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单词 Rankle
1. The insult rankled in his mind.
2. The boil on my right arm rankled whenever I wrote.
3. The insult still rankled in his mind.
4. His comments still rankled.
5. Her comments still rankled.
6. The only thing that rankles me is what she says about Ireland.
7. His decision to sell the land still rankled with her.
8. The injustices they did me rankled me for a long while.
9. It rankled him to be coerced into this game.
10. What really rankles is the loss of the idea that these bodies are broadly representative of the communities they serve.
11. But the question still rankles: Can a participating Olympic athlete be openly gay today?
12. Although such incidents rankled, the cutter crews' sense of humour soon surfaced to erase the bad memories.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. The dimensions of the Brys'ballroom must rankle her.
14. You burrow and rankle in his heart!
15. Vice President Joe Biden says that while US statements about human rights may, as he put it, "rankle" some in China, it is an issue that still needs to be discussed.
16. The costs continued to rankle with those who thought manned space flight a waste of money, and three decades spent stuck in low-Earth orbit never stopped frustrating those who wanted to go farther.
17. They paid him only £10 for it and it really rankled.
18. The insult that his sister hurled at him still rankled in his mind.
19. Britain's refusal to sell Portugal arms in 1937 still rankled with him.
20. The unkind way in which his girlfriend left him still rankled with him long after.
21. The noise that trunks and ambulances made in the street rankles me every day.
22. To Gaitskell, the defeats he had to accept from Citrine and the Area Board chairmen clearly rankled.
23. We chattered about Ipswich and I found the business of Scawsby's treatment of my mother still rankled in my heart.
24. The horses that got away during his enforced absence continue to rankle.
25. If Thou be the Son of God. The words rankle with bitterness in his mind.
26. As wise old Ben Franklin used to say: "If you argue and rankle and contradict, you may achieve a victory sometimes;"
27. This is because the organizational structure of scallop muscle dried by oven was more loosen and easy to rankle .
28. Chelsea lost to Liverpool by a solitary goal in last season's semi-final, and it is a loss that will clearly rankle with Mourinho until his Chelsea side claim Europe's premier prize.
29. Some ill-chosen ambassadors to the region (and delays in their confirmation) rankle.
30. Hence four the elder brother also ignore Adam apple that of rankle, Doudoune Moncler Femme, close behind made trace for up.
31. Another part of her woman colleagues got rankle in there venters . Nevertheless, they believe this is there obligation.
32. Whole body of rankle, make his some times presently collapsed and fainted pass by.
33. But the report's self-congratulatory tone is likely to rankle in crisis-racked countries.
34. But little things rankle, like not knowing if clothes are stained and needing help shopping for greeting cards.




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