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单词 Proletarian
1, Dr. Norman Bethune impersonates the spirit of proletarian internationalism.
2, Both the bourgeois ideology and the proletarian false consciousness are products of particular social relations present in capitalism.
3, This was a frankly proletarian town, laid out in regular rows of plain brick houses.
4, Many of the originally proletarian elements had been appropriated and reorientated by petit-bourgeois writers and publishers during the previous half-century.
5, They reacted, in particular, to the upsurge in proletarian and, from the turn of the century, peasant unrest.
6, It constituted the institutional embodiment of proletarian unity and class consciousness.
7, Marx distinguished two classes, bourgeois and proletarian, based on the ownership of the means of production.
8, Many were convinced that only a proletarian revolution could remove discrimination.
9, Even for the socialists the road to proletarian triumph ran through a fully developed capitalism.
10, He is the father of proletarian literature.
11, The proletarian patriotism is combined with internationalism.
12, Zhang Wentian was an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and theorist.
13, Our friend ship is built on proletarian, internationalism.
14, They chanted the eulogy of proletarian heroes.
15, The serf an assured existence, the proletarian has not.
16, They remained true to the banner of proletarian internationalism.
17, Proletarian revolutionaries always cleave to Marxist - Leninist principles.
18, Suyu was a great proletarian revolutionist and an outstanding military scientist.
19, The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution bursted in her youth. But her nature seemed to have found the way quite elegantly .
20, Socialism could not yet be built and they would inevitably disappoint proletarian expectations.
21, In their view the older generation could never be persuaded of the value of a proletarian ideology.
22, By contrast,(http:///proletarian.html) some Marxists are more inclined to emphasize capitalism's economic success in generating proletarian support.
23, For present purposes we can conclude that Trotsky looked to proletarian democracy as a defence against bureaucratization.
24, This temporary development fostered both revisionist and defeatist views of the proletarian revolution in the imperialist countries.
25, The most pernicious consequence of these internal Soviet developments was the disorientation of the proletarian vanguard in other countries.
26, She was spanked by the outraged Emperor because, nude and proletarian, she was masquerading as a nymph.
27, Recording day by day the symptoms of degeneration, it tried to oppose to the growing Thermidor the conscious will of the proletarian vanguard.
28, The menu, prepared by White House chef Jon Hill , was anything but proletarian.
29, Diligence , thrift , plain living and hard work constitute the good proletarian style.
30, Lenin said that Chartism was "the first broad, really mass, politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement.
31, The second kind, namely, the proletarian - socialist world revolution, thereupon began.
32, Their spirit of proletarian internationalism has won the praise of the Malian people.
33, To put things in order organizationally requires our first doing so ideologically, our launching a struggle of proletarian ideology against non-proletarian ideology .
34, China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a genuine proletarian revolution on an immense scale.
35, "Long live the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!" says the slogan on the flag that features the profile of the late Chinese leader Mao Zedong.
36, Chen Yun is crackajack proletarian revolutionist, it is the prominent leader of party and country.
37, The proletarian infant mortality rate has dropped by 12 percent.
38, For those who can yet recall the backyard blast furnaces of Mao's China in the 1950s and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to re-instill peasant values in the 1970s, the news was jarring.
39, On 16 May 1966, Chairman Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
40, It was part of the world proletarian revolution of the time.
41, These factionalist styles are closely related to the negative impact of the proletarian literature movements in the former Soviet Union and Japan.
42, We reckon that most can make progress and some can remould themselves into proletarian intellectuals.
43, In our opinion the question of proletarian ideological leadership is very important.
44, The thorough exposure and smashing of this counter- revolutionary clique in the great proletarian cultural revolution is an immense new victory for Mao Tse - tung's thought.
45, They praised him as a proletarian internationalist fighter of the Bethune type.
46, When I was a kid, it was the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
47, This a serious question and not lightly brushed aside by any gibberish about " proletarian democracy. "
48, The program, designed to give intellectuals the labor experience of common workers, began in the late 1960's during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
49, Young people pose for a photograph during China, s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1967.
49, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
50, With regard to the question whether a party organization with its dominating non-proletarian elements can be developed into a proletarian party, no any available answer may be found in Marxist theory.
51, First, Maoism was based on the belief that the peasantry is the principal revolutionary class, even though lip service was ambiguously paid to the principle of "proletarian leadership."
52, There will be no celebration tomorrow of the Great Leap Forward, the Anti-Rightist Movement or the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
53, This reflected Zhou En adequately to come the firm party spirit principle of proletarian revolutionist.
54, In its social origins putschism is a combination of lumpen proletarian and petty - bourgeois ideology.
55, The third is on the relationship between Bukharin's proletarian culture theory and Lenin & Trotski.
56, Marcuse builds his theoretical system of new socialism, analyzes the change of the proletarian structure and distinguishes the historical transformation of the proletariat and the working class.
57, Fascism has for its basic and only task the razzing to their foundations of all institutions of proletarian democracy.
58, Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution took shape, especially on university campuses, where students were recruited for a new "shock force", the Red Guards.
59, Second, Marxism, mainly the thought of its class struggle and proletarian dictatorship theory.
60, Proletarian leadership is the sole key to victory in the revolution.
61, China, Socialism, Mao Zedong, Korea, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, masses, de-lingking, re-lingking.
62, During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in china, the study and research on basic theory of natural science suffered severe destruction.
63, We must now set about building a proletarian socialist state in Russia.
64, Are you lacking in proletarian vigor? Do you feel like a listless capitalist stooge?
65, As we remember the great democratic revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen, we are also deeply cherish the memory of a great proletarian revolutionary, Comrade Deng Xiaoping.
66, Communism is at once a complete system of proletarian ideology and a new social system.
67, In the midst of their toils they also underwent the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" and received large groups of sent-down youth from Shanghai, Chongqing and Kunming.
68, Hunan revolutionist group referred to the Hunan - born proletarian revolutionist one formed after the May 4 th Movement.
69, To do so would be running counter to proletarian internationalism.
70, In essence what was involved was proletarian leadership in the united front.
71, Lo Lung - chi asked, how could little proletarian intellectuals lead big petty - bourgeois intellectuals?
72, Lenin said that Chartism was "the first broad, really ma , politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement."
73, Theory of Marx labor value is the economic theory of proletarian revolution.
74, But the stance of aggressive unoriginality is still evident in The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, written in late 1918.
75, In the history of Chinese piano art, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is a special period.
76, He describes how it was to live through the Great Leap Forward as a child as well as living through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.
77, Although the tendency is not clear, relative to the proletarian literature, the artistic achievement of "Fellow Traveler" writers' literature is rather higher.




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