单词 | Censorship |
例句 | 1. Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. 2. The new regulation was seen as equivalent to censorship. 3. The government has imposed strict censorship on the press. 4. The government found it expedient to relax censorship a little. 5. The newspapers were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws. 6. His message was throttled by censorship. 7. The government is under pressure to relax censorship regulations. 8. I'm opposed to censorship in any shape or form. 9. The decree imposed strict censorship of the media. 10. This kind of censorship is un-American. 10. try its best to gather and create good sentences. 11. Our freedom was threatened by press censorship. 12. Strict censorship is enforced in some countries. 13. Political censorship has been tightened under the new regime. 14. The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years. 15. The new censorship laws are an attempt to gag the press. 16. The new censorship law will put the clock back 50 years. 17. The new censorship laws are serious encroachments on freedom of expression. 18. Once he starts talking about censorship you can't stop him it's his pet subject. 19. There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania. 20. The government today announced that press censorship was being lifted. 21. The government placed all nationalist newspapers under censorship. 22. Sometimes, the censorship bordered on the absurd. 23. That clearly requires regulations that are different from censorship. 24. Journalists argued that the law was tantamount to censorship. 25. An imperceptible blow against censorship had been struck. 26. Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship. 27. The government is considering toughening up the law on censorship. 28. The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship. 29. Civil libertarians are worried about what they see as government censorship. 30. Did you read that piece in the Observer about censorship? 1. The new regulation was seen as equivalent to censorship. 2. The government has imposed strict censorship on the press. 3. The government found it expedient to relax censorship a little. 4. Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship. 5. The newspapers were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws. 6. The government is under pressure to relax censorship regulations. 31. Newspapers had been muzzled by wartime censorship. 32. Thirdly, the censorship was arguably politically motivated. 33. It's a moot point whether this is censorship. 34. De jure censorship is an unquestioned evil in itself. 35. Partial censorship will become complete censorship. 36. The best antidote to censorship is publicity. 37. The fight against censorship starts in our own heads. 38. The prospect of censorship in cyberspace has raised fears and sparked debates over decency and privacy. 39. In the second place to put the onus of preventing censorship in libraries on individual librarians is unreasonable and unrealistic. 40. In 1916, a bill was introduced in Congress to institute federal censorship on films, mostly to protect young people. 40. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 41. The entertainment industry has vehemently objected to the V-chip and ratings system as tantamount to government censorship. 42. Enter the Internet as a way to get around parental censorship. 43. The Royal Commission rejected that solution as too oppressive, smacking of government censorship. 44. The following month the government relaxed its rules on censorship. 45. Total censorship restricts information about people who are arrested or imprisoned. 46. The issue of censorship took a prominent place in the seminar discussions. 47. And despite the censorship, some letters were bold to the point of foolhardy. 48. Censorship, the pious say, is not involved, only federal funding of art offensive to the majority. 49. Censorship is now, in a real sense, polarized along political lines. 50. The new policy of openness has led to the abolition of censorship and to a welcome return to Leninist cultural pluralism. 51. This was because owing to wartime censorship there had been little in the newspapers about industrial disputes. 52. The decree also imposed strict censorship of the media, including the closure of opposition radio stations. 53. When you start talking about large conglomerates publishing fewer books, it makes people nervous, because it smacks of censorship. 54. How these works are viewed officially as separate from the film industry can be seen in terms of censorship. 55. Moreover, after 1905 the press was increasingly adept at escaping censorship, and it became more assertive. 56. Censorship is hardly the worst problem facing Hong Kong filmmakers. 57. Censorship was not legally defined so the opposition movement had to tread carefully. 58. For example, in London, stage censorship ended the previous December, and the all-nude musical Hair was enjoying packed houses. 59. Films are routinely cut and changed by bureaucrats in the office of film censorship. 60. But as folklore will tell you, the Net treats censorship like an obstacle to go around. 61. Yet state censorship has arguably come much nearer and become more sinister with the Spycatcher affair and the more recent Section 28. 62. This led to the founding of the Index on Censorship in 1972. 63. The media are dull beyond belief because of the heavy censorship. 64. Within democratic societies like our own there is much more that librarians can do and should do against censorship. 65. This same period saw the end of traditional censorship in films, plays and books. 66. Angry journalists accused the government of censorship of free speech. 67. There was widespread concern about the effect of the movies and over 30 states began to draft censorship bills. 68. New legislation which contains elements of censorship, forces us to take a wider and more considered view. 69. Censorship will continue to threaten Britain's lesbian and gay communities from within as well as from without. 70. Newspapers started to defy the strict censorship imposed during the coup and to poke fun at Mr Serrano. 71. That inevitably makes censorship, of whatever sort of material and in whatever environment,[] a matter of major concern. 72. It is for this reason that totalitarian governments, and even quasi-totalitarian governments, employ censorship. 73. Thirdly, there was now a legal precedent upon which to mount attacks on politically inspired censorship. 74. Whatever censorship takes place in libraries, even of seemingly innocuous indecent material, can reverberate elsewhere. 75. No amount of censorship could hold back the rise of a new social consciousness bursting to find expression. 76. Many of the writers within this debate assume that there is a choice between censorship and freedom of speech. 77. The most explicit works were made in recent years, when censorship has eased. 78. The censorship board originally gave it a certificate allowing it to be seen by over-16s. 79. Yet the News International case has provided some legal precedent to tackle swiftly further similar cases of censorship should they arise. 80. As for censorship, some governments will be more protective of their cyberspace than others. 81. Public statements of selection policy Atkins alludes to the danger of equating selection with censorship. 82. Censorship reflects the social concerns and even fears of society and government at the time. 83. For this reason, if no other, the question of censorship in libraries has to be treated more seriously than hitherto. 84. Such is the level of religious censorship generated by the Satanic Verses affair. 85. However, opponents charge that the new Internet regulations amount to unconstitutional censorship that would criminalize expression protected by the First Amendment. 86. He also flouted the censorship efforts of the Vatican bureaucracy, the Curia, by talking to journalists. 87. He was listed as a naughty boy when he joined a protest against censorship in the arts. 88. There is a further justification for the removal of censorship in libraries and the reason is the cancerous nature of the practice. 89. Certainly censorship should not be allowed to masquerade as virtuous compromise, but nor should commitment to free speech go unexamined. 90. The second alternative is to deal with library censorship on the individual and professional level. 91. Any attempt to stifle or fetter such criticism amounts to political censorship of the most insidious and objectionable kind. 92. His paper provides clear distinctions between book selection and censorship. 93. Censorship only exposes the offending article to a greater public. 94. Any films that are shown here have to pass government censorship. 95. With censorship dead for more than twelve years, it had no legal authority to review any private publications. 96. Part of the justification for censorship in the first place stemmed from competing conceptions of the priesthood. 97. They are united in the emphasis they place on the need to avoid all forms of censorship or control over cultural workers. 98. During the war, obtaining cable traffic presented no problem because of mandatory cable censorship. 99. Probably the clearest statements on book selection are by Lester Asheim in a defence of book selection against the charge of censorship. 100. Of course the above differentiation between book selection and censorship is a simplification. 100. 101. That way lie new injustices and the most insidious censorship of all - self-censorship. 102. The law dominated the field, but it did not operate through the simple mechanisms of censorship and repression. 103. Mr Gorbachev has three instruments that, he hopes, will make the press more pliant while falling short of complete censorship. 104. Censorship, dictated by the military and Catholic priests, cut a lot. 105. They figure this was a puritanical overreaction to a handful of innocent pictures and claim it raises the chilling specter of censorship. 106. Smith attended Oxford, where he complained about poor teaching and academic censorship. 107. Both stop short of demanding censorship, though Mary Whitehouse is characteristically less tentative. 108. I still have the news clippings from that, arguments, accusations of censorship. 109. Yet while some regulations are equivalent to censorship, others are not. 110. Access to the archives was jealously guarded, and censorship of counter-revolutionary distortions was instituted. 111. But this lack of censorship, self or otherwise, should be celebrated for the hard-won battle that it is. 112. On both occasions, Professor Jones stood firm against complaint and censorship. 113. A promise to end schoolbook censorship, made only a week ago, has already been withdrawn. 114. Most censorship decisions appear faintly ridiculous in the light of day. 115. The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme. 116. It might be argued therefore that library censorship is relatively unimportant. 117. The Bank denied the charges of censorship, and said the key messages of Prof Kanbur's draft had survived. 118. Many community leaders have called for censorship of the Internet. 119. He dissolved political parties, banned demonstrations and introduced strict media censorship. 120. The main theme of discussion was press censorship. 121. I'm vehemently against any form of censorship. 122. The government imposed censorship on the press. 123. It is stretching a point to call this censorship. 124. Fifth, I am unalterably opposed to governmental censorship. 125. Censorship strikes at the taproot of our free society. 126. The party's over, folks. . . [Censorship of the news] is a given in wartime, along with massive campaigns of deliberately-planted "Dis-information". 127. Indecency law has provided a haven for censorship, but that haven may be crumbling. 128. Google is therefore more likely to voluntarily shut down its search operation if it is unable to reach a compromise with China, rather than unilaterally lift censorship, she said. 129. Form here we infer that the cosmic censorship hypothesis is just the third law of thermodynamics of black hole. 130. The big lie that same-sex love is "against nature, " a fiction which flies in the face of both biology and history, depends on censorship for its survival. 131. Furthermore, the ease of republishing one's material online ensures its permanence and immunity to effective censorship. 132. In 1999 the Commonwealth of Australia passed legislation to bring about one of the worlds harshest Internet censorship regimes. 133. This all sounds very unremarkable, except when you read the editor's note: "The following dispatch was subject to US military censorship ." 134. Beyond the nettlesome issue of abetting government censorship, they said six weeks was not enough time to shift production on such a large scale. 135. In the long run of history, the censorship and the inquisitor hae always lost. 136. It was aired all over the country with very minimum censorship. 137. Bush officials said the ticker was a way to circumvent censorship and convey hope and liberty to a tropical gulag. 138. In fact, China managed to combine censorship and one-party rule with continuing economic success over the following decade. 139. Censorship of opinions and points of view is not applied, however, content is intended to be pertinent, factual, notable, verifiable with cited sources, and neutrally presented. 140. The newspapers that opposed the junta were effectively muzzled by strict censorship laws. 141. Mister Loomis believed VOA should report about the war honestly(), without censorship from the Administration of President Lyndon Johnson. 142. The study's China report shows a particular paradox: a country with an estimated 300 million online users that also has the world's most highly-developed censorship apparatus. 143. Bullog is rooted in people, hence we are actually affected by it, thanks partly to the "benevolent Great Firewall" (the national censorship network) that tolerates it for so long as two years. 144. A new tool will join the censorship circumvention arsenal this September. 145. He is very smart, keeps stressing that censorship is for filtering pornographically messages. 146. Jancovich explains that changes in the 1970s censorship opened the door to more gory, body-centred special effects. 147. Four-hundred and nine years later, Pope Paul VI would abolish it, although attempts at censorship still remain. 148. Katrien Jacobs: The book is about waves of Chinese erotica and pornography in the age of Internet activism and a tightening of Internet censorship. 149. The company will use all legal means to resist demands for censorship. 150. The directors of the New Wave underwent strict cinematographic censorship restrictions. Censorship aimed at making their films depict less of the real and miserable life of the times. 151. PEN declares for a free press and opposes arbitrary censorship in time of peace. 152. Will there be blowback, outrage and constant discussion of the impact of censorship on Facebook in China? 153. The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the order, which it said "effectively institutionalizes a military censorship regime in Egypt." 154. During the period of the Guomindang, filmmakers and producers operated under fierce censorship. 155. In 1989, Gorbachev introduced his policy of glasnost, which sought to promote free speech, limit media censorship, and encourage discussion of political, economic, and social issues. 156. Instead of indirect censorship through publishers , there would be a government clearing house. 157. China may be public enemy number one when it comes to internet censorship. 158. Much of the debate and law-making concerning censorship of the Internet is centered on efforts to protect minors from harmful contents. 159. Cuba may be experiencing the beginnings of its own period of Glasnost — which will inevitably render policies of censorship and governmental repression unsustainable. 160. In Thailand, the new military junta issued broad censorship orders for broadcast outlets. 161. New Zealand is showing that it, too, is ready to play its part in the great Antipodean censorship stakes. 162. What is Marie - Ange Guilleminot MAG account of postwar censorship? 163. Or could China's quest for international audiences lead to a loosening of the tight censorship rules that continue to straightjacket its reporting? 164. In the run of history , the censorship and the inquisitor HAs sll the time lost. 165. The new censorship law will put the clock back ( by ) 50 years. 166. Ironically the younger generation's zeal is a byproduct of the censorship and propaganda they have been suckled on. 167. Microsoft, Yahoo and others are helping to institutionalise and legitimise the integration of censorship into the global IT business model. 168. As well as the gulag, Mr Solzhenitsyn's titanic willpower triumphed over other adversaries: cancer, censorship and Soviet bureaucratic intimidation. 169. The status of Arab regimes is not at the centre of the stormy debate, but the freedom of Robert Kilroy-Silk to express his opinions, free from "censorship" or "political correctness". 170. In a last-minute climbdown, the Chinese government announced today that it will delay the launch of censorship software that was supposed to have been sold in every computer from tomorrow. 171. Otherwise, how do we account for the editor's note at the beginning of the article: "The following is based on pool dispatches that were subject to military censorship." 171. try its best to collect and create good sentences. 172. Body scanners, sexual assault patdowns, censorship laws, seizure of property without even a notice (let alone a court order or conviction), even without doing or having done anything illegal. 173. Google has partially withdrawn from the Chinese market after clashing with Beijing over censorship. |
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