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单词 Quota
(1) A restricted import quota was set for meat products.
(2) He never takes his full quota of holidays.
(3) Each has his quota of work for the day.
(4) I'm going home now-I've done my quota of work for the day.
(5) The quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two.
(6) Be sure you get your daily quota of calcium.
(7) Workers only get paid if they make their quota.
(8) He was 76 votes short of the quota.
(9) The country now has a quota on immigration.
(10) He cannot pony up the required quota of references.
(11) Each person was given a quota of tickets to sell.
(12) The committee has had more than its quota of problems.
(13) The government set a quota on the annual number of immigrants from Italy.
(14) They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt.
(15) In the 1990s the Navy couldn't fill its quota for new recruits.
(16) The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe.
(17) The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers.
(18) I think I've had my quota of coffee for the day.
(19) That brings Nuala O'Fail up to a quota.
(20) These are: random samples. quota samples.
(21) The oldsters have had their quota.
(22) Most countries have an immigration quota.
(23) Adelina has yet to reach her production quota.
(24) A quota of ten men a day, and if we accept extra men we can reduce our conscription period.
(25) They have to quicken up their rate of work to fulfil the production quota.
(26) They're worried that they won't achieve this year's sales quota.
(27) We had to increase our output to fill the quota by the end of the year.
(28) The main office axed those in the field who didn't meet their quota.
(29) This does not mean, though, that it is the ideal daily calorie quota for every F-Plan dieter.
(30) Jan Hoet, the curator of Documenta 9, does no believe in quota systems.
(1) A restricted import quota was set for meat products.
(2) He never takes his full quota of holidays.
(3) The quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two.
(4) They have to quicken up their rate of work to fulfil the production quota.
(5) The government set a quota on the annual number of immigrants from Italy.
(31) It is an offence for companies to recruit a non-disabled worker when they are below the quota.
(32) It also sets out the rules governing quota transfer and leasing together with the treatment of quota which is not used.
(33) Guidebooks advise travellers to bring their fully duty-free quota, to offset the official rate of exchange.
(34) You should check that you have not exceeded your disk quota.
(35) This would be the first time OPEC has changed its quota in 2 1 / 2 years.
(36) The peanut program allows only farmers with a federal quota to grow peanuts for the domestic market.
(37) How efficient the place was - a model clearing house for death, turning out its yearly quota of corpses.
(38) It may be lucky enough to win some seats without reaching the quota.
(39) Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to create a file in the supplied working directory.
(40) A candidate would be elected not by securing a plurality of votes but by securing a quota of votes.
(41) Perhaps a new manager had set an unrealistic quota for a subordinate because of his or her limited experience in setting quotas.
(42) An export quota for sawn timber has not yet been set.
(43) Opinion polls in Britain are almost always conducted on quota samples.
(44) Mr Gummer's determination to win the highest figures advised by the scientists failed for the North Sea cod quota.
(45) Many of them seem in direct conflict with making quota.
(46) He must have had to meet a quota or something cause he nailed me.
(47) For twenty-five years women in this country have been arguing for quota systems so that women will be proportionately represented in politics.
(48) At that time, the quota system would have been eliminated.
(49) They had difficulty in meeting their diocesan quota as it was.
(50) Initially, the quota system was based on a simple two-element formula.
(51) The result is only representative on those variables selected for the quota, and may be quite unrepresentative on other factors.
(52) The full quota of how many and whose scripts went west in this rethink will probably never be known.
(53) The price of domestic peanuts is protected through manipulation of the total quota rather than through federal subsidies.
(54) This was enacted in 1944 and uses criminal prosecution as a sanction for an employer who fails to meet the disabled quota.
(55) He accepted there had been an unofficial quota system to limit the number of women serving in the department.
(56) The major defence pollsters give is that quota samples generally predict the outcome of elections pretty well.
(57) Once a chariot has taken its full quota of wounds it is destroyed.
(58) She was comforted,[ ] being able to lay the full quota of blame at her dead sister's door.
(59) And will the plant achieve its quota of employees with disabilities?
(60) Since I had not achieved my weekly quota of aggravation and misery, I went out and played golf last Saturday.
(61) This year's quota is 25,400, composed of 23,400 pups and 2,000 adult males.
(62) There was, however, no quota on the number of warrants issued to the security services.
(63) Since 1944, for example, we have had a quota system which has never been effectively operated under Governments of either party.
(64) Quota sampling is like stratified sampling, but with an important variation.
(65) The recorded catch has been within the quota for many years.
(66) But the official said the quota had been determined on the basis of current banana consumption.
(67) Even the luggage racks contained their quota of sailors, soldiers, or airmen.
(68) But the champions had already filled their overseas quota with Andrew Farrar.
(69) Forty-five percent of their votes went to Faulkner which ensured his election with more than a quota of votes as fifth member.
(70) And will the plant achieve its quota of employees with disabilities? I doubt it. 2.
(71) The traffic policemen used the Puerto Rican neighborhood to dump their quota of tickets.
(72) The fact remains that because of election by constituency quota the odds are heavily against fair representation for a small party.
(73) The Newfoundland cod population has crashed before, in the 1970s, but recovered somewhat under a quota system during the 1980s.
(74) The industry would seek compensation from the Government for the effects of the quota cuts, Mr Allan said.
(75) They are the votes which, usually making the greatest contribution to a successful candidate's quota, are the most influential.
(76) When Sheila Sheffield fails to achieve her quota for the quarter, he helps Sheila discover the reasons.
(77) It has set a total quota for all pelagic species of just 60,000 tonnes for 1991.
(78) Respondent, echoing the courts below, labels it a racial quota.
(79) By 1961 internal tariff barriers had been substantially reduced and quota restrictions on industrial products had been largely eliminated.
(80) However, the party's representation flounders when it is freed from the rigours of the quota system.
(81) That objective was in keeping with the aims of the quota system.
(82) Members of the military forces must also fulfil a quota of work in the fields.
(83) The quota system did it; there was a milk glut.
(84) And there was no escaping the fact that he had more than his fair quota of attraction.
(85) Applications had vastly exceeded the quota within a few days[/quota.html], reports said.
(86) Please verify that there is sufficient disk quota and privilege to write to a file in the supplied working directory.
(87) Because it can be sure of filling at least one quota, a big party can be sure of winning at least one seat.
(88) Textiles were excluded and there was no significant increases in the sugar quota to make up for cuts in recent years.
(89) Even so, two of them scraped home without reaching the quota.
(90) Quota sampling is widely used in market research as it is cost-effective.
(91) When the first-preference votes are counted any candidate who has secured a quota is declared elected.
(92) Among the inheritance of this type of survey are procedures known as the quota sample and the attitude questionnaire.
(93) I quickly exhaust my quota of courage out on the roads when seated on something flighty.
(94) At subsequent meetings efforts could be made to reduce this quota further.
(95) Each member country has a quota which reflects its economic size and importance as a trading nation.
(96) Please check the protection on your default directory and that you have sufficient disk quota.
(97) Please check your protection on the Authorisation file and your default directory and ensure that you have sufficient disk quota.
(98) I was given soup from the middle pot, meaning I had just managed to achieve my work quota.
(99) Those who are above the quota at this stage are instantly deemed elected.
(100) Out of the 165 members elected only 25 reached the quota thanks to first-preference votes alone.
(101) There is no evidence in this record that the Richmond City Council has considered any alternatives to a race-based quota.
(102) In 1921, the Emergency Quota Act was the first to impose a numerical restriction on immigrants.
(103) The continuation class has already fulfilled its enrolment quota.
(104) to introduce a strict import quota on grain.
(105) He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running.
(106) We will fulfil the quota without fail.
(107) We fulfilled the quota in half the time.
(108) The production group has overfulfilled the quota today.
(109) Quota of Project and Preliminary Budget.
(110) The chemical plant fulfilled the production quota last year.
(111) Our group fulfilled this month's quota ahead of time.
(112) The committee reversed its decision on import quota.
(113) Certification quota database update processing time in microseconds.
(114) The restriction of annual export quota is deleted.
(115) The liability of each party to the JOINT VENTURE just limits to its quota of subscribed capital which stipulated in this contract or revised one afterwards.
(116) He said it would be even worse if the quota remained unallocated and was then redistributed by the European Commission.
(117) In engineering phase, the engineering design should be optimized and the quota design and invitation to bid should be implemented.
(118) Based on S's parameter of reflectometer, the general design proposal of six port reflectometer is introduced and established the design quota.
(119) Research conclusions: The curve's fitting method was more close to the professional features of production quota.
(120) Bycatch must not be discarded. Instead it must be landed and recorded as part of that boat’s quota.
(121) And belong this, we can grasp every substructure which the early-warning mechanism of unemployment risk needs and integrate these quota rationally by the numbers.
(122) After the transition expiry of Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, international trade in textiles has come to a period of free trade with no quota restraints.
(123) The floriculture industry is the only kind among agricultural industries that is not restricted by quota.
(124) The dilemma of urbanization and farmland conservation in China was firstly analyzed and then the necessity and limitations of incremental construction land quota were specified in this paper.
(125) On January 1 in 2005, the global quota for textile and clothing was cancelled. From the day, the global textile industry entered a new era of free trade.
(126) Hind quota period, world is fearing Chinese dress is minatory to his, low price, wholesale outlet.
(127) Most stars probably have their quota of planets, meteorids, comets, and asteroids.
(128) It is a appraisable quota system and a comprehensive appraisable model as well.
(129) Select the Set database quota and Set warning threshold options and fill in the appropriate values.
(130) The total quota of water use in different level of water saving was put forward based on regression analysis, probability estimation analysis, advanced quadratic mean method and geometric mean method.
(131) The ideas and approaches of conceptual plan can be useful in strengthening land use strategic study, conducting land use zoning, guiding land quota allocation and making land use control rules.
(132) Any other licensing organizations have no rights to issue license for the export products under compensated quota bidding system.
(133) In the light of these multiple requirements, a quota allocation certificate should satisfy any import licensing requirement that might apply.
(134) No boat is allowed to catch more than its quota of fish.
(135) In 2007, the government began permitting Chinese banks to issue in renminbi, under annual quota restrictions, in Hong Kong.
(136) Messages relating to quota processing, both by Microsoft Windows NT policy and the UNIX file system.
(137) The Walt Disney Co. said in a statement Sunday, allowing it to bypass China's annual quota of 20 films that foreign studios can share profits in.
(138) A quota increase of 500.000 bpd will serve merely to legitimize existing cheating.
(139) How to export quota policy to will be carried out this year?
(140) The paper shows the correct application of income rate inside the financial affairs before and after whole investment income tax, and the knowledge of the own capital profit ability quota.
(141) The company will aim at the requirements of world market, and enlarge export quota.
(142) On this basis, I believe the people of the world can rest assured that the establishment of their credit currency system - the currency quota system.
(142) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(143) The increase in the annual quota is intended to address the country's chronic skills shortages.
(144) The import quota administration departments may, if necessary, readjust the annual total import quotas, and shall publish the readjustment 21 days before it is implemented.
(145) To administer the cost standards for railway project construction, formulate railway project quota, estimates compilation methods and expenses standards.
(146) See attached, please let know QTY breakdown per colorway & asking price included quota charge.
(147) Applications for a quota allocation would need to be submitted to only one organization, at one level (central or sub?national) for approval.
(148) LB- QS intends to equalize average traffic over time by proportional quota allocation to time periods of control.
(149) These are not the only production teams that have overfulfilled the output quota.
(150) The hunt, officials here and in Moscow said, could resume as soon as this year or next, once a census is carried out and an annual quota that would not threaten the bears is set.
(151) TEHRAN, Iran - June 26 Acting Oil Minister Mohammad Ali Liebadi 26, reiterated that Iran will continue to oppose parts of the country's oil consumption increased OPEC production quota requirements.
(152) As to the individual foreign exchange settlement and sale within the annual quota, a bank shall guide individuals to declare fully and accurately.
(153) Linda: We establish a fairly high target sales quota and you must achieve this volume in a short amount of time. How can you ensure that we reach our sales goals?
(154) Because quota is less and less, the price is higher and higher, competition is fiercer and fiercer, profit is exiguous , and the risk is very big, must stop this business.
(155) If you find a new job , and then want to file out of it will be very difficult, because you do not have a job quota.
(156) The IMF is committed to achieving a 5 percent shift in IMF quota share to emerging, underrepresented countries by January 2011.
(157) The subcontract practising quota system, may save transaction cost, so it is accepted widely.
(158) It is introduced that the work principle, structure trait, technological and economic quota, application for Model QFTC total boiling type pyretic duster.
(159) Article 9 Import tariffs cover the most-favored-nation tariff rate, conventional tariff rate, preferential tariff, general tariff rate and quota tariff rate, etc.
(160) Our final quotation is 2 Yuan, which includes the customs clearing fee of commodity inspection, not quota fee.
(161) Sorted the project of quota according to ABC analysis, and proposed method according to the different quota program.
(162) Workers do all they can to fulfill the production quota.
(163) As an important basic work in enterprise, man-hour quota standard and its balance should be the key problem to be settled.
(164) Import restriction is effected through such measures as imposition of tariffs, fixing of quota, allowing imports only against licenses.
(165) There is a extremeness, the firm contract with a few little profit projects because of competition, in order to exist, they gain income by venturing to execute quota system.
(166) Article 9 Duty rates on import goods are composed of mostfavorednation duty rates, conventional duty rates, special preferential duty rates, general duty rates, tariff quota duty rates, etc.
(167) Owing to the limit of export quota, worldwide textile and garment trade has long been wandering out of the free trade system.
(168) The system can solve dimensional linkage, calculate man-hour quota, make operation drawing, and print out the operation sheet...
(169) The quota of immigrants for this year has already been filled.
(170) Traditional high school superexcellent teacher annual selecting obeys percentage distribution system, which is actually a system averagely distributing superexcellent quota in the entire school.
(171) The State exercises control of part of the imported goods through tariff-rate quota.
(172) rpc.rquotad daemon is one of the components of the NFS server that provides quota information of the local file system, which is exported to the remote user.
(172) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(173) Institutional ratio: The ratio between Bank subscriptions authorized solely in general capital increases and IMF quotas obtained solely from general quota increases.
(174) Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the "implementation" column.
(175) What you need to do is simply look through these two lists---the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty- free Quota list.
(176) Make public the lending restrictions and quota allocation methodology in order to improve transparency and predictability.
(177) Methods:Taking a quota the aluminite powder to put in the extract pond to make the absorbent, carries on the fast solvent extraction to the fish flesh.
(178) Article 37 A QDII shall report to the SAFE the use of its quota as well as the outward and inward remittance of capital in a regular manner.
(179) Here, ecclesiology is born how to be communicated with the client, how to go making quota, how to quote.
(180) In response to high prices, the government has announced its intent to open a zero duty tariff-rate quota (TRQ) for chicken, but exact details have not yet been revealed.
(181) The administrative departments of import quotas shall allocate the quotas for the next year to the quota applicants before October 31 of each year.
(182) Cannot allocate database object - database would exceed its disk quota.
(183) This system includes: Sales profit ratio, total capital protects yield of fulfil rate, capital, capital to maintain 10 quota such as rate of value rise in value.
(184) The formulation of production quota is an important component in scientific and standardized administration of production in modernized enterprises.
(185) The beforehand control of customer credit management importantly chooses customer and decision customer credit quota on base of customer credit analysis.
(186) Mrs Beckham is a coiffeur's chameleon, going long, short and everything in between. In fact at 36, she has probably already managed her 104-style quota.
(187) In the Set Quotas dialog box, select the "Set database quota to" option and enter the quota value.
(188) If our section fails to get its quota, we be in hot water.
(189) A quota is a quantitative restriction that is expressed in terms of either physical quantity or value.
(190) The system can solve dimensional linkage, calculate man-hour quota, make operation drawing, and print out the operation sheet and the process route sheet of a part.
(191) Investment Quota: invest USD 1 to 50 million at the spot exchange rate.
(192) The procedure body consists of a single SELECT statement that returns the name and the total sales figures for each sales person whose total sales exceed the specified quota.
(193) A quota was established, and government officials were authorized to destroy inferior and excess production.
(194) In case the foreign exchange quota is settled ahead of time into foreign exchange in cash to pay the performance bond in advance, the settlement is limited to using US dollar.
(195) If our section fails to get its quota, we will be in hot water.
(196) They include the terms of reference, export quota allocation and issues relating to export licenses.
(197) The fund manager said that the recent Hong Kong QFII quota trading market also turned thin.
(198) USDA does not lump sum Tobacco Transition Payment Program payments to quota holders and producers.
(199) See attached, please let know QTY breakdown per colorway & your asking price included quota charge.
(200) Applying the methodology to natural gas price controls, airline regulation, price supports for wheat, and the sugar quota, we found that these gains and losses can be quite large.
(201) Based on the theory of public finance, a method to determine the basic expenditure budget quota of maritime administration is worked out.
(202) This paper summarized and analyzed the main production quota, problems faced and improving measures, and future developments.
(202) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(203) A quota is a quantitative restriction that is expressed in terms of either quantity or value.
(204) The present status of chemical pharmaceutical industry in China is evaluated with respect to its characteristics, accomplishment of production quota, main products and composition of drug consumption.
(205) In the Civil Law System, there is the concept of quota, which is used in the communion by severalty.
(206) The Nordic country caught less than half of its annual quota of 855 minke whales, already reduced from last year's quota of 1, 052.
(207) All the factories in our city have fulfilled their production quota ahead of time.
(208) The shift of the distribution curve of coal preparation management is introduced , which can be used to calculate the production quota.
(209) The specific methods of quota allocation shall be worked out by the State Council.
(210) The tariff quota concessions are subject to equal annual adjustments (occurring on 1 January of each year), unless otherwise specified in the last column ("Other terms and conditions").
(211) Here the circumstance falls, vietnam government decides to increase rice to export quota further.
(212) As the temple compiled Chuan-Deng recorded, the Song Dynasty imperial court to conduct the required annual quota of monks, to allow specially-year-old Cheng Tiansi every time a monk.
(213) This design through to the primary data analysis, the plan proof comparison and the related data analysis computation, has completed the quota feeder system design computation.
(214) The main protection methods used in our country are import tariff and tariff quota currently.
(215) K dial-up Internet service plan is subject to quota constraint.
(216) The result was a quota on U. S. imports buttheforeign suppliers pocketed windfallsfrom the price markup.




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