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单词 Bin
1. The panels slot together to make a compost bin.
2. Chuck it in the bin!
3. He emptied several bags of rice into a bin.
4. She threw the letter in the wastepaper bin.
5. The bin needs emptying; it's full of rubbish.
6. Throw the rubbish in the bin.
7. The bin was overflowing with rubbish.
8. Bung this in the bin, can you?
9. She looked distastefully at the overflowing bin.
10. Put the empty box in the rubbish bin.
11. Please put your litter in the bin provided.
12. Put the wrapper in the bin.
13. Throw it in the bin.
14. He decided to bin his paintings.
14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. Please put all your sweet wrappers in the bin.
16. She emptied the ashtray into the pedal bin.
17. He threw the empty bottles in the bin.
18. I throw junk mail straight in the bin without reading it.
19. He reached into the bin with a look of disgust on his face.
20. We put our wheelie bin out to be emptied every Thursday morning.
21. The dustbin men forgot to empty our bin this morning.
22. He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin.
23. If any of the letters aren't interesting just sling them in the bin.
24. I scrunched up the letter and threw it in the bin.
25. She scrunched up three pages of notes and threw them in the bin.
26. He glanced at the letter and then tossed it into the bin.
27. She tore the letter to pieces and threw it in the bin.
28. Do you need to keep these letters or shall we bin them?
29. Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.
30. Sylvie crumpled up the letter and threw it in the bin.
1. The panels slot together to make a compost bin.
2. He emptied several bags of rice into a bin.
3. She threw the letter in the wastepaper bin.
4. He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin.
5. Put the wrapper in the bin.
6. He threw the empty bottles in the bin.
31. The rubbish goes down the chute into a large bin.
32. Do you want this or shall I throw it in the bin?
33. She scrunched the letter up and threw it in the bin.
34. I've got to talk to a professor by the name of Bin Said.
35. She screwed the bag up and threw it in the bin.
36. She screwed the letter up and threw it in the bin.
37. He stuffed the newspapers into a litter bin and headed down the street.
38. I screwed up the paper and threw it in the bin.
39. It may as well go straight in the bin.
40. It was Day Release at the loony bin.
41. Like ya bin dressed by a gorilla inna dark.
42. Leonard was sent to the sin bin.
43. She tossed the junk mail in the bin, unopened.
44. Lily put them, unhesitatingly,[] in the waste paper bin.
45. On the domestic front, disposal tends to mean throwing rubbish in the bin.
46. The glove box is fair, but the tested model came with front-door bins and a large bin between the seats.
47. Instead of routinely tossing frequent-flier program newsletters into the trash bin, peruse them for upcoming bargains.
48. The flakes of mud would have been carefully removed and put in the rubbish bin in the kitchen.
49. He remembered Woil staying by the bench and the litter bin where the Men could reach him.
50. The second blast went off near a trash bin in the parking lot.
51. How about coal, roaring down a tin chute and into a basement bin?
52. But then, with an exclamation of self-mockery, she went into the galley and brushed the hairs into the waste bin.
53. He tossed the empty packet on to the overflowing bin in the corner of the room and sat down at the table.
54. On her way home, she tossed her diaphragm in the first bin at Kennedy Airport.
55. He left them behind, at the gate, in a little white plastic bin.
56. This puritanical, megalithic masonry was the chosen style of Muhammed bin Tughluk.
57. Jan slopped two tea bags into the bin and scooped sugar into her cup.
58. Many of us find that even if we bin our junk mail, it continues to arrive.
59. Make one misstep marketing creamed corn and you could end up in the loony bin.
60. She washed herself and dressed herself and collected the bottles and took them down to the bin.
61. A large wooden bin with slatted sides and a removable front is easy to make from timber.
62. In 1970 the Sandhurst-educated Sultan Qaboos bin Said decided that the situation in his backward country was intolerably dangerous.
63. Bodie upturned the waste bin and sorted through the small pile of chewing-gum wrappers, empty cigarette packets, and cigarette butts.
64. There are potentially more germs on a dishcloth than there are in an average pedal bin - so disinfect cloths regularly.
65. Eventually I threw up into a litter bin attached to a crowded bus shelter on St George's Road.
66. Research is spilling out of the broking houses by the shovelful, but often straight into the fund manager's bin.
67. BIn the far distance, the flames licked their way toward the beach like lava coming down the mountainsides.
68. She went to the bread bin and seemed to be preparing to make herself a piece of toast.
69. She had been left covered by a black bin bag.
70. Beneath the window is a bilingual rubbish bin with a spelling mistake.
71. It was a waste of time, they were so bloodstained they went to the bin anyway.
72. Go back to the bin and bounce to the right, spraying the plant pot on the way.
73. Dexter lounged in, sucked the last goodness from his cigarette and stubbed out the butt in Blanche's wastepaper bin.
74. Josie picked up a plate of congealed egg and beans,[] and scraped it into the bin.
75. The coming of the wheelie bin was another source of consternation.
76. Private eye bin bagged A PRIVATE detective was yesterday fined £150 for stealing a national newspaper executive's rubbish.
77. In this bin is placed tin cans, washed and flattened, hard plastics and glass bottles.
78. It stopped near a garbage bin and an elderly figure dismounted from an equally elderly bicycle.
79. Gathering up the debris, she stuffed it into her pocket to dispose of in the galley bin below.
80. The man hurried on, throwing the leaflet in a waste-paper bin as soon as he was around the corner by the newspaper stand.
81. If the debut album wasn't enough to send such theories flying towards the bin, tonight deals them a death-blow.
82. These damaging pests have found that your compost bin is a lovely place to hide and shelter.
83. I felt like a jaded casting director as I banished him to the wastepaper bin.
84. Law enforcement agents and reporters were standing within feet of the trash bin where the second blast occurred.
85. Logic insists that Sebastian should have set a match to this vile document and consigned it to the rubbish bin.
86. I brought in some coal from the bin in the hallway.
87. Computer print-outs so big and heavy they'd wrenched the bin off its lamp-post.
88. The shit went into a waste bin, and Lucy went into the Wardrobe room to wait.
89. The second was in another bin beside the Argos showroom two doors away.
90. Amid the clattering trams and the hurrying crowds at the Hackescher Markt, the golden litter bin stands out.
91. Jump along the window ledge, dropping down to spray the bin, now jump the three aliens.
92. Shaikh Abdullah bin Said bin Abdul-Aziz al-Thani became deputy governor at under-secretary level.
93. And if it ends up in the scrap bin, we simply write it off to experience, and start again.
94. BIn the process, however, they pose special challenges -- and problems -- for teachers and classmates alike.
95. In the end, to draw matters to an unhappy conclusion they all agreed that it had probably been a bin liner.
96. The piles of pamphlets and the hand-outs went in the bin.
97. So far, she'd just flushed the smack down the loo and shoved the syringes in the bin.
98. As far as sin is concerned, we must bin it or face the consequences.
99. Then after filling a plastic bag she popped the lot in the bin.
100. What kind of a loony bin have they got down there in Berkeley, anyway?
101. He spotted a cockroach as it scuttled out from under a bin bag.
102. An' the third one's brain had bin pulverised - by a blow delivered through the roof of its mouth!
103. You can barely dump your black bag in the bin before the rubbish regulars pounce.
104. And when I pretended to be a horse I got so excited I bumped into this litter bin and fell over.
105. They had to pass round bin liners so that people could throw in their sodden tissues.
106. It consists of a plastic bin with a lockable lid that will keep out flies,[] children and so on.
107. When there's a possibility of frost I cover it with a polythene bin bag - an instant propagator.
108. Most people think of waste as being the contents of the domestic rubbish bin.
109. Two stolen paintings have been found dumped in a rubbish bin.
110. There are many types of bin sold to keep the compost area tidy and clean, or you can make your own.
111. Laura took a large plain loaf from the bread bin, and began slicing it.
112. BIn this saga of judicial wrangling, the government misread public sentiment.
113. Her severed head flopped on a bin of guts, yellow beak in a grimace - take me with you?
114. Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners.
115. And the answer so simple: what is not wanted ... goes in the bin.
116. He was burning the Fax message in a metal waste bin or my name was Roylance Maclean.
117. She even exercises extreme caution about what she throws into her waste-paper bin.
118. His bowels were another matter, and for this he would climb into the bin to ensure privacy.
119. BIn his 1968 profile of California, disguised as a novel about an apocalyptic earthquake, Curt Gentry saw this passage coming.
120. The vast majority of people in Thurrock took my advice and put the silly leaflet in the bin.
121. Perhaps that means it's raising money for a loony bin.
122. BIn an earlier era, such a message would have been interpreted as having religious meaning.
123. He shoved a bin liner of the stuff over his head, it stuck to his hair and he collapsed.
124. As last year, bin bags and litter picking sticks will be provided.
125. Yesterday we found a baby that some one had thrown into a rubbish bin in the street.
126. On the floor above the loony bin, nobody quite knew what took place.
127. Buy products made with recycled paper or plastic,such as bin liners, toilet tissue or kitchen paper.
128. All business has to do is back a truck up to the money bin and shovel out the appropriate amount.
129. He lit the photographs one by one and let the flimsy black rectangles of ash drop into the bin.
130. It died from bloat, having eaten grass cuttings I'd left in a bin outside the paddock.
131. Even if it wasn't quite enough finesse to keep him out of the loony bin.
132. BIn some ways, the learning center provides a dry run for the workaday world.
133. The worse for drink, he lurches away, staggering to a litter bin where he is sick.
134. She also suggested the unit should house in a large slide-out waste bin.
135. Put your hat and gloves right here in the bin. Hang your coat on this peg.
136. The mess of pizza fragments, uneaten chips, beer-cans, papers,[] had been swept into the litter bin.
137. A BRITISH grandmother has married Osama bin Laden's son.
138. His dismembered body was found in a rubbish bin.
139. Then you put them in the recycling bin.
140. Can the Science of Biogeography Find Osama Bin Laden?
141. You can litter junk into ash bin.
142. Aboard the USS Carl Vinson, the burial of bin Laden was done in conformance with Islamic precepts and practices.
143. If he can learn from the organization's past mistakes, he could make al Qaeda even more formidable than it was under bin Ladin.
144. I will do my best to document these purge trips every week, whether the stuff goes to the landfill, the recycling bin, the consignment shop or Goodwill.
145. A woman ... bin Laden's wife, rushed the U. S. assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed.
146. Who knows? In a couple of years, you might find me in the loony bin !
147. The latest CNN poll, 56% of Americans support the public body photo of Osama bin Laden, 39% were opposed.
148. Question: Obviously the main focus of the House premiere will be House in the "loony bin."
149. She scrunched it up and threw it in the bin.
150. The machine sliced of thin rounds of copper into a bin.
151. Keep the stamps near your envelopes, pens near notepads, fresh folders near the filing cabinet, ink near the printer, shredder near the recycling bin, and so on.
152. Ich bin heute Nacht erst 3 Uhr nach Hause gekommen . Jetzt f ü hle ich mich wie ger ? dert.
153. She took out the plate, stared blankly at the dried-up food on it, and tipped it into the bin.
154. The sole reason the Recycle Bin exists is to implement an undo facility for deleted files.
155. The type command also shows that cd is a built-in command and is duplicated externally as /usr/bin/cd.
156. If you installed something in /opt, and the makefile refers to /usr/local/bin, the build will fail.
157. I also signed several Memoranda of Notification (MONs) authorizing the CIA to use lethal force to apprehend bin Laden.
158. Notice the Korn Shell 93 /usr/bin/ksh93 command shell is specified with the mkquedev command; any valid shell can be used as the back-end processor.
159. You looked that wheat soybean cotton sorghum, has packed the grain bin granary.
160. Mr bin Laden matters because he swept up a ragbag of local grievances into a brand of intoxicating and violent jihad with worldwide pretensions.
161. Only the robber in Florida, who tried to use a see-thru bin liner for to hide his identity, beats this failing in disguise.
162. "Nature is mixture of opposites. It is beautiful and dangerous, constant and inconstant, vulnerable and strong. " — Muhammad bin Muharram.
163. Yet ironically they are achieving one of Bin Laden's main goals – to get rid of the "near enemy", dictators such as Hosni Mubarak.
164. Bin Laden then set up terrorist training camps in Afghanistan.
164. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
165. You can modify the cib.xml by using the GUI tool (/usr/bin/hb_gui), which is recommended, or manually.
166. Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, who goes by the nom de guerre Dr Fadl, helped bin Laden create al-Qaeda and then led an Islamist insurgency in Egypt in the 1990s.
167. We should give bin Laden an award for improving New York's skyline and removing US corporate criminals on 9-11.
168. bin/onsrvapd - This is the daemon which spawns a subagent for each server it discovers.
169. The DbmsPassword value can remain as a dummy string because we use another utility to inject the encoded password into the file, with "/opt/ibm/director/bin/".
170. A lengthened lorry bin is arranged on the lorry chassis with a long wheel base, and three rows of seats are arranged in the lorry bin.
171. This paper gives a heuristic algorithm DLPT for bin packing problem by using LPT algorithm of scheduling theory and binary search method.
172. Image above: This vintage metal bin is filled with some 45 records from my grandfather's collection and a mason jar that holds a ball of twine from Etsy.
173. Osama Bin Ladin: People are asking me, how do I keep my beard so luxurious. I use Jihad Curl.
174. To take the real shot, the one that brought down bin Laden, was the dream of every Navy SEAL.
175. At the moment, al-Qaeda in Iraq is valuable to Osama bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, even though the links between the Qaeda leaders and the jihadi shock troops in Iraq are tenuous.
176. Two years later he was put on three years' probation for simulating sex in public with a bin liner – he later admitted to having a 9 year obsession with the plastic sacks.
177. Attention: a filter screen should be added between mixer and aggregate bin to filter the grout.
178. He was the second-in-command to Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in an American raid in Pakistan last month.
179. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin - dover order.
180. It goes into the recycling bin or the garbage the same day which is really bad for the environment.
181. In Iraq, a man believed to be a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden has released an audiocassette in which he reportedly mocks President Bush.
182. Her uncle, Hashem al-Sada, recalled telling Amal al-Sada that he knew bin Laden was from a "devout and respectable family" in Saudi Arabia but didn't know them personally.
183. Survivors of the attack have been taken into custody in Pakistan, including Bin Laden's Yemeni-born wife, Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, and his 12-year-old daughter.
184. It is also strange to note that both Iraq (Saddam Hussein) and Afghanistan (Usame Bin Ladin) used to serve for US interests during Cold War period.
185. The allegations considered by the ethics committee concerned a meeting of the Caribbean Football Union on May 10th-11th in Port of Spain, attended by Warner, Bin Hammam and Caribbean soccer officials.
186. bin/onsnmp - This is the OnSNMP subagent, packaged as a separate process.
187. The successful experience in the demolition of a large-scale ash bin by directional blasting is introduced.
188. Keep in mind that every file owned by bin will have an ownership of 2, because AIX doesn't automatically change the file ownership to the user's new UID.
189. I've got a bracelet, too, from Sergeant - from the mother of Sergeant Ryan David Jopeck (ph), given to me in grain bin green bay.
190. All the best experimental results from science make you question your prejudices, beliefs and values, reorganise your thoughts, and bin a few models.
191. In fact, the next stop for the brochures, said Jonathan C. Edwards, Grinnell's coordinator of international admission, is often the recycling bin.
192. Aeration from the bottom of the bin fluidizes the charge.
193. On the same day, Hu met with Emir of Eastern Region Muhammad Bin Fahd in Dammam, the second largest port city of Saudi Arabia, and visited the oil company Saudi Aramco.
194. Iraqis continued to visit bin Laden in his new home in Afghanistan.
194. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
195. A banner recycling bin has been placed in the car park of Bethlehem Hall since late May.
196. Beer Can: Can you help me find a recycle bin, please? It's my home.
197. Three years ago this month Usama bin Laden masterminded the assault on the World Trade Towers in New York.
198. That long odyssey is not so in the world of bin Laden or an Iranian theocrat — or the ignorant who stream out of the madrassas and Friday fundamentalist harangues along the Afghan-Pakistani border.
199. Ploetzlich bin ich, Tilo Wolf , die Figur , die von diesem Harlekin als Marionette bewegt wird.
200. The operator should check with the supplier of his bin to determine recommendations concerning wall stiffeners.
201. The campus spreads north from the Old Mecca Road, near downtown Jedda, the Saudi Arabian port city where bin Laden spent most of his childhood and teen-age years.
202. Unpleasant smells can be prevented by controlling the amount of food waste added to the bin and avoiding meat or bones.
203. He was a terrorist, one of the FBI's most wanted criminals and the mastermind behind the worst terrorist attack on US soil. Now, Usama Bin Laden is dead.
204. The blue trash bin is behind the door while the big mirror is under the air - conditioner .
205. The baker emptied several bags of flour into a bin.
206. Abu Sayyaf has connections with Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization.
207. HEX file format conversion tool for BIN file format of the code.
208. As the amount of wire in the bin decreases, the wire guiding device will float downward maintaining constant downward pressure on the coil of wire.
209. A few weeks later, the Al Jazeera television network broadcast an audiotape attributed to bin Laden, in which he praised Al Qaeda’s new leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
210. Al-Qaida's second-in-command has been killed in Pakistan, delivering a "major blow" to the terrorist group still reeling from the death of Osama bin Laden, American officials said on Saturday.
211. Dust collected by waste gas treatment system will be fed to raw meal homogenizing silo or raw meal weighing bin by chain conveyor and elevator.
212. Other investors include the Kuwait Investment Authority; Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of Citi's biggest shareholders; Sandy Weill, former chief executive; and the New Jersey investment division.
213. The U. S. Navy Seal team that killed Osama bin Laden and removed a bonanza of documents and flash drives may have left behind a vital source of intelligence: bin Laden's wife Amal Ahmed Abdul Fatah.
214. The US Attorney General Eric Holder says more names could be added to America's terrorism watch lists, using information seized from the Pakistani compound where Osama Bin Laden was killed.
215. In 1946, Onn bin Jafar founded the United Malays National Organization, which got a broad representation among the Malays and accordingly, became a living symbol of Malayan nationalism.
216. Now two submarines were in the northern Arabian Sea, ready to fire missiles at any point the CIA determined to be bin Laden’s whereabouts.
217. In today's special edition of CNN Student news, we're going in depth into the death of Usama Bin Laden.
218. "We're a military family, " Henson saidThursday. "Everyone keeps talking about bin Laden, how his body was on thisship.
219. Treasury officials said the Omani national, Thamer Bin Saeed Al-Shafari and a company he owns - Oryx National Resources - had enabled Mr. Mugabe and senior officials to derive personal.
220. Additionally, a bug was found and fixed by Bin, a post doc in our lab, that may have been causing the "1%" continual loop.
221. Mastery of the theory of two - bin replenishment models, and re - order point models.
222. The committee says it is alleged that money was paid as an inducement to support Mr Bin Hammam's candidacy, facilitated by Jack Warner.
223. Super ash bin:Give all you don't wanna eat or you left to him.
224. In 1996, a foreign security service tells us, that bin Laden met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official in Khartoum[Sentence dictionary], and later met the director of the Iraqi intelligence service.
225. In the following example, we are going check the integrity of the /usr/bin/hostname command, which is a system command and its entry is already in the TSD.
226. Reflecting the chaos created by the ruling, a lawyer for Salim Ahmed Hamdan, Osama bin Laden's one-time driver, said he will seek dismissal of the charges against Hamdan.
227. Don't ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony Bin?




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