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单词 Fingered
1. The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky.
2. She fingered the silk gently.
3. The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.
4. He fingered the few coins in his pocket.
5. Self-consciously she fingered the emeralds at her throat.
6. She fingered her necklace absent-mindedly as she talked.
6. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
7. She fingered the pearls at her throat.
8. She fingered the beautiful cloth with envy.
9. Who fingered him for the burglaries?
10. She fingered the rich silk happily.
11. He fingered his jaw thoughtfully.
12. She fingered the silk to feel its quality.
13. She fingered a boy friend as one of the killers.
14. My bank manager furrowed his brow, fingered his calculator and finally pronounced "Aha!".
15. I don't like eating food that's been fingered by someone else.
16. She fingered the notes, casting her mind forward.
17. He fingered the hem of her pillowcase.
18. His gloved hands fingered an old leather briefcase.
19. I gingerly fingered the rapidly rising egg ... no blood ... it almost seemed worth it.
20. A woman fingered a lute, and there were two others seated on cushions, one reading.
21. The Father General sat at his desk and fingered a stylus.
22. Fingered through permed or curly hair, they give more definition to curls and tendrils.
23. A younger man leaned against the wall and fingered a guitar.
24. Reaching up into one of the gaps I fingered the lashings of the middle layer.
25. The bass section of the RY10 provides slapped, fingered and various synth bass sounds which appear flexible and sound convincing.
26. I fingered it, and discovered that the top was secured by a brass lock.
27. Instead he gave a weak smile and fingered the locket, through the cloth of his lapels.
28. So I watched as he flitted between the front seats of the bus and fingered the synthetic fur around his hood.
29. It is useful for short hair, and can be fingered in wherever you need it.
30. J., the previous month on drug charges, and that she had fingered Felix as her cocaine facilitator.
1. The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky.
2. She fingered the silk gently.
3. The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.
4. He fingered his jaw thoughtfully.
31. From the hides, shimmering water meadows, fingered spits islands, orange-tinged osiers and countless bobbing birds lay exposed to view.
32. George pulled into a lay-by and gingerly fingered through the wallet with renewed twinges of horror.
33. She fingered glittering necklaces, gold and silver chains, bracelets, beads, brooches, earrings.
34. He fingered the remote and watched a show with the sound off, penguins standing around.
35. From time to time, she fingered the heart pendant and religious medallion that now hang around her neck.
36. He took a brief draw then fingered tobacco grains from his lips.
36. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
37. She raised a hand and fingered her heavy silver earrings, trying to compose herself.
38. The Doctor and his party watched warily as the three ghostly figures beckoned with one digit of their three fingered hands.
39. Casey was only fingered as the mastermind of the operation after he was dead.
40. All the mirrors grew convex, she fingered the globe in its pregnant question mark.
41. I fingered Jo's credit cards, which I'd slipped into a trouser pocket.
42. Lieutenant Hearn fingered the magazine on his carbine.
43. New roads fingered once trackless plains.
44. Occasionally, he'll throw a split - fingered fastball, too.
45. He fingered my report with evident distaste.
46. Pamela fingered the pearl choker around her thin throat.
47. But, still in a faint, golden glow from her dandeleonine dream, she fingered the typewriter keys absently for a little while, with her mind and heart in the meadow lane with her young farmer.
48. Previous research already had fingered increased levels and actions of one particular enzyme, AMPK, in brain cells as a control lever for appetite in mice and presumably humans.
49. Simpson fingered his strange, wide mouth with his delicate hand.
50. Furthermore, as a community they would be blackened for the rest of the century, blamed for the Great Fire of London and unfairly fingered in the Popish Plot of 1678.
51. Stanley fingered his mustache, which was still thin and uneven despite the care he gave it.
52. Main ingredients: vitamin, centaurea cyanus, cinnamon, fingered citron and elastic protein, etc.
53. A little boy opened the big family bible. He was fascinated as he fingered through the old pages. Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible. He picked up the object and looked at it.
54. A perfunctory internal investigation swiftly fingered Dreyfus , the only Jewish trainee officer on the General Staff.
55. But in recent years, doubts have arisen as older fossils with similar bird-like features such as feathers and wishbones and three fingered hands were discovered.
56. Isabel, with her eyes bent, fingered the pages of M ? Ampere.
57. People who have fingered crack houses and fingered drug dealers have been assassinated.
58. Hold to central group study, enhance clean - fingered consciousness and party spirit consciousness.
59. Despite his stocky frame and his paunch, the hand holding the fountain pen was delicate, thin - fingered.
60. It was he who first fingered Philby in the USA after defection of Burgess and Maclean.
61. Scapegoats, from crony capitalists to foreign-currency manipulators, are in no short supply, but technology is increasingly fingered as a culprit.
62. As she spoke fingered the large crucifix round her neck.
63. I sat on the floor, fingered the wood grain, and found a avenue through it.
64. I sat on the floor, fingered the wood grain, and found a winding avenue through it.
65. Grove auspicious give a person a kind of clean - fingered Yan Xiao, mysterious Mo Ce, unapproachable impression.
66. But, still in a faint, golden glow from her dandelion dream, she fingered the typewriter keys absently for a little while, with her mind and heart in the meadow lane with her young farmer.
67. Groups of fasting men fingered prayer beads as they reclined against its yellow brick walls, while women watched their children run and laugh in the mosque square.




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