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单词 Err
(1) To err is human, to forgive, divine. Alexander Pope 
(2) Talk much, and err much.
(3) It is the nature of every man to err, but only the fool perseveres in the error. 
(4) To err is human.
(5) It is the nature of every man to err, but only the fool preserves in the error. 
(6) To Err is Humane.
(7) It's always best to err on the side of caution .
(8) It is better to err on the side of mercy.
(9) They may be wise to err on the side of caution.
(10) I thought it was better to err on the side of caution .
(11) And yes, they did err.
(12) To err is human; to admit it, superhuman. Doug Larson 
(13) We should err on the side of restraint, rather than of excess.
(14) Typically, Burgess says, forecasters err on the side of caution by issuing a severe storm warning.
(15) So they dropped a dime in order to err on the safe side.
(16) It is understandable for health authorities to err on the side of caution, as these guidelines will not apply to everyone.
(17) But travel agents are urging their clients to err on the side of caution.
(18) Any tribunal might err in a finding that it makes: no tribunal is infallible.
(19) Voltaire's work is, arguably, offensive but one should err on the side of allowing it to be available.
(20) The therapist should always err on the side of caution; the hypotheses set up are merely shrewd guesses.
(21) It is best therefore to err on the quiet side and to use percussion sparingly rather than to excess.
(22) For this reason the guidelines here tend to err on the cautious side.
(23) It's best to err on the safe side.
(24) To err is human, to purr is feline.
(25) In the election of a wife, as in a project of war, to err but once is to be undone for ever. 
(26) Therefore, if the first two arguments were correct, it would be better to err on the side of generosity.
(27) Music as a background for drama is a much trickier area, but you should err on the side of understatement.
(28) Take your cue from the tone set by the interviewer but err on the side of formality.
(29) I may unnerve you by saying that many of us err in this.
(30) The legal system is composed of people, and people err.
(1) To err is human.
(31) Instead, the policy maker may decide to err on the side of safety.
(32) Factors that may lead to canine error are similar to those that cause humans to err in the workplace: fatigue and over-eagerness to please the boss.
(33) Some Americans err in making inferences about the Chinese, who in turn take offense at their mistaken notions.
(34) It is always best to err on the safe side.
(35) To err is human , to forgive, divine . -- Alexander Pope.
(36) Nevertheless, Albert Jay Nock was surely correct when he observed that, while she might sometimes err on the details, "when it comes to anything fundamental, Mrs. Lane never makes a mistake.
(37) LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants' sake, the tribes of thine inheritance.
(38) Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.
(39) It is always safer to err in favour of others than of ourselves.
(40) At the end, the distribution of ERR for various kinds of deboned zone and load state are discussed.
(41) Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed(http:///err.html), which do err from thy commandments.
(42) I know to have a thing I am certain err, be a chopstick then use.
(43) I do not need shy for thing of missay word err, and this avoids hard in real life.
(44) Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth err from the words of knowledge.
(45) "To err is human, to forgive, divine, " the 18th-century poet Alexander Pope wrote.
(46) Fund price has a strong tendency err from its value, because the products and market of fund has a characteristic of high exterior and info asymmetry.
(47) Now Woolsey was subjected to a black-suit squeeze, and declarer did not err in the play.
(48) One pattern that can be limned from the recent overseas controversies is that this President has a tendency to err in the direction of respect toward other countries.
(49) This Court considers that Judge Wong did not err in ruling that the applicant did confess to the police of his own volition.
(50) When a man may not be spoken with, to speak to him is to err in reference to our words.
(51) Even without such projections, U.N. numbers are often higher because they err on the side of overestimation to ensure an adequate relief response.
(52) Where our prophet would have been most likely to err would have been in understimating the recuperative power of the Latin end of Europe, and in ignoring the latent forces of the Arabian desert .
(53) To commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err.
(54) The LORD hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof, as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit.
(55) Paintball is an amazing game, according to John Rambo- err, well actually this is presented by John Rambo's brother because the real Rambo wasn't available.
(56) To err is human, and even the most efficient employee will eventually drop a clanger.
(57) If love errs, it must err in the way of trustfulness and hopefulness.
(58) O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear?
(59) All dimensions MUST be in accordance with specification. No undersize thickness allowed, better to err over.
(60) Should the pastor be found to seriously err in doctrine or conduct, or neglect of duties, three representatives of the Church Board shall, in humility and love, admonish him.
(61) If we make mistakes or err in our judgements, we trust you to correct us; similarly, if others are excessively critical of our material, we hope you will come to our defence.
(62) A timid little man ventured into a biker bar in the Bronx , and clearing his throat asked, "Um, err, which of you gentlemen owns the Doberman tied outside to the parking meter ?"
(63) We are conscious of our own aptness to err, and we feel the urgent need of a guide.
(64) Through polar coordinate method error calculus demonstrated that the setting-out point error is mainly caused by angle measurement err...
(65) Cease , my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.
(66) See, after I let her go, err, I got a call from her psychiatrist, Dr. Flanen-nen, Dr. Flanen, Dr. Flan.
(67) She would not err in any way, if she could help it.
(68) According to Saxe, the best-controlled research suggests that lie detectors err at a rate anywhere from 25 to 75 percent.
(69) Although previous irrigation improvement projects had modernized parts of Egypt's system, costs often were too high and the economic rate of return (ERR) too low.
(69) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(70) I would err on the side of gradualism and do it in stages.
(71) He did not err by a hair's breadth in his calculation.
(72) It has been borne in upon him that even sages err.
(73) Many parents err in discriminating between their children in the matter of education.
(74) The Court of Appeals did not err in ordering that completion of the Tellico Dam, which would have violated the Act, be enjoined.
(75) It traps a non-zero exit status from a command, using the ERR variable.
(76) Yea, indeed , he did not err, there was a fiend at his elbow!
(77) In this book, we prefer to err in the opposite direction.
(78) To err is human, adverse is inevitable, not from them is unforgivable.
(79) The study on antiinflammation action on err enlargement of rat induced by croton oil indicated that several prepared products possesse antiinflammation action.
(80) Thou hast trodden down all them that err from thy statutes: for their deceit is falsehood.




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