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单词 displace
释义 Word family  noun displacement adjective displaced verb displace noun place placement placing displacement replacement adjective displaced misplaced replaceable verb place displace misplace replace  dis·place /dɪsˈpleɪs/ ●○○ AWL verb [transitive]  1  REPLACEto take the place or position of something or someone 取代,替代 SYN replace Coal has been displaced by natural gas as a major source of energy. 作为一种主要能源,煤的地位已为天然气所取代。 immigrants who displace US workers in the job market 在就业市场上取代美国工人的移民2  PGLEAVE A PLACEto make a group of people or animals have to leave the place where they normally live 使〔人群或兽群〕离开家园 Fifty thousand people have been displaced by the fighting. 五万人因为战争背井离乡。3  to force something out of its usual place or position 排出,挤出 The water displaced by the landslides created a tidal wave. 崩塌的泥石排出的水形成一股巨浪。 —displaced adjective→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisplace• This dam is going to displace 25,000 Kurds in a war region.• Furthermore, such migrated oil is likely to have been displaced by subsequent migrating gas.• An estimated 500,000 refugees have been displaced by the civil war.• Some of the companies that have been displaced have, in their time, displaced others.• In a week the displaced honeysuckle vines, the wild roses, the grapevines, the grass, would be back.• Thus several measures are available to displace natural gas for a higher use as a facilitator of coal combustion.• The high ridge displaces ocean water.• Compact discs displaced records in the late 1980s.• Spence's product was an ammonium alum which gradually displaced the potash alum which had been made principally at Whitby.• Flooding caused by the dam may displace up to a million people.dis·place verbChineseSyllable  or position Corpus to the of place or take something




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