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单词 The White House
1 The White House was swift to deny the rumours.
2 He's a shoo-in for the White House.
3 He drove to the White House.
4 A peaceable crowd gathered outside the White House.
5 The White House probably won't make this plan public until July.
6 The President received His Holiness at the White House.
7 Who will win the race for the White House?
8 Protesters are still picketing outside the White House gates.
9 The White House has not participated in any talks.
10 She requested permission to film at the White House.
11 The White House has denied the report.
12 The White House has issued a statement.
13 Tourists come in droves to see the White House.
14 They accused the White House of obstruction and obfuscation.
15 The White House is set to announce health-care reforms.
16 The White House has the final say.
17 He was summoned to the White House.
18 The ambassador made forceful representations to the White House.
19 She worked in the White House as an intern.
20 They had plotted to blow up the White House.
21 A pack of journalists was waiting outside the White House.
22 He was the first pope to visit the White House.
23 This latest statement from the White House clashes with important aspects of US foreign policy.
24 The White House hopes these problems can be cleared up soon.
25 She was designated by President as the chief of the White House Office.
26 The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.
27 Despite last night's scare(),[] it was business as usual in the White House today.
28 John told me that the President would honour me by meeting me in the White House.
29 Mr Bird has now officially joined the race for the White House.
30 The Colonel gave me advice on how to comport myself in the White House.
1 The White House was swift to deny the rumours.
2 He's a shoo-in for the White House.
3 He drove to the White House.
4 A peaceable crowd gathered outside the White House.
5 The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.
6 The White House probably won't make this plan public until July.
31 He was received as an honoured guest at the White House.
32 The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions.
33 The article quoted an unnamed source from the White House.
34 The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away from foreign policy issues.
35 Eisenhower left the White House and retired to his farm in Gettysburg.
36 The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.
37 He ran the last block to the White House with two cases of gear.
38 Despite objections by the White House,[http:///the White House.html] the Senate voted today to cut off aid.
39 The satellite provides a video link between the White House and the Kremlin.
40 One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity , said the White House took the threat very seriously.
41 We're going over to the White House for an important announcement.
42 The White House will staff out the recommendations before making a decision.
43 The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event.
44 The White House has worked for years to produce picture-perfect events to frame the president as the nation's leader.
45 Examples of proper nouns in English are Joseph, Vienna and the White House.
46 They will go to any lengths to get the White House to change course .
47 Why has the White House lost its way on tax and budget policy?
48 The screenplay for "Gabriel Over the White House" is credited to Carey Wilson.
49 The White House is hanging tough for a good agreement to be reached.
50 The White House says the president would veto the bill.
51 Yesterday afternoon the White House put out a new version of events.
52 The protesters marched in a body to the White House.
53 When the new American President took office, some members of the White House staff were eased out.
54 If forced to choose between the penitentiary and the White House for four years, I would say the penitentiary, thank you.
55 David McNeil is travelling with the White House press corps.
56 He stacked up a chance to go to the White House.
57 For the time being, all eyes are on the White House.
58 The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House.
59 The race for the White House begins in earnest today.
60 With the blessing of the White House, a group of Democrats in Congress is meeting to find additional budget cuts.
61 A spokeswoman at the White House has squelched rumors about the president's ill-health.
62 Chalabi sought to avoid trouble with the White House.
63 How do you like the White House, Your Majesty?
64 A military band played from the White House balcony.
65 The White House seems to be counting on this.
66 The White House does not want to antagonize Beijing.
67 A mass of people marched before the White House.
68 Spelling and his family dine at the White House.
69 What Clinton did with the veterans' budget illustrates the dilemma the White House faces with many politically sensitive constituencies.
70 Arnold said that the national committee occasionally dealt with Anne Stock, head of the White House social office.
71 Republicans in Congress, used to having a lock on the White House, began attacking Clinton at once.
72 About 200 tourists were gathered in the main foyer of the White House.
73 But Democrats applauded, generally taking the pious view that the White House can never be above the law.
74 Roosevelt, furthermore, was almost certainly the most gifted man to sit in the White House in the twentieth century.
75 The White House is being very cagey about the contents of the report.
76 There are hopes that an agreement can be made to break the deadlock between the White House and Congress.
77 He said the White House would have no further comment.
78 Some Honor Guard members will escort dignitaries at the inauguration and the White House reviewing stand.
79 Should Clinton win, that official announcement would herald the biggest clearout of personnel the White House has seen.
80 He began organizing the event in earnest after the White House expressed support 10 days ago.
81 This means the White House has not been required to undertake special safety precautions during the current water emergency, he said.
82 It will be plugged into the White House e-mail system.
83 Bill Clinton was once again being boosted as the front-runner for the White House in the fall election.
84 The Washington police fired tear gas at them and the gas was blown at once across the White House garden.
85 The White House sidestepped questions about linking the gas tax repeal with the minimum wage.
86 The Clintons got what they wanted more than anything else: the White House with its power and prestige.
87 Jimmy Carter's limited experience in politics had not given him adequate preparation for the demands of the White House.
88 He can make sure that the campaign office, which he oversees, and the White House are in step.
89 A leadership style that has made her a remarkably effective prime minister would be a crippling liability in the White House.
90 Other presidents fade into the dusty past once they have left the White House.
91 The White House announcement drew bitter reaction from the gay community.
92 But, he says, he could not swop places in his favourite bar for the White House Oval Office.
93 His job at the White House had been to deal with the press.
94 Walking along the shiny marble aisles, he would dream about living in the White House, or just a better home.
95 The number of those who consider the 72-year-old too old to enter the White House has increased.
96 The federal appeals court agreed with him,[http://] saying that the White House demand for secrecy would lead to abuses.
97 The power was on self-congratulatory display Wednesday night on the White House south lawn.
98 The next month, china cups clinked again at the White House for Puerto Rican contributors and businessmen.
99 Routine revisions to the previous months' figures were delayed by the budget impasse between the White House and Congress.
100 The notion of lasers in space has captured the imaginations of planners at the Pentagon and the White House.
101 The special prosecutor last month asked the Supreme Court to turn aside the White House appeal over the attorneys' notes.
102 He berated the White House time and again for not building support for the Bosnia operation within Congress.
103 But that is the crux of the Republican assault that Clinton must defeat if he is to remain in the White House.
104 Dole appeared to be drawing a lesson from the last four presidential candidates who ousted the opposition party from the White House.
105 No longer an economic adviser to the White House or attached to the State Department.
106 All the danger is in the White House, from nuclear weapons on down.
107 Barakat was one of dozens of major Democratic donors and fund-raisers invited to the White House for coffees in 1995 and 1996.
108 An administration source said the White House still hoped to get other countries involved in the airdrop.
109 Nader's presidential run, in all likelihood, will cost Gore the White House.
110 The White House has agreed to produce documents and to allow its officials to be interviewed by the Senate investigators.
111 The president had begun his day by planting a 6-foot-tall dogwood on the White House lawn in honor of Brown.
112 She participated in political gatherings at the White House for donors and supporters.
113 These days they hung on for their hundred-year-old birthday greetings from the White House.
114 Nor can the Republican majority on his panel be viewed as simply do-gooders out to restore candor to the White House.
115 Pardons initiated by the White House customarily are granted by presidents outside the regular procedures established by law.
116 Another coffee in 1996 saw big donors from Texas gathered at the White House.
117 The charade at the White House today about calling a halt to politics is transparently hypocritical.
118 In 1994, the White House launched a $ 580 million program to support development of flat-panel displays in the United States.
119 Both were deeply religious, highly intelligent, moralistic southerners who went to the White House as amateurs and outsiders.
120 Each stood out in different settings, creating a sense of inevitability about their eventual accession to the White House.
121 A fruit picker at 12, she now toils in the White House.
122 Any final decision must have the concurrence of the White House.
123 The issue has reportedly caused deep divisions this year in both the White House and the State Department.
124 Administration officials have said he was given the job at the behest of the White House.
125 Critics of U.S. aid have questioned whether the White House package could disrupt peace talks.
126 Congress is refusing to be bulldozed by the White House on the issue.
127 The winning candidate needs 270 electoral votes to capture the White House.
128 Congressional sources believe the White House saw the chance for a quick, psychologically valuable victory over the Democratic leaders.
129 For the first time in living memory a presidential candidate claimed the White House before his rival had conceded the race.
130 Last week, you officially became a candidate for the White House when you appeared on the primary ballot in California.
131 Clinton said he could not remember whether he personally solicited campaign funds by telephone from the White House.
132 This quickly won approval of the policy makers at the White House, but Kissinger wanted to do much more.
133 If a Republican were in the White House, the Democrats would be making similar charges and predictions.
134 Like Amy she may find the White House becomes a hothouse.
135 At the White House, Clinton has begun to focus his attentions on Lott.
136 I just don't want a little guy with a moustache in the White House.
137 But that was so long ago, before even one man named Bush had won the White House.
138 Clinton ordered Pennsylvania Avenue closed to vehicular traffic in front of the White House.
139 In the recriminations that followed the botched coup, pro- and anti-Noriega factions attacked the White House.
140 Lincoln hastened to call a cabinet meeting at the White House.
141 Why is the White House fretting and sending emissaries to gauge what he really wants?
142 All those business groups were major financial backers of Johnson and stood to profit by his move into the White House.
143 The White House seems blind to the struggles of the middle class.
144 Mike McCurry, the White House spokesman, said the first planeload of detection equipment already was on its way.
145 But he aimed his choicest barbs at occupants of the White House, or those trying to be.
146 Bush has lunged for the keys to the White House, but he is not Mr President yet.
147 But hampered by the lack of enthusiasm from the White House, the measure failed to complete its legislative programme.
148 All cabinet council meetings took place in the west wing of the White House within a few feet of the Oval Office.
149 The White House hopes that the investigation will clear the air.
150 The White House did not draft its own amendment, and Clinton said he would work with Congress to draft one.
151 He got it into his head to take a walk in Lafayette Park, across from the White House.
152 Daughter Pat is head of the specialty press operation in the White House media affairs office.
153 The designer and the White House are mum about colors and particulars.
154 The Republicans had dominated presidential politics for almost twenty-five years when Clinton began his bid for the White House.
155 Quinn said he told Holder he was sending Rich's petition to the White House.
156 Quinn is well-regarded within the White House and has been an important political adviser to Clinton.
157 The interests of the White House and of congressional Democrats do not obviously coincide.
158 Mr Kemp has been trying for several years to prod the White House into launching a serious anti-poverty programme.
159 With George Bush installed in the White House,[sentencedict .com] the temper of the times has indeed changed very sharply.
160 Clinton is the sixth president of the postwar era to win election to the White House while already occupying the Oval Office.
161 Eizenstat oversaw the talks from the White House, to keep them moving.
162 Stopping the White House from selling weapons to a foreign country requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress.
163 Despite agreement on those provisions, the White House has voiced concern over several other sections of the measure.
164 The timing of the recent disclosures is hardly the best for Mrs Clinton and the White House.
165 Top staff meetings at the White House and in the various agencies and departments are devoted to getting puff pieces written.
166 The White House urged the colleges to view this as a model to become involved in literacy work in future years.
167 The May 13 gathering, disclosed in documents released by the White House Friday, drew swift condemnation from public interest groups.
168 Suppose when the White House Detail asks for Harry it isn't to give evidence, but advice?
169 Some of the material had been checked out from the White House library, she thought.
170 By wielding his lasso in the White House, Ickes can help to stop Clinton from wandering off-message.
171 Barbour took over the party when it was in the doldrums following the 1992 election that lost the White House.
172 He ordered bombing runs and battlefield campaigns from the White House.
173 But any deal done between the leaders and the White House may be subject to full congressional approval.
174 Pentagon officials declined to discuss their views and referred questions to the White House.
175 The president himself spoke out on the issue at the White House shortly before his testimony was played in Little Rock.
176 For well over a century the White House had been looking west.
177 Organizers soon hit on the idea of broadening the January take by asking people to send money directly to the White House.
178 Democrats want to look into the entirety of campaign finance law; Republican leaders want to focus on the White House.
179 There appears to be close coordination between the Pentagon, the White House and Congress on this point.
180 And Magruder really was a card-carrying bicycle freak who had even ridden his 10-speed to the White House every day.
181 Afterward he and Corinne went to the White House for lunch and mingled with the high and mighty of official Washington.
182 If disaster strikes again, he expects to find a sympathetic ear at the White House.
183 This goes some way to explaining why the Republicans are so impatient to get back into the White House.
184 On the third morning, the White House People returned again, armed with bows and arrows.
185 The recession that helped propel Clinton to the White House is long gone.
186 Clinton reiterated his interest Thursday during an afternoon meeting with the mayors at the White House.
187 Once again the Democratic party may have thrown away a historic opportunity to retake the White House.
188 Both the Senate panel and the White House should be dead set against it.
189 There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
190 We were in the White House, if you please,[http:///the White House.html] and he wanted us to leave the room.
191 Wang gained entry to the White House as a guest of Trie.
192 Most shocking was the charge that Morris had allowed her to eavesdrop on conversations with the White House.
193 The White House initiative functioned in this way not as a mandate but as a disincentive.
194 The White House persisted in its efforts to pass the bill(), despite the opposition of Congress.
195 Carey works in the White House as a special assistant for legislative affairs; he did not return a phone call Monday.
196 Motasem Ahmed at the Hay-Adams, which overlooks the White House, says he would never call on such an uncivilized service.
197 The Labor Department was set up to be their spokesman, their champion, their liaison to the White House.
198 The White House subsequently apologized to most of the fired employees, arranging new jobs for them.
199 The White House pins the whole thing on onetime deputy counsel Vincent Foster, who is dead and can not defend himself.
200 The alternative for Clinton is to adopt a slower approach supported by the Pentagon and many in the White House.
201 It would have a better chance of finding revenue by digging for pirate treasure on the White House lawn.
202 No, the White House has been listening hard to how people think things look, and devising plans to fit.
203 In both cases the White House is promoting the idea that the missile defence row is all over bar the shouting.
204 With his victory in Florida officially certified, Bush announced new moves to lay claim to the White House.
205 If they agree on a pardon, it is passed on to the White House.
206 Then he rushed down the long steps and across the lawn to the White House.
207 Hoover, our hardest worked man, is at the White House appointing commissions.
208 After repeated entreaties, the White House finally agreed to try one.
209 Ickes left the White House after the election when he did not receive a high-level appointment.
210 If he could emerge triumphant from those events, he believed he would gain the momentum to win the White House.
211 The row started when a bevy of movie stars appeared at the White House correspondents' dinner on May 1st.
212 His first wife, Tammy, was his escort at the White House party.
213 Nixon entered the White House in 1969 committed to budgetary restraint and reducing spending on welfare programmes.
214 Daniels could face appearances on network news and talk shows and at the White House in the coming months.
215 So that swine Lleland had not been acting on presidential authority when he told me to ban them from the White House.
216 Nationally, the White House and many members of congress are accessible on-line through Internet and various commercial computer networks.
216 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
217 Reporters will also go to desperate lengths to get invitations to the White House Christmas party.
218 Congressional leaders met them at the White House for coffee before escorting them to Capitol Hill.
219 But Republicans now in command at the White House and in Congress generally oppose new gun control measures.
220 After Clinton was elected in 1992, Herman was appointed head of the White House public liaison office.
221 Democratic Party nominees who have lost the White House will not be attending the Democratic convention.
222 Schindler flew home and informed the White House of his favorable impressions.
223 He returned to the White House to serve Reagan, one of his heroes, as communications director in 1985.
224 The majesty of life in the White House is matched only by its isolation.
225 Until this month, they were an institution, just like the White House.
226 I had experienced Mr Weinberg on a number of occasions-he was a frequent guest at the White House.
227 In Washington, the White House said the coup attempt appeared to have ended in failure.
228 Six former welfare recipients will be placed at the White House in mostly clerical positions, officials said.
229 He must bear primary responsibility for the chaos that descended upon the White House when such disclosure did occur.
230 Mike McCurry, the White House spokesman, confirmed the campaign will air its first commercial beginning Friday.
231 Speakers include Cristeta Comerford, the first female executive chef in the White House, and Capt. Vernice Armour, the first black female U.S. combat pilot.
232 In that long interim, President Hoover invited his successor to the White House to discuss the troubling economic conditions.
233 Officials of the Energy Department's loan office and the White House budget office defended their decisions, which they said were carefully reviewed and not politically inspired.
234 Capricia Marshall, the White House social secretary, arranged for the White House butlers, chefs, and valets to come help the Camp David staff in making sure the meals were enjoyable.
235 Forty-two years later, I began writing another memoir, this one about the eight years I spent in the White House living history with Bill Clinton.
236 The unprecedented coziness that once existed between the Justice Department and the White House now remains solely in the person of Gonzales.
237 Gibbs said the White House wants the issue dealt with before Jan. 1 so that taxpayers will avoid seeing more money withheld from their paychecks or being hit by the higher alternative minimum tax.
238 He asked all the kids why we learned English. "I want to see the President in the White House", I replied naughtily.
239 That would be a nonstarter with Democrats and the White House has backed away from seeking to make it part of a short-term stimulus package.
240 Barack Obama declared victory Wednesday (Beijing time) in the hard-fought race for the Democratic nomination to become the first black with a viable chance of winning the White House.
241 In nineteen ninety, first lady Barbara Bush's Springer spaniel Millie told about her life in the White House in "Millie's Book."
242 The White House asked the United States Secret Service to do a full review, and they are doing that.
243 The Republicans had explained Soros's involvement with simpleminded shorthand, suggesting that he wanted to own the White House.
244 slide down the banister of the solarium, go to T-ball games, have swimming parties, and play sardines on the White House lawn.
245 After all, back when she still seemed a shoo-in to the White House, his subtitle for "Liberal Fascism" was "The Secret History of the American left, From Mussolini to Hillary Clinton".
246 Suddenly President Harrison was dead[/the White House.html], and "Tyler too" was in the White House.
247 According to local media reports, after the earthquake, the White House, Congress and the Pentagon have been evacuated, it can be said of the political center in Washington, two hours short stop.
248 The White House meeting is scheduled for a day after a U.S. House of Representatives committee is set to consider legislation aimed at curbing deceptive billing and interest rate practices.
249 Chief political strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of the month.
250 But Carl Wieman, associate director for science within the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, says that ACC wasn't helpful and that a new White House panel will take another shot.
251 Locke was unanimously confirmed by the Senate as secretary of commerce, and the White House said it expected a successful confirmation process for his new post.
252 By that standard, AARP may be outmuscled only by the White House in the slugfest over restructuring Social Security.
253 Jeremy Bernard will serve as social secretary to President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. The White House is about to get its first ever male -and openly gay - social secretary.
254 "She's really set this new guideline, and I feel like the White House will never be the same after this somehow," said Gloria Baume, fashion director for Teen Vogue.
255 And at a send-off ceremony for American Olympians at the White House, he said he can not wait to cheer them on in person.
256 Vice President Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood challenged governors to think boldly when designing high-speed rail plans during a roundtable discussion at the White House today.
257 Federal workers thought they were sitting pretty until the White House announced its plans for reform.
258 Chief political strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of month.
259 Perhaps sensing that Sam would enjoy an early brush with power, his father took him at the age of ten to meet Warren Harding in the White House.
260 One of the popular plays of the time, called "Our American Cousin, " was being performed at Ford's Theater, not far from the White House. The Secretary of War did not want the Lincolns to go alone.
261 US unease with the way the episode is playing with victims' families was highlighted last night when the White House condemned the scenes at Tripoli airport in unusually undiplomatic language.
262 Leaders of the Rolling Thunder event began this year's observance at the White House, where they got an official send-off from President Bush.
263 It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, moved in.
264 Remember, the U.S. fiscal outlook was pretty good in 2000, but, as soon as Republicans gained control of the White House, they squandered the surplus on tax cuts and unfunded wars.
265 In honor of President's Day and Lincoln's birthday on Feb. 12, NEWSWEEK offers this close-up tour of the newly renovated Lincoln Bedroom in the White House.
266 It raises the question: Do the schedulers at the White House lack imagination, or are they just trying to help a scribbler draw a parallel?
267 Bob started as under secretary of agriculture, then came to the White House as director of personnel and appointments.
268 At the meeting are leaders of small banks, two Pennsylvania restaurateurs, a woman who owns a firm that markets to people with disabilities, a cabinetry retailer and others, the White House said.
269 He is the youngest chief speechwriter on record in the White House, and, despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today's speech, one which has so much riding on it.
270 The president stood beside a parcel of cleared ground near the White House, preparing to lay the cornerstone of a federal office building and to plant an enduring epithet on investigative journalism.
271 The Queen arrived at the White House Monday morning and is attending a white-tie dinner tonight.
272 In 1879, the first telephone was installed in the White House. President Hayes did not use it very often, however, because there were not many other telephones in Washington.
273 He made it clear the White House believes it is too early to take the US economy off life-support.
274 As the only Democrat to win two terms in the White House since Franklin Roosevelt, William Jefferson Clinton retains considerable credibility when it comes to politics and economics.
275 After two years at the White House, Robinho is still a promise rather than the world-beater he was supposed to have turned into by now.
276 T-ball games at the White House will take place each month during the baseball season for the next four years.




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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:50:26