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单词 Represent
1 I can only represent it to you by metaphors.
2 Women now represent almost 50% of the workforce.
3 These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
4 A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.
5 These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy.
6 He uses the metaphor of fire to represent hatred.
7 They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.
8 The legend of king arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry.
9 Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
10 They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.
11 They have delegated him to represent their city at the convention.
12 The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies.
13 These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.
14 Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
15 These people represent a broad/wide swathe of public opinion.
16 These figures represent a return of 8.5% per annum.
17 The figures represent a general decline in employment.
18 What does x represent in this equation?
19 Why do you represent the matter in this way?
20 She purports to represent the whole group.
21 These results represent a major breakthrough in Aids research.
22 We believe you represent everything British racing needs.
23 I was elected to represent the people of Bristol.
24 I am not what you represent me to be.
25 We selected her to represent us.
26 He has forfeited the right to represent the people.
27 I nominate John to represent us at the meeting.
28 The carvings represent a hunting scene.
29 Not all patterns and marks seen on aerial photographs represent archaeological sites.
30 The idea that TV shows like "Dallas" or "Dynasty" represent typical American life is laughable.
1 I can only represent it to you by metaphors.
2 Women now represent almost 50% of the workforce.
3 These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
4 A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.
5 These proposals represent a dramatic shift in policy.
6 He uses the metaphor of fire to represent hatred.
7 They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.
8 Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
9 Not all patterns and marks seen on aerial photographs represent archaeological sites.
10 They chose a famous barrister to represent them in court.
11 The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies.
12 These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.
13 The idea that TV shows like "Dallas" or "Dynasty" represent typical American life is laughable.
14 Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
15 She purports to represent the whole group.
16 We selected her to represent us.
17 I'll represent to him the risk he is running.
18 She was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school.
19 The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius.
20 The film purported to represent the lives of ordinary people.
31 Brown areas represent deserts on the map.
32 We chose a committee to represent us.
33 These drawings represent a selection from a larger exhibition.
34 I'll represent to him the risk he is running.
35 The artist uses doves to represent peace.
36 She decided to represent herself during the trial.
37 She was chosen by lot to represent us.
38 What do the shaded areas on the map represent?
39 She was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school.
40 The legends of King Arthur represent the apotheosis of chivalry.
41 Let me represent my ideas to you in another way.
42 In English, the 's' in 'sip' and the 'z' in 'zip' represent two different phonemes.Sentencedict
43 The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.
44 The two authors represent the opposite poles of fictional genius.
45 I have been picked out to represent the whole team.
46 The two speakers were chosen to represent opposite ends of the spectrum.
47 To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes.
48 We represent the last vestige of what made this nation great — hard work.
49 The two articles here represent opposite ends of the spectrum .
50 Their new designs represent a departure from their usual style.
51 Although the new environmental regulations are flawed, they represent a move in the right direction .
52 The two politicians represent opposite poles of the political spectrum.
53 It is not clear what these symbols were intended to represent.
54 My only aim is to represent Britain at the Olympics.
55 Their behaviour was an insult to the people they represent.
56 One of the rooms was got up to represent the hall of a mediaeval castle.
57 Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.
58 All the people who know this secret represent a security risk.
59 These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.
60 Her greatest ambition was to represent her country at the Olympics.
61 The developments in this town represent in microcosm what is happening in the country as a whole.
62 These stones represent armies.
63 As an MP, it is my duty to represent my constituents.
64 The film purported to represent the lives of ordinary people.
65 Some of the symbols carry meaning and some just represent sounds.
66 The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists.
67 The two parties represent opposite ends of the political spectrum.
68 His duty as a politician was to represent the interests of the working class.
69 NB The opinions stated in this essay do not necessarily represent those of the Church of God Missionary Society.
70 The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru.
71 He was chosen to represent Scotland in three consecutive World Cup Finals.
72 Those comments do not represent the views of us all.
73 Phonetic symbols represent sounds.
74 These represent the various aspects of Khaine.
75 They do not represent four predefined[], distinct categories of user.
76 His early comedies might have been taken to represent an unheard-of civility from the back of beyond.
77 They may also additionally represent much more; they may indeed have a highly integrating social function.
78 Full time welfare officers represent individuals at pension tribunals, and are able to offer professional advice on legal matters and housing.
79 Alphabetic systems possess an inventory of symbols, called an alphabet, to represent the individual phonemes.
80 Tearback tabs represent a lovely example of industrial design aping the very best of human innovation.
81 Mixing curves are ticked to represent 20% increments, and were calculated using the following parameters.
82 In a later chapter, he will tend to represent those qualities which are too spiritual to be found in this world.
83 This is usually the case when fixed-point binary format is used to represent store addresses, for example.
84 Of those available for adoption, 40 percent are black, although blacks represent only about 13 percent of the general population.
85 In London in 1823, stage designers used ten thousand gallons of water to represent the Falls as backdrop for a play.
86 Nevertheless, they represent a considerable achievement by all the member states.
87 Union policies for new technology represent an ambitious project and negotiation of technology agreements is still at an early stage.
88 Strikes, in other words, represent a challenge to managerial authority.
89 Together, these 60 million people represent more than one third of the entire adult population.
90 These old properties represent an age when craftsmanship in building reached an art form.
91 She is part of the small but growing number of public relations experts who represent big names in religion.
92 The two peaks in the distribution represent the continental platforms and the ocean basins.
93 They represent only a tiny proportion of the people who get housing assistance from Washington.
94 These are aquariums which represent as accurately as possible a section of aquatic life in a particular area.
95 Mesobilirubinogen, urobilinogen, and urobilin represent intestinal breakdown products of bilirubin catabolism. 220.
96 Such an array would only represent the chess board at one moment of play.
97 They represent a man's date of birth, a driving licence number and an identity number.
98 The three memory banks represent the red, green and blue components of the image seen on the television monitor.
99 But it is publicly acknowledged that these numbers, which represent people who have put themselves forward for testing, are underestimates.
100 It may not look anything like an apple, but it serves to represent the apple.
101 The downside of such excellent economic performance is that virtually any alternative scenario will represent a deterioration.
102 I still believe that these will represent two basic elements of a successful national campaign.
103 It could, for example[], be the Product title with an integer appended to represent the copy number of the Issue.
104 Current assets, particularly accounts receivable and inventory, often represent the largest single category of asset investment for many firms.
105 The association now refuses to handle arbitration cases in which employees are forbidden from having lawyers represent them.
106 I really believe that we would get an attorney and we would represent ourselves.
107 It's an abstract design that's supposed to represent freedom and strength.
108 The illusions of the me are belied by the signifiers that represent aspects of lived experience the me has had to deny.
109 It may be obvious that the postholes represent structures, but little else may be immediately apparent.
110 The sections that follow represent an attempt to examine briefly some of the liveliest areas of debate.
111 The professors were not training young attorneys to represent peo-ple.
112 Ray Flynn and Joe Fisher represent something else, certainly not larceny or abuse of power.
113 Ocean island and continental flood basalt occurrences represent different expressions of plume activity.
114 Taken together, they represent the most forceful link yet made by respected institutions between man-made atmospheric pollution and global warming.
115 The palm-tree groves and pedestrian walkways represent a welcome change from the mostly treeless parking lots elsewhere in the valley.
116 The left and bottom ends of the axis similarly represent the negative poles and the lowest scores.
117 I know that I can do that at home and abroad by continuing to represent the country.
118 A key ingredient of this proof was to represent the complex numbers geometrically, and then to use a topological argument.
119 A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
120 They represent a very real challenge to the pub traditional client base.
121 A facility that's said to represent all the best in car manufacturing worldwide.
122 The Battle of Seattle was certainly a spectacular display of civil disobedience-but did it represent anything more than that?
123 He won the case by default when no one appeared to represent Mr Walesa.
124 It catches people's imagination, and becomes, as Harry wanted, a kind of pictogram to represent the whole range.
125 Involving professional services, these two sectors represent particular challenges in managing change.
126 In any case the previously cited figures of 30 or 44 percent represent the maximum picture of monosyllabism for single characters.
127 Many athletes from the former Soviet Union now represent their home nations.
128 Where profits are declared, tax relief tends to represent an extra bonus rather than a necessary incentive to foreign investors.
129 "Animal Farm' is an allegory in which the animals represent the Russian people and Farmer Jones the old Tsarist regime.
130 New bodies emerged to represent and press the claims of the more assertive national minorities.
131 The artistic photographer should represent what he sees and no more, he insisted.
132 To fire the blunderbuss use the large teardrop-shaped flame template to represent the spread of shot from the gun's barrel.
133 They represent the highest points average in the international game - a fraction above the All Black whom he deposed from no.1.
134 Some are sufficiently realistic that young males try to chat up the female personas they represent.
135 The lower parts of the walls were restored in the eighteenth century and represent biblical scenes.
136 These committed groups, or a committee to represent them, could appoint the auditors and receive their report.
137 The follow-on P6 will represent an even greater though unstated amount of investment.
138 These initiation sites may represent areas containing calcium stores that are particularly sensitive to activators such as InsP 3.
139 The photographs might represent a wild goose chase after the random neuroses of an insecure young woman.
140 They represent a considerable achievement on the part of the lesbian and gay trade union groups.
141 Gradually, the viewer becomes aware that they represent the three key stages in adult life.
142 For most ordinary workers, the new tax laws represent a change for the worse.
143 It may represent a calcium-sensitive form of the enzyme as it contains one canonical EF-hand motif.
144 Keith then lists a catalogue of physical changes which suggest that Go really does represent a special state.
145 The study also aims to represent the views of those people who have made successful or unsuccessful placements.
146 They represent a wide range of water-based media, from gouache and acrylic to transparent watercolors.
147 Cameron the right to bring her own lawsuit and thus requiring her to find an attorney to represent her.
148 The two subgroups represent real 16S variants based on analysis of secondary structure.
149 The symbols used in a language are arbitrary and bear no relationship to what they represent.
150 Your employer's contributions to the scheme represent the money he is setting aside for your pension and other benefits.
151 The first step was to research the needs and attitudes of the black community by contacting community groups that represent them.
152 Five years later, the new albums represent neither an expansion nor a retreat but a hesitant reluctance to set out anew.
153 A solicitor can represent parents and children at care proceedings, and advise on, eg, contact with children in care.
154 The parliament didn't deserve to represent the nation's will.
155 Allophone: The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme.
156 This will result in PHP reporting a warning every time an uninitialized variable is used, each bad file access, and other (mostly) harmless errors, but might also represent a potential attack vector.
157 Basically, coins represent the value put upon objects which we own and want to trade.
158 Cross much furniture and do not represent surely showily , meet a person bring crowded, narrow sense only instead.
159 Vonnegut thinks that the traditional novel that follows the causal hypothesis and the ossified notions of time and contents is not suitable to represent the illogical subject—the Dresden destruction.
160 The intent of composite is to " compose objects into tree structures to represent part - whole hierarchies. "
161 Status flags represent one of the simplest forms of microcomputer logic.
162 The archetype of BUCT - CWIS system uses UML to represent the object - oriented analysis and design.
163 All materials and services that we are buying to produce our final products represent certain risks.
164 Use the person that represent kind, high, chasteness finally, and original the meaning that it is golden hair, the aboriginal just with deep color of skin, black hair is opposite.
165 There are an infinite number of items you can represent with single bit.
166 Did they represent the antipodes of construction and rubble generated through war and natural disaster?
167 The method is called DigestSearch because it uses the unique digest (one-way hash) value to represent a search word.
168 SAML shows software developers how to represent users, identifies what data needs to be transferred, and defines the process for sending and receiving authorization data.
169 What about current liabilities? I suppose they represent money owed by the company?
170 This isn't big Oh as in oh my God I'm shocked the markets are collapsing, This is called big Oh omicron because we use the Greek letter, capital letter, omicron to represent it.
171 In our case(), the thin peripheral rim of restricted diffusion may represent an active edge of demyelination.
172 Based on the hypothesis presented by Hornik that three layer artificial neural network (ANN) can represent not only all functions but also all step derivatives of them at any precision.
173 Finally, the org.apache.bcel.generic package also defines classes to represent every type of JVM instruction.
174 Phonons reflected by the new material represent low-frequency heat, and so the material only does its insulating trick in sub-freezing temperatures.
175 Richard and Bolingbroke ultimately represent two types of souls or distinct aspects of the soul that must be amalgamated in a single man, achieving the soul's harmony by counterpoint.
176 The red-pink squiggly lines extending from the epicardial surface into the yellow fluid represent the strands of fibrin.
177 Deep excavation is a venture project, its risk represent that excavation supporting structure is a provisional establishment, once the basement completed it will blank out.
178 Otherwise, if the signed integer type can represent all of the values of the unsigned type, the common type is the signed type.
179 Binary numbers, which consist of the digits 0 and 1, can represent conveniently the two states of a bistable device.
180 Notes receivable represent mainly bank acceptance bill received for sales of goods and products.
181 This approach is based on designing a set of Java classes in the Eclipse IDE that define a conceptual relational network through the object model they represent.
182 I can't decide whether you represent our future or our demise.
183 Doctors as the medical main body should be encyclopedical human diathesis represent hospital human care.
184 The discoveries in Texas are seen as compelling evidence that the so-called Clovis culture does not represent America's original immigrants.
185 Gervinho is expected to represent Ivory Coast in the Africa Cup of Nations in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea from January, and is likely to miss up to four weeks of the Premier League campaign.




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