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单词 Clergy
1. The clergy prey on bereaved families.
2. All the local clergy attended the ceremony.
3. All clergy owed obedience to their superior.
4. Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.
5. The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.
6. These proposals met opposition from the clergy.
7. The Polish clergy use their influence to polonize the people.
8. The clergy were the main persecutors of witches in the Middle Ages.
9. All the local clergy were asked to attend the ceremony.
10. The clergy remain divided on the issue of women priests.
11. Some of the clergy refused to acknowledge the new king'slegitimacy.
12. The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics.
13. Theodora watched the senior clergy failing to respond.
14. Other monks of the house became parish clergy.
15. Meanwhile, well-off laymen kept clergy in virtual peonage.
16. The dead deserve the support of clergy.
17. Those between clergy and musicians often spill over into the parish, and sides will be taken.
18. Clergy who revile homosexuality from the pulpit often turn around and take up collections and provide care for AIDS sufferers.
19. The parish clergy had to give up their concubines and accept a higher degree of accountability for performance of their duties.
20. His advanced views made him unpopular with many of the clergy.http://
21. The offerings made at the altars of papal churches were shared by the pope with the assisting clergy.
22. The Civil Wars remained a matter of conflict among the gentry and clergy.
23. There was widespread dissatisfaction too for the degenerate lifestyle into which many of the clergy had fallen.
24. The Archbishop of Canterbury has expressed concern at the refusal of some clergy to accept the vote of the Synod.
25. The Bishop takes an old-fashioned high church view on divorced clergy.
26. He was cared for by the Sisters of Mercy at the Horsforth home for retired clergy.
27. The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated, celibate higher clergy, and the rank and file.
28. This has sometimes led to disputes between religious and secular clergy, between orders and bishops.
29. The policy of Decius's successor Valerian was to execute bishops and senior clergy so as to leave the Church leaderless.
30. Archbishop Stratford had protested not only against the manner of his trial but also against royal abuses of the clergy.
1. The clergy prey on bereaved families.
2. His advanced views made him unpopular with many of the clergy.
3. The clergy remain divided on the issue of women priests.
31. In recent years, the Kirk's senior clergy have consistently attacked Tory policies.
32. Many members of the clergy were murdered during the civil war.
33. Yesterday I attended a conference for the Edmonton Clergy on Marriage.
34. All authority, both of chapter and parish clergy derives from the bishop.
35. Thus the liberalism of 1808 could hope for the support of the intelligent lower clergy.
36. Praise will be led by the clergy and choir of Holywood Parish Church.
37. It costs much less to support celibate clergy than ministers or rabbis with spouses and children.
38. Wits among the clergy are much in demand, not only on Thought for the Day.
39. He sets the clergy against each other in rivalry for his favours.
40. King John forbade the clergy to enact any new decree on the subject.
41. The Catholic clergy became more exclusive as the Gregorian Reform was accomplished.
42. In reply to a question as to how many cathedral choristers become clergy, the response of 2.5% was consistent across the country.
43. The clergy officiating at both Sutton and Wawne were drawn from the abbey at Meaux, which was close to both.
44. If the clergy had privileges, they also had commensurate duties.
45. There was evidence that despite torture and execution, the clergy at the cathedral had managed to conceal it.
46. Most of the bishops did their best to dissuade their clergy from subscribing any such addresses.
47. At the Suffolk elections of 1705 and 1710, 80 percent of the clergy voted for the two Tory candidates.
48. A single nun, working in an unorthodox manner in the slums, made some of the local clergy distinctly uncomfortable.
49. What emerges from this brief overview is the dominant role of the clergy in Southern education.
50. The money side of a clergy family is terribly difficult.
51. Reza Shah also seized land form the clergy and other great landowners.
52. Society was arranged in a dual hierarchy,[http:///clergy.html] of laymen and clergy.
53. Even among left-wing clergy the idea of endowing one man with absolute power is abhorrent.
54. A blessing takes place, following a procession from the church by the clergy and congregation.
55. With his moral support a group of nobles and clergy from both sides tried to work out peace terms.
56. Mary says that he is unsuited for the clergy and will not marry him if he enters that field.
57. One can not generalize about a greater receptivity among Protestant clergy toward the new cosmology.
58. Responsibility for the musical repertoire is shared between the musicians and the clergy, together with the worship group if there is one.
59. Moreover, some of the riots were incited by local High Church clergy and gentry.
60. They often reviled the clergy and riled the congregations of Puritans, denouncing all worship but their own as false.
61. This time about 120 people turned up, mainly business and professional people, clergy, trade-unionists and political leaders.
62. Church musicians might be encouraged to attend such courses together with the clergy.
63. But a key element remained the considerable filial loyalty the catholic nationalists showed towards their clergy, bishops, and Popes.
64. Edward's treatment of the clergy during his reign was no different from his dealings with his lay subjects.
65. It was also a time of increased moral laxity among the clergy, not excluding the Popes.
66. After all, it is possible to argue that the most influential magicians in Catholic countries were the clergy.
67. Once ordained, clergy usually undergo some continuing training for a year or two.
68. The Church is still beset by those who believe that its ministry is the sole responsibility of the clergy.
69. The new clergy houses were of a quite different, selfless and holy Gothic architecture.
70. Wives shouldn't talk thus about their husbands, she thought resentfully, especially when they were clergy wives.
71. A serious controversy arose when the Wawne clergy decided that all the burials from Sutton should take place at Wawne.
72. The clergy, however(), had already contributed handsomely to royal coffers before the crisis of the 1290s.
73. When kings were at loggerheads with their clergy, which was not their usual relationship, morality constituted the most dramatic battleground.
74. Synod members were under pressure to crack down on gay clergy, who were portrayed as leading lives of wild abandon!
75. A private citizen, secretly acting for the clergy, had pretended he was buying the land for non-religious purposes.
76. Here too wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of the magistracy, the clergy and the landed aristocracy.
77. I think the idea was that a senior clergy should keep an eye on him, help him and so on.
78. The choices they made also illustrate the divisions within the clergy and the gap between Loyalist clergy and revolutionary laity.
79. He hopes the meeting will help him and like-minded clergy who've found themselves in a religious dilemma.
80. There are more business people and other professionals,[Sentence dictionary] homemakers and clergy in the Lone Star brigade.
81. The household of the skilled potter became in income terms the equal of that of the lower clergy.
82. This outward looking emphasis does not stop with the clergy but is even more demanding for the bishops.
83. Clergy to her seemed quiet and gentlemanly people who preached about the four seasons and the attributes of the Deity.
84. It has generally been much more effective in forming the musical sensibilities of clergy than hit-and-run visits to theological colleges.
85. In 1640, parliament, with the agreement of Charles I, appointed a committee to investigate complaints against clergy.
86. Here was a real opportunity to show an unselfish patriotism on the part of the clergy.
87. Between 60 and 70 percent of Salisbury's clergy wives now work, and the church hierarchy encourages them to.
88. In many cases, perhaps, it simply meant that clergy and people were equally barbarous.
89. The clergy are seen as above criticism in their religious statements, and such criticism can cause considerable distress to many people.
90. Peers spiritual Until the fourteenth century, all clergy were summoned to Parliament.
91. It also provided approximately 40% of the stipends and housing costs of the 11,500 serving clergy.
92. A flood of news reports about priestly pedophilia had inflamed Catholics' concern about the integrity of their clergy.
93. But while they defended against outsiders, a new enemy came from their own clergy ranks.
94. And many parochial clergy react by resenting and despising the chapter.
95. The clergy had a financial independence which the laity lacked.
96. He was asking local people for money and also approached local clergy.
97. This time James instructed the bishops to order all their clergy to read the Declaration from the pulpit on two successive Sundays.
98. Both these acts brought him into conflict with the king and with some of his own clergy.
99. The churches were bereft of most of their clergy and many of their most able lay members.
100. By the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, moral laxity in the administration of confession by the clergy was evident.
101. As a pastor he was diligent and although iconoclastic, he defended the clergy against outside attack.
102. Their spiritual development must be the responsibility of the clergy, perhaps with the help of others.
103. Mexican law prohibits the clergy from teaching in universities and schools.
104. That the White Revolution was massively acclaimed by referendum in 1973 did not commend it any the more to the clergy.
105. However, instead of becoming alienated against Richard Baxter, the people had become alienated against the bishops and clergy instead.
106. For example, what if a student committee selects the clergy and provides directions for the emphasis of the invocation?
107. These might include clergy, vergers and others, in addition to directors of music.
108. The clergy were beginning to pay the price for assessing their own tax in their own assembly.
109. Burdensome as royal taxation was during the war, the clergy were mercifully free of papal taxation except on two occasions.
110. Parents, teachers, and local clergy are campaigning to have the decision reversed.
110. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
111. The cultural and intellectual calibre of the clergy has since declined, while intolerance and aggressiveness are on the increase.
112. Clergy and musicians need to use their imagination as well as their professional skills.
113. The hold tightened as Saxon thegns and clergy gave way to Normans.
114. Clergy have a prime role in setting up schools and a favoured position of direct relationships with the appropriate state institutions.
115. We simply do not have the structures or the resources to give proper pastoral care to clergy wives.
116. The 1340-1 crisis, therefore, underlines the connections rather than the divisions between clergy and laity, church and crown.
117. The long struggle by popes and bishops for celibacy among the clergy was not over by Innocent's pontificate.
118. The clergy will view a positive outcome as a signal of good will, encouraging them to keep their buildings open.
119. They held their own diocesan synods, ordained clergy, confirmed children and heard certain cases in their courts.
120. The following Sundays, for example Trinity Sunday, are the days specially fixed for the ordination of the clergy.
121. The saintly Vicar of Keyingham, Philip of Beverley, who did much for local clergy, was venerated as a saint.
122. Nor was it the traditional and risible gaps between the spiritual duties of the clergy and their worldly preoccupations.
123. If by the Church you mean the clergy and the laity, the answer is no.
124. It was the corruption of the Roman Catholic clergy in medieval times that paved the way for the Reformation.
125. One grain of trouble would gall the clergy and the councillors like a pin under a saddle.
126. Not surprisingly, many gentry and clergy modified their public pronouncements accordingly, surviving both Parliamentary rule and the Restoration.
127. In 1294-7, it has been calculated, the laity and clergy together yielded £280,000 in direct taxes to the king.
128. Even while general knowledge of the virus advances, he said, many clergy are still in the dark.
129. He was welcomed by the local clergy and a great number of other leading figures in the community.
130. The humorists needed to find new caricatures for the clergy; the older, fox-hunting parson was replaced by fanatic young curates.
131. The concern of Roman catholic clergy about the system was not without grounds.
132. Seventy clergy in the Diocese publicly criticised the way it had handled the case.
133. However, the clergy formed a third stratum in feudal society.
134. As the movement grew, it eventually let to a division in the ranks of the clergy.
135. The ordination of women and treatment of homosexual clergy - both sensitive issues - may well cause rifts.
136. In 1696 he was arrested for signing and circulating an appeal for charitable contributions to relieve the extruded clergy.
137. Very high among Innocent III's ambitions was the improvement of the parish clergy.
138. The second excommunicated all clergy who did homage to laymen for ecclesiastical possessions, as well as those who associated with them afterwards.
139. The clergy, however, preferred to discuss these matters in provincial clerical synods where they governed the procedures and priorities.
140. And anyway the papers say there are lots of gays among the clergy.
141. The nobility of Savoy was also closely linked to the upper echelons of the clergy.
142. At Huntley village ground in Gloucestershire,[http:///clergy.html] the Gipsies are playing their annual fixture against the county's clergy.
143. I had always wondered why the Catholic Church insists on celibacy vows for its clergy.
144. Clergy and senior officials with the mace outside Logie Kirk.
145. He saw the clergy, rightly as a hindrance to his plans for modernization.
146. The church itself became a two-class system: the ascetic monasteries versus the more worldly regular clergy.
147. It is very likely that a high proportion of the clergy in the tenth and eleventh centuries were hereditary clergymen.
148. Sometimes ingenious Bible expositors have led whole generations of clergy down obscure backwaters of scriptural exegesis.
149. He was in demand as a confessor, from a few parishioners, a few neighbouring clergy, a few old students at Lincoln.
150. Now the choir and the south choir aisle were empty except for the Chapter clergy and the cathedral policeman.
151. Without stimulation and vision, church musicians, clergy and congregations easily settle into the rut of the familiar.
152. A number of women were quite bitter about their futile attempts to get clergy to help.
153. Ann Landers always suggests to see your clergy or therapist.
154. It must recognise and rejoice that many of its clergy and thousands of its members are Christians first and Anglicans second.
155. Edwards throughout seemed to be doing little more than the droning clergy in sleepy towns did all along.
156. The role of defending the Church was assumed by the lower clergy, their chief spokesman being Francis Atterbury.
157. There had been a determined attempt to root out abuses among the clergy and to raise their intellectual calibre.
158. The clergy did not only minister word and sacraments; they also performed social roles for their flock.
159. The clergy, bigots and hypocrites, stirred up the people(), he charged.
160. This was suspended during the Long Parliament in the middle of the seventeenth century but was restored by the Clergy Act 1661.
161. A January Party report in Roslavl' noted with glee that the local clergy were divided, even before the February decree.
162. For a time, none the less, the Congregationalist clergy closed ranks around the Suspect Mayhew against the great enemy that Caner represented.
163. In this case there was widespread support and sympathy from the overtaxed gentry and clergy.
164. Today, it continues its ministry of spiritual renewal of the church, attracting both clergy and laymen from home and abroad.
165. How do ministers and clergy approach the difficult task of coping with bereavement and funerals?
166. At all large services of a community nature he tried to ensure that both Protestant and Catholic clergy took part.
167. In between, the in-service education of the clergy continues apace with sabbaticals and reading weeks and retreats and the good-natured summer schools.
168. The Catholic clergy is sincere in its opposition to all abortion, by whatever procedure.
169. They are living together without benefit of clergy.
170. The clergy were sacred beings in Miss Ainley's eyes.
170. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
171. A member of the clergy, especially a military chaplain.
172. After several weeks, when Abba and episcopal etc clergy attend a meeting, housekeeper rushed very alarmedly.
173. And Ireland's political class, once so priest-ridden, now distances itself from the clergy.
174. The large, redbrick vicarage was built in the days of more fecund clergy.
175. The clergy, on the other hand, were now claiming exemption from lay taxation.
176. John Wesley, when he saw the rising tide of patriotic fervor in America and the trend towards revolution, expressed his strong disapproval. So did the Anglican clergy.
177. The entire kingdom is ruled by the clergy, with the closest devotee or disciple of Set having the single most influential hand throughout the Stygian territory.
178. It is impossible that your own observation can have given you much knowledge of the clergy.
179. It was these exceptional privileges enjoyed by the clergy that brought King Henry into collision with Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
180. America's Evangelical Lutheran church voted to allow gays and lesbians in long-term relationships to serve as members of the clergy, the largest mainline Protestant denomination to do so.
181. There have been 107 convictions of pedophile clergy in Australia, but campaigners have insisted that there could be thousands of victims, as only a few cases ever go to court.
182. He availed himself of a quarrel between Kertajaya and his clergy to attack Kediri.
183. The king tried to weaken the power of the clergy.
184. CANON LIX: If any Bishop or Presbyter fails to supply necessities when any of the clergy is in want, let him be excommunicated.
185. The Pontifical Lateran University was founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 entrusted the Faculty of S. Theology and Philosophy del Collegio Romano to the clergy of Rome.
186. But this headnote goes a lot further simply than that: "And by occasion foretells the ruin of our corrupted Clergy."
187. In time this Benefit of Clergy could be claimed not only by priests and monks but by anyone accused of crime who knew a few words of Latin.
188. A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.
189. In ancient days, the crown, the barons, and the clergy possessed the lands.
190. Miss Brooke had become engaged in a conversation with Mr. Casaubon about the Valdo clergy.
191. M. the Prior and Vicar-General of Saint-Germain des Pres ordered a solemn procession of all his clergy, in which the Pope's Nuncio officiated.
192. It was these exceptional privileges enjoyed by the clergy that brought King Henry into collision with Tomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
193. About this same time, French law required the clergy to register baptisms, deaths, and marriages.
194. But in every play from "Love's Labour's lost" to "Henry V, " the elocutionist meddles simply as a murderer, and ought to be dealt with as such without benefit of clergy.
195. Clericalism: a policy of supporting the power and influence of the clergy in political or secular matters.
196. One ofBritain's biggest trade unions, Unite, does want clergy to have exactly the same employment rights, including freedom from discrimination, as other workers.
197. A room in or attached to a church where the clergy put on their vestments and where these robes and other sacred objects are stored; a sacristy.
198. The Bema became a standard fixture in Eastern Orthodox churches, functioning as a stage for the altar and clergy.
199. His book on the poverty of the clergy isn't favored reading in papal palaces.
200. College of Cardinals , the Church's highest - ranking clergy, meets in Vatican City to elect new cardinals.
201. Luther put his principle which all Christian were clergy into equality in personality and religious service.
202. Enforced strictly by the clergy, John Frederick in 1561 deprived ministers the right to uphold it , vesting that power in the consistory at Weimar.
203. For all their aura of timelessness, Tawang's Buddhist clergy are feeling the force for change.
204. Try the friar. Fried, it's drier. - No, the clergy is really too coarse and too mealy.
205. The rock on which the Anglican Communion is breaking is ostensibly the consecration of openly gay clergy, especially bishops, and blessings for same-sex unions.
206. Henry and Nancy are living together without benefit of clergy.
207. Await in those days, british land has 60% is to belong to churchly , but clergy cannot be managed quite, cannot pass next generation again, how to do?
208. Even Christian clergy - keep urging him to do more for the Jews.
209. It is illegal to impersonate a person of the clergy.
210. But bishops and clergy in the church's General Synod gave a resounding thumbs down to proposals to amend church law to allow ministers to dress more casually.
211. Any member of clergy should be qualified to bless your marriage.
212. The clergy joined hands with the laity in maintaining the inherited verse forms.
213. War overtook them and closed churches so they "married" without benefit of clergy.
214. Malleus Maleficarum or The Witches' Hammer indoctrinated the world to "the dangers of freethinking women" and instructed the clergy how to locate, torture, and destroy them.
215. They ran the three churches to which they belonged, the clergy, the choirs and the parishioners.
216. I could heartily wish that more of our country clergy would follow this example.
217. There are few landmark dates,[http:///clergy.html] but 1215 is one: the Lateran Council then forbade the involvement of the clergy in the awful trials by ordeal.
218. The bishop thought it his imperative duty acquainted with the most conspicuous of his diocesan clergy.
219. The clergy of France met at Bourges in 1432, and with their consent the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges was published by the king in 1438.
220. A woman is more likely to hold a seat on a Fortune 500 company board (15%) serve as a member of the clergy (15%) or work as an aerospace engineer (10%) than she is to direct a Hollywood movie (7%).
221. The Council of Vienne also passed ordinances dealing with the course of the Inquisition and reform of the clergy.
222. The superior clergy and a small remnant of other educated men read and wrote Latin.
223. The context of this was that Hume was applying for a chair in moral philosophy at Adumbral and the clergy at Adumbral was very much against him.




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