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单词 Fasting
1 Fasting is the best medicine.
2 Fasting comes after feasting.
3 She betook herself to fasting.
4 Religious observances such as fasting can be hard to follow.
5 Low plasma octreotide concentration and increased fasting volume may explain improved gall bladder contraction.
6 In the children with colonic contractions, fasting motility did not differentiate children with and without constipation.
7 Our finding that fasting serum gastrin consists mainly of G34 is consistent with previous reports.
8 In pregnancy and obesity, increased fasting and postprandial residual gall bladder volumes are associated with increased risk of gall stone formation.
9 Fasting gall bladder volume increased after injections, compared with the volume before treatment.
10 The mean fasting triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the diabetic macrovascular disease group were significantly higher than controls in the 30-59 age-group.
11 Similarly, increased fasting gall bladder volumes have been reported in obese, tall, and muscular subjects.
12 Fasting gastric electrical control activity was recorded and analysed using a modification of the method described by Van der Schee etal.
13 The practice of fasting had grown up amongst the Pharisees as a sign of their superiority.
14 It was known that fasting could cause hallucinations, and extreme weather conditions were thought to affect the mind.
15 And the dreams produced by fasting had set him on the road to being a shaman.
16 The finding of enhanced fasting gastrin concentrations in H pylori positive subjects and in duodenal ulcer disease can not easily be explained.
17 The peak level is above normal, and fasting levels may or may not be elevated.
18 After four days of fasting, High Commission officials in Delhi relented and gave the go-ahead for the couple to be reunited.
19 Traditionally these days were set apart for prayer and fasting.
20 Traditionally, these days were set apart for special prayer and fasting.
21 He takes over at a time when latest figures show Gloucestershire with the fasting rising crime rate in the country.
22 At 14 months, all rate were killed by exsanguination under general anaesthesia and after fasting for 15 hours.
23 It has been reported that serum cholesterol values are similar in samples from fasting and non-fasting subjects.
24 Six subjects did not consent to a glucose tolerance test and tolerance was determined from fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations.
25 Most investigators have observed that H pylori infection causes a greater percentage increase in the postprandial gastrin than fasting gastrin.
26 Oesophageal manometry and acid perfusion tests were performed in the morning, with the fasting patient in the left lateral position.
27 At trial entry, however, there were mild abnormalities of fasting serum lipids in 12 patients.
28 One and a half years later gastroscopy showed some slight fasting gastric secretion.
29 If this is satisfactory then no further action is required, as the fasting cholesterol will be lower than the random determination.
30 Richard Baxter arranged a day of special prayer and fasting for her deliverance on New Year's Eve 1659.
31 Fasting produced intense dreams and the capacity to dream was highly prized.
32 Non-insulin dependent diabetes was defined according to the World Health Organisation fasting criteria.
33 Normal motility of the small intestine in the fasting state is characterised by the cyclical appearance of the migrating motor complex.
34 The average Grossmont patient weighs 230 pounds and loses 62 pounds while fasting.
35 These patients underwent a bowel preparation and fasting regimen similar to the other patients in this study.
36 Some anorexics combine fasting with occasional binges, followed by self-induced purging or vomiting.
37 Therefore, increased fasting volumes in patients with acromegaly might be explained by their large body size.
38 Antral gastrin and somatostatin cell densities and fasting serum gastrin concentrations were similar in the two groups of patients with Zollinger-Ellison sydrome.
39 There were no manometric features in the fasting motility that differentiated the patients without constipation from those with neuropathy and constipation.
40 In those aged 60-69 years similar trends were observed only for fasting triglyceride.
41 Fasting was maintained for a further 2 hours,(sentence dictionary) after which a normal diet was permitted.
42 They would have preferred to hear him preach his Lenten sermons on the necessity of self-discipline and the importance of fasting.
43 Among penances approved by the Church were wearing a hair shirt which was prickly and uncomfortable, walking barefoot, and fasting.
44 By contrast, in patients with chronic constipation fasting transit of marker was not recorded.
45 Members of the order led a life of prayer, fasting, and penance.
46 Thus, for the first time, recordings of fasting and fed motility patterns of the upper gastrointestinal tract have been achieved.
47 All patients underwent bowel preparation and a fasting regimen before operation.
48 My innards felt as empty as if I had been fasting for days.
49 Back then, he said, most Orthodox Christians still adhered to strict fasting rules during the 40 days before Pasak.
50 Fasting in Muharram however is not a must.
51 A fasting belly may never be merry.
52 The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages.
53 Praises won in feasting would be lost in fasting.
54 People pray at a mosque in Dubai. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims are required to spend it in pious fasting and introspection.
55 Fasting blood sugar, triacylglycerol (TG), total cholesterol (TC), sugar ferrohemoglogin, blood cortisol and aldosterone of subjects were examined.
56 After fasting for three days, the fever abated and he felt as limp as taffy.
57 It is true that there is no authentic hadith which calls upon Muslims to perform special prayers, fasting or special worship in the month of Sha'ban.
58 A set period of fasting is supposed to bring us closer to godliness.
59 In the Lenten period, the Church makes it her duty to propose some specific tasks that accompany the faithful concretely in this process of interior renewal: these are prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
60 Objective:To value the effect of pancreatectomy on the fasting blood sugar(FBS).
61 Second, fasting blood glucose tests and an EKG should be done regularly.
62 We know that prayer acquires power if it is joined with fasting and almsgiving.
63 "There are seven or eight Muslim kids at my school that are fasting, " said Romaze Akram, 15, who lives in Newburgh but goes to the Signature School in Evansville.
64 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency .
65 Conclusion Mental nursing care before fasting hemospasia could obviously decrease the occurrence of hemospasia induced responses.
66 In 1135 they became part of the Cistercian order of monks, whose rules required regular fasting, long periods of silence and strict religious observances .
67 A person has impaired fasting glucose (IFG) when fasting plasma glucose is 100 to 125 mg/dL.
68 Objective: to study the acid level and fasting glucose and II diabetes.
69 Then, with vigour and vitality love tragicomedy staged. And family quarrels, fasting, to do almost all try again.
70 The boy lay on his bed, pale and thin from fasting.
71 And in every province, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, there was great mourning among the Jews, and fasting, and weeping,(http:///fasting.html) and wailing; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes.
72 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.
73 But Gandhi's great grandson, Tushar Gandhi, says there are crucial differences in the way the two leaders have used fasting as an instrument of protest.
74 This pre-Easter period was also a time of fasting for all Christians in the Roman church.
75 Cellulase activities of digestive tract chyme were increased significantly by exogenous enzyme, but also reduced significantly by fasting.
76 The fasting blood of ulnar vein and cerebrospinal fluid were collected in 30 first episode paranoid schizophrenics and 20 patients of cerebral trauma without psychotic disease(as the control group).
77 Migrating Myoelectric Complex (MMC) were obtained from silver bipolar electrodes implanted in duodenum and jejunum of fasting rats respectively.
78 "This is one of the greatest aspects of the fasting month in this country, " said Hajji Ramadan Mukhtar , who took his place beside others on the table.
79 Method Fasting blood sugar levels of fulminating hepatitis patients were retrospectively analyzed.
80 Jainism is unique in allowing the very spiritually advanced to hasten their own death by certain practices (principally fasting) and under specified circumstances.
81 My knees give way from fasting; my body is and gaunt.
82 Fasting certainly bring benefits to physical well - being, but for believers, it is, in the first place,[] a "therapy" to heal all that prevents them from conformity to the will of God.
83 When I wept in my soul with fasting, It became my reproach.
84 Conclusions: Although fasting hypoglycemia is characteristic of patients with insulinoma, postprandial symptoms have been reported with increasing, albeit low frequency.
85 In addition, monophosphate - activated protein kinase ( AMPK ) levels were high during fasting and low during HF diet.
86 By contrast, subjects in the nonalcoholic - beer group experienced no real change in fasting plasma glucose.
87 Carnival is an annual celebration before Lent, a 40-day period of fasting that precedes Easter. The dates of Carnival vary each year depending on the date of Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent.
88 Metho-ds The levels of plasma IGF-1, serum insulin and fasting blood-glucose in 21 patients with MND were determined with radioimmunoassay (RIA), and set up the control group.
89 We measured activin A, inhibin B and FST levels in serum samples collected every 15min for 24hr on the third day of study A and the third fasting day of study B, using commercially-available ELISAs.
90 Half the year was devoted to Lenten fasting prescribed by religion, and even marriage was discouraged.
91 Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims are required to spend it in pious fasting and introspection.
92 Changes in antral motility induced by pentagastrin (G5) microinjected into the dor-sal vagal complex (DVC) were investigated in fasting conscious rats.
93 Objective To evaluate the value of reducing insulin resistance by preoperative carbohydrate loading and new preoperative fasting protocol in patients following abdominal surgery.
94 Methods 24 hour urinary ablumin ( Alb ), transferrin ( TRF ), IgG, retinal - bingding protein ( RBP ), N - acetyl - glucosaminidase ( NAG ) , fasting blood glucose, < ...
95 Results In the rats of fasting group, the rate of intestinal transit was delayed compared with control group, the content of nitrergic nerves in the myenteric plexus of rat intestine higher than...
96 No association was observed between impaired fasting glucose or undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and depressive symptoms.
97 To make the criteria and method with no loss and fasting resolution for received wafer and mixed-up wafer, apply to produce.
98 "The grim situation is frustrating people who are fasting in the hot Ramadan", said the prelate, who will celebrate Eucharist on the final day of the pilgrimage.
99 The suggestion of lowering the fasting plasma glucose may in fact be a reasonable approach. We have to remember that glucose level is a continuous distribution and there is no specific cut point.
100 That noon he sat down to dinner with us, and received a heaped-up plate from my hands, as if he intended to make amends for previous fasting.
101 During fasting, the blood in hepatic portal vein only contains small amount of glucose (NOT: without glucose), because there is no absorption of digested food in the ileum.
102 CRP and SAA in fasting blood serum and gingival crevicular fluid of all subjects were detected by immune photoextinction .
103 Fast twice a week – Fasting was not commanded in the Mosaic Law except for the fast on the Day of Atonement.
104 Then he goes into fasting,here's how you're supposed to fast: Your fast must not be identical with those of the hypocrites.
105 My knees give way from fasting; my body is thin and gaunt.
106 Colesevelam therapy was associated with consistent reductions in fasting plasma glucose and fructosamine levels, glycemic-control response rate, and lipid control measures.
107 Methods The fasting serum CA125, CA199 and CEA level of patients with ovarian tumors were measured by electrochemiluminescence before operation.
108 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.
109 When the fasting gastric acidity, lactic acid easily be killed.
110 Fasting the day of 'Ashura' ( Muharram 10) is an expiation for the year preceding it.
111 You can achieve this by a low-calorie diet, fasting days and physical exercises.
112 Objective:To investigate impaired fasting glucose(IFG) distribution and the relationship between it and adiposis hepatica, hyperlipemia.
113 Intermediate hyperglycemia(IHG) is defined as concentration of blood glucose between normoglycemia and diabetes mellitus including impaired fasting glucose(IFG) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).
114 Manichaean worship included fasting, daily prayers, and sacramental meals which differed greatly Lord's Supper.
115 They put on a face, so people can see they are fasting.
116 The 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.
117 An oral glucose tolerance test was used to ascertain 2 - hr plasma glucose and fasting plasma glucose.
118 But this kind does not go out except by prayer fasting.
119 This hadith directs us to a further meaning and message of fasting which is related to the personal development of the fasting person himself and the refinement of his character and morality.
120 He has sharply escalated his profile in recent weeks, however, by invoking India's Gandhian tradition of fasting to evince political change.
121 Both fasting and postprandial ET were positively correlated ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) with BG.
122 Manichaean worship included fasting, daily prayers, and sacramental meals which differed greatly from the Lord's Supper.
123 Groups of fasting men fingered prayer beads as they reclined against its yellow brick walls, while women watched their children run and laugh in the mosque square.
124 Fasting plasma glucose (FPG), lipid, haemorheological parameters, tibial and peroneal nerve motorial conduction velocity (T-PNMCV), the ulcer healing time were observed.
125 One of the Beltane rites , called "Hand Fasting, " is in fact the pagan version of the modern marriage ceremony.
126 There we traditionally use a high fasting glucose level, if they can get them, and glucose tolerance test levels that are also high.




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