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单词 The general public
1. The general public remained totally ignorant of the danger.
2. The Centre is easily accessible to the general public.
3. The serum is available to the general public.
4. Downing Street has been off limits to the general public since 1982.
5. The general public is constantly exposed to radiation.
6. The exhibition is not open to the general public.
7. Is the library open to the general public?
8. Unemployment is 10 percent among the general public and about 40 percent among North African immigrants.
9. Too many government departments are unaccountable to the general public.
10. At that time, the general public was / were not aware of the health risks.
11. The general public has been greatly inconvenienced by this strike.
12. Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.
13. The meeting will be open to the general public .
14. We must get our message over to the general public.
15. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public.
16. This is a matter of great concern to the general public.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. The crime problem has great significance to the general public.
18. They are not responsible to the general public.
19. Convinced that the general public had an unsatisfied thirst for knowledge, he took an active part in several educational activities.
20. I don't know if the general public has fully grasped just how undemocratic the present Labour leadership election rules are.
21. These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
22. The debate should ratchet up awareness of the problem among members of the general public.
23. His economic mismanagement has lost him the support of the general public.
24. All relevant departments will co - operate to publicise this MPF system which affects the general public.
25. Research psychologists normalize the results of their studies by comparing their subjects' behaviour with that of the general public.
26. It's not motorists who give you the most stick, it's the general public.
27. She was appointed for her high moral standing with the general public.
28. I offer my observations as those of an interested and reasonably informed member of the general public.
29. The data is privileged information, not to be shared with the general public.
30. Each is covered almost immediately and, so far as the general public is concerned, left virtually without trace.
1. The general public remained totally ignorant of the danger.
2. The Centre is easily accessible to the general public.
3. The serum is available to the general public.
4. These charities depend on the compassionate feelings and generosity of the general public.
5. Downing Street has been off limits to the general public since 1982.
6. The debate should ratchet up awareness of the problem among members of the general public.
7. All relevant departments will co - operate to publicise this MPF system which affects the general public.
31. The early morning market is for wholesalers only, the general public have to wait until later in the day.
32. The general public wouldn't be interested in the subtleties of unfair regulations and the clear imbalance of resources.
33. Tickets will become available to the general public in June.
34. In the last analysis, egalitarian policies will only succeed if they are desired and supported by the general public.
35. Suppose there was a sudden surge in demand for cash from the general public.
36. Marketers said the ad campaign would enter a second phase in June, when tickets become available to the general public.
37. None of these collections was well catalogued or well arranged by present-day standards, and none was accessible to the general public.
38. More lay inspectors, drawn from other professions and from the general public, will bring fresh insights into service improvement.
39. Unknown to the general public, he has become one of the most influential educators of young people in the world.
40. But it is not only the system's legitimacy with outside observers and the general public which is important.
41. Fortunately this occurred during the dress rehearsal, so the general public never knew what they missed.
42. The financial statement will be ready for the A.G.M. The donations from the general public show a decrease on previous years.
43. If the general public knows anything about the construction industry, it knows that the Mafia have a role to play.
44. The event was well supported by both Society members and the general public.
45. She is a poet who is admired by other poets but not well-known to the general public.
46. When Waddesdon reopens at Easter next year the guests will be the general public.
47. The symbol gets the same message across to your existing employees,[sentencedict .com] to the business community and to the general public.
48. Dangers to the general public can also arise at fairgrounds, demolition sites or from the carrying of dangerous substances by road.
49. Among the problems it faces are: the continuing popularity of the service amongst the general public.
50. These are vexed questions that involve the whole community in Western societies: scientists, professionals, and the general public.
51. Federman said this gender difference is consistent with that in the general public.
52. Does the general public care less about the plight of some old people than it does about children?
53. We want the committee to include at least five members of the general public.
54. If it is bad for scholars to do nothing for the general public, it is also possible to do too much.
55. The Fire Precautions Act 1971 was passed in order to improve fire safety standards at premises frequented by the general public.
56. The village, which will include craft exhibits and dancing, will be open to the general public through Sunday.
57. While she is lauded in London intellectual circles, she is less well-known to the general public.
58. In the centres, the general public as well as students are made to feel welcome, and the atmosphere is overwhelmingly adult.
59. Organizers of the president's funeral plan a large ceremony for the general public, and a small, private affair for his family.
60. It is the only horse race that captures the attention of the general public, much like motor sports' Indianapolis 500.
61. In the matter of ultimate aesthetic evaluation it laid stress on the intuitive response of the general public.
62. Now these handmade beds are on sale to the general public.
63. Their main source of funds are banks, but they do also receive deposits from the general public.
64. Should the general public be left alone to make their own decisions, when presented with unproven techniques?
65. We have made great strides in de-emphasising the beer parties, but not many people in the general public have noticed.
66. The Design centre finally failed because it became too elitist and alienated the general public.
67. He was widely admired by fellow pilots and show-business colleagues, as well as the general public.
68. It may not be errors of fact that matter to the general public as much as errors of judgment.
69. No Press appeals were made for assistance from the general public.
70. But it is illegal to import it, send it through the post or display it to the general public.
71. In problematical cases the following test might help - Has the general public access?
72. The general public and those who watch our proceedings on television must wonder whether we are really fighting.
73. Riots and Disorder To the general public, the most noticeable symptom of the penal crisis is of course the prison riot.
74. They compete for the savings of the general public through a network of high street branches.
75. Very little official information is given to the general public.
76. The general public are also in danger from industrial pollution.
76. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
77. With prior permission, access can normally now be gained to the aircraft by the general public.
78. Even before the compact disc was finally launched to the general public, however, Karajan was making yet another move.
79. Their abuse was tolerated if not actually encouraged by the general public.
80. They must have some detrimental effect, either physical or economic, on employees, consumers or the general public.
81. By 1923 the country was very prosperous and the general public did not seem to be particularly shocked by the revelations.
82. The emphasis has switched to trying to reach the general public, rather than talk down to them.
83. Most media companies assume members of the general public are morons.
84. To the general public the result of all this integrated activity has been an enormous improvement in the standard of living.
85. The general public should regard statements from animal rights groups with caution.
86. This task it has admirably fulfilled, becoming very popular with the general public.
87. And both contributors and the general public remain suspicious and divided about public financing of presidential and congressional elections.
88. The rest of their liabilities are raised through deposits from the general public, share capital and deferred taxation.
89. Does he accept that the general public will not mind in the least paying to see these magnificent treasures?
90. Several of these have daily contact with the general public.
91. The Order also protects the general public from work dangers.
92. The general public are, on the whole, pretty conservative about education.
93. You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. Scott Adams 
94. So far as the general public is concerned, New Testament history offers a striking contrast.
95. The site is off-limits to the general public.
96. Are they not concerned that the final outcome will be that the general public will conclude that such debunkers are bald-faced liars?
97. The mission of CESSE is to understand the world around us and explore the universe to large numbers of students, teachers and the general public.
98. The company Hildebrand and Wolfmueller made the first two - wheel motorized vehicle available to the general public.
99. An obligator of information disclosure shall guarantee that donators and the general public can consult or copy the information materials as disclosed in a quick and convenient manner.
100. It offers a public enquiries service for the purpose of specimen identification for the general public, and houses all of the palaeontological collections.
101. At the showcase, DARPA officials will brief government contractors, computer security firms and the general public on technologies being developed at the agency.
102. Using the commons as a cesspool does not harm the general public under frontier conditions, because there is no public, the same behavior in a metropolis is unbearable.
103. Advertisements addressed to the general public and relied upon by the plaintiff may give rise to an express or implied warranty so as to form the basis of a products liability action.
104. It aims to protect shareholders and the general public from accounting errors and fraudulent practices.
105. In 1984, Apple released the Macintosh, a pioneering device with a graphic interface that opened personal computing to the general public.
106. Is there a way to help the general public for the simple self-judgment?
106. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
107. The answer of course right, but I feel a bit Tipi Qiu, the blame to the general public.
108. Contrary to popular belief, Disneyland has a full liquor license which is used when the place closes down to the general public to accommodate private parties.
109. It's the same as the spot rate for small transactions for the general public.
110. But like most of the general public, Depp is not a Broadway zealot.
111. To publicize and promote the concept of Osteopathy the general public.
112. With the social and economic development, social stratification and the media selection mode of diversification, the general public are becoming increasingly personalized, debris, and Focus.
113. Yet again, the general public did not get the message.
114. No bidder may collude with the bid inviter in bidding so as to impair the interests of the State and the general public or the lawful rights and interests of others.
115. This was " Hinayana ", which means a vehicle of lesser energy, but is more user-friendly and easily accepted by the general public.
116. The term "information disclosure" as mentioned in these Measures refers to an insurance company's disclosure of relevant information on its business operation and management to the general public.
117. A differential pricing policy is considered a fairer system for the general public, representatives said yesterday.
118. Truckers have a low opinion of the driving skills of the general public.
119. The white bell-shaped flowers of the lily of the valley are well known, however, the plant occasionally bears orange-red, fleshy berries, which are lesser known to the general public.
120. Rationalizing the relations of income distribution bears on the immediate interests of the general public and the display of their initiative.
121. The third and final period has now begun with registrations open to the general public.
122. I'm going to talk about a particular line of monoline insurers that you may never have even heard of because they don't deal with the general public.
123. C: It's the same as the spot rate for small transactions for the general public.
124. The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities.
124. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
125. In any case, the general public is primarily concerned about adults seeking out prepubescent girls and boys.
126. We must institutionalize philanthropy, and to empower the general public.
127. The WRU has placed 300 tickets for the Stadio Flaminio clash on sale to the general public.
128. Persuade consumers and the general public groups, thereby achieving marketing objectives.
129. These items are not for sale to the general public.
130. The issuer and the underwriters shall clarify their respective rights and obligations in the underwriting agreement and shall disclose them to the general public.




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