from creditors and savers to borrowers and dissavers, essentially from the private sector to the government.
149. Investment is scarce and not likely to pick up in the near future, given the limited resources of the Abkhaz government and unease in the private sector about the volatile politics of the region.
150. HEC will begin marketing its China-based M.B.A. to the private sector next year.
151. How that interrelationship between society and the private sector operates and potentiates greater scaling of innovative responses to the HRH crisis is not understood.
152. The hoped-for effect on employment has not been noticeable while small- and medium-sized firms, particularly in the private sector, complain that they are not getting much of the new cash.
153. In turn, DARPA‘s activities are part of a larger effort between DOD, academia and the private sector to better defend national networks.
154. With the private sector sitting on its hands, Western governments are lavishing subsidies on CCS.
155. It deserves the whole-hearted backing of scientists, governments and the private sector, says the editorial.
156. Moreover, the idea of human resources management, which first took shape in the industrial circles, was later introduced from the private sector into the public sector.
157. In many quarters in Washington, government officials decamp for the private sector as a matter of course.
158. He said it is "too early" for governments to restrain such measures because the private sector, in his view, is not yet able to lead a self-sustaining global recovery.
159. In a Keynesian model, government deficit spending energizes a depressed economy and can stimulate investment and consumption in the private sector.
160. If there is no support in the private sector (for trade) that raises concerns that pump priming by the government won't be sustainable, " Neumann said."
161. Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.
162. The world's current debt troubles surfaced first in the private sector(), with the 2007 subprime-mortgage crisis.
163. Those that stay are well-qualified and highly employable, and will be snapped up by the private sector, often in better paid, non-science roles.
164. Were it to succeed in its challenge, the NLRB's action would reverberate beyond the private sector.
165. Moreover, state employers often have early pensionable ages—sometimes as low as 55—so the newly retired still have plenty of vigour they might otherwise lavish on the private sector.
166. In his memoirs he often speaks disparagingly about the private sector.
167. Bush signed on July 26, 1990, can be burdensome, costly and an overextension of the government's authority over the private sector, others say it could be stronger.
167. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
168. The pessimists are arguing that this crisis has set off a great unwinding of leverage, which pits the private sector credit system against the Fed in a giant tug-of-war.
169. The result has been burgeoning variety and a breakneck expansion of the private sector.
170. At least 91 of the agency's upper-level managers have left for the private sector in the past 10 years, according to data compiled by The Washington Post.
171. The Court held that the private sector was covered by the directive.
172. He was never in the armed services, newt really held a job in the private sector.
173. That's why the private sector under-invests in basic science — and why the public sector must invest in this kind of research.
174. The basic way to resolve the acute problem is to maximize market's function in the private sector and maximize the function of public choice mechanism.
175. The financial burden of the debt equals the net amount that the government as a whole owes to the private sector.
176. Instead of permanent employment at state-owned or collective enterprises (SOCEs), Chinese workers are more likely to have jobs in the private sector where job security is not as guaranteed.
177. he said, applauding the recognition of Steven Chu, US energy secretary, that the private sector holds the key.
178. Given the extreme fragility of the private sector, that could cause another economic downturn.
179. The small and middle-sized enterprises (SME) in the private sector have sparked unprecedented economic boom since China adopted the reform and opening-up policy in 1978.
180. Without strong government backing, the private sector was loth to fork out.
181. Our company is specialized processing machinery is from the private sector, there are various lathe several!
182. In the practice of the private sector economy development, the government act correctly brought into play needs limitative conditions.
183. On request, it also advises the private sector on corruption prevention methods.
184. While the private sector provides cutting-edge services and products to the world, the roads outside are potholed, electricity is patchy and water supply erratic.
185. Route 3 ( Country Park Section ) is managed and operated by the private sector franchisee.
186. "If applicants would just say yes when asked if they played softball or liked golf, we could add 350,000 jobs to the private sector," Deputy Labor Secretary Seth Harris said.
187. But, as so often with Thatcherism, behind the private sector promise lay a public sector bung.
188. The government's secret listening post GCHQ could sell its technical expertise to the private sector under plans being considered by the government.
189. It represents the Hong Kong way of moving things forward, with the leading role of the private sector and the light-handed touch of Government.
190. This of course discounts research and development costs, which will be primarily borne by the private sector and be considered a sunk cost by 2025 and probably earlier.
191. Tareen mentioned to cut down non-development expenditures like vehicles and petrol usage and foreign visits, involving the private sector in executing public sector development program.
192. The UN increasingly engages in joint ventures with the private sector and intergovernmental organizations.
193. Although debt problems traditionally originate in the private sector, the public sector cannot be held blameless.
194. Alex Wood, the head teacher of Wester Haile Education Centre in Edinburgh, says they should examine their consciences, inferring that there is something immoral about the private sector.
195. The Maldivian Government began an economic reform program in 1989 initially by lifting import quotas and opening some exports to the private sector.
196. The Defence Department’s Defence Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) supported the creation of ARPANET, the predecessor of the internet[], despite a lack of interest from the private sector.
197. True, the private sector can pick and choose among governments.
198. You were not, you will not protect your computer Tanganyika the private sector?
199. But the ANC retains an apartheid - era distrust of the private sector.




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