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单词 Activism
1. I hadn't a clue to the meaning of "activism"
2. The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past fifteen years.
3. Neier is the dean of American human rights activism.
4. It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory.
5. Now, gay activism vies with acting for his attention.
6. Political activism of party members also varies over time.
7. Activism by itself fails to bring salvation.
8. Such outright activism is not for every think tank.
9. My first tepid foray into activism was the Pillbox Hat Incident.
10. Radical activism was no hindrance to Chidley's treading the path to prosperity during the 1650s.
11. But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.
12. And it is intriguing that their activism followed such divergent paths, despite notable similarities in personal characteristics.
13. Absent, too(), is the zealous activism of a huge freshman class that entered Washington two years ago brimming with enthusiasm.
14. Schneider is known for his tireless political activism in deed and in word.
15. The advent of policy activism implied an adherence to policy rules radically different from those which had been applied previously.
16. Today, as activism becomes more and more specialized, the danger is of connections disappearing.
17. I saw all these new women lawyers as a potentially powerful support base for effective feminist activism.
18. She had been most disappointed to find how little political activism there was in the colleges.
19. They accepted once-scandalous deviations such as interfaith dialogue, political activism, concert-going, and coed dancing.
20. Third, one can identify those personal traits of the individual that are related to activism.
21. I felt full of life and my commitment to activism was, for me, a rejection of death.
22. Some of the absolutism of the early days of social investing seems to have given way to a new pragmatic activism.
23. It has exploited the internet to pioneer a model of global activism.
24. At that time, she was still coming to grips with her unexpected plunge into social activism.
25. In such cases, the environment provides foot soldiers with confusing signals regarding the acceptable level and forms of political activism.
26. These developments took place against a background of growing activism on the abortion issue in the country at large.
27. The symbolic resonance of the work altered as the killings at Kent State became the focus for anti-war activism.
28. Thereafter he quickly became its most renowned liberal member, leading some opponents to accuse him of judicial activism.
29. It might be argued that political gladiators are no different than other people but that certain chance events propel them into activism.
30. Then make a fresh start on a more efficient brand of government activism for the future.
1. I hadn't a clue to the meaning of "activism"
2. The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past fifteen years.
31. The first decade of the twentieth century witnessed the polarization of these positions under the impact of growing political activism.
32. Mead was already world renowned, as famous for her social activism as for her cultural anthropology.
33. Many say the spirit of the march lives on and continues to sustain activism at a local level.
34. Such marginalization of older people was accompanied by increasing material prosperity and political activism.
35. In most countries these activists are members of political parties, although party membership is not necessarily synonymous with political activism.
36. The first lady had specifically asked to speak at Glide, which is known for its social activism, church officials said.
37. The similarities in their powerful personalities and political activism are obvious.
38. Instead, he gained his huge following through judicial activism.
39. Politicians are often a target of mobile activism.
40. He believed in political activism to achieve justice.
41. Her art also expresses her interest in environmental activism.
42. The first is the activism of American policymakers.
43. Engage in activism on behalf of the Library if its integrity is externally threatened.
44. We can intuitively perceive the philosophy of judicial activism through the case of Scott which was accompanied by a much political attempt and the case of Lochner which vetoed legislative regulation.
45. In the home of judicial activism, the U. S. Supreme Court is still no result of a controversy on judicial activism and judicial restraint.
46. It was an act of judicial activism that might have made even Bob Bork blush.
47. No matter what they are, original intentionalism, passivism methodology, non-original intentionalism and activism methodology are all methodologies on the road to rule of law.
48. The conservatism and judicial activism was embodied vividly in a series of cases decided by the Supreme Court.
49. Institutional Shareholder Activism has become an important characteristic in Western securities market.
50. Student activism won ? but how, and was it worth it?
51. Also leading the fight against gender violence, the NGO Prajnya, based in Chennai, has organized a 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence campaign.
52. In the third chapter, this article of have an evaluation analysis of the Judicial Activism Model,[] believing it is an "inappropriate manner".
53. There has been existed the controversy on the constitutional and political status of judicial department. The debate on the judicial activism will be going on.
54. It was violence that made gay activism explode in the United States: The Stonewall riots of 1969, when a police raid at a bar in New York spurred gays to fight back.
55. The judicial activism is often linked to judicial review and the explanation of the constitution.
56. Among social institutions, churches were especially supportive because their emphasis on morality and community was conducive to antislavery activism.
57. For some time now, conservatives have been railing against the supposed "judicial activism" of liberal judges.
58. Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, is a private liberal - arts school a history of social activism.
59. He is seeking reelection this November in a heavily Democratic state known for its environmental activism.
60. Organizers such as the group United for Peace and Justice offered training in nonviolent protest and political activism ahead of the peace march.
61. The Grand Mediation not only provides us with a platform for a diversified resolution system to solve mass disputes, but also leaves some space for judicial activism in China.
62. Without the noise and unruliness of political activism getting in the way, we get our job done quickly, smoothly, effectively. Look at the mayhem it's creating elsewhere.
63. Wapner, Paul . Environmental Activism, In Chapters 3 - 6.
64. Lynskey is plainly more sympathetic to Ochs's activism, and he calls Dylan's turn away from traditional protest songs his "abdication." The full significance of "protesty" music eludes him.
65. These and other examples of mobile activism can be found at MobileActive . org.
66. Hans - J ü rgen Papier , the court's president, thinks its reputation for activism is exaggerated.
67. They worked to increase activism and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.
68. Historically, the beginning, developing and perfecting of the IPR laws has a close relation with the Judicial activism.
69. But the main reason is a diminishing labour supply, helped in the delta by an uptick in labour activism.
70. Judicial activism must obey its nature and law, and it is the only way to ultimately achieve social justice.
71. But will people jump out of environmental activism or a commitment to the bizarre?
72. Prior to joining the chaplaincy program, I did a lot of activism work in specific Islamic institutions served board of directors, chairs, and presidencies.
73. The core of judicial activism lies in the discretion power of the judge , and the system of the discretion power is chiefly reflected through legal proof system.
74. In the judicial process, the discretion in law applying reflects the judicial activism.
75. Finally, the author points out the tendency of this judicial philosophy of judicial activism in the article.
76. Katrien Jacobs: The book is about waves of Chinese erotica and pornography in the age of Internet activism and a tightening of Internet censorship.
77. By one measure of policy activism, the ECB can still claim bragging rights.
78. The lyrics, which he penned as well, offer some of the most blatant and harshest critiques of Jim Crow attitudes in all of jazz activism.
79. They worked to increase activism and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign. That is the technical name for Guinea worm disease.
80. The days in between are known as the'sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. "
81. For its part, Salem would become an important center of antislavery activism.
82. Although Warren Court's judicial activism faced the challenges of the conservatives within and without the Supreme Court[sentence dictionary], the influence of Warren Court on American society is positive at that time.
83. To avert the risk of judges' abuse of their power, a "due-procedure judicial activism paradigm" should be adopted so as to render appropriate regulation as well as protection.
84. This paper focuses on The"judicial activism"model about social policies into WTO system, divided into four chapters.
85. While insisting on the doctrine of numerus of IPR, there is no conclusion that we should be against judicial activism and restrict judge-made law.
86. There are two aspects of the judicial activism in the evolution of constitutionalism.
87. Still, Lelyveld relates the more compelling story of how a supremely well-intentioned man struggled, through five decades of activism, with a series of evasions, compromises, setbacks, and defeats.
88. The findings create a split screen of American activism with more than half the country identifying either with Occupy Wall Street or the tea party movement -- and a small group siding with both.
89. The late "60"s and early "70"s saw the rise of student activism, and anti-American demonstrations.
90. Rosa Parks received two of the nation's highest honors for her civil rights activism.
91. Instead , he hopes, personal and individual actions will lead to activism.
92. They were working to promote the activism and donations for the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.
93. They work worked to increase activism and donations to the Global Dracunculiasis Eradication Campaign.
94. But in practice, the main divide between liberal and conservative judges tends to be over the responsibilities of the federal government, not judicial activism per se.
95. Lastly it anatomies the reasons of the expansiveness of judicial activism in the WTO .
96. S .'This made them nationalist heroes and developed a culture of activism online,'he says.




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