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单词 Diagram
1. Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.
2. Do you have an installation diagram?
3. Like any such diagram, it is a simplification.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
5. He is drawing a diagram, showing how the machine works.
6. The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.
7. This diagram will illustrate what I mean.
8. A diagram represents things in only two dimensions.
9. There's a diagram on page 25.
10. This diagram fits well into the article.
11. The diagram is correct in every detail.
12. The engineer drew a diagram of the bridge.
13. There are explanatory notes with the diagram.
14. The results are shown in diagram 2.
15. On the back of the letter was a diagram.
16. The diagram had been copied with great precision.
17. This is represented in the schematic diagram below.
18. Is this diagram to scale ?
19. A family tree is a diagram with branches, showing how the members of a family are descended and related.
20. The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process.
21. Compare this system to the one shown in diagram B.
22. You can plot all these numbers on one diagram for comparison.
23. The first diagram is a view of the shop from the street, and the second shows it in section.
24. I'd like you to look at the diagram which is halfway down page 27.
25. a diagram that schematizes the creation and consumption of wealth.
26. Label the diagram clearly.
27. All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram.
28. The data can be represented graphically in a line diagram.
29. I can't see the relationship between the figures and the diagram.
30. Join the points A and B together on the diagram with a straight line.
1. Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.
2. Do you have an installation diagram?
3. Like any such diagram, it is a simplification.
3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram.
5. The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
6. He is drawing a diagram, showing how the machine works.
7. The teacher drew a diagram showing how the blood flows through the heart.
8. The data can be represented graphically in a line diagram.
9. This diagram will illustrate what I mean.
10. This diagram fits well into the article.
11. The engineer drew a diagram of the bridge.
12. On the back of the letter was a diagram.
13. A family tree is a diagram with branches, showing how the members of a family are descended and related.
31. a diagram that schematises the creation and consumption of wealth.
32. The trees will be planted at the points marked on the diagram.
33. A diagram of the new road layout was superimposed on a map of the city.
34. The diagram is self-explanatory.
35. I'll have to alter the diagram. I've made a mistake.
36. See the diagram overleaf.
37. Alternative rectifier circuit diagram to suit centre-tapped transformers.
38. The following diagram illustrates the problem.
39. Fig 2.1 shows a very simple finite state diagram.
40. Fig 4. Complete circuit diagram for the Tie Pulser.
41. Your diagram is a little misleading, Watson.
42. A simplified flow diagram of an economy.
43. The diagram below illustrates this point.
44. Fig 1. Block diagram of a typical servo system.
45. Fig 2 shows a flow diagram of the database.
46. Could you draw me a diagram?
47. Fig. 14: complete circuit diagram in three parts.
48. The diagram interrelates population and natural resources.
49. Schematic diagram of the gene 62 promoter region.
50. The flow diagram is based on the following process.
51. Their structures are shown in the first diagram.
52. Luke's purpose can be expressed in a simple diagram.
53. The above diagram shows a diesel car engine.
54. Block diagram for the Quick Prom.
55. I showed him the diagram which I reproduce below.
56. A diagram is easier to follow than written instructions.
57. INA103 block diagram Fig. 1. Application of the UMF1009T.
58. Fig. 2. Complete circuit diagram for the Vehicle Watchdog.
59. Complete circuit diagram for the Tie Pulser.
60. Each diagram is followed by a simple explanation.
61. Fig. 1. Block diagram for the Quick Prom.
62. Fig. 1. Block diagram of the Vehicle Watchdog deterrent.
63. Presented with a diagram of the alimentary canal,(/diagram.html) he tended to marvel at its artistry rather than study its efficiency.
64. One of the more subtle failures is to confuse a block diagram with its inverse.
65. The red CypA molecule at the top of the diagram corresponds to molecule A in Fig. 2.
66. Draw underneath them a diagram of the pitch movements, leaving a gap between each syllable.
67. The teacher can often save lengthy explanation by carefully constructing a diagram or chart which encapsulates the main points of a lesson.
68. The dotted line in each diagram separates the superior courts from the inferior courts.
69. Figure 15-3 makes the same point in a simple diagram.
70. It is a schematic diagram of the manufacturing process at that level of detail for a simple capacitor.
71. Unfortunately the resulting diagram is not so easy to interpret as are some of the other forms of chart.
72. If so, where can I get hold of a wiring loom and split charging unit as well as the necessary wiring diagram.
73. Alloys Figure 6.31 shows the phase diagram for zinc and cadmium.
74. Use the systems diagram on page 116 as a guide.
75. The most striking feature of the diagram is its complexity; and yet Figure 1.2 is vastly oversimplified.
76. Cotey -- real slow and in words of one syllable -- and then diagram them in stick figures with Crayolas.
77. It consists mainly of a diagram of the shape, plus figures that tell you about the sizes, stitches and rows.
78. Next ask them to put the newspaper tubes on the desk as shown in the diagram.
79. The two main economic agents in the flow diagram are households and firms.
80. All the veins were visible, like an anatomical diagram with a celluloid overlay.
81. In the diagram we illustrate the shift in both and functions to and respectively.
82. A typical phase diagram for such a system is shown in figure 6.33.
83. Fig 7. Complete circuit diagram for the Switch-Mode Power Supply.
84. An alternative, data structure diagram technique to relate records, is shown in the case study found in Chapter 14.
85. This temperature drop is represented by the vertical line DD' in the phase diagram.
86. Fold fabric and pin on pattern pieces as shown in cutting diagram. cut out.
87. To check you understand this, try drawing a diagram like Figure 15-4 for the meals industry.
88. Again cast on in full needle rib then transfer the stitches according to the diagram.
89. There is, however, one further difference affecting the top half of.the diagram.
90. You will see from the diagram that there are 36 members of the Executive Committee.
91. The diagram represents two people each with a loop of rope tied round their wrists and linked together.
92. The filter was constructed as shown in the diagram and then stood on the wooden crosspieces on top of the vat.
93. This phasor diagram is similar to Fig. 5.6 for the hybrid motor, except for minor changes of variable.
93. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
94. The diagram shows the special features of the Algae Buster.
95. On most sites, the relationship between contexts is drawn as a matrix diagram, which is rather like a family tree.
96. I drew a small diagram of the interlocking male and female principles in their embracing circle.
97. Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the gene 62 promoter region.
98. This is an optical illusion in which the diagram of a skeleton cube appears to the observer in either of two orientations.
99. They are extremely complex and are most clear when presented in diagram form.
100. Hence the diagram represents a determiner followed by any number of adjectives followed by a noun.
101. A Civics lesson largely devoted to copying from the blackboard a diagram on the hierarchical structure of the ministry of education.
102. The picture Weiser begins drawing on the white board looks like a diagram of a Roman army.
103. Fig. 1. Complete circuit diagram for the Garden Hosepipe Controller.
104. This effect is best shown in the diagram and photographs.
105. Now imagine the whole diagram being rotated out of the page about an axis that connects the centres of the two circles.
106. The point may be illustrated in a reaction function diagram.
107. The object will be one of those defined in the Zone Relationship Diagram mentioned above.
108. The icons to the left indicate that a slide is a chart or an organisation diagram.
109. A paddle stroke is like any other model or diagram which is used to pass on information.
110. This experiment can be performed using the apparatus shown in the diagram.
111. The London Underground map is really a diagram of underground railway lines.
112. The basic function diagram, for example, Figure 6.4, shows the links as a function is decomposed into its constituent modules.
113. Dendrochronologists measure and plot these rings and produce a diagram indicating the thickness of successive rings in an individual tree.
114. We start by talking about a problem of circular reasoning to motivate the diagram.
115. Figure 6.18 is a typical vapour pressure-composition diagram for a non-ideal solution showing positive deviation.
116. The continuous spectrum of the last diagram indicates that periodic fluctuations have been replaced by chaotic ones.
117. Finally, a unit can be added to print out a complete network diagram.
118. There are two points on the phase diagram of particular interest.
119. A schematic diagram of the method is shown in figure 3.4.
120. I like to draw a diagram or chart rather than write or talk about something 18.
121. However, we can see by the diagram it is not just a straight shot from the eyeball into the security judgement.
122. This is not a point which arises because the diagram oversimplifies a complex process.
123. Draw a causal path diagram indicating the relationships you would assume to exist between these variables.
123. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
124. To depict the synergism of those ingredients I use the Venn diagram below.
125. A converted physicist not afraid of over-simplification, Valentino Braitenberg, has proposed a scheme so simple that it needs no diagram.
126. Glue the pieces together, exactly as shown in the diagram.
127. Narbutas's team used as a starting point a drawing like the diagram on page 188, supplied by Bodnar.
128. The diagram shows how the towns can be arranged in a Rank-Size order from large to small - a hierarchy.
129. The matrix diagram also provides a basic framework for working out the phases of the site.
130. In the third lesson, pupils worked in pairs to produce their own diagram to show the rabbits.
131. Figure 2. Flow diagram of the database used to hold the hybridisation data.
132. The flow of warrants and decisions can again be shown in a diagram.
133. Internal block diagram of Philips's UMF1009T low-power frequency synthesizer for mobile and portable VHF/UHF use.
134. You are then able to pull the rope up as revealed in the diagram.
135. He notices, on the outer surface of the ashtray, a diagram of the shifting pattern of the four-speed transmission.
136. With a child who is strong visually, you could diagram the process for her.
137. As an alternative to drawing the phasor diagram, an analytic solution is possible for and in terms of the measurements.
138. The assembly of this, used in conjunction with the circuit diagram, should give no problems.
139. For joint degrees in Arts involving these languages, see the diagram at the beginning of this faculty section.
140. In fact, the top half of the diagram is not very different.
141. It imposes useful discipline on the production of a functional diagram in two ways.
142. Also labels the components on your drawing as per your circuit diagram and retain for future reference.
143. I feel the verbs running away from me with each new rule, each new schematic diagram on the blackboard.
144. The distance between A and B in the diagram is equal to the diameter of the circle, C.
145. Drawing the phasor diagram that satisfies the magnitudes of these three potential differences, however, establishes the relative phases.
146. Within the diagram the root index of the word is indicated by preceding the word with £.
147. As we learned in chapter 8, these results could be depicted in a causal path diagram as shown below.
148. The focal points of the diagram are now arranged down the left-hand side of Figure 7.2 below.
149. The diagram looked a little like a map of some imaginary state in the Midwest.
150. Let us construct a causal path diagram depicting one possible set of relationships between these variables.
151. We are the famous human Venn diagram, where two family circles coincide in bridegroom and bride.
152. However it is undeniably expensive for a paperback with simple line diagram illustrations and no colour.
153. Although the diagram is simple and highly repetitive,(http:///diagram.html) few will get it completely correct.
154. This diagram shows the position of the main organs of speech.
155. The analyst will be able to begin to assemble the entity-relationship diagram.
156. In the normal diagram, a shift of the demand curve causes a movement along the supply curve.
157. The block diagram of a closed.loop waveform detection system is shown in Fig. 7.11.
158. As this diagram suggests, a self-defeating organiza-tional behavior pattern is more than a single misguided strategy or reaction.
159. FIG. 4 Schematic diagram of protein-DNA contacts for one half of the complex, in a similar orientation to Fig. 2.
160. After being given a few minutes to study the diagram the sender is told to go ahead and the time is noted.
161. Complete circuit diagram of the Class-A Headphone Amplifier Fig. 2.
162. If you think instead of a Venn diagram metric, then you will understand that not all metrics permit averages.
163. The speaker at many a company induction course will illustrate his organisation or departmental structure using a hierarchical diagram.
164. Figure 2.1: Diagram illustrating the resources exploited by the early Anglo-Saxon settlement at Bishopstone, Sussex.
165. How much has the peat shrunk, as shown in the block diagram?
166. There was a diagram on the screen and a few dried-out felt pens on the wooden ridge under it.
167. Instead of couplets the information is presented in the form of a pictorial flow diagram.
168. Assemble the table exactly as shown in the diagram on the left.
169. A schematic diagram of an optical waveguide with a surface-immobilised antibody, designed for the competitive immunoassay of an antigen.
170. It is similar to the phase diagram of water although there are two important differences.
171. Fig 3. Complete circuit diagram for the 8-channel Digital Servo Interface.
172. The diagram is a cross section of the bowl blank with the desired circular arc superimposed.
173. Increase of pressure usually favours the formation of the solid-as we shall see in the carbon dioxide phase diagram below.
174. Complete circuit diagram for the Quick Prom interface Fig. 4. printed circuit board component layout and full size copper foil master pattern.
175. There is also a diagram of the joint degrees in the Faculty of Arts on page 61.
176. The diagram has one segment filled in; pupils could fill in the others themselves, working either in groups or individually.
177. We then use the diagram to go over the mechanics of monetary and fiscal policy.
178. Then send us a letter and a diagram outlining your dream tank and enclosing a shopping list, along with the form below.
179. But this is not the case as Figure 1.3, a diagram illustrating careers taken up by history graduates, shows.
180. The diagram demonstrates that large amounts of methane are formed in the anthracite stage.
181. Draw a rough diagram -- it doesn't have to be very neat.
182. Figure 6.9 Flow diagram representing a model of the interrelationships between the processes and components of the hydrological cycle.
183. Figure 6.22 shows the three possible types of phase diagram for partially miscible liquids.
184. The diagram illustrates the rationale behind the analysis.
185. We reproduced a same working schematic diagram.
186. a diagram of the wiring system.
187. Provide direction to Engineer to design schematic diagram.
188. A galvanic cell is represented by a diagram.
189. A DAU hardware block diagram is shown in Fig.
190. The flow diagram should encompass an additional page.
191. Revise the functional diagram to reflect this change.
192. Figure 3 shows a functional diagram of the integration.
193. This simplified block diagram is valuable.
194. "Object state diagram" is to describe dynamic characteristics of object and based on it, The dynamic function control model for concurrent design can be built.
195. This diagram immediately suggests defining two quantities which characterize the complex number z.
196. ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To study the preparing microemulsion by conductance and pseudo-ternary phase diagram, and to research its phase behavior.
197. In a circuit diagram, on the other hand, a resistor might be oriented horizontally or vertically, and it might appear above, below, or next to the preceding circuit element.
198. Due to the ladder diagram is not a structured object-oriented programming language; it is will be difficult for the development of complex real-time control systems.
199. It provides the structure block diagram of multifieldbus control system based on OPC technology, and analyses the function and work flow of the system.
200. The hardware block diagram of the dispatching system were also given.
201. The principled diagram of the major loop circuit and the relay circuit based on the intermediate frequency power supply energy stroke startup mode is presented in this paper.
202. The time - delay parameter test of time relay, SCM test block diagram and software chart are introduced.
203. The diagram of the reactor vessel internals is used as a reference.
204. A method of separating the TIP data from the HRPT is proposed. The design idea, part of the circuit, time sequence and programming flow diagram are given.
205. Maybe in a diagram form ( nice designed ) and text or 100 % text.
206. a diagram representing a cross section of the human eye.
207. To learn engineering mechanics and do engineering computation, we must master the drawing methods of internal force diagram.
208. Moreover , the system configuration block diagram and main procedure were also given.
209. Pseudo-ternary phase diagram of inverse microemulsions was prepared and the effects of temperature and monomer concentrations on phase behavior were evaluated.
210. The teacher hold tight topic diagram of two story establish a wonderful scenario and pursue studies to living to create easy delectation of study atmosphere.
211. In order to get the command diagram, a new functor was adopted in the PLS algorithm.
212. The method to plot a shear diagram and bending moment diagram in mechanics of materials has been deeply studied in this paper.
213. It contains Ladder Diagram editor, Instruction List editor and converting module from Ladder Diagram to Instruction List./diagram.html
214. This waste recovery system diagram accurately tell you the progress of the work.
215. The system composition block diagram and program flow of charts are presented. After analyzing and processing the logical relationship of stochastic signal, the way of PLC program is put forward.
216. The condition and approach of predigestion computation isp ut forward. Its result indicates that causality diagram is more effective than FTA in security analysis and assessment.
217. The JS 3000 power wiring diagram depends on the load configuration.
218. Please give us a copy of this information. ( technical specification, instruction, manual, document, diagram, catalog ).
219. In accordance with the designing plot, this writer works out the detailed principle circuit of the sensor and gives a detailed analysis on its related principle circuit skeleton diagram.
220. Real-time data, display preserved testing the validity vector diagram, draw many characteristic curve, online printing statements, etc.
221. It was pointed out that autographic diagram method should be the direction for development of automatic measurement technology for yield properties.
222. The radome causes an angular displacement of the tracking aerial polar diagram.
223. It shows the logic diagram of alarm design by analyzing reasons of current spillage and cable malfunction.
224. He drew a diagram to show us how to get to his house.
225. A compression approach of industrial flow diagram was proposed paper against the process control properties.
226. In this paper a new graphical method to synthesize the multi-terminal contact net-works by manipulating the function diagram is presented.
227. Outline -- The outline view is often used to show a structural representation of the diagram, but it can be used for anything in general.
228. According to the principle of mimimum transmission error, the diagram computation formula and waveform are given, the method of performance measurement is illustrated too.
229. The following diagram makes clear how DotMSN interacts with your application as well as remote parties.
230. The programmable controller uses the ladder diagram and auxiliary identifier to realize control logic mainly, it reflects the flexible characteristic of PLC controll outstandingly .
231. In UML, each diagram focuses on a particular system aspect, such as class diagrams that capture structural information.
232. And it introduces application of Programming Logic Control(PLC) in machining this cabinet with aggregate machine tool. Then it gives outer wiring diagram and ladder diagram.
233. Note: In case of DC24V power supply for control circuit, the shunt circuit design accrding to the following diagram.
234. The near stereoacuity examination was taken by using Titmus block diagram.
235. By observing the variations of the phase angle and the impendence plane diagram, the influence of different defects and factors are evidently presented.
236. Proteus simulation diagram with the use of single - chip crystal display process control, crystal models for 1602.
237. A data flow diagram for each process has been created.
238. And the same time developed the construction of data frame for the road traffic accident spot diagram drawing technology and the integration accident reappearance technical.
239. Co-citation analysis method and strategic diagram are combined to carry out strategic intelligence analysis of the development of key subject.
240. Methods: Analyzing polymorphics of commercial medicinal materials "Qian-Hu" at different regions by RAPD technique and constructing a clustering tree diagram.
241. The tool has two main components, which are:workflow diagram editor and application generator.
242. This paper deals with the design of the spiral spring based on the mapping of the sample, describing the essentials, methods and principles, and the diagram method for spiral spring working.
243. The author also designs the structure block diagram of safety culture based on the two aspects: production and life. The article further discusses the culture construction of oil depots sa...
244. A series of complex chemical calculations will be solved directly by using the compound logarithm concentration diagram. It is a better method to deal with acid-base equilibrium.
245. The redesign shoulder pad rubber for material, draws up the electrical schematic diagram, the compilation procedure, carries on installs the debugging.
246. Organic conceptional diagram has been used to explain some questions in basic organic chemistry and fine chemicals.
247. Analyzing relationship between load and continuous beam three moment formula by using generalized diagram multiplication method.
248. In our sample application, we have four corresponding JPA entities, as shown in the class diagram in Figure 4.
249. Based on these, the max-lock- range of infrared detection system was calculated by the different infrared intensity between background and target, and its directional diagram was drawn.
250. The circuIt'schematics and the relational diagram of software modules are given.
251. With PLC coding knowledge and be able to read blue print and diagram.
252. With the help of some formulae and simple iteration procedures the table and the diagram mentioned above can also be used for locating neutral axis of T beams.
253. Implications of the Hubble Law and Hubble Diagram are discussed.
254. A generator shown in the above diagram produces alternating current.
255. Most economic models, unlike the circular - flow diagram, are built using the toolbox mathematics.
256. The EM response function from a conducting (both electric and magnetic) sphere in a dipole field is calculated by using the continued fraction technique, and the resultant data and diagram are given.
257. A summary of the three food preparation processes in terms of number of times through the temperature danger zone can be depicted in a Danger Zone diagram.
258. A DAU hardware block diagram is shown in Fig .3.
259. According to the measurement of flow field for the opposed tetra-burner gasifier, the gasifier was divided into several regions and the Markov chain states transfer diagram was formed.
260. The whole paper uses a various research methods like analysis model, logic diagram and case studies, in order to be reasonable and well organized.
261. The results show that formulation method of Sweden's vector diagram in the Hydrogenerator CAD is effective, simple and easy.
262. Application Generator accordance with the work flow diagram editor of work created by the flow diagram can be automatically generated application framework.
263. Seek a time relay circulation circuit diagram, can control a electromagnetic valve changing-over?
264. The model data path diagram as shown in the diagram below.
265. According to the functional requirements of the Batch-type Aluminum Ingot Cooling Conveyor, designed out the hydraulic system schematic diagram.
266. Besides documenting an organization's current affairs, a business-level sequence diagram can be used as a requirements document to communicate requirements for a future system implementation.
267. Then, the system software and hardware structure diagram are presented.
268. Then, a logic computational diagram is constructed for calculating diametral growth by assuming as tubing fatigues.
269. Voronoi diagram is a commonly used algorithm for contour - parallel tool path generation.
270. The design method for every part of the hardware system is presented in this paper, at the same time, the schematic circuit diagram; the components in system are also presented.
271. Use to add a group of laptop computers to your system diagram.
272. Activity network A flow diagram showing the activities of a plan and their interdependencies.
273. And then it has introduces the design of database in detail, and drawn entity relationship diagram.
274. Carry to carry out fast, the railway ministry will adjust train diagram in the round.
275. Picture: Diagram of a synchronisation setup with two PCs, each with multiple SyncSources.
276. The diagram below shows all the components of the model with the line marked 'reasoning' representing the slow, serial processing.
277. A detailed process flow diagram should be available for the processes used.
278. This article simulates the hydraulic adjustment system by MATLAB language, reflects the stability of hydraulic system by the transmission function and the Bode diagram.
279. A scheme for designing the three-position switch with both analog and digital devices is presented with specific diagram and program code.
280. But in the Object-Oriented System Design, usually use class diagram to describe system configuration.
281. This module can show the contactor control schematic diagram and the electronic control circuit schematic diagram, printed circuit board drawing and element list.
281. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
282. This paper present the operational principle of ocean radar altimeter and the last development. The principle diagram of the radar altimeter is given.
283. Authors design the maintenance processes, compile the operation schedule by Gantt chart and network diagram and analyze the schedule by deflection analysis method.
284. This article introduces Digital Camera System with Single-Chip TMS320DSC21 DSP of research cellular. Narrative the system structure and run functional block diagram and master behaviour.
285. The Static Method Sequence diagram illustrates the chronological sequence of messages between instances of Java elements in an interaction, as shown in Figure 5.
286. The flow process diagram for new construction highway considering the factor of water effect is presented in the paper.
287. The particle route method is produced for the shear force diagram drawing of multi-span beam based on the geometric principle of the force addition.
288. The book combines examples of application, provide a practical and detailed electrical schematic diagram of microcontroller programs and programming flowchart.
289. In this paper the dynamometer's structure block diagram, system principle, power measurement and the control strategy...
290. More place in particular is given to the introduction of the precise equations for total heat content in smoke , replacing the former diagram so as to be suitable for using computers .
291. The coordination of marshalling station capacity and train diagram capacity is a dynamic capacity coordinating process between stations and lines.
292. Hovering the cursor over either diagram white space or a modeling element causes a bar to appear that contains the icons that represent context specific constructible elements.
293. This generally is the oral discussion the schematic diagram and the writing material carries on.
294. Complete the diagram to show the path of the beam of light.




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