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单词 Compost
1 The panels slot together to make a compost bin.
2 The compost is specially formulated for pot plants.
3 The debris slowly decomposes into compost.
4 Bed the roots in the compost.
5 Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap.
6 Mulch with a generous layer of peat or compost.
7 Put the vegetable peelings on the compost heap.
8 Compost provides congenial conditions for roots to develop.
9 In May, mulch the bed with garden compost.
10 Put the potato peelings on the compost heap.
11 I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost.
12 They make compost out of all kinds of waste.
13 The gardener dug the compost in.
14 I always save the hedge trimmings for the compost heap.
15 We've got a tub for compost at the bottom of our garden.
16 Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops.
17 Never use the same potting compost two years running.
18 The compost heap was outside,[] not in her bedroom.
19 Fill pots with firmed, damp potting compost.
20 Q: What can I put in the compost pile?
21 Moisten the compost with water and replace the lid.
22 Dig in home-made compost to improve texture and richness.
23 They need a site with plenty of old compost or humus-based fertiliser worked in.
24 I usually dig in a small barrow load of compost in late summer.
25 There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.
26 Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost.
27 Occasionally, you may need to top up the water and to water the compost to keep it just damp.
28 I got a little work-bench in there, and me stores of sprays and weed-killers and potting compost.
29 Pot the tubers with their crowns exposed in a loam-free potting compost.
30 Cut back any plants around pond edges that are dying back, and compost them before they pollute the water.
1 The panels slot together to make a compost bin.
2 The compost is specially formulated for pot plants.
3 The debris slowly decomposes into compost.
4 I usually dig in a small barrow load of compost in late summer.
5 Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap.
6 The gardener dug the compost in.
31 There was no mention of Nigel's final destination, i.e. the compost heap.
32 Use bulb-fibre, peat or a loose soil mixed with compost.
33 Another similar material is the partly rotted plant material in garden compost heaps.
34 When there are plenty of roots, transfer the cutting to a small pot of compost.
35 Take the frozen water bottle, remove the lid, invert and rest on the compost towards the centre of the plants.
36 Under no circumstances use the peat-based seed or potting compost formulated for the growing of bedding and pot plants.
37 They need a soil-based compost mixed 50 / 50 with grit.
38 Alternatively, you can stand the trays in shallow water until the compost surface appears moist.
39 Four compost bins are maintained at various levels of decomposition.
40 Marketed as blocks of pure coir or as loose compost mixed with additives to improve drainage.
41 There is a corker gathering steam not far from my cottage over the siting of a compost heap.
42 Fork garden compost or manure into the bottom and sprinkle a handful of bonemeal to each metre.
43 Some of it was mixed with other ingredients as a compost, some of it was used as pure money.
44 Wilgro provides all the compost, peat and packaging deducting the cost against mushrooms subsequently produced.
45 You can only imagine how the heat intensified the odors of garbage, compost, and manure.
46 Would efficient sewage companies make a profit from compost and give rebates to prolific producers?
47 Keep compost evenly moist at all times and mist daily to maintain high humidity.
48 Overwinter in a cool greenhouse, keeping the compost slightly moist to help roots form.
48 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
49 Always use fresh compost and if you find them treat straight away.
50 At first she dumped the garden waste, but she soon realized this would make excellent garden compost.
51 Bursting with spring health, they are drawing sustenance from a compost containing thousands of banknotes and travellers cheques.
52 Put it all in a compost pile, and before long you'll have a good fertilizer.
53 The trees will be cut up and used to make compost.
54 I built up my soil, added trace elements, made compost, never used herbicides or chemical insecticides.
55 A stainless steel clip holds the lid open when access is needed for compost or liquid removal.
56 The result - a compost of which nurserymen can be proud.
57 The compost is ready when the pile is transformed into crumbly soil.
58 Soil should be free-draining and well prepared, with plenty of compost - keep plants watered during the first season.
59 Keep the soil-based compost moist in the growing period and feed fortnightly with a standard liquid fertiliser.
60 Stand the pot in a saucer and keep the compost moist.
61 Just pinch them off and plant in seed compost, which should be kept barely moist in a bright, warm place.
62 These damaging pests have found that your compost bin is a lovely place to hide and shelter.
63 Dip the base into a hormone rooting compound and insert into a free-draining compost.
64 We're betting that next year he too will be making compost.
65 The compost is topped with a layer of pea gravel.
66 The species of tomato they chose to grow in the banknote compost is called money maker.
67 Water thoroughly then mulch with a generous layer of peat, composted bark or garden compost.
68 Garden rubbish was accepted free of charge, and turned into compost, bagged and put on sale at the tips.
69 The addition of finely-sifted compost or leaf-mould to the bottom layer with gravel or unwashed coarse sand is ideal.
70 The little creatures have an endless appetite, and a digestive system that turns almost anything into perfect compost.
71 Water in the compost, using a fine rose on a watering can trying to avoid disturbing the surface too much.
72 Ferns like a bright position out of strong direct sunlight. Keep compost just nicely moist.
73 The plant's high ash content has led to its use for manure, and its conversion into compost.
74 Instead of tossing my garbage over the deck, I must tend it in a compost heap.
75 You are freed from the tyranny of a limy soil as long as you use an ericaceous compost.
76 Use a small split cane the width of the seed tray to make a series of depressions in the levelled compost.
77 The loss of fertilizer proved to be a blessing in disguise. It forced us to use compost, which is better for the soil and crops.
78 Plant tubers in a 6in tray of moist potting compost so that their tops are just covered.
79 Fill the hole with a mixture of compost and sand.
80 Press one or two pips into each pot. Stand the pot in a saucer and keep the compost moist.
81 An alternative to digging in the green manure in spring is to cut and add the material to the compost heap.
82 It adjusts the heat needed to incubate the egg by adding to or subtracting from the amount of compost piled above it.
83 Give them a slightly acid compost, and don't allow the plants to dry out at all.
84 They include using straw to make compost, paper ... and even chocolate cake.
85 I would tend to favour the first method as you are less likely to let the compost get too wet.
86 There are many types of bin sold to keep the compost area tidy and clean, or you can make your own.
87 You can speed things along by spreading a thin layer of soil and compost over bare areas and planting more grass plugs.
88 Plants can be stood in the plastic trough or, if preferred, set in compost for permanent indoor display.
89 Always remove rose prunings, leaves, blooms and other bits to the fire and not to the compost heap.
90 Check the bowls periodically and give them enough water if necessary to keep the compost evenly damp.
91 This is set on one side to start again after emptying out your reward, the valuable compost.
92 You can also add activators such as garden soil, finished compost, bone meal and blood meal to stimulate the action.
93 The 14-watt windowsill tray base gently warms the compost and strengthens root growth of pot plants during cold weather.
94 Also avoid any containers with the surface of the compost covered in moss and weeds.
95 It must not be waterlogged, but when improved with garden compost or manure it is ideal.
96 Much of this is threatened, principally by peat extraction for use as compost in gardening and horticulture.
97 The acidity in the citrus is excellent for raising the acid level in the compost heap.
98 Fill the rest of the tray almost to the top with potting compost.
99 He grows his plants in a mixture of growbag compost and soil.
100 Stand the containers in a sunny position, feed and water regularly, and top dress annually with fresh compost.
101 More than half buy no peat at all and six county councils have set up schemes to produce peat-free compost.
102 However, if cracks do appear, you should try brushing a mixture of peat or compost and coarse sand into them.
103 Shrub roses were trussed to let people pass; signs erected to divert visitors from the non-scenic compost heap.
104 Also on sale are seeds, chemicals, compost, fencing and Branson wooden garden furniture.
105 The compost slides down in the tank and appears when ready in the access area at the base of the tank.
106 That makes sense, but they can't be accurate because compost heaps generate heat which might accelerate decomposition.
107 The removed compost, about 30 I in volume, was added to the garden compost heap.
108 So keep up the heat in your compost heap by covering it with black plastic sheets, old carpets or sacking.
109 The coir is blended with a mix of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium fertilizers to form the new compost.
110 For top results from these wonder plants, Peter suggests planting them in fresh multi-purpose compost.
111 Infill with compost so that there are no air pockets around the roots.
112 They can then be placed in a bowl or aquarium with the water just over the surface of the compost.
113 Soak drills beforehand and cover the seeds with moist peat or old potting compost in dry weather.
114 Lowell, aware that his visitor's attention was deflected from him and on to the compost heap, was puzzled.
115 We are all part of the same compost heap.
116 Booth and Brennan are back at the compost facility.
117 Compost is not necessarily pathogen - free.
118 This room's starting to smell like a compost heap.
119 Mix in manure or compost to enrich the soil.
120 NO13, Put the grass cuttings on the compost heap.
121 This room's starting to smell love a compost heap.
122 I fling my waste on the compost pile.
123 We enriched the soil with compost.
124 The invention relates to a compost accelerant, in particular to a compost accelerant prepared from alkyl polyuronide, humic acid or humate and sugar waste.
125 You can dump your old herbs into a compost pile or bury them in your soil - they won't hurt anything.
126 In compost process, the organic matters ( lipoid and fatty acid etc. ) changed the most quickly.
127 It was of small dimensions, with a peaked cottage roof, and not much else to be seen, the dirt being raised five feet all around as if it were a compost heap.
128 Morton takes me on a tour of the fields, showing off enclosures for growing vegetables in winter, piles of compost, and fields of cabbage, arugula, turnips and kale.
129 So, in the spring , we plunge shovels into the garden plot , turn under the dark compost , rake fine the crumbling clods , and press the inert seeds into orderly rows .
130 Organic compost costs less than chemical fertilizer, and it has other benefits.
131 Using cotton seed hull, saw-dust, corn cob to cultivate as substrate, the result shows that the optimal cultivation compost as substrate is cotton seed hull.
132 So keep the precious compost for vegetables or any special plants you want to pamper!
133 Or as I'm ripping a cereal box into shreds, I'll ask, "Ever thought of putting this into the compost pile?"
134 Tamara : Oh, don't you believe it. They collect it and compost it.
135 I will mark the place so you can see my compost pile more easily.
136 If you start a compost pile over time you won't need to use so many chemical fertilizers .
137 Team actions - it can be rewarding to take an action as a group, for example helping one member to build a compost heap.
138 Three methods of non - conventional cultivation of Volvariella volvacea were designed, and inoculating time and compost thickness were tested in our study.
138 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
139 Like most Plectranthus species, 'Mona Lavender' enjoys a rich soil with plenty of humus, and won't say no to extra compost!
140 Higher yields can be achieved when grain compound compost is used for the cultivation of Flammulina velutipes.
141 This indoor garden and compost system is designed to fit into your existing furniture, with a series of grow beds with grow lights and a table-mounted compost bin.
142 In this study, the spent compost of Flammulina velutipes was tested as raw material to produce horticultural substrate. Urea, sesame dregs and microorganism were added as supplemental materials.
143 They begin to learn about the compost heap, and about biodiversity, what’s ripe and what’s not ripe.
144 Made from cellulose, this shrink-wrap decomposes in a few weeks in a compost rubbish or in an industrial composter .
145 Recently, he helped start a company called Waste2Energy that aims to build a device called an anaerobic digestor that can break down waste from restaurants into usable compost.
146 Most of what we trim off our food can go into making stock that's leaps and bounds ahead of anything that came out of a freeze-dried cube. And the remainder can feed the garden by becoming compost.
147 “A sawdust toilet is a five-gallon bucket with a toilet seat on top, and when it’s full you empty it into your compost pile, ” he said.
148 Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost of fertiliser, are far less intensive.
149 Because composting is a biochemical process and the compost maturity is related to phytotoxic substances in the immature compost , it can also be assessed by biological methods .
150 Unlike some bioplastics, it is a drop that will neither compost nor biodegrade, though it will be recyclable.
151 Common varieties of natural fertilizer, manure, human waste, manure, compost, composting, biogas fertilizer and waste fertilizers.
152 On the end, the production looks loose and puce, smells strongly, the Organic content has been bigger than 30%, the GI of compost products has been more than 50%.
153 When starch was added, the weight loss of dry matter in cotton seed hull compost increased, but the amount of cellulose and hemicellulose decomposed couldn't increase.
154 Cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost, and water.
155 Peat moss is to loosen the soil and mushroom compost is for nutrients.
156 This article introduces the mechanism of the aerobic compost of animal dung and the composting conditions such as C/N Ratio, bulking agent, bacteria and maturity indices.
157 Chopped nettles make a useful addition to the compost heap because they act as a natural activator and speed up the decomposition process.
158 But Legionella longbeachae, a less common species, is mostly found in soil and potting compost.
159 Mink farm compost and horse manure compost stimulated root and shoot growth of tomato seedlings, but MSW compost and pulp mill solids were strongly inhibitory.
160 We deprave straw with ordinary compost method, and find out optimum condition of straw depravity.
161 She explains that you can make a compost pile or dig a pit or use a waste container with holes cut in the side.
162 Its residents, like everyone else in the area, compost their food waste to produce bio-gas to run the city's buses.
163 Start by filling a small flowerpot with fresh potting compost.
164 A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition.
165 They will mix leaves, animal waste and food waste from the college's kitchens to make compost.
166 Our camp was bathed in sunshine, and the shaded stretch of sand between the sea, our tents, the beach kitchen and the compost loos was filling up with people from nearby fishing villages.
167 In the second group experiment, the contents of K increased 39% and 50% in the compost and the contents of exchangeable K decreased 2% to 3% after the lime treatment.
168 Dicephalus is common in reptiles and particularly in British grass snakes, who lay their eggs inside compost heaps where decomposing matter produces heat.
169 Compost kitchen scraps -- from banana peels to coffee grounds, and green waste.
170 This page includes articles in The New York Times about compost, as well as links to outside resources and books on how to build a compost pile.
171 Through the window she could see the outline of the narrow garden, the fuzzy grey shapes of a rusting climbing frame and overflowing compost heap.
172 It is confirmed that the temperature of the compost can rise to 55 C in two days and remain more than 55 C in 12 days in producing organic fertilizer with our inocula in the factory.
173 For example, Haiti's "Ministry of Agriculture would purchase the compost and resell to farmers at a subsidized price they could afford."
174 In the spring, we plunge shovels into the garden plot , turn under the dark compost.
175 This results shows that synergy of microbial combination communities is the reason of deodorizing dysodia in aerobic compost.
176 It is a gift that produces all spring and summer long, and when the season ends, can be uprooted and delivered to the compost pile.
177 Michael dreams of being a trash hauler, so he convinced his parents to give him a party for his seventh birthday at a real compost.
178 A bale of peat, a bag of bone meal and a barrowload of rich, black compost prepare the rooty soil for bulbs.
179 A bacterial strain (named as 864) which is beneficial to mushroom growth has been isolated from the compost of Volvariella voluacea.
180 It involves using local natural resources such as plant products, cattle dung, neem cake (the by-product of making oil from the neem tree) and compost instead of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
181 You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else, and we are all apart of the same compost heap.
182 For calceolaria, the substrate should have a lower proportion of compost, C1 at up to 50% and C2 at up to 25%, both mixed with peat or CS.
183 If you have sandy soil, mix it 50/50 with peat moss, manure(sentence dictionary), compost or a combination of these.
184 But the results of pilot scale trial showed that, The compost maturate in 10 days with this microbe combination, and the GI of pig excrement compost products had been increased by 21.7%.
185 Adding 2% lime to the compost for Flammulina Vclutipes has no influence on the growth. If the dose of lime is over 2% it will slow down the growth of edible fungi.
186 We are all - singingall - dancing crap of the world. We all part of the same compost heap.
187 And you can go ahead and just put the newspaper cup back in your compost pile, if you like.
188 We were assigned the work of digging in compost in the fields.
189 Do add lime, small amounts of wood ashes or crushed eggshells to the compost pile.
190 This big plant in the back died. You've got to dig it up and throw it into the compost pile .
191 I will highlight four areas in which I choose to focus in the coming year. They are the recycling of household waste, the use of plastics in the kitchen, having a compost pile and eating vegan.
192 In these hidden caverns, where sunlight never penetrates, the workers make their contributions to a giant compost heap, adding their leafy harvest to a growing mound of mulch.
193 And do keep the compost pile damp, especially during dry periods.
194 Today, a compost pile is just as likely to be associated with a suburban backyard as it is with an organic farm.
195 If you have a clay soil, mix it 50/50 with coarse sand and coarse compost.
196 The food waste is collected in biodegradable bags and given to the city to use as compost, said Stan Jones, aviation environmental compliance manager at the airport.
197 By determined the extracellular laccase activity of mycelia, it was indicated that the effect of quality of horse manure on mushroom yields corresponded with that on mycelial growth in compost.
198 He poured the water - logged compost into the wheat field in order to nourish the wheat.
199 It is time - consuming to make water - logged compost in the vegetable garden.




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