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单词 Bidding
1, Several companies remained in the bidding.
2, A bidding war for the textile firm erupted.
3, There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers.
4, Two syndicates are bidding for the contract.
5, The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors.
6, At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem.
7, British distributors are currently involved in a bidding war for the film.
8, At his father's bidding he wrote to his lawyer.
9, Paris is bidding to host the next Olympics.
10, Bidding for the painting will close on Friday.
11, The bidding was brisk and sales went well.
12, Most of the bidding was done by telephone.
13, Eighteen companies are bidding for the contract.
14, Better preempt to keep the opponents from bidding.
15, The bidding began at $ 1000.
16, Germany is bidding to host the World Cup finals.
17, L'Oreal wins bidding war for Maybelline.
18, We gathered at his bidding.
19, I don't think she is bidding to be Prime Minister again.
20, Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports.
21, The politicians are bidding for our favor by making wild promises that they can't keep.
22, The two men ended up bidding against each other at the auction.
23, The communications group has shown an interest in bidding for the company.
24, Benjamin and I needed no second bidding.
25, The contract will be renewed with no bidding.
26, Bidding them adieu we departed.
27, We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.
28, The department is trying to ensure fairer competition among firms bidding for government contracts.
29, When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind,(http:///bidding.html) so that it became once more a place of mystery.
30, She is very clever at getting men to do her bidding!
1, Several companies remained in the bidding.
2, A bidding war for the textile firm erupted.
3, There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers.
4, Two syndicates are bidding for the contract.
5, The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors.
6, At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem.
7, We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.
8, British distributors are currently involved in a bidding war for the film.
9, The bidding began at $ 1000.
10, The politicians are bidding for our favor by making wild promises that they can't keep.
31, If anything, competition is bidding up environmental standards.
32, The bidding starts at £2 million.
33, Bidding continues until all but one eligible candidate remains.
34, For a typical candidate, one need look no further than Keith Hill, bidding to take Streatham from the Tories.
35, The software company's propriety was cited as the chief reason for Camelot's initial exclusion from the final bidding round.
36, Thereafter, local militias organized by claimants to office would fight at the bidding of the state governor.
37, New York publishers echo accusations of a conflict of interest in the choice of Knopf without prior competitive bidding.
38, The spice war between Burns Philp and McCormick created a costly bidding war for shelf space that hurt both companies.
39, This surplus will cause a competitive bidding down of price by sellers eager to relieve themselves of their surplus.
40, No prices are written down and there is no competitive bidding.
41, The rapid delivery of the auctioneer is keyed to a wave or nod by those bidding on the animals.
42, The company lobbied Congress in the hope of being able to buy it directly from the commission without competitive bidding.
43, Bellcore wound up bidding on the job after all, along with three other outfits.
44, Leal has been calling for the creation of an open and competitive bidding procedure for architects, consultants and engineers.
45, Once the team has cracked this bidding code, they should be able to subvert it.
46, Whoever is bidding against them presumably has a profitable use for it.
47, In a physical auction such people are soon spotted by any competent auctioneer but bidding online is anonymous.
48, He was irate that a public service broadcaster such as S4C should be involved in bidding for a commercial contract.
49, Competition between the two companies bidding for the contract is fierce.
50, Believe it or not there was lively bidding for this slice of history at Christies ... the selling price was 990 pounds.
51, Its new approach of competitive bidding has already galvanized towns and cities into bringing forward imaginative proposals for regeneration.
52, Salford are in the bidding, Oldham are keeping a keen eye on him and St Helens are reportedly interested.
53, Western oil company's are already bidding to exploit the newly drained marshes.
54, Garrison Savannah is bidding to go one better than when runner-up to Seagram two years ago.
55, Music was provided by the Shrine authorities with pilgrims assisting with readings, bidding prayers and the offertory procession.
56, Had he grown to think she would meekly do his bidding?
57, The bidding continued and Kilpatrick stayed with it, raising it to £7,000 and later to £8,000.
58, ""I have to go now,'' said Alex, bidding them a hasty goodbye.
59, Bidding for the second license is to start as soon as the first license is awarded.
60, An investment firm wins the bond award by bidding the lowest interest rate to the county.
61, So while his competitors resorted to spasmodic mass layoffs and cutthroat bidding during economic downturns, Zack held his ground.
62, Disorganized capitalism remains capitalism, and they make it clear that they are not bidding farewell to the working class.
63, Those factors give them a competitive advantage in bidding on contracts.
64, We will continue to extend City Challenge and allocate a greater proportion of resources by competitive bidding.
65, The schematic drawings are used as the basis for bidding.
66, This is also tied up with the new contract bidding system, about which you may have read in the press.
67, The monetary sector as a whole can not gain balances by bidding for deposits.
68, A Victorian hand painted pottery oil-lamp, without a shade, attracted some enthusiastic bidding at Bloomfields to sell at £510.
69, But perhaps to avoid being carried away by nostalgia, he wisely left the bidding to his wife and daughter.
70, Five companies have expressed interest in bidding and four have been qualified by the city, Irvine said.
71, A half-dozen giants are bidding for the right to launch satellites that can pump streams of data directly into homes.
72, If you do, bidding can be very exhilarating, and on no account should you bid more than your pre-determined limit.
73, Bidding on the first of the plants opened in November, but opponents are fighting hard to derail the plan.
74, The auctioneer opened the bidding at £3,000 and it rose quickly to £4,000.
75, Optimism about the likelihood of a budget agreement is helping to maintain healthy bidding for Treasurys.
76, Deutsche once thought about bidding, thought not, and now has a last chance to think again.
77, Continuing its miraculous journey, the book became the subject of a bidding war among three major New York publishers.
78, Raytheon officials declined to discuss any bidding for the Hughes unit.
79, Those bidding up share prices these days must believe in an endless supply of future suckers.
80, This merely a selection of the biggest: The Net has added a raft of new twists on the bidding game.
81, Suppose this competitive bidding up of price by buyers boosts the price of corn to $ 2.
82, The agreement was cancelled because it should have been put out to competitive bidding.
83, So Agamemnon spoke to both armies,(Sentencedict) declaring that Menelaus was victor and bidding the Trojans give Helen back.
84, We had our limit and the bidding was going up and up.
85, A bigger difficulty is that the premature announcement of merger talks may tempt other firms into bidding for one or both.
86, Competitive bidding by buyers will push the price up toward the equilibrium level.
87, George Gardiner and Alfred Sherman sat in an anteroom ready at an instant to do her bidding.
88, To meet that schedule, the Council was informed that construction bidding for the building had to be done in January.
89, But there is scope for competitive bidding in less ambitious projects.
90, One thing I am certain of after this encounter: Nico will not be bidding to retain my services.
91, The once great Cavan cross swords with Monaghan at Castleblayney, bidding to end a frustrating losing championship sequence.
92, Bidding her wait, he left her standing while he walked slowly to the car and inspected it.
93, Labour plans schools bid LABOUR councillors are bidding to overturn a decision which stalled reorganisation of Liverpool's special schools.
94, Not until higher prices translate into higher profits for private owners will enterprises respond appropriately to the bidding of the invisible hand.
95, Even the compere, noted for his own style in suits, tried to bump up the bidding.
96, All five are to be incorporated as publicly owned companies from July 1, prior to the bidding process.
97, Cities and states oblige them by engaging in bidding wars.
98, Like two poker players, each raises its level of hormonal bidding, until one of them feels outbid, and folds.
99, In these signals they hope to read the bidding and counter bidding of the two ovaries.
100, If he commanded then people jumped to do his bidding.
101, Regulators may yet stymie the growth of real-time bidding.
102, CEO submits guaranty fund conditions of every bidding company.
103, The tender committee have not set bidding deaden yet.
104, You are bidding on the bloomers and headband only.
105, He beat out another firm in bidding.
106, The machines worked tirelessly to do man's bidding.
107, Prepare the technical content of the bidding documents.
108, Responsibility cropland executes public bidding to contract.
109, Projects bidding complementing; agreements negotiating; contracts processing.
110, They have been barred from primary bidding for clients.
111, The bidding deadline is on december 8 th.
112, An act of bidding farewell; a leave-taking.
113, I heard you're bidding on the Cross of Santiago.
114, Inviting public bidding is a very effective measure to choose type scientifically in the purchase allowance of agricultural machinery.
115, Like traditional auction, online auction also adopt public bidding to determine allocation and price of resources.
116, The quotation based on Bill of Quantities (BQ method) is currently the Vulgate in international bidding of construction projects.
117, The equipment bidding business is differing from the other trade because of its internality characters.
118, Because of the multiformity of evaluating objects of inviting bidding, it is impossible to find a generally applicable evaluating method.
119, The paper discussed how to regulate the market order of China's tending and bidding market.
120, Using mechanism design theory and marginal cost pricing theory, an incentive compatible bidding mechanism is introduced for power generation competition in electricity markets.
121, The bidding model of quantity list is an international general model.
122, He'll do your bidding, and for that his blindness is his chief asset.
123, Caplan points to Internet bidding wars for eggs, a lack of standards in genetic screening of embryos, and unenforceable contracts with surrogate mothers.
124, Convinced that equities offered an attractive risk-reward ratio, they began bidding up the price of stocks.
125, Prepare bidding documents, Sales contract, sales acknowledgement and other relative documents.
126, Any other licensing organizations have no rights to issue license for the export products under compensated quota bidding system.
127, Harris was chosen as the sole supplier of the handheld and vehicular radios following a competitive bidding process.
128, Bank of deposit and account information are published in the announcement for bidding by Bidding Committee.
129, Complete the bidding and tendering work according to the internal procedure.
130, The state promotes that the construction entities of other realty engage the realty management enterprises with the corresponding qualification via bid invitation and bidding.
131, A tenderee shall not force tenderers to form a consortium for joint bidding or prevent tenderers from forming a consortium to participate in bidding.
132, Millions were caught up in the movement and did the Great Henchman's bidding.
133, Last year the government initiated land open bidding policy, land prices doubled around, and this factor at the beginning of this year, prices began to digest.
134, We use overall evaluation score method, grey relationship analysis and VIKOR method for measuring the tender evaluation processes in the inviting public bidding.
135, I only invited the boy on holiday at your bidding.
136, Bearish bond traders are fighting the Fed and winning at bidding up bond yields.
137, Based ancillary service model in power market, a new integrated competitive bidding ancillarypower market is proposed.
138, Ltd, and decided to endow them with first band qualification of international bidding of electromechanical products.
139, " But in decimating the property before bidding already have other real estate investment companies in the region, many of whom are "Pearl River real estate, " the estate Na.
140, The cost price of bidding should be the specific cost of the corporation.
141, A contractor bidding for a construction is required to prepare many bid documents.
142, I am no son of thine to do thy bidding.
143, Burned by the bust of oil prices in the 2009(http:///bidding.html), it's unlikely that oil speculators are back in the market bidding up the price of crude.
144, Unfortunately, this turf was not again sold for bidding price didn't reach floor price after its auction failed on Dec 2 for the lack of bidders.
145, The paper describes the position and role of investment control in project management and the measures to be taken in engineering, bidding and tending, execution of contract and project.
146, PLEASE NOTE: are only bidding the nonstick mold set which are from House of Lloyd.
147, We are thrilled that this first test of the market with Turkish Contemporary Art as a separate category on the international auction scene was so well received and attracted such enthusiastic bidding.
148, There were many henchmen -- runners from an almost imperial throne - to do his bidding.
149, In recent years, a local backlash against mainland Chinese bidding up property prices forced Macau's government to scrap its own 'investment immigrant' program.
150, Also, small outsourcing projects without open bidding, nepotism, serious violations of the rights of property owners.
151, Upon written request of the Bidder, the Bidding Documents can also be delivered by a special courier at an additional payment of US$ 70 (destination abroad) or RMB 250 (destination within PR China).
152, However, in the present work of spot examination, due to the inexactness of examination ranges and contents, bidding failure often happens because of the non-rational quoted price.
153, Then the core parts of the paper, the two bidding models of the bidding with and without base number of a tender applied in china now for thepopularization process, are deeply analyzed and studied.
154, Article 2 "International Bidding" specified in these Measures means international open competitive bidding.
155, Texas pipeline company Southern Union Co , the subject of a takeover bidding war, held talks with at least nine potential suitors beginning in 2008, The Wall Street Journal reported.
156, With the bathos of Napoleon departing for Elba or Michael Jordan bidding adieu to basketball, Mr Calacanis bowed out, reverting to the ancient medium of e-mail to disseminate his opinions.
157, In a competitive electricity market with demand side bidding, demand side can bid strategically to obtain the maximum gain and influence market equilibrium.
158, An Indiana law gives preferential treatment in contract bidding to local businesses.
159, In engineering quantity list bidding, making good use of aggregative unit price can bring notable economic profit.
160, The guaranty bond for bidding may be paid in the form of cash, check, bank drafts , bank guaranty letter, etc.
161, All this gives the firm an edge in bidding for oil.
162, Because of the competitive bidding price for domestic assets made by MNCs, the price of domestic assets is usually raised to such an extent as higher or much higher than its interior value.
163, A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.
164, The promisee is committed to being the creator of the bidding work and having its complete and exclusive copyright. The bidding work has not yet been published in any form, except this solicitation.
165, At the second, the two bidding models of the bidding with and without base number of a tender applied in china now for the popularization process, are deeply analyzed and studied.
166, In this paper, study on bidding decision - making in Inner Mongolia Transformation CO.
167, The current system of land grant in China not completely change the structure of its negative impact on the real estate market through bidding, auction and even the transfer reform.
168, They are designed to provide advisory services, project cost control, engineering and equipment, material bidding. project management consultancy services.
169, Markets responded favorably to the announcement of Google Purge, with traders bidding up Google's share price by $1.24, to $285.92, in late trading after the announcement.
170, Not accurate bidding is main reason of failing to be successful bidder.
171, In existing day-ahead pool markets that allow demand-side bidding, bids for MW purchase are rejected whenever the market clearing prices at the periods concerned are greater than the bid prices.
171, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
172, The principle and the decision steps of decision tree analysis method are introduced; at the same time the application of this method in construction bidding is illustrated.
173, Given this background, a model of bidding strategies in Zhejiang provincial electricity market em ploying step-wise bidding rules is developed in this paper.
174, The job of foundation leveling, factory bound wall building; scheme and shop drawing designing, the public bidding of the main equipment in domestic and foreign are started.
175, You are bidding on an original 1912 Pittsburgh & West Virginia Wood Coach Window 3.
176, Declaration by the Purchaser: I, as an eligible purchaser, have received the above Bidding Documents.
177, Once the bidding or auction is completed, the certificate of the right to the use of sea areas shall be issued to the winning bidder or the vendee.
178, All the obligations will be detailed in the preparation of bidding documents.
179, We are going to make an international bidding for the project.
180, The principle of price and time preference shall be practiced in centralized bidding in stock trading.
181, He seemed to have the whole world at his bidding.
182, Scientists are also upset about an anti-corruption law that requires government money to be spent only through an open bidding process, which in practice just bottlenecks grant requests.
183, The equal price method is the principal method for solving the generation bidding problem.
184, Analysts say they now expect CSR and other Chinese railway equipment builders to be less aggressive in bidding for new contracts.
185, The batch of Container flat cars for Bangladesh is the first winning bid of Erqi Rolling Stock Works in international bidding.
186, Beijing and New Delhi promised to exchange information when bidding for oil resources abroad.
187, This paper analyzed some abnormal phenomena and put forward some effective countermeasures based on the fact of bidding and auctorial practice in work.
188, Non - financing bank guarantee includes bidding guarantee, performance bonds, prepayment guarantee and import payment guarantee.
189, Bidding farewell to Ithaca and all that he held dear, he sailed away.
190, As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will.
191, Competitive bidding rankings ranking is a result paid by the network approaches from Baidu first in China to launch.
192, The two also are bidding to rebuild the Goethals Bridge connecting New Jersey to Staten Island, N.Y., according to people familiar with the matter.
193, The auction mode is to take the share value as the bottom issue price and to determine the share price through competition among the underwriters or investors in the form of bidding.
194, Construction Supervising: Consultation, management, bidding agency & supervision for civil construction, municipal engineering, landscaping projects.
195, The article introduces merit of acceptance of the bid at the reasonable low price of bidding, analyzes the question and countermeasure.
196, When the Mets jacket came up, the bidding became frenzied.
197, And this is one reason that shill bidding is more rampancy in English auction.
198, "Reasonable low marked price"bidding is a kind of new way of constructive project bidding by marketing fixed price and free price of the enterprise.
199, Research purposes: The understanding problems existing in railway engineering insurance should be solved through the competitive bidding system so that it can achieve the low price and high quality.
200, A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract.
201, Under the condition of strategic bidding of large scale enterprises, perfect competitive power generation enterprises can gain more superprofit.
201, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
202, After the inspection, research and study, Yanda will hold a competitive bidding for those qualified enterprises that has entered into the primary selection.
203, I am not countenancing the sort of "hero-worship" which applauds the strong man of genius for forcibly seizing on the government of the world and making it do his bidding in spite of itself.
204, LADY GAGA is at the centre of a bidding war - to save tea from hot water.
205, The List of Equipment and the Bidding Documents are an integral part of the Contract and have the same legal effects as the Contract.
206, The author chose the method of integrated weighted average price difference method of bidding evaluation.
207, Because of this Toucon faces supply problems and thanks to aggressive competition from other bidding, gross profit margin.
208, All submitted bidding documents will be examined preliminarily and only those complying with requirements of the ITB Documents will be formally appraised by concerned experts.
209, With the development of bidding of construction project, it is very important to make stratagem analysis for the construction enterprises which make the best result in the competitory circumstance.
210, The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item.
211, Bidder pre - qualification inquiry is adopted in this bidding process.
212, In bidding farewell to you, I wish you bon voyage and good health!
213, First, a possibility theory based approach is proposed in this work for estimating bidding behaviors.
214, However, it is understood that the approach by China's fifth largest carmaker, made one day after the final bidding deadline, has yet to crystallise into a formal offer.
215, The 76 domestic and international bidding tender statistical analysis to identify Anhui machinery industry, especially the food packaging machinery in the gap.
216, The purchase from Barco, a Belgium-based display screen specialist, followed a competitive bidding, Thales said in a statement.
217, Yet within the New Bond Street saleroom, collectors went on bidding, oblivious to the bloodletting without.
218, Lastly, the thesis puts up about the bidding strategy of dynamoelectric enterprise.
219, Rival bidders included U.S. buyout funds the Carlyle Group CYL.UL and Bain Capital, which had been cleared for the second round of bidding, said the sources.
220, This paper systematically and deeply analyses the strategies of bidding and pricing decision for the contractors under the code of valuation with bill quantity.
221, A tenderer may not compel bidders to form a consortium to make joint bidding and may not restrict competition among bidders.
222, They beat out all the other firms in the bidding.
223, ... image ads increases the pool of ads - particularly cost - per - thousand - impression ( CPM ) ads - bidding to display on your site.
224, The late spring also brought joy to France who were awarded the UEFA EURO 2016 final round after a high-quality bidding contest.
225, Provided that the entropy weight decision-making method can used in architecture bidding projects feasibly.
226, The company has fixed service unit of any nature, not participate in bidding design,() please forgive me.
227, In this paper, study on bidding decision-making in Inner Mongolia Electric Power Transmission and Transformation CO.
228, Learn how to determine the right bidding system for you in pinochle in this free video series that will have you mastering pinochle in no time.
229, Most likely Milady had hired these scoundrels to do her bidding at the first favourable opportunity.
230, Guangzhou Customs Auction: to issue the related information about the auction of the Guangzhou Customs confiscated property, competitive bidding information and the relevant rules on the auction.
231, In primitive power market phase paper disassemble the bidding capacity into three areas.
232, A month later Lily and Jack win the bidding and they designate Bill's company as the exclusive distributor,(http:///bidding.html) through which twenty thousand generators are sold up.
233, Experience in, and an understanding of the Public Bidding Process.
234, On the final day of the book exhibition we left, bidding our neighbour a fond farewell.
235, In the aspects of the inducement to power suppliers' strategic bidding, EVE pricing method is better than the uniform and PAB pricing methods.
236, Affecting winning the bidding if the tender price is too high or too low.
237, As an important method of international economic cooperation, the position of international competitive bidding in the international trade activities is getting more and more important.
238, In the bidding documents, will you put chinese annotation in the require of the proprietor?
239, In granting contracts stage, compiling the bidding documents and drawing up contract clauses by employer unilaterally causes the contract provisions not to be fair.
240, An optimal strategy for generating and bidding is presented, which considers both the generation cost and the price fluctuation.
241, Utilizing this mode and its extended models correlation analysis is made according to decision making for bidding under several bid evaluation methods.
242, I re open bidding because the first code was can't fix the problem.
243, This paper designs and realizes the bidding information management system (TBIMS), TBIMS is consistent with the rules of international bidding, as well as manages all round the bidding procedure.
244, Beijing is bidding land up reserves in the organization and leadership of the center.
245, At international bidding without base price takes the lowest tender price, it undoubtedly has very big function on standardizing the bidding and tendering of construction project.
246, Main Responsibilities: 1. According to project process specifications, prepare the technical specifications for bidding, participate in the supplier selection 2.
247, From three stages' analysis, discussion is made on the relationships among the owner, contractor and consultant during the construction process of international bidding for higher level roads.
248, A notice issued under competitive bidding procedures calling on bidders to prequalify prior to bidding on a contract.
249, To understand and prepare all the commercial documents, certificates etc. required by the bidding documents.
250, Bidding up share prices is a common practice to make an instant gain.
251, That came after the Chinese company won a bidding war with its Indian rival for an oil producer in the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan.
252, In bidding stage qualitative and quantitative analysis shall be applied for risk analysis, including methods of expert scoring, decision tree, expected loss, hierarchy analysis, and fuzzy evaluation.




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