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单词 stock exchange
释义  Related topics: Stocks & sharesˈstock exˌchange noun [countable usually singular]  1. BFSthe business of buying and selling stocks and shares 证券交易,股票交易2. BFSa place where stocks and shares are bought and sold 证券[股票]交易所 SYN stock marketExamples from the Corpusstock exchange• Her banker father had lost his fortune in the 1930 stock exchange crash.• She made a fortune on the stock exchange.• Small companies strike it rich by going public on the stock exchange.• A bout of selling on the stock exchange, perhaps, or a cold snap that reopens the fuel price issue.• Afterwards, the government was finally moved to insist that the stock exchange appoint a competent new management.• Nonplused by the appearance of a woman, stock exchange officials told Paribas to choose a uniform for Sakuma.From Longman Business Dictionarystock exchangeˈstock exˌchange [countable]FINANCE a market where company shares are tradedSYN STOCKMARKETCompanies listed on the Madrid stock exchange dropped about 3% this year.the New York Stock Exchange → exchangeˈstock exˌchange nounChineseSyllable   the Corpus business Business of stocks shares buying selling and and




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