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单词 Concentrated
1. He concentrated his pupils and declared the exciting news.
2. Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated.
3. The liquid is found in a highly concentrated form.
4. New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.
5. Most of our forces have concentrated at the bridge.
6. She turned the nozzle and the spray concentrated down to a stream.
7. Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.
8. The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.
9. Construction of the aircraft is being concentrated at Prestwick.
10. They concentrated on better definition of the optical image.
11. Most development has been concentrated in and around cities.
12. These noisy conditions aren't really conducive to concentrated work.
13. Fighting was concentrated around the towns to the north.
14. He concentrated his attention on the question of technology.
15. The latter part of the debate concentrated on abortion.
16. These jobs are disproportionately concentrated in the service sector.
17. His mood lifted as he concentrated on his driving.
18. Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north.
19. In 19th-century Britain, industries became concentrated in particular localities.
20. He made a concentrated effort to improve his work.
21. The orange juice has been concentrated.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. She had concentrated on her music to the neglect of her other studies.
23. Most of the country's population is concentrated in the north.
24. He concentrated mainly on the flying and spoke very little.
25. When the enemy's ships are all concentrated at the entrance to the harbor, it must mean trouble.
26. Most research in the field has concentrated on the effects on children.
27. They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side.
28. In a brief statement, he concentrated entirely on international affairs.
29. He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.
30. To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.
1. He concentrated his pupils and declared the exciting news.
2. Kate sat up fully, her attention now totally concentrated.
3. The liquid is found in a highly concentrated form.
4. New heavy industries were concentrated in narrowly restricted areas.
5. Most of our forces have concentrated at the bridge.
6. She turned the nozzle and the spray concentrated down to a stream.
7. Heavy industry was concentrated in the north of the country.
8. They concentrated on better definition of the optical image.
9. He concentrated his attention on the question of technology.
10. Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centers.
11. He was calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
12. He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
31. Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centers.
32. Power is largely concentrated in the hands of a small elite.
33. After a brief excursion into drama, he concentrated on his main interest, which was poetry.
34. The papers concentrated on the more salacious aspects of the case.
35. The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.
36. The fire of this article is concentrated on the government policy on foreign affairs.
37. Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country.
38. He was calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
39. An acid solution is concentrated when it has very much acid in it.
40. He was comparatively calm and concentrated in judging how to defeat his opponent.
41. She concentrated on the good parts of her trip instead of harping on about the bad.
42. Childbearing is concentrated within the first decade of married life.
43. She put her disappointment to the back of her mind and concentrated on Dana.
44. She knew if she concentrated on her marriage she could kiss her career goodbye.
45. Critics have concentrated too much on the formal elements of her poetry, without really looking at what it is saying.
46. Most of the country's industry is concentrated in the north.
47. The company is making a concentrated effort to broaden its market.
48. In silence, Marge concentrated on finishing her coffee.
49. Concentrated bleach can be diluted with water.
50. The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
51. Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty. Ronald Reagan 
52. A fourth was shot down by concentrated anti-aircraft fire.
53. So, instead,(http:///concentrated.html) she concentrated on work.
54. Table 28-I, on the other hand, indicates a number of very basic manufacturing industries wherein economic power is highly concentrated.
55. Otherwise he concentrated on a few vital issues and left his ministers relatively free to run their departments.
56. Then it can be argued that too much power is being concentrated in the hands of the minister.
57. All medical facilities have been heavily concentrated in the capital city.
58. The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings, then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
59. Bennett kept his day job and concentrated on his main art pursuit, collages.
60. Instead of being human and down-to-earth, faith becomes a fragrant, concentrated essence.
61. We have so far concentrated principally on the use of space resources to support future activities in space.
62. As police departments professionalized, they concentrated on chasing down criminals, not helping communities prevent crime.
63. Instead they concentrated all their energies on subduing the rebels' capital, the citadel of St Martial's.
64. Most of the zip codes with little or no comeback were concentrated in the East Bay and far North Bay.
65. About 600 people work on Unocal properties in the state, with most concentrated in the Central and Southern California areas.
66. These metals, cadmium especially, become concentrated in the organs of animals ingesting them.
67. Most of the previous research into the timing of cord clamping has concentrated on babies born near term.
68. When albumin is placed in water, dilute salt solutions, or moderately concentrated salt solutions, it remains soluble.
69. To those like me whose education concentrated on the physical rather than the biological sciences, the Nilsson film was a revelation.
70. The difficulty of the music forced a more concentrated performance, which paid wonderful dividends in excitement and intensity.
71. Possibly some one assumed it was a concentrated form of oxygen, and therefore invigorating.
72. Most research in the field has concentrated on modelling logical-sequential computation, which is well suited to general-purpose digital computers.
73. Ores, which are economically workable mineral deposits, are highly concentrated occurrences of useful minerals.
74. Other seminars concentrated on media skills such as poster-making, writing, drama, audio cassette production and the use of newsletters.
75. Part-time farming tends to be concentrated in DRAs where small, often non-viable holdings predominate.
76. We then concentrated our efforts on the tail-rudder and elevators were in place by late Summer 1991.
77. Impatiently, he brushed the thought aside and concentrated on his own problems.
78. This applies especially to the life of the more affluent, most of whom are concentrated in the advanced societies.
79. At the same time the surviving companies will grow larger and capital will be concentrated into fewer hands.
80. In this stage, attention is concentrated almost exclusively on the end to be achieved ....
81. The latter, meanwhile, settled in and around Madrid and concentrated upon advances elsewhere.
81. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
82. His mind concentrated itself on Tolby's footsteps which were slightly uneven, as if the solicitor had a slight limp.
83. Legislatures are ineffectual, and real power is concentrated in the executive branch of government.
84. Masterpieces of compression, they resonate with the concentrated power that can create diamonds from dross.
85. If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles. Doug Larson 
86. The total removal rate shot up to 27 percent an hour, depositing the sulphur in a concentrated drizzle.
87. Final-year units also treat general theoretical and practical concerns but at a more advanced level, and in a more concentrated manner.
88. These are made with concentrated fruit juices, and contain added vitamin C, with no added sugar.
89. Congressional criticism of Bush's proposals concentrated on the limited additional funding provided.
90. In early days the packs had concentrated on the caribou, but the semi-domestic, smaller animals were easier prey.
91. The minority population is concentrated in a few regions or states.
92. By 1880 the result was already a highly concentrated and mechanized industrial system.
93. There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone.
94. Fred preferred not to reply, and concentrated his attention on the screen.
95. Instead, George concentrated his efforts on the few remaining furry areas on an otherwise bare bear.
96. Now they even have four times concentrated products so you need only a quarter of the measure.
97. In backwashing and regenerating the base-exchange medium, a fairly concentrated solution containing sodium and calcium chlorides is produced.
98. He concentrated his efforts on the posterior aspect of the eye and established the ophthalmic exam.
99. Consequently, the manufacture of base fertilizers is concentrated amongst large-scale firms who tend to be part of the wider chemical industry.
100. Most of the debate about cleaning contaminated sites has concentrated on the Superfund programme.
101. But the bulk of the chemical run-off binds to particulates and is concentrated rather than dispersed evenly through the water column.
102. It did not mount a sustained challenge against globally-organised capitalism, concentrated state power or even prevailing discrimination against homosexuals.
103. For most of the previous two decades, McKinsey consultants had concentrated on matters of strategy.
104. Posterity undoubtedly concentrated its attention on St Augustine as a theologian, and on what he wrote about predestination.
105. Recession has concentrated the minds of car buyers both private and corporate on the economics of running costs.
106. In this book, therefore, attention is concentrated on relations of the more abstract sort.
107. They still remain by far the biggest group although most use is concentrated in the academic library sector.
108. Western interest has increased since glasnost, but has concentrated on the more contemporary works of the 1970s and 1980s.
109. In addition to this decrease in size child bearing is now concentrated into a much shorter period of a woman's life.
110. There was an air of intentness about him, a concentrated purpose that set a whole carillon of alarm bells ringing.
111. What would we think of an advertising campaign for glue that concentrated in its aromatic qualities?
112. Unless there was some incident that diverted and concentrated the general attention(http://), but I noticed nothing.
113. Sulfanilic acid is dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid and diluted to volume with distilled water.
114. The men were injured in March last year when seven cubic metres of concentrated nitric acid escaped from a valve.
115. One idea Kevin had was to make concentrated chicken stocks for flavour.
116. In the domestic market coal use will be concentrated largely on electricity generation and steel manufacture.
117. They completely forgot about the rest of the cast and concentrated on their lines.
118. Other reactions have concentrated on the issue of the interplay between inner-city decay and racial disadvantage in contemporary Britain.
119. Uranium, selenium and calcium are concentrated in cell walls whereas bismuth and sulphur are concentrated within the cells.
120. Here too wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of the magistracy, the clergy and the landed aristocracy.
121. Many experts, he said, believed that we should aim for a smaller, more concentrated and more efficient network.
122. The great satisfaction was that the aspects we concentrated on in training - defence and winning loose ball - worked out well.
123. It also calls for a simplified system of authorization, with industrial licensing being concentrated in a single agency.
124. No problem if your inquisitive Year 10 tips potassium into concentrated sulphuric acid.
125. This chapter has concentrated on the challenges of bureau work.
126. The two soon concentrated their business at the Albion brewery.
127. First, most legislatures do not provide a coherent structure within which power can be concentrated and exercised effectively.
128. More recently, however, the field of artificial life has concentrated on producing lifelike behaviours.
129. She explained that animals in the wild don't get enough energy, and sugar is concentrated energy.
130. Business became concentrated and competing centres find it hard to become established.
131. These developments concentrated enormous power in the hands of the individual on the throne.
132. The major industrial developments were heavily concentrated in a few key areas of the Empire.
133. The government forces concentrated their efforts on the destruction of the Mbari command post.
134. Others focus on persistent, concentrated poverty and the attendant hopelessness and detachment from the labor force.
135. Will they continue to be concentrated in large companies or will there be a growth in the relative importance of small firms?
136. We have concentrated in this chapter on theoretical approaches to the demand for sport.
137. They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression.
138. Future food technologists will be well placed to create concentrated foodstuffs which rectify the known deficiencies in the diet.
139. For the rest of the evening they concentrated on backgammon, pushing dimes back and forth across the kitchen table.
140. Instead, in the main, it has concentrated on access, second chance, and a limited concept of training for community activists.
141. In its concentrated form it is hazardous to handle especially as many commercial formulations are stabilised with caustic soda.
142. Previous research concentrated on the removal of nitrate that was observed when groundwater conditions change from aerobic to anaerobic.
143. Several times over. Deliberately ignoring her,(/concentrated.html) Patrick concentrated on his surroundings.
144. It was, moreover, widely disseminated by a profusion of pattern books which concentrated upon smaller houses.
145. These studies concentrated on images of women, a type of criticism which views films as cultural forms imbued with sexist ideology.
146. Artists a category which included interior decorators and lowly house-painters were not concentrated in any particular quarter.
147. Democratic voters were also more likely to be concentrated in counties that did not check ballots for errors in the precinct.
148. That volatility has risen as the stocks become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a relatively few mutual funds.
149. The advocacy of spending is concentrated in vocal and influential communities and client groups that can affect the electoral chances of politicians.
150. As I concentrated on keeping us over one spot with the cyclic, we climbed.
151. The analysis carried out concentrated mainly on the relationships between undergraduates' academic performance and their entry qualifications.
152. This is an astonishing output from a single individual if detailed concentrated effort was put into all of them.
153. All my efforts were concentrated on keeping up appearances during those two hours of the day when I was with them.
154. However oxygen, rather than air, is used to give a more concentrated syn-gas.
155. He was inaugurating Labour's national crusade on jobs, which will be concentrated on marginal Tory constituencies.
156. Heretofore, I had concentrated on doing good work in high-profile assignments.
157. Once a beginner has got past the teething part of theory, his mind must be concentrated on the clubhead.
158. He put Jane out of his mind and concentrated on the task ahead of him.
159. The government concentrated on efforts to stimulate economic growth and industrial investment and to enlarge the role of the private sector.
160. Here is a clear example of a rare rock type that has been strongly concentrated by lunar geological activity.
161. Once in the body it usually concentrated in the bones, often causing cancer.
162. Any discussion of siting has, therefore, concentrated on such factors as communication links, defensive positions and local bridging points.
163. The 1988 is a concentrated, complex, classic wine with blackcurrant flavors and aromas of cedar and pipe tobacco.
164. He went back to the prison hospital and concentrated on his work.
165. It thus represents the freezing-point curve of increasingly more concentrated solutions of salt in water.
166. Most considerations have concentrated on certain aspects and left others to the imagination.
167. Initially the flow out of the labour force and into retirement was concentrated among men within three years of pension age.
168. At Kidd's arrival Clive and Stokes concentrated solely on executive search, but it has since undertaken organisational consulting assignments.
169. You would deduce that the lymphocytes, having specific receptors, would be selectively concentrated at that site.
170. The farmers concentrated upon dairy cattle and sheep and were dependent upon weaving as a second source of income.
171. Tyrosine phosphate is found concentrated at points of cell-matrix and cell-cell contact in other cell lines studied.
172. Whichever substance you use, put it on in as concentrated a form as you can using a large paint brush.
173. A big backdrop to the stage with light concentrated on it did the rest.
174. It also publishes seven community telephone directories and two magazines, concentrated in Howard and Carroll counties.
175. But we have so far concentrated exclusively on the small minority of asteroids that have orbits bringing them close to Earth.
176. Meanwhile, she got a grip on it with her mind, and concentrated.
177. Solutions to these problems will take time and concentrated effort.
178. The thrust forward has more concentrated power than the withdrawal.
179. It's no good making fatuous suggestions ... It would be better if you concentrated on sewing some buttons on my shirts.
180. Thus, it leaves room for poor countries with well-distributed resources and rich countries with concentrated resource distributions.
181. The attention of all the principal aid donors is concentrated there.
182. Previous research into the response of domestic energy expenditure to changing prices has concentrated almost entirely on the use of aggregate data.
183. Each successive tide dissolves the salt and deposits more, forming pools of highly concentrated saline.
184. Protect your hands with rubber gloves because it can be a dangerous substance in such a concentrated form.
185. Since this year's race avoids the Pyrenean peaks, all the hard mountain climbing is concentrated into these two days.
186. This psychoanalysis of the Enlightenment obviously concentrated only on its darker side, its errors, aberrations and absurdities.
187. Carnation Milk contains no added sugar or preservatives, just concentrated fresh milk.
188. Founded in 1981, Softbank concentrated on two domestic markets: publishing and computer-software distribution.
189. And they are concentrated in some of the key battleground states for the presidential election.
189. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
190. At first we concentrated on craft and design, then we developed the graphical communications, and then we introduced technological studies.
191. Heel: Tremendously powerful; the entire force of your movement is concentrated into the small hard area of your shoe heel.
192. The financial world has been disdainful of his economic performance partly because it has concentrated on the interests of the poor.
193. From June 1944 the flying bomb attacks were less concentrated spatially, but even more destructive.
194. The introduction of the plough made possible much greater density of population, concentrated in villages and manors.
195. Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
196. Chemical has traditionally concentrated its underwriting activity in New York and the eastern region.
197. Illegal workers tend to be concentrated in service industries, agriculture, garment manufacturing, and in urban construction.
198. An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at Pearl Harbour.
199. Forest entomologists have concentrated on ecological problems.
200. Molasses is not an easy ingredient to mix into concentrated feeds.
201. Mr Prescott concentrated on offering a classic restatement of Labour values.
202. The concentrated sodium hydroxide is filtered through a pressure filter.
203. Irish Catholicism concentrated on what as matters of sexual purity.
204. Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions.




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