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单词 Inflated
1 The balloons had been inflated with helium.
2 Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the liferaft.
3 The prices of meals are often artificially inflated.
4 He inflated the balloons with helium.
5 A few bidders inflated the prices on purpose.
6 The profit margin had been artificially inflated.
7 They inflated clients' medical treatment to defraud insurance companies.
8 Financial crisis rapidly inflated to a nation-wide economic crisis.
9 He has an inflated sense of his own importance.
10 Clothing prices have not inflated as much as automobiles.
11 The balloon was kept fully inflated with hydrogen.
12 The success further inflated his self-confidence.
13 He has a very inflated opinion of himself.
14 The numbers of people involved have been grossly inflated by the media.
15 They inflated their part in the rescue every time they told the story.
16 The media have grossly inflated the significance of this meeting.
17 They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity.
18 Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders' inflated assessments of mortgaged property.
19 They had to buy everything at inflated prices at the ranch store.
20 Monstrously inflated costs are designed to keep the hoi polloi at bay.
21 And like all perceived threats,[] the dangers are inflated.
22 His deep radio voice inflated the little cottage.
23 We inflated the balloons with helium.
24 Tyres should always be inflated to the correct pressure.
25 This second loan will incur inflated interest charges.
26 With a supply of compressed air, the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds.
27 By October 1987, a year after Big Bang, the inflated City salaries were slipping.
28 The other four men arrested were accused of selling art objects to Itoman at inflated prices founded upon forged valuation certificates.
29 He is one of the few people I have ever met who has never been either inflated or deflated by personal possessions.
30 Some accountants have attacked the merchant banks for their inflated self-image and snobbery.
1 The balloons had been inflated with helium.
2 Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the liferaft.
3 The prices of meals are often artificially inflated.
4 He inflated the balloons with helium.
5 A few bidders inflated the prices on purpose.
6 With a supply of compressed air, the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds.
7 They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity.
31 Recently, of course, there has been an added dimension - part media-and-politician inflated, part real: drugs.
32 The horse's nostrils were vastly inflated and it was panting rhythmically as its hooves struck the hard ground.
33 As we reported in February, this figure was considered to be highly inflated by city staff members.
34 On the emergence of the adult the wing is inflated to its full size by blood-pressure and the cuticle hardens.
35 It was inflated with nitrogen gas within minutes and looked like a silver parachute.
36 They have to be treated seriously, but yet not inflated, and Ramey achieves that very convincingly.
37 Fans are prepared to pay inflated prices for the Mugler style.
38 He touched the toad and it inflated jerkily, its throat moving in and out like bellows.
39 The events of May 1968 inflated still further the Sartrean myth of Nizan the youthful iconoclast.
40 Thousands of home buyers were deceived into buying homes at inflated prices.
41 The inflated catalogue of works ascribed to him as a result of late nineteenth-century adulation has now been stripped down to basics.
42 And this can be as destructive to enjoyment and adventure as inflated claims or solemn incantations.
43 Branson bought them at an auction which inflated the group's price far beyond its true value.
44 The prototype antenna popped from its carrier like a jack-in-the-box, and its three 92-foot accordion struts inflated as planned.
45 Speculators, however, repeatedly inflated the price enormously within days or weeks of release.
46 Even his description of Oswiu's overlordship in Britain may convey an inflated impression of military activity under Oswiu.
47 Here items in short supply are sold at inflated prices - but still generally lower than on the black market.
48 Carey Lohrenz received preferential treatment and inflated grades during flight training.
48 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
49 Regardless, Bard said, the $ 14 million experiment showed that large structures can be inflated in orbit.
50 Stockholders filed suit against First National Entertainment in 1993, alleging that the company had misled them by issuing inflated revenue projections.
51 Earlier types have run at high power, even when manoeuvring at slow speed, to keep the skirt inflated.
52 So prices are inflated and will remain so until there is a steady flow of imported goods.
53 The 1988 figure had been artificially inflated by a bunching of large contributions to multilateral organizations such as the World Bank.
54 Ditchburn covered up the extra payments through a hugely inflated figure for the purchase of straw to protect the turf from frost.
55 My father had bought the farm at an auction, at what turned out to be an inflated price.
56 This bladder inflated when air was pumped into the suit at a pressure of 26 kPa.
57 Big Daddy, that seemingly inflated octogenarian in a tutu, was the man, I am told, who succeeded.
58 Then a balloon, looking like a bundle of long cylinders, is unreeled from the probe and inflated with atmospheric gases.
59 Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries.
60 Collectors throughout the world seek out examples of the ware and pay highly inflated prices.
61 They came to symbolize the excesses of the period: the hype and inflated prices new artwork was able to command.
62 It was an undersea face; the eyes were only part of an inflated bag of venom behind it.
63 Trinucleid trilobites are blind, and with a greatly inflated mid-part of the head region.
64 And why, if they are so pious, are there speculators who buy up whole blocks of houses with inflated currency?
65 There will, therefore, be a built-in tendency for inflated numbers of women to receive this diagnosis.
66 Consumers pay inflated food prices because their market is insulated by levies from lower-priced imports.
67 Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players inflated salaries.
68 The only exception to this rule is where the value has been fraudulently inflated by the Policyholder.
69 Czechoslovakia still insists on an inflated hard currency exchange rate which reflects its closed economy.
70 These are men who lead their daily lives with inflated pomp; they grovel for nothing.
71 Some of the present government's high technology spending is being inflated by including money already earmarked by the previous government.
72 Rolled up, admittedly, but those things can be opened and inflated from their gas cylinders in seconds.
73 Gorgeous lavender-blue orchid-like blooms in short spikes above curious glossy foliage with grossly inflated leaf bases.
74 High-ranking officers were only too willing to pay vastly inflated prices for a little judicious alteration and improvement to their standard uniforms.
75 He was made inflated, musclebound and awkward by the shirt, a burlesque act.
76 Government engineers bought sub-standard equipment, inflated the price, and pocketed the difference.
77 It was inflated with liquid rubber monomer under its own vapour pressure.
78 Mitchell had forgotten she chattered a lot, this inflated gaiety, whenever she was hyper or high.sentence dictionary
79 All this attention has given Carla an inflated opinion of herself.
80 Then, the entire bird is inflated by forcing air into it.
81 Seed funicle inflated at base, appendage stomach-shaped.
82 Properly inflated spare tire, jack and wheel wrench.
83 Hebe:How come the Japanese yen has inflated so much?
84 Even his war record was fraudulently inflated.
85 Diabetics an insurer can expect to pay inflated premiums.
86 The inflated style itself is a kind of euphemism.
87 The front tyres should be inflated with thirty pounds of air to the square inch.
88 Many sceptics fear that, because roughly half of all weather stations are in built-up areas, this may have inflated estimates of a temperature rise.
89 But that won't do anything to dissuade people who spent the weekend chewing on the Kelly report from deciding that at sixty clams the digital subscription price is inflated.
90 Humphys' book laments the growth of "cliched, dumbed-down, inflated and bogus management-speak" which he says now passes for English.
91 And to what adolescent striving to define an identity do inflated self-esteem and grandiosity not appear attractive?
92 But foreign investment and low interest rates inflated a property bubble, raising prices to levels that could not be supported. Bad property loans hit hard at Ireland's main banks.
93 It's easy to blame the professors. They are also the main target of Mark C. Taylor's inflated Crisis on Campus, a New York Times Op-Ed from 2009 that hypertrophied into a book.
94 The inflated self-important jargon you sling around—in the press, at your conferences—what's that got to do with us?
95 Housing prices in Beijing and Shanghai are clearly inflated and demand continues to grow unabated.
96 It is confirmed by the test of finished tire that the inflated overall dimension, strength, endurance and speed performace are in accordance with the designed criteria.
97 "Because his bingy inflated like an egg. " The duck said.
98 Inflated plastic film can protect any structure from the rain permanently or temporarily.
99 There may be a mini - bubble in commodities, additionally inflated by Chinese hoarding.
100 It removes the possibility that accounts receivable will be inflated away.
101 Results The cadavers didn't appear putrescent , mouldy or inflated.
102 Gone is the image of the insurer producing incomprehensibly wordy policy documents, inflated premiums and an obstinate attitude towards the payment of claims.
103 Use a heavier rope to fasten an inflated balloon, heavier enough to resist the buoyance of the balloon in order to keep it still in the air.
104 "Because his bingy inflated like an egg. " The hen said.
105 Imbalances at this level can result in low self-esteem, inferiority complexes, an inflated sense of self-importance or snobbishness.
106 The banking system, inflated by British home fetishism and dodgy American loans, has experienced a trauma.
107 The balloon rushes out the container when be inflated with hydrogen with proper pressure, thereby creating am atmosphere with happy and jollification.
108 You left those villagers grasping floats made from inflated oiled sheepskin bags behind you.
109 Started its Indian Chao machine, thus increasing the currency, currency devaluation, inflated,[http:///inflated.html] and the economic crisis.
110 The rubber tube was expansed after inflated, then closed. The soft core that could be favourable to mandrel stripping was used to rubber special tube.
111 Dunga's first act was to say publicly that no player was bigger than the famous yellow shirt and to lambast what he saw as the effect of inflated egos on the fortunes of the team.
112 The right IJV was 95% stenosed (narrowed), and I definitely felt the balloon being inflated on that side. It didn't hurt, but it was an odd sensation.
113 The system would be working well if any underestimated compensatory damages were just about offset by inflated punitive damages.
114 Instead, price maximums provide stark psychological reminders of how attentive Chinese authorities are to inflated property markets.
115 Inflated expectations (mostly on the part of the bride-to-be) about that all-important ring have also pushed prices higher, says Elena Mauer, a senior associate editor at Bridal Guide magazine.
116 Yet it is not Qatari money alone that has inflated art prices in recent years.
117 A vast heart - shaped bubble, inflated by the combined stellar winds and radiation pressure, surrounds the cluster.
118 Singles racket game resembling squash rackets, played with an inflated ball the size of a tennis ball.
119 Inflated or swollen on one side only, as in some corollas, especially in the genus Penstemon.
120 Think of the amount of energy it takes to hold an inflated beach ball underwater for an extended period of time.
121 These are 12-inch-diameter tubes that have been inflated, bent to the proper shape and stiffened with a plastic resin, then installed side by side and stuffed with concrete, like giant manicotti.
122 APPLICATION: The machine is applied to automatic packing for inflated foods, beans, peanuts, biscuit, melon seeds, sugar, granuliform pieces.
123 Since then, it has risen to over 100% of its GDP (which in itself is quite artificially inflated because of manipulated hedonics-adjusted inflation figures), and now stands at $13 trillion.
124 He said in modern day terms the symptoms can include mania, such as an elevated mood and inflated self-esteem, or depression, revealing itself as tearfulness and insomnia.
125 Gabby inflated his voice pouch part way, remarked in Grandfather Riquol's strong, rich voice, "My, my!"
126 Bolstered by an inflated sense of impulse control, we overexpose ourselves to temptation and fall prey to impulsiveness.
127 Trap the Spill Once inflated, the U-shaped booms surround the oil.
128 Alarm bells have typically gone off when accountants were unable to sign off on an audit, most often due to inflated sales and unverifiable trade receivables.
129 The rate of conversion will continue to decrease for the Typed funds to decrease the remaining inflated values.
130 Managers who no longer have anyone to manage are fobbed off with inflated titles, much as superannuated politicians are made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster or Lord President of the Council.
131 In order to inflated corporate profits, capital losses and the current cost of long-term hanging on subjects dealing with accounts receivable, resulting in actual loss virtual surplus.
132 Non-experts being paid to participate in a survey had inflated opinions of works of art associated with the sponsor, but art experts were unswayed by the financial consideration.
133 When the seeds sprout, some individuals produce annularly inflated hair zones above early initial roots near root tip meristematic zones.
134 The $290 million increase in the cost of building venues announced on Feb. 5, for instance, will come out of a $3 billion contingency fund included in the inflated budget.
135 The short seller also claims that the value of the trees in company accounts was inflated because Sino-Forest purchased them from related parties and paid more than it should have.
136 I was hypnotised by the landscape – feluccas sailing gallantly by, their masts inflated with an unfelt breeze.
137 So basically what the American dream is to be someone who repackages cheap components in foreign parts using cut price labour and flog it at greatly inflated prices back home.
138 Monstrously inflated prices are designed to keep people like us at bay.
139 The approximate formula is: the initial bounding rectangle is inflated by pen width, and this result is multiplied by the miter limit,[] plus some additional margin to allow for end caps.
140 Notwithstanding official worries about deflation, Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate.
141 And those sharp-witted men, either seers or men inflated with pride, where are they?
142 Objective : To study how to model zero - inflated count data, and apply it the about respiratory infection.
143 Corolla salverform , tube cylindric, slightly inflated near base, lobes overlapping to right.
144 Keep your tires inflated properly can improve gas mileage by more than 3 %.
145 North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic.
146 A western North American plant ( Lysichitum americanum ) having a bright yellow spathe an inflated upper part.
147 But the next step will be harder as it tries to cope with the declining competitiveness of its core industry, the inflated cost of land and worries about the environment.




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