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单词 Foreboding
1. She had a foreboding of danger.
2. I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong.
3. There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
4. The sky was dull, with a foreboding of rain.
5. The letter filled him with foreboding.
6. Foreboding mingled with his excitement.
7. Thoughts about the future filled him with foreboding.
8. She had a foreboding that she's never see him again.
9. She had a sense of foreboding that the news would be bad.
10. She had a sinister foreboding that the plane would crash.
11. He returned, full of foreboding, to the scene of the accident.
12. Nigel viewed the scheme with gloomy foreboding.
13. Auguste regarded them grimly and with foreboding.
14. Mazzin's presence filled us with foreboding.
15. Time lost its familiar context, and uncertainty and foreboding colored those who kept vigil.
16. His foreboding quickly turned to enthusiastic support when he saw her in action.
17. Ah, but who, she asked herself with sudden foreboding, is going to cure you of Penry Meredith Vaughan?
18. With a sense of foreboding, she read the note attached to one of the stems.
19. His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
20. She waited for news with a grim sense of foreboding .
21. A sequence played amid a storm exudes the right air of ominous foreboding.
22. His heart was beating agitatedly, as if sharing his sense of foreboding.
23. Her mixed media watercolors show humans transmuting into beasts, in strange landscapes full of foreboding.
23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. As they waited at the airfield, Sara had the same feeling of foreboding that she had felt before her father died.
25. It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
26. But the face into which he had gazed across the candle-flame had been neither tamed, nor troubled by any foreboding.
27. Although the fresh night air was welcome, Jack was again aware of an unusual feeling of dread and foreboding.
28. Yet, with all the activity getting under way, they also shared a sense of foreboding.
29. The school holds over 2, 500 young people in a massive brick structure that can only be described as foreboding.
30. "Jeanie, I have to go away," he said, his voice full of foreboding.
1. She had a foreboding of danger.
2. I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong.
3. There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
31. They had not achieved the essential element of surprise on which he had counted, and he was filled with foreboding.
32. On the other hand, Mr Moynihan looks forward with foreboding.
33. Nobody was there, but the air was heavy with a sense of foreboding.
34. The Straits Times, the government-controlled newspaper, reported the loss in dark, ominous headlines, heavy with foreboding.
35. We remember Princess Diana causing grim foreboding at the Palace by avowing that she would not go quietly.
36. We waited for news of the men with a sense of foreboding.
37. It was a creepy spot with a strong pungent smell of garlic and there was always a feeling of tension and foreboding.
38. His sense of foreboding is shared by almost every politician, diplomat, religious leader and journalist returning from the region.
39. A mood of foreboding sets in, despite the beautiful settings.
40. We may say that when a piece of music unexpectedly changes to a minor key this expresses a feeling of foreboding.
41. Contralto huffed and pulled in his chin with foreboding at the angry growls.
42. He had a sudden sense of foreboding. Something was wrong, very wrong.
43. Thus, throughout these chapters there is an ominous foreboding of death to come in the near future.
44. But, with a growing sense of foreboding, she knew she couldn't do that.
45. You have to be amazed how young and silly they could be or how solemn with foreboding.
46. The concentration in his face was as foreboding as the bulging, coiled muscles in his body.
47. It was like a dark foreboding cloud that settled on every aspect of my personality.
48. Travelling to the Continent now I feel a gloomy foreboding, for there is a whiff of decline in the air.
49. Imagination and reality fused and for a second the sense of foreboding intensified.
50. Whether Ursula shared her growing sense of foreboding she did not know.
51. Belinda's attendant spirits have an uneasy foreboding of catastrophe.
52. Pictured in October, the foreboding entrance to Mortimer's Hole (bottom center), another cave passage beneath Nottingham Castle, beckons downhill from the palace itself.
53. A sudden foreboding, Some love will be lost, The heart become so despondence suddenly, I didn't know sad or delight myself.
54. Instead, the wedge-shaped assault ships were foreboding harbingers of the new era to come.
55. So when Molnar went missing last Friday, there was a terrible foreboding of history repeating itself.
56. Selden had retained her hand, and continued to scrutinize her with a strange sense of foreboding.
57. It gave off a foreboding aura too untethered and floating and yet it couldn't have been more earthbound—and massive.
58. Actually, Yates does not delve into dark places; Potter's world is one of grey foreboding.
59. I levelled my glance towards the taffrail, foreboding shivers ran over me.
60. Prisons like Strangeways, built more than 100 years ago, were intended to look grim and foreboding places.
61. The sailor's wife had a foreboding that he would not return.
62. It is prodrome respectively period, foreboding period, convulsion period, atony lethargy period and recognizant convalescence.




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