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单词 Financially
1. The museum is in a financially precarious position.
2. He was financially involved with a villain.
3. The company is in desperate trouble financially.
4. None of the projects proved financially viable.
5. Emotionally, physically, and financially I was on the ropes.
6. They faced a financially bleak Christmas.
7. He is financially able to establish a home.
8. Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.
9. The company stands to lose financially if this deal falls through.
10. Small businesses have suffered financially during the recession.
11. Will a hotel here be financially viable?
12. Head teachers need to be financially literate.
13. The industry has been financially crippled by these policies.
14. She came from a financially privileged background.
15. Teaching is not very financially rewarding .
16. We both benefited financially from the arrangement.
17. As an artist he was always financially insecure.
18. He was successful and financially secure .
19. The company overreached itself financially.
20. She would like to be more financially independent.
21. I've always been financially independent.
22. I expect to be compensated financially.
23. I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.
24. The long legal battle ruined him financially.
25. She would like to be financially independent.
26. Financially,() the arrangement was distinctly shaky.
27. Financially, I'm much better off than before.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.
29. She attaches great value to being financially independent.
30. I was unemployed and struggling financially.
1. The museum is in a financially precarious position.
2. He was financially involved with a villain.
3. The company is in desperate trouble financially.
4. None of the projects proved financially viable.
5. Emotionally, physically, and financially I was on the ropes.
6. They faced a financially bleak Christmas.
7. He is financially able to establish a home.
8. Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.
9. The company stands to lose financially if this deal falls through.
10. I expect to be compensated financially.
31. My family was in a bad way financially.
32. Jackson's company became overextended financially.
33. Is the project financially viable ?
34. Things couldn't be worse, financially: in short, we're bankrupt.
35. It was a financially sound investment.
36. Such projects are not financially viable without government funding.
37. She was finding it difficult to manage financially.
38. Financially, things have worked out well for us.
39. I'm in a bit of a spot financially.
40. I'm financially challenged at the moment .
41. We've gone through a few financially insecure years.
42. Financially things are a bit tight.
43. She is still financially dependent on her parents.
44. It was always very important to me to be financially independent .
45. She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life.
46. What would you do financially if, heaven forbid, your husband died?
47. Textbook writing can be an intellectually and financially rewarding activity.
48. The deal will ensure that shareholders do not lose out financially.
49. His election bid was financially backed by a soft drinks company.
50. It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.
51. I'm sure they'd like to help her out financially but they're not in a position to do so.
52. It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open.
53. Jennifer believes she will move out on her own when she is financially able to support herself.
54. She's not been having an easy time of it financially.
55. Buy a policy only from an insurance company that is financially sound.
56. She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident.
57. It was enough money to make us feel financially secure .
57. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
58. He's wrong in thinking that we will support the project financially.
59. The incident has all but ruined her financially.
60. All the universities today are under enormous pressure financially.
61. His father's death in 1821 left him financially independent.
62. Many of them were financially independent.
63. Being financially assertive is essential for survival.
64. Everybody's under the cosh financially these days.
65. We've been financially solvent for the last 5 years.
66. But what's she entitled to financially?
67. Many people were facing a financially bleak Christmas.
68. They had enough income to feel financially secure.
69. We aim to help clients make financially sensible choices.
70. It was an expensive, almost financially fatal mistake.
71. Everybody outside the financially secure, self-serving and blinkered Cabinet.
72. Could your family cope financially if you died unexpectedly?
73. They may be better placed financially than many tenants, but their security of tenure can end with retirement.
74. And it helped that Grant never let us down financially, and phoned home every day.
75. No one wants to end up fighting a patent battle in court because financially only the lawyers win.
76. More constructive measures were also introduced to help families with children financially and medically.
77. Jackson's company became overextended financially, having invested in steamships and collieries as well as docks and railways.
78. Just because you have a valid complaint does not automatically mean that you have lost out financially.
79. If incorporations occur, Pima County will be better off financially.
80. Similarly, software experts are suggesting and developing approaches that may be technologically elegant but financially infeasible from a business perspective.
81. The incidence of bad debt, he concluded(), was socially unacceptable and financially disastrous. Write off or write back?
82. Having hit a bad patch, financially, I decided I must try for some paid work with my knitting machine.
83. He was over sixty and a relatively wealthy man, with a wife who was financially independent.
84. Making matters worse, our system financially punishes people for being seriously ill and not dying quickly enough.
85. Perhaps you work for a charitable organization that must learn sophisticated marketing techniques to survive financially.
86. However, it is clear that the trend is for water supply schemes to be financially self-supporting in the future.
87. Unfortunately, as already described, Croydon Corporation saw things rather differently and thought they would stand to lose financially.
87. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
88. Pan has been struggling financially: last year alone, advertising revenue fell by 20%.
89. Do both parents feel ready financially to take on a new baby?
90. He had a robust self-esteem, even though this was a blow, and he needed financially to continue working.
91. The Nevill Trust still functions to assist scholars and apprentices financially.
92. The poster campaigners at Beida picked up this point, that academics were becoming financially independent and seeking ways of making money.
93. With a minimum wage this nursery would no longer have been financially viable.
94. To qualify for membership, a company must prove that: it is established and financially sound.
95. The incidence of bad debt, he concluded, was socially unacceptable and financially disastrous.
96. It was essential that we become more professional in our outlook and make ourselves more financially viable.
97. They say they were left financially strapped or forced to forfeit their homes to pay off the debts.
98. University officials describe the merger as an economic lifeline for the prestigious but financially ailing medical center.
99. One of the few things certain about the outlook is that 1993 will be a difficult year financially.
100. Aunt Glegg and Aunt Pullet are financially secure and their husbands are equally so.
101. The project needs orders of between 180 and 200 aircraft before production is financially viable.
102. She is financially independent.
103. For many years thereafter he stayed at home and kept house while she supported them financially.
104. Already some teachers have thought and acted upon ingenious schemes to increase membership and to make ourselves more financially self-supporting.
105. To be sure, Kirin is financially stronger than its competitors.
106. Further, there is no evidence that at the time the debtor would have qualified financially for legal aid.
107. So a new population wisdom emerged: only when people were financially secure could they risk smaller families.
108. Sadly, most people find themselves totally unprepared financially and the consequences of that can be disastrous.
109. I can't see any advantage in changing my job - financially or otherwise.
110. Fourth, social security benefits are so generous that many people are financially better off out of work than at work.
111. For a start, those retiring today are better off financially than any previous generation.
112. It's the result of years of work by scientists at a nuclear establishment which is branching out to stay financially viable.
113. Many builders do not consider it financially viable to maintain a stock of materials at a yard.
114. The club was in big trouble then, on the playing front and financially.
115. The alternative route was chosen on three criteria: that it should be environmentally acceptable, operationally effective and financially viable.
116. The kids were very young and it was difficult to cope financially.
117. Hence,(http:///financially.html) everyone is financially vulnerable and insecure except those close to the center of the corporate sector.
118. I would have preferred suffering financially over living with the constant worry about them operating the market.
119. Better educated or financially comfortable people often smile more than less educated or economically distressed people. Dr T.P.Chia 
120. Tucson residents financially support libraries outside the city limits as well as those inside them.
121. The revenue-neutral requirement was included in state law in 1992 by financially strapped counties worried that breakaway efforts would be money-driven.
122. He supported individual artists financially, and before long Perkins Cove lured them north.
123. It is the poor apprentice who redeems him financially, and only then is his praiseworthy character recognized.
124. Financially secure for the first time, Gamble and Huff went on a creative rampage.
125. It is difficult for the financially comfortable to appreciate the psychological impact of money on the poor.
126. Dad left me all his money when he died, which made me financially independent.
127. Although the two companies will merge financially, Bell said Excite would keep the McKinley name in cyberspace.
128. There would appear to be scope for institutions and policy makers to reduce barriers to participation particularly for the financially disadvantaged.
129. The Midland Group has been an active supporter of the railway since 1955, both practically and financially.
130. Except for a very few rich people, they are all financially much less well off than they were.
131. The woman quits her job and her lover supports her financially.
132. We invested in Equitable Life because it was constantly listed as one of the oldest, most financially secure and efficient companies.
133. The battle with John McCain was politically and financially costly for Bush-asthe new Pew poll proves.
134. The outbreak of World War I ruined all chance of its success, and he never quite recovered financially or professionally.
135. The first two figures revealed that everyone was looking to the farm to be financially viable.
136. This should leave you happier about your lot in life and also better off financially.
137. Relentless international touring was to keep the company afloat financially for three years.
138. Furthermore, many pensioners who are struggling financially, do not qualify for income support.
139. How it proved people had to be saved financially before you could save their souls.
140. The impression the debtor seeks to give in his affidavit evidence is that he is not well placed financially.
141. Facing a financially bleak Christmas, he scrimped together every last penny to afford presents for the four boys.
142. The vestiges of this remain in the legal requirement that spouses should support each other financially.
143. And while many blacks have prospered financially, recent years in particular have brought heightened economic disparities within the black community.
144. It wanted the new structure to be a financially independent party with exclusive political loyalty from its members.
145. The growth of competition put paid to repeated attempts by the railways and the political authorities to establish a financially viable railway.
146. Today, they are financially secure, free to work less and to enjoy life more.
147. It maintains that the amount has already been accounted for and that it remains financially sound.
147. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
148. Financially, the programme depends on savings gained from reducing the prison population.
149. Nagel also denied he was leaving Apple because it is financially strapped.
150. This might be taken to imply that each Board should be financially self-supporting.
151. Widows are given an allowance because they are deemed to have been financially dependent.
152. And there is a strong likelihood of losing ground financially rather than gaining it.
153. His contract will include provisions to protect the Rams financially and legally if he attacks some one off the field again.
154. Less than a dozen years after their car wash days, Pam and Larry Winters are financially independent.
155. Financially, Peter and I had had a successful campaign together.
156. There was no substantial evidence of how he supported himself financially.
157. You will be eligible for compensation only if you have lost out financially as a result of unsuitable advice.
158. But they had the foresight to prepare themselves financially in case one ever did.
159. This year, that amount could plummet to $ 1 million, a serious blow to the already financially struggling tribe.
160. Many grandparents are financially unprepared to care for their grandchildren.
161. He had worked his way up the bureaucratic ladder, but he was no more financially secure than when he had begun.
162. Bill was successful and financially secure , but still unsatisfied.
163. Hence a director of a company may stand to lose financially even though the company has limited liability.
164. I was still unemployed and struggling financially, still dependent on my parents and my girlfriend.
165. Emphasis will be placed on identifying well-managed, financially sound growth companies in niche areas.
166. Firms and institutions which are otherwise financially sound could be hard hit by a protracted run of debt defaults.
167. He's good enough; fit and fast enough, but financially is struggling to survive.
168. Be prepared financially, so that the need for extra capital outlays does not come as a complete surprise.
169. And she found herself at key points in her relationship yelling at her financially ambitious partner because they had such different aspirations.
170. Your accountant can be a perfect excuse for you not to invest in your friends' financially uncertain ventures.
171. If that were the case then rugby, the high profile student sport, would lose out financially.
172. So far we have not lost any member because of the recession, largely because our membership is very stable financially.
173. Because ofthe ill management, the crisis happened financially.
174. Over the years, Jack Benny did well financially.
175. Babylon was financially far ahead of Egypt.
176. Adjusted transfer income percentages for financially troubled clubs.
177. But to make money, you must be financially literate.
177. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
178. She's been struggling financially for years.
179. The plaintiff had won, but was ruined financially.
180. The firm is rock-solid financially.
181. He was rather hard put then financially.
182. Economists and others have floated the idea of legally compensating donors, financially and in other ways, such as offering lifetime health insurance or a tax benefit.
183. It's also a city which is less consumption oriented, well managed, financially sound, and a city which is ecologically friendly, inclusive , and well managed.
184. At the same time, America is overstretched militarily and environmentally asas financially.
185. Today, a modern and financially self-sustaining bus rapid transit system, TransMilenio, has 114 stations and 84 kilometers of segregated bus lanes.
186. "Financially it was a tense time, " recalls Jim, 53, who's now a nursing-home administrator.
187. The solvency of the primary insurer can be threatened if the reinsurer is not financially sound.
188. In 1981 he gained control of the financially strapped but prestigious London Times, along with the Sunday Times, from a Canadian newspaper publisher, Lord Thomson of Fleet.
189. Say you want to start your own organization then you should have good educational background, current market and economic status known, you must be financially sound etc...
190. Above all, the declining price of consumer goods relatively improves the living standard of most people, particularly the financially needy.
191. Once you are confident you have achieved a business process model that is functionally and financially sound, the IT professionals can implement it on a computing platform.
192. The "processing" of leg flag sightings is financially supported by the Federal Department of Environment and Heritage in Australia.
193. The capital markets clearly have provided a lot of capital, but these major oil companies are the right place financially for future development of these shale plays.
194. In criminal procedures, financially straitened citizens may apply for legal aid according to state stipulations for commissioning lawyers, agent ad litem , or defenders.
195. Day had, after all, compensated Lucretia and Sabrina financially for their part in his experiment.
196. The 77-year-old hedge-fund supremo and slayer of sterling has nothing to prove financially (he is worth upwards of $8 billion).
197. Even if it , he admits, the implementation would be financially daunting.
198. Hundreds of millions of federal dollars will be needed to buy land, raze buildings and relocate residents, since this financially desperate city does not have the means to do it on its own.
199. Given how easy it is to earn money, I qualify financially as an "airline pilot"—as my local bank manager tersely characterises the modern Micawber.
200. 1874 - The United States Greenback Party is established as a political party made primarily of farmers financially hurt by the Panic of 1873.
201. You are worse off than a pauper though you may be well off financially.
202. He is embarrassed financially.
203. Kruger says one way of lengthening the lives of men is to promote a more monogamist and more financially egalitarian society.
204. In infrastructural arrangement, free - standing projects are often financially infeasible due to large project risks.
205. More recently however they have also been blamed for a self-indulgence that has left the country financially, socially and even morally crippled.
206. In addition, the combined company will be stronger financially, managerially, and operationally.
207. The Blue Sail Group is a USD 630 million company with a well established organisation that is stable and financially sound.
208. Life for the successful doctor can be emotionally and financially rewarding.
209. This tiny nation is culturally rich, financially sound (), and tourist-friendly .
210. Keeping the college all-female, therefore, will improve morale among students and Rconvince alumni (alumnae) to keep supporting the college financially.
211. The country was financially sound enough to buy trillions of dollars in US debt when we needed it most, which was key to flooding our system with money during the credit crisis.
212. While technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies.
213. Mass organizations should gradually become financially self-supporting, but the government will provide them with adequate subsidies.
214. If handled correctly then markets may be placated and bond spreads could fall for the currency bloc's most financially troubled members and Europe's banks may see their stock prices rise.
215. Keeping the college all-female, therefore, will improve morale among students and convince alumni ( alumnae ) to keep supporting the college financially.
216. However, the important first step in building a golf course is determining whether this vision is financially sound.
217. Prof Geoffrey Crossick, vice-chancellor of the University of London, said the current system of delivering higher education was "no longer financially sustainable".
218. Spending to the limit may negatively affect your debt-to-credit ratio on your credit reports and, again, can show that your partner is not well prepared financially or organized.
219. The company was not financially strong enough to be floated on the Stock Exchange.
220. That will make them more financially sound but will also significantly limit their profits.
221. Financially, that country has passed the point of no return.
222. The Reserve Bank of India stepped in to reassure depositors that ICICI was financially sound amid reports of a wave of cash withdrawals from the bank.
223. How do we fatten our portfolios and stay financially healthy?
224. If I work hard now, when I retire I'll be well off financially.
225. Chelsea is one of the most financially transparent clubs in Europe, publishing accounts and presenting them in a similar way to a publicly quoted company on the Stock Exchange.
226. Our design concept —— To provide financially feasible solution whilemeeting all the requirements of the client.
227. It should not be a final goal to establish the financially autonomous WSC and WUAs, the core of management reform of an irrigation district is the allocation of the residual control rights.
228. Brunettes also emerged as more financially driven than blondes or red-heads with almost one in five admitting the pay packet was the most important thing about their job.
229. Example: Agency has not financially reimbursed the Company for monies owed due to overpayment , prepayments, or third party credits.
230. Indeed, the Beijing Olympics could be one of the most financially successful games in terms of revenue receipts.
231. Imbeger and financially assisted by a University of Western Australia postgraduate Studentship.
232. I know he is a bit up the pole, financially.
233. These tools give businesses the takedown tactics they need, both financially and technologically.
234. The collapse of the auction-rate security market doesn't reflect newly discovered problems with the borrowers: the Port Authority is as financially sound today as it was a month ago.
235. Sometimes you are financially sound and sometimes you need money for meeting your financial demands.
236. As a side note, the reader who called me a pedophile priest made me curious enough to research how priests were financially remunerated.
237. Mismatching what is expected of individuals and what they are rewarded for — financially, professionally and institutionally — can undermine effective collaboration.
238. This script can lead to problems like workaholism, or the disillusionment many feel once they have "made it" financially.
239. Denver's 484 dispensaries already charge sales tax, which means that — financially, anyway — the city isn't hurting from their presence.
240. The act of looking after elderly parents or relatives now earns us the official title of a "carer" and some suggest that this role should be financially compensated.
241. As a legal entity in its own right, the Institute is financially and operatively autonomous, and is entered in Switzerland's Commercial Register.
242. The fruit of four years of research by 10 different partners, including the German Fraunhofer Institute, the Hydra project is financially supported by the European Union.
243. According to the most recent American Freshman survey, conducted annually by the University of California, Los Angeles, undergraduates' chief objective in life is to be financially well-off.
244. WikiLeaks brings truth to the world by publishing fact-based stories without fear or favor. You can help support our independent media by donating financially.
245. Financially speaking, family life Housing, if not laissez-faire handling of vacant, has always been "dead money" prices to reflect that many people do not do so.
246. Mr Campbell has inherited a well run, financially sound institution. Emily Rafferty, its president, is a gifted fund-raiser. The museum's last annual report values the endowment at $2.5 billion.
247. The Comfortably Well Off group are in the top 5% income bracket and are unlikely to be financially troubled, although they may become more discreet consumers.
248. There are a group of people who support human cloning including ambitious scientists, financially strong pharmaceutical companies and a handful of politicians with ulterior motives.
249. Carrying out high-class repairs can be financially more rewarding than making new instruments.
250. It's also a city which is less consumption-oriented, well managed, financially sound, and which is green and ecologically friendly.
251. The new tax laws will clobber small businesses, ie harm them financially.
252. The couple has fallen on hard times financially and has bought Spartacus hoping his fighting prowess will help them regain their status in the brutal world of gladiatorial contests.
253. She has been in great straits ( financially ) since her husband died.
254. Inflation, therefore, has long been seen as Europe's bogeyman, as hyperinflation in the 1920s financially ruined the middle class in Germany, its largest economy.
255. Living for the now is very acceptable in the short-run, especially after you get financially comfortable.
256. Failure to finish in the top four and another tilt at the financially rewarding Champions League will hit Spurs hard in the close season.
257. With convenient access to education and job retraining, they are able to survive by themselves, greatly reducing the chance of becoming a recidivist in times when they are financially challenged.
258. Elizabeth Bennet is financially and spiritually dependent on Darcy, the hero.
259. The problem with believing that God will always financially bless you if you give back to Him meets a big problem in the book of Job.
260. The Yellow Fever Initiative is financially supported by the GAVI Alliance, ECHO, Ministries of Health,[http:///financially.html] and country-level partners.
261. The majority of private programs for vacation, study or work abroad are reputable and financially sound.
262. It is the third Pillar of Islam and is obligatory for all those who are financially able.
263. "Tiger Woods is financially sound and strong, contrary to wide-ranging rumors and inaccurate figures in the media, " Steinberg wrote in an email.
264. Whether you are financially comfortable, or living from pay check to pay check, you can empower yourself and empower Global Research to continue and expand our operations.
265. I am one of the few young women who has made it as a writer financially and internationally.




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