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单词 Have on
1. How much cash do you have on you?
2. What repercussions will the war have on the economy?
3. Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the key to the neighbours.
4. I'm inquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.
5. What did she have on ?
6. What do you have on for tomorrow night?
7. What do the police have on him?
8. Joan is the only lawyer we have on staff.
9. Which word processor do you have on your computer?
10. What does this tape have on it?
11. You have on occasion surprised people.
12. He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks.
13. What effect will these changes have on the tourist industry?
14. Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain.
15. What effect will this have on the local tourist industry ?
16. I have on several occasions voiced my objections to the plan to management.
17. Irene: No-what did he used to have on Thanksgiving?
18. It is a terrible thing to have on your conscience.
19. The software allows you to see at a glance what fonts you have on the computer.
20. After laughing over the photo, they began to talk in more serious vein about the damaging effect it could have on his career.
21. I worry about the destructive effect that violent films may have on children.
22. I was jealous of the mesmeric effect that she seemed to have on men.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. It's difficult to calculate what effect all these changes will have on the company.
24. He's as tough as nails - a good man to have on the team.
25. Our main objective now is to tighten the grip we have on the market.
26. And the quantity of dry ice they use, and how much flour the Nephilim have on their clothes!
27. It is concerned about the lack of Windows technical expertise and the effect this will have on specification schedules.
28. Too late, she remembered the unsettling effect such comments would have on Johnny.
29. There are grave concerns about the effect any cutbacks will have on local services.
30. Your megabytes will vary, depending on the kind of files you have on your hard drive.
1. How much cash do you have on you?
2. What repercussions will the war have on the economy?
3. Give away any food you have on hand, or lock it up and give the key to the neighbours.
31. Perm Revitaliser from TiGi Linea is designed to counteract the relaxing effects that everyday shampooing can have on your perm.
32. It seemed to her she must have on every piece of jewellery the family owned.
33. When slightly different outcomes are involved, the effect this difference will have on the analysis should be examined. 4.
34. Then there are the implications that an excessive number of cars have on society s infrastructure.
35. And the string I happened to have on there resonated perfectly with the way Dana played the baritone sax.
36. You are a really fun teacher. What kind of cake did you have on your fifth birthday?
37. Considerable concern focused on the effect the change would have on neighbouring countries.
38. What effect might this have on speakers who are located between these two groups?
39. The white execs had no interest in the effect this would have on the traditions of black music.
40. The doctor set my mind at rest by explaining exactly what effect the drug would have on me.
41. Hampshire have on paper a well-balanced side; they should be title-chasing.
42. What effect would that policy have on the unemployment figures?
43. The key question is: what impact would Labour policies have on unemployment and the economic well-being of the country?
44. This, of course, might merely reflect the actual flattening effect which information technology appears to have on organisational structures anyway.
45. It is interesting to contemplate the effects this widespread automated dealing would have on the stock market.
46. What impact would it have on the financial situation of families?
47. But the focus Monday was economics and the effect that the Republican program would have on the high-tech industry.
48. No one knows what effect the introduction of commercial fares will have on air travel in the former Soviet Union.
49. What effect could this have on the design of the computer's jump instructions and addressing modes?
50. What effect would not giving credit have on your sales, your cash flow and your profits? 4.
51. Just pick up the nearest hunk of high-priced technology you have on hand and hurl it against the wall.
52. Just the car to have on an island full of lots of narrow, high-hedged twisty roads and a 60-miles-per-hour speed limit./have on.html
53. You can vary the dried fruit to fit your taste or what you have on hand.
54. Their combined remonstrations had as much effect on him as bugs have on windshields.
55. In addition to reports that are publicly available, three departments have on occasion specially commissioned reports for their own specific needs.
56. Do you consider yourself an early riser or is that just the effect you have on men?
57. What effect it will have on the result, heaven only knows.
58. What sold them on the new campus that spring was the wonderful effect it would have on the value of land nearby.
59. What kind of impact will this movie have on impressionable kids?
60. Rowell saw the tremendous influence a player like Halliday would have on any team.
61. They have told me about the effect that price cuts can have on the dairy sector.
62. What impact will the increasing acquisition of formal qualifications by women have on existing, and future, structures?
63. Precisely what effects this will have on the dynamics of the labour market is extremely complex but none the less real.
64. However, they did have on black jackets and were bearing guns.
65. These two cases also illustrate the effect that emotional blocks or upsets can have on the overall health of the individual.
66. Once merely a nice thing to have on a resume, computer literacy is now essential for virtually anyone in the workplace.
67. Before you resign, you should consider the effect it will have on your family.
68. Whatever personal designs Robert the Bruce might have on the throne, he was unlikely to achieve them without some mutual agreement.
69. I have not placed as much emphasis on the music of the black community as I have on that of the white.
70. Much water is transported this way over a summer, bypassing the monopoly thunderclouds have on water delivery elsewhere.
71. Think how nice it would be to have on clean clothes and not literally smell like a goat.
72. They therefore did not have before them and accept as a single decree all that we have on the inscription from Troizen.
73. Rumi compared the tears and the effect they have on the soul to drops of rain on the desert.
74. Bates would be a good person to have on the team.
75. Getting some information on our actions and the effect we have on other people can also be very useful feedback.
76. Growing up as you have on a stud farm, you know how important breeding is.
77. It is probably too soon to know what effect the Rich case might have on his prospects in public life.
78. Davis would seem to be everything the Texans have on their wish list.
79. But they are concerned about the psychological effect the experience may have on the girls.
80. Some mention has been made already of the salutary effect which business support can have on motivation in schools.
81. We have to make them concentrate what they have on the job in hand.
82. What do you have on tap?
82. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
83. What right the injured party have on the premises?
84. This paper investigates the impact that product warranties have on consumer product evaluations for new and established high-performance brands.
85. You realize the impact this'll have on the mutant community?
86. She knew first-hand the impact an unsteady parent could have on a sensitive young girl.
87. Given that our 24/7 society increasingly impinges on the lives of many people, it is important to consider what effects changes in sleep duration may have on health and well-being in the long term.
88. What effect does emphysema have on the surface area of the lungs?
89. Assess the degree of trust, honesty and fairness you can expect from each participant and what bearing that will have on the tone of the conversation and achievability of your and others' objectives.
90. What the effects does low intensity constant magnetic field strapping and application with permanent magnet have on the growth of tumor in the inoculated animals?
91. "Our Executive Director has appealed to all governments, all military around the world to give to us as many ready-to-eat meals as they have on hand, that they can provide to us for Haiti," she said.
92. Because the ceramic anilox proofer roll is laser engraved, the engraved cells are the exact line screen and volume just like you have on your press.
93. What do we have on Jane Doe? l'm checking missing persons nationwide. Run her prints, have an artist do a sketch.
94. Have on parental caress by every means, next issueless pester genu disturbing, everyday carefree, live easily comfortable.
95. This the door for a discussion of any feelings the grandparent might have on the topic.
96. In the meantime, clean out treasure to have on every commodity page " inform against this commodity " pushbutton, cleaning out the 100 million member on treasure is commodity examinant .
97. All will have on the blood flow resistance, while the study found that blood circulation in the main resistance comes from a small artery, arteriole .
98. If switches disable some type of security, what effect will that have on the security of the queue manager overall?
99. There's an oceanographer in Hawaii, Mike Mottl by name, who's been measuring — or trying to measure — how much water we have on this planet, and his calculations are a little startling.
100. Since our term is always cash in advance, we have on facilities for cod shipment.
101. Does the beautiful woman who climbs a rock want to have on nearly nakedly unexpectedly also?
102. What effect does adding interest as macroeconomy policy have on our real estate credit market?
103. On a global scale, that would equate to 50 million tons a year, and an increasingly vocal band of environmentalists is expressing concerns about the impact that will have on land.
104. Have on the body tattoo the skin to cannot do nuclear magnetic resonance?
105. the effect that two fatty acids -- oleic acid and palmitic acid -- have on aspirin's effectiveness in preventing clots.
106. By this model, one can predict a ratio of different kinds of transportation method assigned, and analyze what influence different properties of the services have on the executor.
107. The question is at what point will Sina need to monetize it and what effect will this have on their ability to make money with it.
108. Nutritiousness is adjudicated based on the effects foods have on health.
109. What effect might light have on the growth of the bean plant?
110. For comb-out ARP attack, we have on this foundation increased " attack of ARP attack source dogs " function.
111. "The reliance that consumers have on travel Web sites has not weakened one bit, " says Carroll Rheem, director of research at PhoCusWright.
112. Reports from the Benaissa trial have focused on what impact this episode will have on her reputation – but it's surely only the law surrounding the matter that is besmirched.
112. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
113. Now more than ever, we need to inspire young women to think expansively and courageously about the impact they can have on the world.
114. A rededication of heart and mind and an acceptance of suffering as a needed lesson have on more than one occasion brought instantaneous healing.
115. Barish: ...we'll have a new way to look at the universe that involves a whole set of elements, particles, so we don't really have on our shelf yet.
116. In eastern Kansu we have on the whole done the same as in Sian.
117. What do not have on the first teaching material is paragraphic, other some of a few teaching material, should these paragraphic make nice note.
118. With the 32-bit memory structure, regardless of how much physical RAM you may have on the system, the addressable memory by any process on any platform is 4GB.
119. The Pioneer probes have on board ultra-violet instruments which are measuring light that we can't measure on the earth.
120. Don't be surprised if, upon handing over several bills, they are run through a counting machine, which nearly every Chinese business seems to have on hand.
121. Zhu's organization has set up mobile blood centers across Beijing to help to collect 16 liters of Rh-negative blood that he wants to have on standby for the Olympics.
122. Both proponents and opponents of the stimulus are concerned with the effect it will have on the long-run fiscal outlook.
123. Judges know what bad effects a prison term can have on a nonviolent first offender.
124. The work room collected a troop to have on one's person the excellent craftsmanship warm - hearted volunteer.
125. At present we have on oil tanker for chartering service.
126. The lustration of coal is to take some different coals according to a certain of proper to make coals that have on especially capability. It belongs to physics mixing.
127. Out of curiosity, the research team also tested what impact Rogaine, a popular hair loss treatment, would have on the balding mice.
128. You have to suppose a future life to redress the balance of life have on earth.
129. For example, if you need to e-mail a notice to every qualifying account you have on record, then iterating through a list of customer e-mail addresses in XML format is easy to do in an application.
130. What contribution did the ancient Chinese have on the development of the computer hardware?
131. The third chapter mainly argues the effects which the myth of Nu Wa and the ingredientsof adoring the living stone in it have on the afterward literature.
132. Exchange risk is the effect that unanticipated exchange rate changes have on the value of the firm.
133. There are no significant differences in the effects that different volume and density have on Pleurotus ostreatus' quality.
134. Naturally, Stolzenburg says, scientists are concerned about the long-term impact the rats might have on the auklet population.
135. We sharpen them by experimentation -- by examining the effect they have on other areas of experience.
136. Of course, also have on market now off-the-peg sweet fume a bag to sell, when suiting to like convenient province you.
137. The strangle grip that the GDS players have on both the neutral distribution and the airline IT side of life makes it hard to effect change.
138. There are measures that all cabinet, millwork and specialty wood products companies can take to help minimize the impact these events have on them.
139. There is a standing order, that I have on file down here.
140. Laura knew that garter snake will not harm anyone, and they are good to have on a farm because they eat the insects that spoil crops.
141. Another motivation, Specter says, is the positive environmental impact test-tube meat could have on the planet.
142. Is the story inconclusive? What effect does it have on its audience?
142. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
143. So I asked him: "If you had to make a rough calculation, right now, and no one's going to hold you to it, how much water do you think we have on earth?
144. Frankly, we can't imagine being so hard up that we'd need a dildo delivered to our doorstep, but we can think of 10 other things we'd like to have on call.
145. Although more research is needed to show the impact stress can have on female fertility, researchers recommend minimizing stress and practicing healthy coping methods when trying to conceive.
146. He went on about his irresponsible behaviour, the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on. It was all sackcloth and ashes.
147. What consequences did Smith think that the division of labour and specialization would have on the productivity of labour and on the economic organization of society?
148. No matter what creative project you're working on, pay attention to the details, but most especially pay attention to the effect those details have on the overall picture.
149. What affect did winning Carling Cup have on the players and the team?
150. As of this writing, all we have on the Nexus One in terms of pricing and sales plans comes to us in the form of leaked documents and tipster screenshots.
151. " What kind of weather did you have on your holiday? "" Fair to middling. "
152. And what impact will China have on global ferro-chrome markets?
153. Furthermore, we study the effects that a various of physical processes have on the high-latitude and low-latitude ionospheric disturbance during storm times.
154. People who have on faults are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.
155. Little implied that one reason for being non-committal is the repercussions a callup would have on his current club.
156. from a security-focused organization into an economic bloc, a policy predicated on the knock-on effect that a stable and prosperous Central Asia would have on China's underdeveloped Xinjiang Province.
157. They then modelled the effect a malaria attack would have on both normal children and children with alpha thalassaemia.




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