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单词 Chronicler
1. The Crowland chronicler goes further and states bluntly that Bourgchier was compelled to play his part.
2. Indeed, one chronicler suggests that a rising against the oppressive behaviour of royal officials might easily have occurred.
3. The Historical Scholar and Historical Chronicler also appeared in the late of the Southern Dynasties.
4. Fitzgerald is considered the chronicler of the 1920 s in America and the spokesman of the " Lost Generation ".
5. According to certain chronicler, this great novelist is going to write no more long novel.
6. Alexis de Tocqueville, the great French chronicler of early America, was once misquoted as having said: "America is the best country in the world to be poor."
7. In Touch apparently has become the Official Chronicler of American Bedding.
8. The chronicler sets down every detail, believing all to be of ultimate significance.
8. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
9. A modern chronicler of hell might look to the lives of chronic - pain patients for inspiration.
10. His death marks the close of half a century of academic and literary history, of which he was the chronicler.
11. This implies knowledge on his part; he knows beforehand that this chronicler exists.
12. The overriding importance of death and disease in the seventeenth century have seldom found such a chronicler.
13. He sounded more like Carl Sandburg in love hate thrall with great maddening Chicago than like the usual tough gritty moody chronicler of California's broken dreams.
14. After becoming Emperor of Rome, Nero'sdearest ambition was to sing in public, according to the Roman chronicler Suetonius.




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