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单词 Fishermen
1 Local fishermen are protesting about the latest government regulations.
2 The fishermen were mending their nets.
3 The fishermen are mending their nets.
4 The fishermen drew in their nets full of fish.
5 The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.
6 The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.
7 It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
8 Fishermen have been complaining of poor hauls all year.
9 Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue.
10 Fishermen have been landing record catches this season.
11 The fishermen put on their waders.
12 The fishermen were disappointed with their catch that day.
13 The fishermen haul the net.
14 Breakfast is available to fishermen from 6 a.m.
15 Unlicensed fishermen have plundered tuna stocks.
16 Many maritime people are fishermen.
17 He pleaded the cause of the local fishermen.
18 Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.
19 The fishermen had a good haul.
20 The fishermen hauled the fish into the port.
21 Ten fishermen were plucked to safety from life-rafts.
22 Several fishermen sat on wooden barrels, tending their nets.
23 The fishermen waited all afternoon for a bite.
24 The fishermen are putting on their boat.
25 The fishermen packed out a cargo of fish.
26 Fishermen in small boats ply their trade up and down the coast.
27 This side of the island is populated mainly by fishermen.
28 As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fishermen cast their nets into the sea.
29 A week of heavy seas has created problems for fishermen.
30 They went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets.
1 Local fishermen are protesting about the latest government regulations.
2 The fishermen were mending their nets.
3 The fishermen are mending their nets.
4 The fishermen drew in their nets full of fish.
5 The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.
6 This side of the island is populated mainly by fishermen.
7 As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fishermen cast their nets into the sea.
8 The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.
9 It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
10 The fishermen haul the net.
11 Many maritime people are fishermen.
12 The fishermen hauled the fish into the port.
13 The fishermen are putting on their boat.
14 They went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets.
31 Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy.
32 The European Court's decision has been greeted with dismay by fishermen.
33 Fishermen with sunburnt faces sat on the beach mending their nets.
34 Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
35 After the oil spill, thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods.
36 The restaurant pays cash on delivery for fish, which the local fishermen like.
37 In the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, oil rigs attract shoals of fish, and fishermen too.
38 He spent most of his time watching the fishermen at work.
39 In an open season the fishermen can land many fish.
40 The fishermen had been given up for lost in the storm but they have now arrived safely back.
41 The fishermen claimed that ships from another country had violated their territorial waters.
42 Some fishermen are unlucky.
43 The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.
44 Both the farmers and fishermen were hard hit by the bad weather.
45 Behind our school there is a stream courting the fishermen.
46 Thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods.
47 Malachi is one of the local fishermen.
48 Fishermen rely on a sustainable salmon fishery.
49 The local fishermen suffer, and so do the seabirds.
50 The fishermen have demanded compensation for the damage.
51 Fifty fishermen are killed instantaneously by the blast.
52 Catherine came down to make deals with the fishermen.
53 Fishermen were landing their catch at the harbor.
54 The lake is commercially netted by licensed fishermen.
55 The local fishermen blame the invaders.
56 Our fishermen had cracked the problem.
57 The delta is frequented by fishermen and woodcutters as well as by a healthy population of tigers.
58 The two fishermen were completely at ease on their semi-submerged work platform.
59 And why is it that evil movie fishermen always dump dioxin into the ocean?
60 Fishermen reported hearing the explosion and bits of debris were washed up for months afterwards.
61 There were two fishermen on the beach digging for worms.
62 Voracious consumers of fish, sea lions have been the targets of wrathful fishermen in the San Diego area.
63 Leven Canal is well known for miles around by fishermen.
64 Neither conservation groups nor the fishermen are satisfied with the deal.
65 The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore. Vincent van Gogh 
66 Didn't fishermen like to go out into the middle of lakes to fish?
67 The latest tragedy brings to five the total of fishermen lost from the village in a week.
68 It is used by fishermen and is designated a bird sanctuary.
69 At six in the morning the tradesmen's entrance had been chock-a-block with fishermen, and the kitchen resembled Billingsgate.
70 Often they are fishing illegally inside an area reserved for artisan fishermen, but the boats cover their identity numbers with mud.
71 At about five o'clock the beach was full of activity, with the fishermen hauling in their nets.
72 All the fishermen stop fishing to join in the drive.
73 The local cockle fishermen resent the newcomers and claim some of them are working beds while also claiming state benefits.
74 Fishermen are angry about the new EC fishing regulations because they feel that their livelihood is being threatened.
75 Fishermen in their trawlers draw close to the straw vessels and throw candy, fruit, and other treats to the children.
76 As coastal fisheries have become less profitable through overfishing, more fishermen have taken to killing small cetaceans to supplement their incomes.
77 They turn up regularly beneath large boulders on any stretch frequented by shore fishermen.
78 Instead of the usual scapegoating of oystercatchers, local fishermen recognise that their fortunes are closely tied to those of the birds.
79 Spent day boating on lake in Champex annoying local fishermen with our attempts at the world speed record for pedal boats.
80 The shark which attacked Ford was later caught by fishermen but escaped.
81 Mat, winsome, handsome, pipe-smoking paterfamilias, introduced us to the fishermen at the table.
82 Oil slick prompts no-fishing zone Fishermen have introduced a voluntary ban on fishing in the area surrounding the Shetland oil slick.
83 Many fishermen have done well in recent years but they now face great pressure on the fish stocks.
84 Alternatively, how about a leisurely lunch next to the lake while watching the fishermen mending their nets.
85 Many other fishermen think carp anglers are mad because they can go for days without a bite.
86 They were mainly artisans - carpenters, stonemasons, ironworkers, shoemakers, weavers and fishermen.
87 In Plymouth and Newlyn, good weather enabled fishermen to bring a good variety of fish to the markets in good quantities.
88 According to Best and da Silva, the degree of hostility from commercial fishermen towards the boto is unquestionably growing.
89 The male People drew it tight, as fishermen must have done when they hauled in a catch in olden times.
90 The fishermen were simply making arrangements to save their own skins.
91 When the raft bumped on the sand, the fishermen could step ashore only knee deep in the water.
92 Mr Macdonald claims the orders will deny traditional fishermen access to areas they have used for generations.
93 There were no boats on the lake, no swimmers or fishermen.
94 Those waters where the missiles are landing are where us small fishermen often go to fish.
95 He'd been discovered by fishermen on the Plage des Basques about half way between the Villa des Lilas and the town.
96 Fishermen scurry all over the seas catching anchovies; quarrymen have long made a living scraping guano from the bird-rich islands.
97 Behind the fishermen, steps led around the cliff to descend through a grated passage into Carolina's Cave.
98 Many dolphins are accidentally captured in the nets of tuna fishermen.
99 Local fishermen remember times when shoals of pilchards stretched for miles.
100 But area fishermen have tried everything to hook it: worms, corn, artificial lures.
101 Then without warning a green flare exploded, which had to have been shot off by one of the fishermen.
102 Where fishermen once set out to sea, now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores.
103 All the men on Lewis were fishermen and the women were used to coping without them.
104 Great economic sacrifices have been made by developers, loggers and fishermen to protect endangered species.
105 So the fishermen fish even harder, to make up the catches they need to keep their vessels at sea.
106 The tuna fish swim beneath schools of dolphins, fishermen do not discriminate and scoop up the whole lot in their nets.
107 Fishermen are willing do their fair share to protect these magnificent fish.
108 Hooking a fish and letting it suffocate in a creel is seemingly acceptable to all fishermen and many other people.
109 In the 1800s most fishermen were after whales, until their coastal net fishery wiped out local populations.
110 Years of sunlight had tanned him to the same mahogany brown as the island fishermen.
111 Those were distant days, when the fishermen on my island had long woven baskets like loaves of bread.
112 Fishermen, cormorants and sea eagles were not slow to discover this fact.
113 A small number were textile millworkers, others were miners, fishermen, or seamen, skilled craftsmen, or farmworkers.
114 Real fishermen know how to tie flies and cast them so that they dance over the water.
115 You getting soft on us fishermen, Ezra Johnson, I knew it all the time.
115 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
116 The fishermen will have to use turtle excluder devices in their nets, which allow turtles to escape before they drown.
117 The trawler ploughed on, leaving the fishermen clinging to pieces of wreckage.
118 It is also in these channels that the lave fishermen will stand.
119 The paradox is, in short, that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less!
120 The problem with the lake in the park was that local fishermen wanted to fish in it.
121 Meanwhile, the administration will also need to explain this unequal treatment of fishermen and agriculture.
122 It was a special method that allowed fishermen to avoid the jagged rocks that lay beneath the breaking waves.
123 International action is now needed to ban the use of gill-nets by amateur fishermen.
124 The local fishermen keep their equipment in the arched openings nowadays.
125 So as soon as the bamboos were skinned, the fishermen coated them with a natural insect repellent.
126 Two fishermen stopped work to stand and stare in amazement.
127 We dropped anchor there, and the fishermen disappeared back into harbour, leaving us to our fate.
128 The fishermen from the leeward side succeeded in wrestling to shore about two dozen of the whales every season.
129 Environmentalists welcomed the move, claiming that some fishermen in Cornwall and the South-West were disguising the true extent of the problem.
130 Local fishermen say that, when accidents happen, the trawlers never stop.
131 The trial follows the Antares tragedy in which four fishermen drowned after a submarine snagged its nets in the Firth of Clyde.
132 Experts have recommended that fishermen are paid not to fish, mirroring recent developments in agriculture.
133 Last month, under pressure from the fishermen, the government raised the lobster limit from 50 to 80 tonnes.
134 He found half a dozen fishermen seated under the palm trees at the foot of the Co-operative quay.
135 Local fishermen blame the panes for hoovering up young fish for fish meal.
136 A mixture of envy and admiration once led fishermen to try to harness the heron's gifts.
137 Fishing companies simply need to provide fish bait for their fishermen.
138 Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
139 It would not cost the Government money, would have the support of fishermen and would be extremely effective in terms of conservation.
140 The commercial fishermen were in search of Blue Fin Tuna.
141 Cyanide fishermen learn exactly where and when grouper go to spawn; they then squirt their poison with practiced precision.
142 Another 102 fishermen were rescued from the harbor and the seas outside it.
143 Others say she avenges herself of the insult offered by her erstwhile lover by luring fishermen and other sailors to their doom.
144 The harbour is used by local fishermen, yachtsmen, motor boat and rowing enthusiasts.
145 Until recently, commercial fishermen had been allowed to shoot sea lions if they tried to steal their catch.
146 These were now put into the bamboos by the fishermen, using their burning brands of bicycle tyre.
147 A couple of fishermen had sighted the boat close inshore.
148 Most of the men are net or spear fishermen; some of the women dive for pearls or shellfish.
149 They were part of the second wave of boat people, poor farmers and fishermen.
150 The fishermen used long, jointed, cane poles.
151 The fishermen draw in their nets full of fish.
152 The fishermen set off in mountainous seas.
153 The fishermen were ebbing the catch in.
154 The fishermen came out in sympathy with the sailors.
155 Fishermen catching grey mullet near the inshore area.
156 Many fishermen swear by chum or'ground baits'that really stink!
157 The shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen.
158 This picture shows that the fishermen are conveying jellyfish in Lushun Salt Pan.
159 For big game fishermen, sometimes its the process of reeling in several hundred metres of line after a long run by a big fish where low gear can come in handy too.
160 A gray triggerfish peers into the camera as it hovers in front of old chicken-transport pens—one of many permitted artificial reefs that benefit recreational fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico.
161 Thousands of trout fishermen have never seen a brook trout that scaled six pounds.
162 The fishermen were forewarned of the oncoming of the storm.
163 In September when the ice comes, pleasure craft are hauled ashore, fishermen move north into the warmer Barents Sea, and another flotilla steams under the opaque ice.
164 Police in India have clashed with fishermen and villagers furious over plans to build the world's biggest nuclear power plant on the coast of the western state of Maharashtra.
165 They want to find techniques that help fishermen find the abundant skipjack tuna without also catching sharks, turtles, or threatened tuna species.
166 Fishermen in France have been blockading ports and pouring oil on the roads in protest.
167 The site also provides a forum for fishing reports, wherein said enthusiastic sport fishermen share their fish tales.
168 The Fish Marketing Organization Loan Fund is primarily for making loans to fishermen for productive purposes.
169 The fishermen shall mourn and lament, all who cast hook in the Nile; Those who spread their nets in the water shall pine away .
170 Some of the homes are still rather liveable. Hunters and fishermen leave their equipment there in order not to drag it along.
171 In addition to the fishermen catch lobster gill net, net enclosures , there are also put on oxygen into the underwater reef Zhuobu the hole.
172 Everyone agrees they were ordinary Somalian fishermen who at first took speedboats to try to dissuade the dumpers and trawlers , or at least wage a 'tax' on them.
173 In western Ireland's Galway Bay, the company is also synthesizing data on pollution, marine life, and waves, transmitted from sensors to keep commercial fishermen informed of hazardous conditions.
174 It is pointed out that the adoption of the place names of the Nanhai Islands habitually used by local fishermen is of significance to toponymy and defending state sovereignty.
175 Fishermen from the sea, come back here in the sun in a fishing net.
176 Sandbanks have appeared, navigation has slowed, fishermen complain of derisory catches, and the 60m people whose livelihoods directly or indirectly depend on the river are worried.
177 The fishermen say will give up this quarter, sand lance caught fish.
178 In a surprising interaction at sea, colossal whale sharks home in on fishing nets near the island of New Guinea—and fishermen dole out snacks to the pilfering beasts.
179 Local produce is served bento-box-style onboard, or you can toddle ashore, past lobster fishermen unloading their catch, to dine at Peppermint Bay, adjacent the quaint hamlet of Woodbridge.
180 Discovery Communications, whose "Deadliest Catch" television show follows those crab fishermen, has been a keen early adopter of high-definition television and 3-D.
181 Professional fishermen have pointed out that changes in fishing practices influences catch rates, and therefore the scientific assessment of set-net fishery (based on log-book analysis is necessary).
182 Heavily armed foreign vessels come close inshore and compete with small scale, artisan fishermen.
183 Stock assessment is not only to forecast the static optimum fishing effort and sustainable yield, but also to assess the reactions of fish and fishermen to management choices and other changes.
184 In the port of Ajaccio, the fishermen are just playing up to sell fresh fish.
185 Clad in his thermal duck hunting clothes, Zimmer was one of the few fishermen on the lake that morning.
186 "If you look at Somalia, where industrial fishing has fished out Somalian waters and the local fishermen can't get food anymore, what do they do?" Savitz said.
187 Among the Garifuna people of Belize, fishermen rise before daybreak to head out to sea.
188 As those who know fishermen well have often testified, they are gamblers and incurably optimistic.
189 Curving timber over a gunnel framework , the fishermen can construct simple vessels for their trade.
190 Under a cloud - slung sky fishermen work on wooden boats.
191 Commercial fishermen catch three main types of fish in Lake Baikal.
192 The bear first hit the headlines last April, when fishermen spotted it drifting into the Gulf of Riga on a floating chunk of ice. The animal disappeared in fog and was feared drowned.
193 A Fishy StoryTwo avid fishermen go on a fishing trip.
194 Division of labour in this village is limited to the separation between fishermen and farmers.
195 We met him yesterday at a cannery village near the Columbia River, when we were watching some fishermen bring in the fish.
196 If the water pollution becomes any worse, it'll be a bad business for the fishermen.
197 Ou see Jiang Fan Ying, by bamboo rafting, listen to the Homebound Fishermen, do not have a flavor.
198 At intervals stood fishermen in waders, an abandoned tractor rotting in a field, a pair of deer, an ancient Indian village with totem poles hard to glimpse through the trees.
199 Fishermen in the Hafar Canal , a shallow tributary of the Euphrates River.
200 There, fishermen might earn as little as 1US$ a day, and by-catch is often not discarded -- boat owners let their crews sell it for processing to meet demand for human and aquaculture consumption.
201 That includes a one-year delay in enforcing the ban if approved, and an exemption for "artisanal" fishermen who supply their local markets using small boats.
202 " After that, "the Homebound Fishermen, " the background music in various cities broadcast the weather conditions one by one, user-friendly, why in detail.
203 In India, World Bank financing under an on-going project has already helped fishermen in the state of Andhra Pradesh resume their livelihoods.
204 Getting near the harbour, the fishermen began to ease down the speed of their boats.
205 Fishermen and boys drag fishing nets through the shallows of Suva Bay at sunset November 2(), 2006.
206 They also gave fishermen containers in which to defecate and urinate.
207 The fishermen won't go out on such a dirty night.
208 The best fishermen returned for a second year in a row without their usual haul of cod and haddock, so the Icelandic government took radical action: they privatized the fish.
209 Though the pink dolphins are protected by law, the fishermen see them as nettlesome competitors for the catches that feed their families, and their frustration sometimes boils over.
210 When the shad run during the spring, you may see fishermen with seines along the banks of our coastal rivers.
211 Chinook salmon are popular with sport fishermen and account for over 60% of the fish caught in the Lake Ontario boat fishery.
212 Clarence River Boat, Australia, 1996 Photograph by Medford Taylor Two fishermen navigate the fog-fringed Clarence River near the town of Grafton in New South Wales, Australia.
213 The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler.
214 Subsequently these animals produce prosperity in the area, local fishermen to catch Amphioxus a living.
215 And fishermen take it on the chin every time,'' Bernie Feeney, a member of the association, said.
215 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
216 For example, in Sweden, crows will wait for fishermen to drop lines through holes in the ice, and when the fishermen move off, the crows fly down, reel up the lines, and eat the fish, or the bait.
217 Have the small - sized fishermen that one person operates, also have large dragnet and purse net fishermen.
218 That has dire consequences not only for fishermen but for seabirds and rare wader too.
219 As far as we can tell, farmers and fishermen started to settle the Mesopotamian plain around 5,500 Before Common Era.
220 In these Atlantic coast states, there have always been fishermen and boat builders.
221 He also sponsored laws which aided California farmers and fishermen.
222 Large lips and a forehead hump are hallmarks of the reef-dwelling humphead wrasse, popular with divers and fishermen across much of the Indo-Pacific.
223 At the Port of Garibaldi, Oregon, Darren Mobley prepares his boat for winter crabbing. He's among the many fishermen and crabbers who remain skeptical of ocean energy.
224 Japanese official says there is no evidence the Chinese government has been encouraging fishermen to behave provocatively.
225 Fishermen fear valuable oyster and mussel beds could be decimated.
226 There were countless numbers of them, and the invisible fishermen conversed as if they were paying a call(), for their voices had a phantasmal resonance within the boundaries of the swamp.
227 The fishermen have to keep abreast of changes in the weather.
228 Now stocks of octopus, lobsters, tuna and other fish in this part of the Atlantic are dangerously low, contributing to the impoverishment of local fishermen.
229 On the shore children still play, and fishermen drop anchor nearby, but the hulks of derelict hotels stand vacant.
230 A Japanese official says there is no evidence the Chinese government has been encouraging fishermen to behave provocatively.
231 The fishermen were hauling in [ up ] the net.
232 Fishermen used their flat-bottom boats to form the "Cajun Navy, " and pulled women and children and the elderly out of flooded homes, and brought them to dry ground.
233 The herring fishery, which provided up to half of the income of Cordova fishermen, has been closed to commercial fishing except for a few brief periods since the spill.
234 Many fishermen winterize their boat and stay home because they equate locating winter fish with finding a needle-in-the-haystack. (But if ice-fishermen can do it, certainly those with boats can too!




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