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单词 Here and there
1 The road runs between here and there.
2 A text is often changed here and there when it is copied.
3 Here and there the rusted hulk of an abandoned car dots the landscape.
4 We went here and there looking for berries.
5 Here and there,[] husbands sit in wordless despair.
6 She pottered through the supermarket, looking here and there.
7 Papers were scattered here and there on the floor.
8 I do a bit of teaching here and there.
9 Your composition is good except for some overcolouring here and there.
10 There were a few books here and there(), but apart from that the room was quite bare.
11 The company would benefit from a little pruning here and there.
12 Here and there a drift across the road was wet and slushy.
13 Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.
14 The house just needs a bit of paint here and there.
15 We searched here and there, but could not find her.
16 Lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped.
17 And a plume of smoke here and there.
18 My attention flitted here and there.
19 Here and there, this is happening anyway.
20 Here and there were traces of rubble and slag.
21 The time difference between here and there is staggering.
22 Men go down here and there before your eyes.
23 We went here and there, but Kungsleden lay fallow.
24 Here and there the stuffing bulged, but for the most part it was in reasonable shape.
25 Audible gasps rose here and there together with short, whispered words and the murmur of anticipation.
26 But splashes of red are starting to show here and there on a few scattered red maple trees.
27 There's time to stop off here and there and browse around the shops.
28 There are a few rattles here and there, but in general the fretwork is quite well finished.
29 Here and there a few flakes of skin still lingered like the scurf of stars.
30 She was still standing there now, waiting impatiently, as he glanced through some papers, scribbling notes here and there.
1 A text is often changed here and there when it is copied.
2 Here and there the rusted hulk of an abandoned car dots the landscape.
3 Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day.
31 Primitive sensations skittered here and there, triggering twinges of irritation that carelessly boiled away.
32 A hardy annual, it can be grown in any garden where a few patches here and there can be a delight.
33 He was only getting him little gigs here and there and you wouldn't call him a dynamic person.
34 Here and there a darker bundle and a glint of jewelry.
34 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
35 But here and there some found action on this very camp, and didn't live to tell the tale.
36 Here and there on the hillside I could see sheep and goats grazing among the wild flowers and stunted trees.
37 Here and there a Roman dish, cabbage cooked with leeks, stuffed dates, tripe in ginger sauce, yuk!
38 Here and there a partial car skeleton peeped out of encroaching weeds, giving the neighborhood a certain Appalachian ambience.
39 Here and there were young rabbits on the lower south-facing slopes.
40 Here and there, they nap -- half an hour, an hour, rarely longer.
41 The countryside south of Tabor is mainly cereal-growing, dotted here and there with little lakes.
42 A spot of work here and there, liberally interspersed with rendezvous with an old flame?
43 The streets were thronged with eager men and women rushing here and there as incidents called them.
44 If the flounder still exists it will be king. - foreign words and phrases scattered here and there!
45 Here and there the frost had drawn trees and other patterns on the windowpanes.
46 Sometimes teachers I know draw little pencil lines here and there in the books.
47 Here and there the landscape was broken by dreary gray buildings that had been thrown up to house members of collective farms.
48 There were tall trees here and there on either side, oak and sycamore and ash and occasionally a sweet chestnut.
49 The rock hissed and cracked; here and there a stone flew up, and the steam rose like smoke.
50 Audiences like to see a bit of theatrics here and there.
51 Late summer had exhausted much of the greenness, and here and there the ground showed through in brown, dusty patches.
52 Here and there, a smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air.
53 They are herded here and there, and I don't think she can cope with so many children.
54 But I found the tessitura very awkward here and there.
55 Not even George Herbert's counsel that the country-parson's rage might here and there be justified had comforted.
56 The landscape is a stony desert, smeared here and there with sulphur compounds.
57 Although the pet database is littered with a cat entry here and there, cat registration is not required in San Francisco.
58 Sea-weed and patches of dark, leathery skin clung here and there to the bleached bone.
59 The land was flatter here and there were fewer boulders strewn around.
60 But here and there, societies rouse themselves to break the mould.
61 One sees a smattering of them here and there on the otherwise white linen that is set before us.
62 Your essay looks fine -- I've suggested one or two minor alterations here and there in the margin.
63 Lamps glowed here and there in the room, creating pools of warm light.
64 Keep on the move wherever possible as there is much to be gained from flitting here and there.
65 A few choice words here and there can make you feel better, and they might get your point across.
66 We manhandled the formwork into position, digging out here and there to get it level in both directions.
67 Here and there the anti-Fascists were grouped together and running fights broke out with the Blackshirts.
68 It is also wonderfully irregular in grain size, which gives a very natural effect, with odd pebbles here and there.
69 It passed in a flash of man-made, unnatural colour, glittering here and there and brighter than a winter holly tree.
70 They were racing here and there, and when wave tops collided, throwing up great spouts of water.
71 He thought that here and there in the slaves he could detect traces of an old lineage.
72 Here and there amid the chaos, delicate things have survived by chance.
73 Here and there a grey farmhouse or cottage was tucked into a hollow.
74 Only here and there, as I walked past the seafront hotels, I could see the occasional lighted window.
75 For a few minutes longer, she mingled with the crowd, exchanging a word here and there.
76 Here and there the head of a child was seen peering over a windowsill.
77 Here and there, dead rats and other corpses float on the scum.
78 She looked like a pixie sometimes, her eyes darting here and there, for ever watchful.
79 Clouds of little-crested parrots and rose-breasted cockatoos swarmed upon the woods that were dotted here and there over the grasslands.
80 Here and there old cars littered the streets like debris from a civil war.
81 Scattered here and there are bathtubs, taking on new lives as water troughs.
82 A few of the mounts shifted their feet; here and there a rider slid his sword back and forth in its scabbard.
83 Here and there lay yellow plastic helmets, boots, fragments of office furniture.
84 Dig in here and there with your small screwdriver if you are suspicious of any defect.
85 Here and there, a buried sliver of wood juts up, like a bayonet from a battlefield.
86 Three times a day we hear steam whistles, and here and there are columns of smoke rising.
87 Here and there, shepherds guide flocks of sheep through shaded valleys.
88 Black steam-pipes criss-cross the 1,000 acres as they always have done, hissing here and there through open valves.
89 Here and there it was bubbled slightly in the shapes of inverted rowboats.
90 The trees were mostly birches, with here and there a twisted trunk of alder, overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.
91 Sprigs of parsley were tucked here and there around the chicken.
92 Sea-pinks were thick everywhere, with here and there patches of small shingle glistening with broken shells.
93 Once or twice he found himself tugged away on the backwash of voices, drifting here and there.
94 Here and there were crowds of men bargaining over cattle and horses.
95 Here and there a red squirrel jumped down noisily,[http://] then hopped back on to a horizontal log cushioned with soft green moss.
96 Here and there in the grounds I could see people dotted about.
97 They were earth; dark, hard-packed earth, here and there cracking with the endless dry heat.
98 Here and there the ropes of egg and bird collectors flap against the cliffs.
99 It flickered over stone walls, glinting on darker, shinier patches here and there.
100 They lay scattered here and there all over the yard, in the corn-house, smoke-house, and slave shanties.
101 The sphere was finely stippled, pocked here and there with hatches or spiked with communication towers.
102 A wide ocean with a small island here and there.
103 One doubts that any threat ecosystem will crash from an ill-advised project here and there.
104 His hair, cut short, was flattened here and there, like an animal's fur when it is out of sorts.
105 Chunks of oak, ash, alder, beech, sycamore and hazel lay here and there, awaiting their miracles.
106 Here and there sat groups of army officers in baggy trousers and boots, with enamel medals on their chests.
107 They had run out of % el and now drifted here and there with the tides.
108 These were dangerous times for such jaunts, both here and there.
109 People scrunch their faces and whip their heads here and there.
110 Men crawled over the area like ants over an anthill, and several small handcarts rolled along here and there.
111 Rushes grew here and there in clumps across the pasture.
112 Here and there you see a black-bereted soldier chewing a fag on a street corner.
113 A few mouldy bones break the surface of the water here and there.
114 Here and there a porch is piled high with lobster traps or a yard is completely planted in flowers.
115 This kind of irritation grew here and there in strange ways.
116 Here and there banners waved above the sea of pink faces, proclaiming districts and religious associations.
117 Here and there, a light glows from a farmhouse window.
118 There are just the odd hints here and there that John and Ann did not always see eye-to-eye on religious matters.
119 Bha, look, the pumpkin has holes here and there!
120 Great tongues of flame shot up here and there.
121 It's immoral to leave about garbage here and there.
122 A streamlet spread out every here and there.
123 All of these methods are fast when concatenating a few strings here and there, so for casual use, you should go with whatever is the most practical.
124 Just because Hurt and Pyle have to stick close to the scientific data doesn't mean there's no room for interpretive creativity, and they're not above dropping in an Easter egg here and there.
124 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
125 Even the oil sea transportation has a long history, the accidents happen here and there, lead to much loss for shipping company, people coastwise, and entironment.
126 P2: Yes, cross the road here and there is a bus stop just around the bend. You can take a 12, 30 or 118. they all go to the Grand theater.
127 Its articulated arm reaches out, swivels here and there, and then gently picks up the stapler with long, rubber-clad fingers.
128 Many after-shave lotions and moisturizers have a sunscreen (usually SPF 15 or greater) already in them, and this is sufficient for everyday activities with a few minutes here and there in the sun.
129 Not that this week is flowerless . But the flowers are a little lonely things, here and there.
130 Here and there only, on the inundated plain below, were patches of dry land visible.
131 Break the routine by looking for simple wonders here and there.
132 He gave a wheezy giggle that was echoed here and there along the table.
133 Biggest. While I'm not expecting a hatful of goals, a few here and there would certainly bea bonus.
134 Through this mist could be seen a white church, here and there roofs of cottages in Borodino, and fitful glimpses came of compact masses of soldiers, and green ammunition-boxes and cannons.
135 I was able to obtain only temporary employment here and there, for a small salary.
136 Alcoholic culture exists here and there in the whole works.
137 Start a story, and then ask your toddler or preschooler to fill in the blanks here and there.
138 In the woman's eyes , he is so romantic and salt and can lead excitement . But she doesn't know he is also a frump or sloppy person , such as his feculentshoes and socks here and there .
139 Trees of more than one hundred years old could be seen everywhere; different kinds of plants grew rampantly here and there.
140 Here and there one still finds the remnants of a menagerie, a plate covered with figures.
141 Results and Roses Edgar Albert Guest The man who wants a garden fair, Or small or very big, With flowers growing here and there, Must bend his back and dig.
142 Omen of Clarity - You may get a few Clearcasting procs here and there.
143 Here and there, they still skimpy little single chairs that few Australian visitors had seen before.
144 What an exciting scene of jubilance! The fishermen's conches are trumpeting, their songs ringing, red flags fluttering here and there, and white sails dotting the sea far and near.
145 Why do small investors struggle to find a few dollars here and there in order to invest in some possibly risky venture?
146 The patient gets hypochondriasis idea drive, run around here and there, demand medical service everywhere, seek " newest " diagnose.
147 Here and there the passing crowds one might see and then, a loiterer edging interestedly near.
148 He wandered here and there. Finally, When he got home, he surprisedly found Zhen-zhen standing at the door, waiting for him in tears.
149 When your brush is getting dry, stipple it here and there to get a sort of mottled surf ace effect.
150 I'm adding a few more items here and there , plus an entire chapter on generics.
151 What is that? A bob here and there, dribs and drabs.
152 The seamstresses cluck around a dummy, discussing a tuck here and there.
153 She's been in a flop here and there but is considered India's thinking man's sex object.
154 Here and there are two pure place deictic words in contemporary English.
155 There were haunted gardens here and there where bloomed all the roses of yesteryear.
156 When Doodly was young wild oats here and there and never took life seriously.
157 I go into it, and move back and forth and settle here and there, and stay in it for a while.
158 Therefore, Mummy keep scolding me like "Koala Bear" thus I following her here and there...
159 old-style political bosses handed out patronage jobs here and there, he says.
160 There were stagnant ponds in the streets, here and there.
161 But you might also hear a note in a minor key here and there.
162 I went here and there at my own dear will, bound by no limits of space, time or comportment.
163 Random flower photos I took here and there, as time goes on.
164 The floor was covered with ochre - colored sawdust, trampled here and there into mud.
165 An old, close - bitten pasture, with a footpath wandering across it and a molehill here and there.
166 By the time we reached the area, all we encountered were the garden-variety traffic jams here and there.
167 The mountain in spring, viridity here and there, was compatible with the essence of the film.
168 There were flowering cherry-trees near and apple-trees whose buds were pink and white, and here and there one had burst open wide.
169 The innumerable base set up by the expansionists here and there in the world constitute a serious threat to peace.
170 What an exciting scene of jubilance , with the fishermen's conches trumpeting and their songs ringing here and there, and red flags fluttering and white sails dotting the sea far and near.
171 Here and there . croaking in the night . Stars shining.
172 The amorists flutter here and there on the spring breezes, unknowing where they go, uncaring.
173 Here and there at long distances upon the canon sides rose the headframes of a mine.
174 She said little, assented only here and there, and betrayed no inclination either of appropriating any part of the compliment to herself, or of strengthening his views in favour of Northamptonshire.
175 Here and there a face peeped out from the shop doorway.




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