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单词 Go off
1. Did the alarm clock go off ?
2. I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
3. Don't go off at half cock and accept any offer you'll regret later.
4. The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.
5. The bomb was timed to go off at 12 o'clock.
6. The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.
7. I started to go off the idea.
8. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.
9. The flash didn't go off.
10. What time do you go off duty?
11. John decided to go off on his own.
12. The bomb could go off at any instant.
13. Did the flash go off?
14. Attention, please, don't go off at half cock.
15. He heard the alarm go off.
16. He fired but his pistol failed to go off.
17. How did the concert go off?
18. Many women go off coffee during pregnancy.
19. The alarm should go off automatically as soon as smoke is detected.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. I've set the alarm clock to go off at 7 am.
21. The best players go off to the big clubs, leaving us the dross.
22. Well you won't be able to go off gallivanting around like this when there's a baby to be taken care of.
23. The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.
24. Don't forget about your old friends when you go off to college, okay?
25. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.
26. Once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. We had to go off to our grandparents' house for our annual Christmas dinner. As we drove down the highway through town, I noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station.
27. Police said an anonymous caller warned that a bomb was about to go off.
28. It's very tough on the wives when the husbands go off like that.
29. Fay felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.
30. I've got rather a headache, but it will probably go off when I've had a rest.
1. Did the alarm clock go off ?
2. I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
3. The explosive device was timed to go off at the rush hour.
4. The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.
5. The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.
31. He had never been afraid of failure: he was a gambler, ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again.
32. The bomb contained a timing device set to make it go off at rush hour.
33. Mr. Ben was thinking about quitting his job, but I told him not to go off at half cock.
34. Let's stay with the topic and not go off at a tangent.
35. Many women go off coffee and alcohol during pregnancy.
36. They tended, however, to go off in different directions.
37. I go off sometimes and I know it.
38. We're letting the kettle go off the boil.
39. They could go off to Texas and California.
40. Oh, dear, I hope he won't go off here!
41. It does not go off like clockwork.
42. If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off.
43. Alvin would go off to a quiet corner with Shook and talk endlessly about art, literature and his current projects.
44. The 15-year-old asks if he can go off shopping on his own for a few hours.
45. It should be with us in August, just as we go off on vacation.
46. I knew as soon as I wrote it down I'd go off the boil.
47. Typically McGeechan will do more work with the whole squad before the forwards go off to perfect their blacker arts.
48. If he started fiddling with it the way he fiddled with everything it could go off in his own face.
49. Faith felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.
49. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
50. Joe still reproaches me for a wood carving Laimonis gave me when we parted to go off to different universities.
51. After that students go off to vocational and on-the-job training.
52. Listen, if you go off and become a goatherd you never loved her in the first place.
53. He would go off into the mountains for days on end.
54. How smart of you both just to go off to city hall and get married.
55. I don't - I just say thank you and goodbye, then I go off up the road.
56. At 5.10 a.m., an officer purposely posted outside his lodgings heard an alarm go off.
57. The urgency of coming out was building and I felt like a firecracker about to go off.
58. I heard volley after volley of pepper gas cannisters go off outside the hotel.
59. And when online retailing finally ignites, say online analysts, it will go off like a rocket.
60. All I want is some friends, but as soon as I get some real good friends they go off and leave me.
61. But that's all the more reason why we should go off this time with a car well filled, eh?
62. Many trainees don't finish the course and go off and work in other areas.
63. Pop used to go off some evenings to drive an ambulance, and then Christmas 1942 - when Rangoon was badly bombed.
64. If another bomb were to go off, just who would come through the ceiling?
65. Then he'd have to go off and do something else for a while before he could stomach being with him again.
66. Don't go off to the sun and leave it parked in the street.
67. He was already in bed when he heard the hotel fire alarm go off.
68. The prison is locked up, the inmates are counted and the main staff go off duty.
69. I'm sure that everything will go off smoothly on the day.
70. Recently Kelly explained how her parents carry a special bleeper which would go off when a suitable transplant donor was found.
71. Indeed late news stories can be added just moments before the final pages go off to the printers.
72. She could not believe that Pat was ready to go off now, at this thrilling moment when fabulous happenings seemed imminent.
73. I could hardly let you go off on an epic journey all by yourself.
74. In Mary Barton the working-class heroine and her husband go off to the colonies to start a new life.
75. So I set the alarm to go off at 2.
76. The bomb did not go off because the bombers were caught red-handed.
77. This is a fine time for Mum to go off her chump, he said to himself as he began his walk.
78. Things started to go off the rails, however, with the Fiat Multipla.
79. Next thing you know, rounds go off,(http://) and we had a guy hit.
80. She would go off alone for long walks over the cliffs - something she had never done before in winter.
81. Simon then had the agonising decision as to whether Wizard should stay or go off to pastures new.
82. Go off to the States to a room above a garage?
83. Gooch finished with 146 and Gower 88 not out, greatly helped by Marshall having to go off injured.
84. Logging roads go off to both sides, and there are many small recent clearings.
85. Moreover, at the critical moment at least one of the mines failed to go off.
86. In the sunlight of the next morning Maggie decided to go off by herself and think it all out.
87. When a business experiences such a decline of market share, alarms go off.
88. He checks I got enough money to buy the string, and then I go off.
89. Mami was in a good mood, letting the baby go off with the nursemaid, Milagros.
90. If he knows some one smokes dope, he will go off them.
91. We go off to another site, reached by a quarter mile trek along the main railway line.
92. Goodman incorrectly thought he was the man to go off but Sunderland fans were soon relieved when he stayed on the pitch.
93. The lights dim, then go off, plunging the hall into darkness.
94. Perishable food or sweets hidden away in drawers may attract mice or insects or may go off.
95. Whenever possible, she and Flynn would go off and explore the countryside, taking a picnic with them.
96. And John Kelly, who had to go off with hamstring trouble, is also out of tonight's match.
97. The particles go off into baby universes that branch off from our universe.
98. Bombs still go off, children starve to death and people are imprisoned for their thoughts, not their crimes.
99. I wouldn't go off into the woods alone.
100. We go off shift at five in the afternoon.
101. Doctor ardently says: " Go off with. "
102. We go off shift at seven in the evening.
103. The firecracker didn't go off.
104. Go off into the forest, into some distant village...
105. The time bomb will go off in ten seconds.
106. The two photons go off together as coherent radiation.
107. How did the sports meeting go off?
108. His brandy - balls go off like smoke.
109. Didn't you go off with that Swede to Copenhagen?
110. We go off shift at six in the evening.
111. I go off shift at five in the afternoon.
112. Maggie: Fine. I'll go off half-cocked then.
113. Jiang Wei had to go off into the wilderness.
114. Now, let's think this over . Let's not go off at half-cocked.
115. Go off the air!
116. Set to go off, my good looks and intelligence, yet exceptional still, take away my mouthful of silver spoon and lapful of luxury.
117. He added: "The other consequence is that if loads of staff go off with swine flu that will leave us short-staffed, which is dangerous to patients.
118. All the makers of idols will be put to shame and disgraced; they will go off into disgrace together.
119. So, from this moment forth, and I heard some stuff go off earlier. But, I let it slide because I haven't had my chance to explain what my expectations are.
120. The refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off.
121. The disharmonious patterns will tend to go off causing community to crumble and have many comings and goings.
122. The flight path would then either intersect the earth, or go off into space.
123. Allen Lee Peng - fei recently became the third Hong Kong radio personality to go off the air.
124. I want to go off into sparks in my short life.
125. We had to explore the terrain carefully lest booby traps go off all around us.
126. You don't need to sacrifice creature comforts or go off into the middle of nowhere to be a green traveler; you can visit big cities or small villages, and stay in small ecolodges or luxury hotels.
127. Mr Jones was thinking about quitting his job, but his wife told him not to go off at half cock .
128. Today, at the end of a night of heavy drinking, I decided it was a good idea to go off into the park with a friend of mine.
129. The app even warned Woolley not to fall asleep if he felt he was going into shock, so he set his cellphone's alarm clock to go off every 20 minutes.
130. You go off round the world, and leave me to hold the baby.
131. And when the fields go off, the missiles harmlessly to the ground.
132. He go off to school with a satchel over his shoulder.
133. Speculation, if allowed to get out of hand, can produce unexpected and unsatisfactory results, and you may have a tendency to go off the deep end in handling financial matters.
134. Did your pager really just go off, or are you ditching the conversation?
135. The nurse is terrible jest, the assay of uric sample go off with oneself.
136. Give them a chance to correct you before you go off half-cocked, sure you know what "that kind of person" wants.
137. Boys at that age should be able to explore and go off on their own, go on bike rides, get into mischief.
138. Most radio stations go off the air from midnight to four in the morning.
139. And also we say it is intelligence to go off to Asia and meditate from somebody or other.
140. I see the moon go off watch, and the darkness begins to blanket the river.
141. Consider other chances in your life where you could go off into the realms of new possibilities.
142. When you face a difficult question, don't go off the deep end.
143. The newspaperwoman had said a bomb or bombs might go off at 3 A.
144. Keep in mind the claymores have an arming time of 3 seconds, so if you press the clacker 'immediately' after deploying, the claymore will not go off.
145. Because of this talent, you can balance a lover who tends to go off the deep end now and then.
146. When you spend time having fun, you know you're being self-indulgent. Alarms start to go off fairly quickly.
147. Rex knew enough to know that some sort of alarm go off with their presence.
148. The first thing a country usually does when it declares war is to go off the gold standard.
149. He is always a dutiful person, so will not go off the rails.
150. The newspaperwoman had said a bomb or bombs might go off at 3 A. M.
151. Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home.
152. The nucleus decays into three particles which go off in separate directions.
153. Evasive action was not taken, so the process was allowed to go off - spec or shut down.
154. Justin:A friend of mine was about to go off the deep end when he felt he needed to talk to me.
155. His wife told him not to go off at halfcock.
156. In other words, if the commander and staff fail to analyze the plan thoroughly, the unit can go off half-cocked and quickly stumble.
157. But I change my black satchel to a grass-green reticule, felt embarrassed to go off without making up every morning.
158. Mr Lee is one of three Hong Kong radio hosts to go off the air in recent weeks after claiming that they were under threat.
159. Our advertising campaign isn't really ready yet. If we begin it now. It will probably go off at half-cock.
160. If you 'zone out', you mentally drift away from the place you are currently, and go off into empty, dreamy space.
161. He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time.
162. You'll just be spinning your wheels if you try to go off into 20 different directions at once.
163. Bryan isn't the type to go off at half cock. You can count on him.
164. John is completely in love with Mary and wants to marry her. I was afraid he would go off the deep end.
165. In a high-rise building, expect the fire alarms and sprinklers to go off during a quake.
166. I usually isolate myself, go off into corners and think terribly hard about what I'm doing.
167. I heard they don't have a teleprompter, so I'm like, 'OK, I'm going to just have to go off the cuff in front of Hillary Clinton and (fellow honoree) Condoleezza Rice.'
168. He pulled the trigger but the gun didn't go off.
169. You want me to trust some person that would go off with a complete stranger?
170. Accumulate a dozen eggs every time, I sell fund with respect to meeting go off with.
171. They go off into excess sometimes, but they know they are doing it — and they are doing it for a reason.
172. My person can't have me any more, he wanted to go off with his girlfriend.
173. She wanted to quit her job but her mother told her not to go off half-cocked.
174. Or, maybe you want us to just go off and shack up?
175. It is for the price of rice of winter go off with such.
176. Jason: Hold on, honey, don't go off half-cocked here. Let her finish.
177. Is it just that they shall go off without leave, and without refunding?
178. The bad news caused Jim to go off the deep end.
179. They told her they weren't playing together, and that she could just go off into another corner of the playground.
180. You better think it over and don't go off the deep end.
181. Too many of you are only having one child and letting them go off into other professions.
182. I say: Alas, without, there is biscuit here nevertheless, otherwise you first go off with?
183. Another is that most upstarts would rather take over an existing business than go off and start their own-and in Britain, at any rate, Anglicanism’s heirs are in for some serious real estate too.
184. If you ever see me go off on a stretcher then run back on to play, I give everyone on here the green light to him me with a two-footed tackle.
185. If I asked, she would sprinkle her magic flower pollen on me to make me small, and we would squeeze through the crack in the front door and go off into the woods together.
186. Those who go off at half cock are unlikely to succeed.
187. We lit the firecracker and waited for it to go off, but a dud.
187. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
188. You can't make them serious. The serious ones dress up in evening clothes and go off to the Pally to show off before a lot of girls and dance these new Charlestons and what not.
189. Be bank of go off with carries what cash uses?
190. If are in'be'on hit tick off, they are OK go off with sold.
191. Mike warned his roommate not to go off the deep end and get married.
192. "These systems are designed to operate only within certain boundaries," says Bernie Meyerson, of IBM's systems and technology group. "They don't go off into the weeds."




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