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单词 Administration
1. The administration of jusice is the firmest pillar of government. 
2. The administration of the law can never go lax where every individual sees to it that it grows not lax in his own case, or in cases which fall under his eyes. 
3. Too much time is spent on administration.
4. I work in the Sales Administration department.
5. It is an administration captained by Mr. Brown.
6. We're looking for someone with experience in administration.
7. He works in hospital administration.
8. Administration costs are passed on to the customer.
9. The administration had several reasons for holding back.
10. Some students enter other professions such as arts administration.
11. The administration of the law is very important.
12. The administration may try to reflate the economy next year.
13. The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.
14. The administration has been steadily rowing back from its early opposition to his attendance in London.
15. The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment.
16. The administration is whitewashing the regime's actions.
17. On September 27 a new coalition administration was formed.
18. The US administration recently branded him a war criminal.
19. He has a Master's in Business Administration.
20. Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the administration.
21. The new administration is still in the shakedown period.
22. The economic troubles antedate the current administration.
23. He slashed the Administration for its politics.
24. He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. The health service spends too much on administration.
26. Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.
27. Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
28. The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
29. The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.
30. The college loses a lot of money through poor administration.
1. Too much time is spent on administration.
2. I work in the Sales Administration department.
3. It is an administration captained by Mr. Brown.
4. We're looking for someone with experience in administration.
5. Administration costs are passed on to the customer.
6. The administration had several reasons for holding back.
7. Some students enter other professions such as arts administration.
8. The administration may try to reflate the economy next year.
9. The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad.
10. Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.
11. The administration has been steadily rowing back from its early opposition to his attendance in London.
12. Keeping noise levels low is the bane of airport administration.
13. The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment.
14. The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
15. The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.
16. The college loses a lot of money through poor administration.
17. The company built a new HQ to centralise their administration.
18. The Alumnae Association is my link to the school's present administration.
19. State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
31. Administration should be an apolitical tool of the government.
32. The administration is running scared.
33. a plucky lampooner of the administration.
34. This money will help to fund administration costs.
35. The administration of city schools was centralized last year.
36. Not much was done by the last Administration.
37. Baker suggested the administration wasn't raring for a fight.
38. Staff helped smooth the way for the new administration.
39. The administration was tainted with scandal.
40. This happened frequently during the Nixon Administration.
41. Hard-liners are expected to be purged from the administration.
42. Industry showed a tendency towards increasingly centralized administration.
43. He slashed the Administration for its policies.
44. His administration now faces accusations of corruption.
45. We have introduced an extra tier of administration.
46. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated.
47. an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction.
48. They criticized the prodigality of the administration.
49. The economy prospered under his administration.
50. The press became uniformly hostile to the new administration.
51. Administration costs were kept down to just £460.
52. The company built a new HQ to centralize their administration.
53. Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.
54. The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration.
55. We think it is expedient to make a good-will gesture to the new administration.
56. I'm afraid our needs do not rate very high with this administration.
57. The administration has fallen into step with its European allies on this issue.
58. His administration has earned low marks for its economic policies.
59. The administration has now endorsed the bill and can't turn back.
60. The Railway Administration of Beijing redressed the damage done to my baggage during the transportation.
61. What you actually receive is net of deductions for the airfare and administration.
62. The Clinton administration last winter assembled the $50 billion emergency bailout package to ease a financial crisis in Mexico.
63. The present administration has demonstrated little regard for environmental issues.
64. The administration has delinked human rights from economic aid to under developed nations.
65. The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.
66. With such a majority, the administration was emboldened to introduce radical new policies.
67. It is not perhaps surprising that the administration now appears so indecisive and unfocused.
68. But by then the administration wasn't paying attention, for top officials were fixated on Kuwait.
69. The new administration are on the prowl for ways to reduce spending.
70. It is hoped that the incoming administration will inject some life into Capitol Hill.
71. So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.
72. He puts his administration at risk if he doesn't come through on these promises for reform.
73. The task force is comprised of congressional leaders, cabinet heads and administration officials.
74. The judicial minister cited the latest crime figures as proof of the need for strengthening of the comprehensive administration of social public order.
75. The local administration says the curfew is a precautionary measure.
76. The administration hopes to avoid another bruising battle over civil rights.
77. Administration officials have winnowed the list of candidates to three.
78. Reputable charities spend the lion's share of donations on aid and a tiny fraction on administration.
79. Who is in charge of the administration of your company?
80. The US administration would like to see a negotiated settlement to the war.
81. The old administration system is under greater and greater challenge.
82. The administration seems to have done a complete about-face on gun-control.
83. Eastern Slavonia is to revert to Croatian government rule next year after a transitional period under U.N. administration.
84. He warned that correcting the mistakes of the present administration would not be easy.
85. His administration was plagued by one petty scandal after another(),[http:///administration.html] cumulatively very damaging.
86. Send it to the address given with £1.50 to cover postage and administration.
87. The administration coyly refused to put a firm figure on the war's costs.
88. Cut out some of the administration by computerizing your records.
89. This issue must be recognized as a priority for the next administration.
90. Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.
91. The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida.
92. Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.
93. The new Administration has to pick its way through the minefield of legislation.
94. Ordinary people are paying dearly for the mistakes of this administration.
95. The administration may put more emphasis on spurring economic growth.
96. The tax cut issue has caused dissension among administration officials.
97. Opinion polls show that voters have lost confidence in the administration.
98. She quickly sought to ingratiate herself with the new administration.
99. The new administration has its work cut out for it. Creating jobs in this kind of environment is not going to be easy.
100. The company built a new HQ to centralise their administration.
101. Head teachers are more involved in administration than in teaching.
102. They married into the nobility and entered the highest ranks of state administration.
103. The Alumnae Association is my link to the school's present administration.
104. State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
105. Taking away the burden of administration will free teachers to concentrate on teaching.
106. Precedents during the Clinton administration were not encouraging, however.
107. Yet doubts are beginning to appear within the administration.
108. Texas has executed 135 inmates under Bush's administration.
109. Arbel was appointed by the previous administration.
110. President Herbert Hoover practiced it during his administration.
111. The administration is amenable to a compromise.
112. He was back in parliament but there was no chance of moving into 11 Downing Street during this administration.
113. Second, he or she will have a large amount of day-to-day administration to oversee.
114. At a more advanced level, management and leadership development courses cover administration, planning, communication and facilitation skills.
114. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
115. Both these men, under the Yorkists, were more concerned with national administration than with the domestic affairs of the household.
116. Administration officials said it was entirely appropriate for the Clintons to host overnight guests.
117. The company has completed trials on a lymphoma drug and is awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
118. It is unclear as to whether the making of an administration order crystallises a floating charge.
119. A cordon of armour was parked around newspapers and broadcasting stations, and key members of the previous administration were arrested.
120. Rather than a unified central administration, there is a loose confederation of ministries.
121. Administration of 5 units of aqueous vasopressin subcutaneously should maximally stimulate urinary concentration.
122. All persons engaged in public administration serve in a special legal relationship whereby the public law institution is the employer.
123. Applicants must be qualified and experienced in accountancy and office administration.
124. The administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Thursday that Clinton also is considering Nevada Gov.
125. In law enforcement agencies particularly, top officials have cleaned out their files and left nothing for an incoming administration.
126. It incorporates all the Solaris Workgroup technologies plus advanced system administration, commercial-grade input-output and enterprise-wide installation.
127. Firstly, why should a voluntary arrangement have to mimic an Administration Order?
128. Despite our differences, I had no need or desire to slam the new administration.
129. Emerson concedes that the new Clinton administration sometimes failed to communicate effectively.
130. The Food and Drug Administration Tuesday announced a program aimed at providing consumers with better information about prescription drugs.
131. The Administration proposed and the Senate approved a similar understanding in its resolution of ratification of the Convention against Torture.
132. Spending cuts would especially affect public administration and, within the social welfare budget, the level of payments on sickness benefit.
133. Catheters were inserted into the femoral artery and vein for blood pressure recordings and drug administration, respectively.
134. The Clinton administration favors paying the debt over several years but has been unable to persuade Congress to appropriate the money.
135. Another practical application soon followed, in the field of public administration.
136. The subdivision of stock into subject groups calls for flexible and adroit administration.
137. The Group provides advice, training and research in local government administration.
138. Other name and course order lists are found useful in general library administration such as processing external readership applications for Polytechnic students.
139. Dudley also proved more willing to appoint ducal servants to offices in his gift and to employ them in his own administration.
140. Some principals and central office administrators have a doctorate or specialized degree in education administration.
141. They have links with political bigwigs and the local administration, which is all the qualification needed to get into the business.
142. He said collection of delinquent payments has increased from $ 8 billion to $ 11 billion under his administration.
143. In the meantime, having placated conservative critics, the Bush administration is waiting.
144. The board hopes the Federal Aviation Administration will urge the airlines to adopt such measures.
145. But the administration that has now begun work in Washington will be another matter altogether.
146. The new Conservative administration in 1979 wished to go further.
147. He continued to work there while he pursued a degree in business administration from Philadelphia University.
148. A degree in business administration or engineering management is especially useful for becoming a general manager.
149. National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineers touted an experiment aboard Endeavour called the shuttle laser altimeter.
150. After Mass they would begin their assigned housework duties, cooking,[/administration.html] washing or administration.
151. Parliament as the law-making body does not take part in the local administration of its laws.
152. An administration source said the White House still hoped to get other countries involved in the airdrop.
153. Rivalries thus developed within the administration among officials of different places of origin.
154. The cost of health service administration in the United States rose by 37% between 1983 and 1987.
155. The South Sea Company had been formed under a Tory administration in 1710.
156. Officials with the AFL-CIO were hesitant to discuss the administration plan because they said they had not seen details of the proposal.
157. Mr Keyes, a former radio talk-show host and Reagan administration diplomat, is the most eloquent of the Republican candidates.
158. The Civil Aeronautics Administration said lack of attention to the surrounding area by the copilot was the main reason for the accident.
159. In 1979 the government announced that it was determined, unlike the previous Labour administration, to control and reduce public expenditure.
160. An adoption bill eventually became law two years later, in 1952, under the next administration.
161. Soon direct action civil rights protesters were busily working with the administration to register voters.
162. He should assail the stronger with weapons, fire, and the administration of poisons.
163. It should include congressional leaders as well as administration officials.
164. There is concern among Republicans that the groups being funded by the grants will be antagonistic to the new administration.
165. We are helping to improve public administration and the legal system in a number of countries.
166. Some hospitals spend too much on administration and not enough on medical care.
167. But the duchy also required government and administration during the absences of its ruler.
168. The Federal Aviation Administration is also notified to ensure that there is no conflict with civilian air traffic, she said.
169. Such effects may be blocked by administration of histamine receptor antagonists, such as cimetidine.
170. They pushed an agenda to reverse recent academic reforms and give students more power within the university administration.
171. The new administration has been strongly criticized for its handling of the affair.
172. The contradictions in the Clinton policy were trenchantly described in a recent article by Robert Kagan, a former Reagan administration official.
173. The study area, Dunrossness, as defined by the local administration is not such an area.
174. Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
174. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
175. After a two-year investigation, the Food and Drug Administration asserted control over tobacco products by deeming them drugdelivery devices.
176. In announcing the decision, Clinton and senior aides claimed a major diplomatic victory for the administration.
177. Then the Carter administration lavished yet more money and mobilized the federal government anew in yet another massive drive for passage.
178. The Clinton administration has proposed expanding Operation Restore Trust nationwide by allocating it $ 597 million under the fiscal 1997 budget proposal.
179. The best deal I can do on the airfares is £870 - this includes a small fee for myself for the administration.
180. In practice it involved an enormous amount of administration also.
181. Her appointment will make her one of the highest-ranking women in the new administration.
182. Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.
183. The administration lag should not be as long for monetary policy since formal Parliamentary approval is not required.
184. It was the desire of both the Congress and the administration to reach an agreement that would not be vetoed.
185. The major change in the central administration was the removal of Rotherham as chancellor.
186. This is partly because of the widespread assumption that there would be essential policy continuity under a Gore administration.
187. The purposes and administration of these ancient forests have of course changed fundamentally.
188. With a ne w Bush administration taking office, how will this relationship develop?
189. And the Food and Drug Administration has asserted that it has the right to limiting tobacco advertising.
190. At regular shire and hundred meetings royal orders were implemented and local affairs, including the administration of justice, transacted.
191. In time Carville would achieve many of the goals set by the administration.
192. In public, the Clinton administration is declining to assign responsibility for the long deadlock.
193. Agreement on this package within the administration had not occurred without a struggle.
194. In effect, White House aides were assigned to tell reporters the innermost secrets of the Administration.
195. At this point, the administration has only 55 confirmed officials in the various departments and agencies.
196. Assistant principals aid the principal in the overall administration of the school.
197. What has also emerged, however, is that private sector attitudes and techniques can not easily be transplanted into central administration.
198. Local public administration clearly needs to be seen in the context of the broader political, social and economic system.
199. He was involved in the establishing of local administration, churches and schools.
200. Everything in the Kennedy record pointed to increased aid to Diem, and nearly everyone in the Kennedy administration supported the decision.
201. Each of the union republics has a constitution and state structure modelled broadly on that of the central administration.
202. Both men have stated they will not carry out a witchhunt against members of the previous administration.
203. They want Congress to require the administration to include more safeguards in trade accords.
204. Drug Administration has pledged to issue regulations curtailing certain types of cigarette advertising and distribution.
204. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
205. This is a worldwide treaty, negotiated by the Reagan administration and signed by the Bush administration.
206. The Clinton administration said the agreement does not require congressional approval.
207. Antibacterial treatments can take the form of baths, external application to affected areas, injection and oral administration via the food.
208. Conductors and hospital administrators come out of courses in conducting or schools of hospital administration respectively.
209. The press was horrified and questioned whether Britain was still governable under a democratically elected administration.
210. Naturalization Service has handled skyrocketing growth during the Clinton administration.
211. This money would be used to provide education, job-training assistance, childcare and program administration beginning later this year.
212. Somehow news correspondents covering the administration, including me, never grasped the full extent of the guerrilla war within the administration.
213. There are circumstances in which the incorrect diagnosis and inappropriate administration of a thrombolytic would be disastrous; for example, acute pericarditis.
214. In foreign policy the Carter administration had a mixed record.
215. The main dissent came from conservative Republicans who saw the compromise as merely disguising an administration capitulation on affirmative action and quotas.
216. Clear definitions covering fields of accountancy, marketing, production and business administration.
217. Administration grants will also be introduced towards the costs incurred by sponsoring organisations in making arrangements for exhibitors.
218. The new administration moved with surprising caution in such areas as civil rights and social reform.
219. The changes during the Nixon administration unintentionally paved the way for the uneven rise of globalisation.
220. Clinton named a new assistant attorney general for civil rights, Deval Patrick, who persuaded the administration to switch sides.
221. The Bush administration answered yes, and produced new evidence in support.
222. There was never much doubt about which language the colonial rulers would use in local administration.
223. Administration. Quality assurance must be integrated into local health care management functions. 3.
224. C., who has worked for four presidents and served as a consultant on executive office reorganization for the Carter administration.
225. Then an administration fee of £20 will be charged quarterly in arrears.
226. Missing are neighborhood and business associations: two groups that pushed hard during the former administration for a crackdown on nuisance crimes.
227. This flies in the face of the cautious nature of the Bush administration.
228. Under the Bush administration, State Department officials met the delegates only at the beginning and end of each round.
229. The administration viewed colony activities and behavior as an adjunct of a life isolated from the wider society.
230. Wolfe argues that this contradiction has three consequences for public administration.
231. Central administration has been continually adapting itself to the new demands made upon it by the creation of services.
232. Meanwhile, the administration will also need to explain this unequal treatment of fishermen and agriculture.
233. The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
234. The administration also proposed $600 million in tax breaks for small businesses.
235. If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said.
236. There have been conflicts between the faculty and administration over the college's budget.
237. The Administration of Justice Act itself makes amendments to some legislation referring to solicitors.
238. General administration and clerical work - officers and clerical assistant.
239. When he graduated from Northwood University with excellent training in business administration, I felt so proud.
240. There were of course occasions when Franz's great sword was laid aside, other instruments being required for the administration of justice.
241. Meanwhile, the internal situation was becoming more acute for the Herrera administration.
242. Glynn said an apology already had been under discussion within the administration for several months.
243. The emphasis on local economic development gained its fullest expression during the Carter administration.
244. It seems clear therefore that the central administration was unable at this time to exercise effective financial control over the Forest wardens.
245. Nor was Britain the only colonial power to incorporate existing native rulers into a system of colonial administration.
246. The actual process, however, is that a lobby or the administration proposes legislation.
247. The level of platelet activating factor in the rat gastric mucosa was determined after the administration of endothelin-1 using a radioimmunoassay method.
248. That nutmeg may have been bought fresh during the Eisenhower administration, but somehow it stays in the family.
249. The test solutions were prepared in emulsion form by vigorous agitation of the components before administration.
250. Men are more likely to be assessed on active behaviours like administration of electric shocks to an experimental confederate.
251. Chernomyrdin denied that Moscow had authorized transfer of the giant missile, administration officials said.
252. Democrats have been assailing the Johnson camp administration for ignoring the needs of the middle class.
253. He was educated in a Nonconformist academy; his abilities lay in mathematics, engineering, and business administration.
254. In the public sector, many managers have liberal arts degrees in public administration or one of the social sciences.
255. The local magnates exercised a limited but real authority entirely independent of the colonial administration.
256. But this is not an Administration which thinks as one, as we learned during the ongoing arguments about the Soviet Union.
257. Decolonisation meant that, by and large, independent states were created out of existing areas of colonial administration, within their colonial frontiers.
258. You may need to cover the resolution of disputes and other problems arising from the day to day administration of business.
259. His $ 400, 000 loan application is still pending before the federal Small Business Administration.
260. A 1990 federal law bars local governments from prohibiting late-night and early-morning departures at a new airport without Federal Aviation Administration approval.
261. There may therefore be internal pressures within the administration to secure horizontal equity.
262. The Eisenhower administration refused to take military action in Vietnam.
263. It was probably the most astute financial accomplishment of the Herrera administration.
264. It expired April 30, but the Bush administration wants to extend it.
264. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
265. The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday approved the first drug test available without a prescription.
266. Matrix appeared to be a very, very high priority for the previous administration.
267. The first stage of a process taking, roughly a total of eighteen months to complete, occurs within the federal administration.
268. Then suddenly this fall, the Federal Highway Administration called representatives of all affected areas to Washington for a meeting.
269. But remodelling the local administration had little effect; real power remained in the hands of the leading citizens of Mondovi.
270. There was a huge gap between aim and achievement in the Carter administration.
271. Fast-track authority allows the administration to negotiate a trade treaty without any additions or deletions by Congress.
272. Until now the Bush administration has refused to participate in such a programme.
273. The company personnel additionally comprises administration and logistics staff along with team leaders and testing technicians.
274. The central administration of the temple, presumably the priesthood, redistributed the produce.
275. He insisted that his new administration could command a majority in the country's 38-member legislature.
276. The legal authority of the Lander has been reduced to legal administrative authority by the federal administration.
277. He vigorously applied Charles's policy of raising money by reviving the ancient Forest administration.
278. Many industrial production managers have a college degree in business administration or industrial engineering.
279. With respect to other aspects of colonial administration, his proposals were a little bolder.
280. Ventresca holds degrees in public administration and government from the University of San Francisco.
281. These are not necessarily merely the left-over business from a previous administration.
282. There will be no sabotage of the civil service program during my administration.
283. The central administration of the Modular Course has always been keenly aware of the burden falling on Field Chairs.
284. Generally, the area concerned with administration is known as public or administrative law.
285. To gain the award candidates must choose any one of the above sectors and also complete their 3 Business Administration units.
286. Initially awards are available in business administration, hospitality, and leisure and tourism.
286. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
287. Some of the group are aiming for further education in business administration, or in other areas such as leisure and tourism.
288. During the Reagan administration, income was redistributed away from lower-income families and individuals-particularly the poorest-and towards the most affluent.
289. Consequently such services have only been under the administration of health authorities for a short while.
290. In comparison with these industries, retail trade and public administration have experienced limited job growth.
291. It has been assumed by some people, especially those with an interest in discrediting George Marshall and the Truman administration, that this truce prevented Chiang from conquering Manchuria .
292. Called Stratis ACL , the system has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ).
293. Without question, Obama's Administration will reshape the good-ole-boys' club we have seen for centuries, altering the political terrain, and it may very well spawn new hope for the disenfranchised.
294. The strategies of data administration ( DA ) for CIM are presented.
295. It is also important that any channel not intended to support administration of the queue manager have a low-privileged user ID in the MCAUSER attribute.
296. Related responsible person of state administration of commodity prices explains, the vegetable cost drops is be subjected to a polity the macro view adjust to control policy impact.
297. And there was a problem that worried him. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were fighting each other for power in the new administration.
298. In 2008, the Bush administration broadened the campaign to include lower-ranking foot soldiers.They also started targeting groups that Pakistan saw as threats.




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